The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 1-26
VMM f k t (M arvH iv f lv r tU . # 1.0 0 Pew? Ysasr, - KAWUH BULL I- - Editor la, every homeIt Furniture that look* fit only for the attio« or the wood thed* Simply dot m M S 'o f ' * r HANNA’S LUSTR 0 -FIN 1 SH and In • few minutes for t few cents yon will haven new and handsome chair or table* or cabinet, - Yon can five it an Oak or aMahoffcny finish* whichever you prefer. ‘ No'painting experience it needed—Just Lus- tro and a brush* You’ll really enjoy the work, * FOR, SA L SB t KERR & HASTINGS BROS. J&ntorsd at the Posfc-Ufflo#, CMw- rills. October 81, 1887, as ssaonrt 3L am matter, SUP— ■ 'j|" ; I mm-wm— — — » XBWA. Y, APRIL 17, 1H4, . CANAL TOLL REPEAL. ' . \Ati over toe country to© pro*a and peapte aredtewwsta* tbs VvD&crm. can. ad-toil retpealks .proposedby fYeetasnt Wilson. At no tome to tfe©Watery of the nation b«a the tariff question star ataorfred ©ongrwa a* he* the ques tionof tte toll repeal, Tearing Aroer* lean ships to pay toli lor the -use ot the oatoat on equal torn* <wito vowels of other nation*1. The. jopead hill ‘p.issed live house some day* ago. It could not toe said that the vote was along partisan Hues. The majority o f Democrat* voted with the President with a goodiy number of BepufbUoana and ’Progressvw.- Lead, tog Democrats like Underwood and Clark fought toe 1*111 and voted with the few EepubUoarie that were divided oa the issue. A* we see It the repeal (bill! caunsft he made a party Issue. Certain Re- puWtcasQs want it >thue, those Repub licans that lean ‘towards tb© moneyed interests, Wall street and- the great; shipping1 trueL were la where' you find such Democrats as Senator Gor man, o f New York,' Speaker dark and Underwood, recognized leaders of their party.that always fall. at the call Ol; the interest?. Again there are some -Republicans Schmidt Helps You to Enjoy Lite at the Least Cost aft. Prices Bchmldt’ s ’ Old Hickory. Ylpur, 26 lb sack lor,... 76c Schmidt’s Ocean Light'. Stour, 26 lb. slack lor.,... 70 Country Cured Baoon....l6c breakfast Bacon, per Jb...s ' Ifaney Sugar Cured Ham, lb - ......,U~,....... ...... .— .as’ Californiaand Picnic Hams African Java Coffey iter - t o Rio and Java Blend pee- - ...24 Rio Coffee per lb.... ....... For Friday and Saturday . . . . .29c ......85c .....22c $1.07 .......75c Creamery Butter per pound. Potatoes - • Per Bushel . t . Butternut Bacon - Per Pound >. A - » •■* l I Sugar# P e r as iLl)* S a fik ♦w♦s*jftA***-**v*««* aa ^« Gold Medal Flout 1*^4 Sack. «9nHa«.goA**^*ft«*»**4 Stone's Cakes * , * ‘ O* * 8 * r , 9* '‘ ; f ! Received Fresh A Car Load of Seed Potatoes of ail Kinds BL E. Schmidt & Co Wholesale and Retail - Grocers • f 30 South Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohio. •mm Hutchison &Gibney T h e S e ason 's Sp lend id A s s o r tm e n t o f Ready-to-Wear Garments and Silk Coats, Silk Suits, Dresses, Waists, Petticoats SPRING COATS Swell New Styles HOUSE D R E S S E S a Gingham Dresses Children’s Rompers Plain and Fancy Underwear, all New Goods* a Dfesai Goods in Voiles, Rioe Crepe, Mattarae, Ratine, Messaliae, Silk, Taffeta, Chane Foulard Silk in all shades and trimmings to, match. Carpet Department The very latest style Rugs. Mattings from Importers, Linoleum in different grades. Windotr Shades in all widths, 25c up. Hutchison cS Gibney Xenia, Ohio UN gira»! *AMI mm toNt MMAMWbiftkqsl A vMdvat aivwMiu im ™ * tvv oc tk* Thar* sr« a mmme ot { u p p a omr op- po** R 1tMMMUf*«k*v 4© set *wft aevw t»V* tovorvd «b* cbotovp* thrtar p*rty to to«iJMUnor* ooertMtooa. 3te» A . tom fcWMM* tiwa, «r* to&km RveubHotus* me* avevrtu’ Boot, atcMtor Lodge. Botomwbtitr* m tfm t and a #eof* pt otoam, tm t stoto. H B sending by tb« tfc*t th* hotw *nd th* BKtlicm. ts »t sHwko vmd»r * troAty BMutowMi jufeptodby a R»puWlwtn Ad- Our reaAoa tor fevortog <h» repeal toll to that the Atoattovn jxsoplo have tto morai right to vsSor fcht* govern1 moat to apeod serertd hundred roll- ton doUarw to toonwtrucfcing the canal and then allow vevctithi, loxeign or do- roeetlc, the neo v t it without making theta w a t o H There has hoen. tcsi rpuch o f this kind o f butonaw In the part, and e*i>eoi«31y favoritiwa towards .the ffte*ro*hAp ©oropatiies in thotoon- etruotton. o f d od « and harbor* with public lund*. The railroads are re- mjired- to build expensive bridge* over roe river* and why tototto not the Bt««mBhl!P coroiptoiie* be competed to build and maintain ifcetr own dooks? •Scan the to t o f Republican® and Demoorrt* to congreew that axe op posing thto bill; 'look over the news paper* that are taking the sameAto.nd; the former axe either for partizan or oomimercle4 reaacna opposed while tlie latter follow In the -footsteps under orders from financial or political In terests, i If the government is to be turned over to. toe privileged' olae* and a many million dollar banal turned- over t o the rteanushlp interests without a cent in Tetwrn, then should ’©very cU- teen'demand’ from <the government his per capita, of the, nation’s wealth'. No Republicanor Democrat danread {Senator Boot’s, (a Republican:) speech on this question-and he convinced that this nation has not an honorable obli gation, mad® by A Republican admin- ’letrattojir. that we mtt&b stand by—apd not a few steamship companies1owned by the “Wall street financial interests. •*r - - * 3**» MUM* .The fellow who starts out looking for trouble la seldom disappointed. ’ The honeymoon Is about over when the son begins to go out at nigbttf. Some people' idea of generosity 1« to give away 'tolnga that they don't Want ‘ , " - , Isn’t it wonderful how women will Idea each other when they really,want, to bltef ” % v As a rule, a woman’s theory, lor. managing a lfusband fa one she has. never tried ouL It won'tdo much gqod to bridle your tongue unless you also, put a check rein on your temper. The' man wfio always’ growls about giving la the man who never gives as much as he ought to, ~ t -(|-"fi i--‘] -|i, - V| i-f" i r -ij-ifVi „ .■ j ■ <?. Onions, says A Los Angeles dietetic clan, promote spirituality andhe urges all preachers, to. eat them,' onddto Awhile a day passes ’ ope diwRJvers a hidden ro mance to the' hie o l a grand opera stager. \‘ .Judging from the forecasts of com ing masculine attire, Itwill take a gat- llng gun to shoot lolly as he hies this winter. The man with a |500 automobile looks just as arrogant to a pedestrian as a than in a 16.000 one. And there yon are. Denmark is to ship up cabbages and fears lest the aroma of sauerkraut be lost from ibis land are thus proved unfounded, . A professor says people are losing thotf*power to think. )Vo know peo ple who, it they have that powor, sel dom uss 1L ' WE WILL SELL YOU F«noy Golden Yellow Banana* Por Doxan.... ..........- Fancy Naval Oranges Par Doxan.......................20c Extra FancyGrape Fruit 10c or 3 for 25c Onions, Cabtolira and Colary. Bird’s Mammoth Store h r a m u m S M s a m . L esson <J5yA O. JJBtWBHS, Wrector of Evenln* mpartm*Bt, The Moody Biw* lx»utut«, Chicago.) ^^T^SSQf(ir<FO^VAPRi^ COST OF'PISCIPLESHIF, •150 BOSSY BORNS, JR. W ill make the ssason o l 1914 at the farm o f J, Brvln Kyle on the Oadarville and Otiiton pike. This horse is a large coaohy fellow with lofty carriages. He has more horses m coach teams than any other horse in Greene oounty, and they are bringing ths price. $100 Rcwttto $100. The resden ©f this peper will b* phsuM tokAtoUMtoereis st feet one droadcu ftsesai klft ttdeneehsl been able to enlrein all fla sttge* and that it Catarrh. Efalfa CaVirrhOurola (he only poeiUVe curenow known to tlie medical fritornlty, Catarrh befrW * conetilUlionsl dweM, req'dree « eohMatuUoiUd treStihent. Hsll'e Catarrh Qhreis fcfaehIntenrelly, settingdirectly up on the blond andmnconksurrjHxs of system therebydestroying the foundation of the dljafte, endgiving thepellent slrrngtb by bulldgrtgupth* oowfiltutldn and HsiRtoig nstnnto doing Its work, The proprietors bateSo nfib In lie curefiVe powers, be) titty dderdneHUhdrvdDollars for any e«* th»t ft JMfft to eUrA Sendfbr »«t o teeiftaobiais, . Addnss, f . 3. CHFRRY A CofToledo 0. Sold by Drought, 76c. tl’s P»mt%Pllkisro tbebrri. . / C A S T O R IA I t f TwApto **ri Hfrt^van. TMKM Y a B iKA lnp Bsglit ' Bernm th# ftignutwt of LBS0ON TEXT—Luke H-X'SS, OOUDJSft TEXT—"WhiMoever wouM •av* hie Ufe shall lose It: and whosoever shall lose his life tor my sake -shall find R,” Matt. . 'While this discourse 1# recorded, only by St Luke, still there are many things mentioned here to which our Lord made reference on other occa sions. Last Sunday's Easter lesson* made a break In the sequence of les sons we have been following, and shall follow lor several succeeding Sundays. Leaving the chief Pharisee’s house wherein ha criticized both hqpt and, guests, "great *multitudes" followed- our Lordj^Turnlng, he uttered some of, the new est and yet the' most won* derful words that ever lell from his, lipg, as’ we shall see if We follow all of this part of our lesson scries. , Multitude Rebuked. I. . A Caution, v-’ 26. On another oc casion, John 6:26, Jesus rebuked the multitude which followed- him,, This multitude who pressed about him did not realize^ what was involved In a true following. They were influenced by the psychology of the crowd, mid did. not count 'the cost -Jesus dees not mean that our dlsclpleshfp will' lessen our love for our kin (Eph. 5:25,. 28-31; 6:1-1), hut as compared with our love for him It Is aversion. Bee Matt. 10:37; Phil. 3:7.8; Ps;73:25,26. Aver sion is to-turn aside, and the Master told us that those who shall turn aside thus shall have an abundant'toward, see Mark 10:28-30. Jesus Christ must be supreme in a Christaln’s affections. H© who freely ghve his own self (John 3:16. Phil. 2:8) has a right to demand a Ilk© devotion to himself, and as men have approached nearest to such a consecration he. has exalted them. The Cross means the Bhame, sorrow, pain and death o f self and all that lieB in >the pathway of loyalty and devo tion to him. H Tim. 3:12, Acts 14:22. II. A Challenge, vv. 27-32. (l) The lhatructlon, v. 27. As If to make this caution more solemn, Jesus sets be fore the multitude the manner of his approaching vdeath and the. condition of dlscipleship. He’ here layB down the first declaration o f the severe terms of dlscipleship, but explains the meaning of his words. *Thera is a new meaning ot this . passage- sug gested, by thq Revised Version of v. 33, “so likewise” Is rendered,, "so therefore,” . Our Lord does certainly InSist-that those who build a tower' or conduct a warmust count tiro cost; so, likewise, they who follow him.’ But by this change the opposite thought 16 suggested, viz, that those Who follow himmust do so whatever the cost may be. (2) The Illustration*, .(a)' JThe builder ot a tower* vv, 29, 30, and (b) The King atwar, vv. 31, 32. Too often wepresent tomenwhat ia to be gained by Christian' dlscipleship. The gain does outweigh the cost, but as wise builders we mustpresent the Cost side ’ of the transaction. - Homriy lllustratlons, III. The Conclusion, vv. 33-35.. We have already Indicated the Conclusion towards which Jesu6 was leading with terrific logic, and by looking back to the first verse of the lesson we se# what It was he was seeking to Impress upon the minds of the thoughtless multitude. Again the Master uses one of those homely Illustrations gathered from the common experi ences of: life which he employed so frequently to amplify or to drive home a great truth., ’There must be quality as well as devotion to this disciple* ship. Salt preserves fropi corruption, seasons insipidity, freshens and sweet ens. These qualities are referred to abundantly by'Scriptural writers. Salt ’ is highly prized In the East' The natural man' Is presented also as be* tag corrupt, Gen, 6:11; 8:21; Ps. 14:2, 3; Eph. 2:1-3. The. remedy for this is th* active presence of his disciples among their fellows. The true dis ciple ft like salt with a good savor. On the other hand, salt that has lost its savor is 'hot even fit'for a dung hill, but Is thrown out and trodden un* der foot of men. So our Lord sets aside that disciple of his who has lost his usefulness. This expresses our Lord's Contempt and scorn of those who lack, not merely a certain kind of character, hut those whose profes sion and appearance would indicate a better expectation. This lesson presents the severity ( £ the claims of Jesus. Irresistibly he (’row the multitudes to himself. Wit ness the crowd following him as he leaves the house of the ruler. But h# paused and by his teaching sifted them, and seemingly made It difficult to follow him. a What is the purpose of dlscipleship? It means co-operation. The work of the King is to huild and to battle, so the disciple must wield both sword and trowel. He must set aside his in terests and devote.himself and all of his strength to the work and the war fare. We must not, as has been inti mated/ allow ourselves to Imagine that these sayings ot Joshs conflict With his tender words about the home or ot men coming to him tor rest. (Matt 11:28-80). The ultimate end o t disclpleshlpa 1s that the surging rest lessness of the multitude shall indeed find rest In him. 1 $PDifferent Puzzhm " ‘wtlfrf A ftifitt/f ffiflir ita tfrtw iif im rn rAm m f rm a r u e T W E N T Y - F I V E C E N T S Stum )W>(H-gfiHMyffaftv Fitt&tmrgh Sofa Ce» n il j .... « a .aHlP m For Your Baby. T h e S ig n a tu r e o f £ is the only guarantee that you Itav*th# G enu ine prepared by him for over 30 years* YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST .feso*** Yotif Physician ||ggw| Fletcher’s Castorla. Sold only in one itee tattle* never in-bulk or otfklrwtee; t o p r o t e c % th© b a b & s . : • The.Centaur Company, ana’s One Reason Is Enough— “ You r M oney W ill B e S a fe— 1 0 0 % S a fe ** The 5% Dividends are important but th# Safety is iriore than important—-it s is vital. You ought to be able to* feel that whatever else m&y happen—Your Savings are Safe, Year after, year it-has been otxr constant aim to provide this kind1of Security. Most of ©ur de positors know this—and as a result, new customers are constantly being sent, to us—by those who have been satisfied themselves. - Over .Six Hundred new accounts have- been* opened within the last three months. I f yours was not among this number, call at our office and le t us tell you about ^Uur deposits with - V , ' 109 % Safety— 5 % Dividends' Gem City \ B in d in g A lo a n Ass*nu RESOURCES 4 MILLIONS. 61^. Main—Oayfoa Ik Watch this space next week Jacob Kany, the Merchant Tailor, is go ing to have something to say. McClelanMeatMarket T h e p laca to buy you r firs t class smoked arid fresh m e a ts . E ve ry cus tom e r m us t be p leased . ' P H O N E O R D E R S G E T P R O M P T A T T E N T I O N Ranse McClellan S . Main St.. Cadarvllla, Ohio Tl,eBokmaltw ...Hestaurant... IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREET DININGROOMfORUD1BSDPSTAlBt also m r ROOM, M E A ^ a '■ WCfW ' Mg C S ftfrttv LunchCwmtof on Meinfloor OpenDay*wi Ni|hL The Beet of Good tfeeti lit the 0m, M iff' PILES j i s m u DisasBs of H e " kchji £>R.*J. J. McCMLAN r . NfiftMiKhlni fto MM*# tSM tm tMtou wwPNIMNPh 4
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