The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 1-26

o u r r e w u* p * church ch im i *. —K*«P #oing t»> tlwwli these **« ‘U'sy ffiUlHtTflftf* —fit# vpfijgttinip' ui » ywgrlr MS- milder of turn glorious nwiirmtlou. - -Mr. William K*ox i* *g*m occu­ pying hi* Clifton home. ■-Bessie- Miller will lead the (’hris- Unit V»Wtt Sabbath evening. —Prayer interims next Wednesday #v*»mg at 7:J0 at Mrs. Griffith’* i» f VMftQit. Tills will take. r»l«'« of the i SMrttbay church prayer meeting,» Come. -f Our Superintendent, William Vet- > guson, la during a 8ns year of work t In 3C«*nia seminary. His .sermon* toe*j Tors the faculty are highly spoken of toy those hearing-them. —A fine attendance at Christian Union Sabbath evenly? suggests that we would enjoy a visit from some of the older members of the congrega­ tion. . —rMies Carrie Rife visited at the parsonage Tuesday evening. —Mr. and Mrs. B, W. Anderson on* tertained at 6 o ’clock -dinner last Thursday evening, the Senior class In . Cedarvllle College of which their son, ‘ Bruce. Is a member, the faculty of the college and Dr. and -Sirs. C. M. *Ritchie, i . —Rev, H. J. McClure, of Connaaut Jjake, Pa,, is the guest this week of the paator’a family, Mr. McClure will occupy the ■Cedarville pulpit of the R, P. church next Sabbath. —The Women’s General 'Missionary society of the- United Presbyterian .church meets in Philadelphia next Tuesday evening. There are three delegates from Xenia - Fresbyterial, Mrs- Jennie JF, Ritchie being one. —Let the. good work of boosting the •Sabbath schools go on. Did you see MoCuteheon’s cartoon In the Chicago Record-Herald of parents taking their - ohlldren to Sabhath .school? • - —A Swiss paper tells of a student bn an express train who sneered when he saw a church under construction, '‘It’s, xmly imbeciles who attend • church," he insisted’. “Then I'm an ,imbecile',” quietly answered one of the men*who was unfortunate enough to . bet In the sanle coach With the .student. *"I, too,” broke in a third traveler, “ r go every Sunday to church,' and althou.. h an Tpfbecile, am nevertheless prole wor in the University of Leipzig." Anoth­ er traveler, added, "I am chief council­ or in the city government of Stras- burg, and a' churchgoer." . And- still kanother cbim’ed in’, 'Tin"head o f ’the, Berne gypaalum.(fitting school) and a convinced Christian."- . Dr*. TUpper’s beatitudes— ' —Blessed are those who prefer, on the Lord’s Day, to" have their hearts "filled toy the truths from "God’s woj;d than. to .baVe their minds poisoned by Sensational and corrupting literature. - —Blessed are those whose poeftet- „books have not a '-stronger elastic -around -them on Sunday -than -on the other days of the Week.; —Blessed are" those. who TCeOgnize the fact that by giving they •worship This Anniversary Sale is commemorative o f our 61st year in business. , v, . . . . * > This big modem commercial institution is a monu­ ment to the principle pf RIGHT DEALING laid down 61 years ago. Just a few concerns in all the length and breadth o f the land, are accorded the distinction o f being in business continuously for this length o f time. This fact, o f which we are justly proud, is the reason for this occasion. This celebration takes substantial form in this 61st ANNIVERSARY SALE. , A sale that includes the choicest o f the “New” gathered from the markets o f world and sold at a LOWER COST TO YOU, THAN AT ANY OTHER TIME the IN THE YEAR. IT IS A TIME WHEN WE MAKE A YEARLY SHARING WITH OUR CUS TOMER FRIENDS OF A PART OF OUR PROFITS. Sale Begins SATURDAY Morning, May 9th and Ends SATURDAY, May 16th MAIN AT SECOND STREET E S T A B L I S H E D 1 8 S 3 DAYTON, OHIO God as -truly .as by singing -and pray­ ing. —Tho theme of .WUllatff V. Ritchie’s graduating-thesis Wednesday evening|clety and then-dig’ to make it more, at Xenia Theological Seminary was. satisfactory. - "The'Origin of the United Presbyter-1 The Calvinlstic Congregational so­ lan Church," There were .eight grad-1clety of Fitchburg* Massachusetts, Make Your Cellar ‘ Damp-Proof by building its floor and walls of concrete. It will be much more sanitary. Moisture does not penetrate cement. Neither can rats or other vermin. Arid the*basemcnt will last'forever—without a dollar of'repa irs By allmeant use Portland cement. We sail the - Universal brand because we believe it makd* the most lasting concrete and is most easily used. , FORSAL#BY The Tarbox Lumber Co. dates. —Mr; George >W> Rife has been do­ ing jury duty at the county seat this week. •* —We hope every member Of our church will help In the effort to clean up and beautify our village this sum­ mer, Clifton naturally is a very beau­ tiful plane and can be made Very at­ tractive. Clean up. ' —Be .sure and 'boost the lecture course tor next winter. The matter rests with you as-much as anybody else, - has five ‘Endeavoreys who have-taken Written -examinations on every ques­ tion In “Expert Endeavor” .arid passed with a percentage between and 100, This society with fifty members has raise* its rating from 35 to ?0 degrees and' is still climbing. The record of attendance at the mid-week prayer service of-a church in -St. Paul showed that the' Christian Endeavor society led all church -or­ ganizations with a record of 12, per cent. The Ladles’ .-Add, 'Men’s Brother­ hood, and Sunday School Cabinet av­ eraged 24 per cent. "Unless prevent­ ed by some reason that I, can con­ scientiously give to>my Saylor,” The memory verses for *May 15 are the-Same as the passage ,for Study: 1 Cor, 6:12,20., Miss iBeftha Stormont Will lead the meeting. Ellis Parker Butler says that even a map who detests the church ought to go to church once a year to make sure that the church hasn’t mended yet the faults he lias been complaining of> . V-HY-CLASS HA^DMRE^ If You’re Building A New House Talk Hardware With U s— / - a Wheii it comes to builderVhardware, too • many concerns quote a low price and try*" _ to economize on the quality of the Hoods they deliver. \ The houseowner suffers. We don’t do business that way. Not that our prices are high, far from it. We take a margin of protit that’s lower than you’d be­ lieve pOMible. But- we won’t buy and we won’t sell anything that won’t yield 160% satisfaction. Come in and let us quote you on a safe bill of builder’s hardware._____________ ...... “ ““ THE DRUM AND ‘ ROUSE UP SOCIETY. Rah, rain rah; *rah, rah, rah; rah, rahkiah; Steuhenyillp! , 'Shocked, aren't you? But why should . not religious organiza­ tions employ enthusiastic college methods? And they do, Th& con­ vention at Steubenville Juno 23-26, will open Tuesday evening with "SOngs and rah-rahs toy delegations." "Christian Endeavor believes hots only In doing things, but in doing them with a will, in a whole-hearted, spirited way. It does not believe in • h$lf-hearted service. It has us sing and applaud and Wave banners and cheer. This spirit will work worn ders whenever ft is Incorporated in the -church; and Christian Endeavor graduates will put it there.” Emerson has said that no great task is ever accomplished without enthus­ iasm, But there can toe no lasting fervor of enthusiasm •without know­ ledge, “Information plus inspiration plus perspiration equals consummation; this is the equation of victory.’VOur own Dan Poling. One who refused to wear one of the "I-am-golng-to-church-May-3” c a r d s gave as bis excuse, not rea­ son: 'The thing Cedarvjlte needs in her churches is the Holy Spirit." Granted. But does one necessarily lose any of this spirit just •because lie gets out and rah-rahs for his church? - “Here tradition? binds a church with the usages of yesterday and holds her eyes closed to the larger meaning of 'Peed my lambs,'" "The world surrenders to the man that knows; but heaven and earth be­ long to tlio ra&n of faith.” Otlr society. now numbers among its members eight tlthers. “When Ypur Spiritual Concreto Sets.” Now Is not that an attractive title tor an article? Every week you put oft reading Dr. Cowan's page In the Christian Endeavor World you are robbing yourself of a treat. Our own Dan Poling is some writer also. Did you read “The Grip That Holds?" Fifty-two issues of the World for the price of ten shaves. A black African chief after listening to a talk on the healing of the Impo­ tent man at Bethesda said: "THat is very simple. The thirty-eight years sick man Is like our abandoned Af­ rica!'; the man said. - '1 have no man,’ tout'Christ said, Tm your man.*” “ •Dan Crawford. Christian Endeavors have laid a law before the Massachusetts legisla­ ture forbidding smoking In public places, . 1®oaton1 , Transcript: \Ve invite your inspection of our "Nothing doing!" stock of meats, fruits and vegetables '•What’s the matter? Sworn off.” w,l'cl>at Ml times wiil he up to the bigli- "Not directly; tout I’ve resolved that est standard and priced at a fair margin, this year I’ll exhibit a little horse I neigh "and that iS 010 abilUy t0 8ay | OUlfAhM fS TO PU l ASE After taking course in “Expert En*l . (leaver,” two pastors said, "Wo didn’t I May we have your order? know/ there was as much to Christian ’t’t Purchases New Percheron Stallion I have added a coal black Perch-' eron Stallion to my Stable, a grand individual tliat Was imported by Dr, Hartman, of Columbus. He hnB heavy flat bone, .good style and action and weighs 2000 lbs, Before you make, your decision for a Percheron. see this fellow* Terms $15 to Insure a living colt, • Imported Shire Stallion Goleshill Diamond King, im­ ported by Truman Bros,, Bushnell, Ill.,wlnner of firsts and seconds at Iowa, Indiana and Illinois state fairs and at the International. Terms:—$20to Insure living colt. A visit to the barn on the Ma- gruder .and Bailey farm, 5 miles east of Cedarvtlle and 2 miles west of Gladstone will convince you that we have the best stable of draft stallions In Greene county. Harry Townsley. L . «S R .. F L Y E R - Who ever heard .tell of a shoe store giving away |ree, a $400 automobile? This is just what is going to happen. For Some time we have been planning to give out customers some kind of a present for their many yean of faithful pa­ tronage.. ■ ■ - • • ■ ■ * : r-w * ■ CommencingApril 15th Ending October 15th We will give with every cash purchase and money paid on account, 100 votes for every dollar! spent, and the party receiving the largest number of votes will be presented with this car. The car will be hare for inspection some time later, j ‘ ' F r a z e r ’s Sh o e S to re Hm New. Meat t Store & (Formerly C;H, Crouse’* Stand) Xenia, Ohio FORSALE. I have three Jacks tor sale, large breed Bpamsh, One five year old, one two years old afid one yearling. Call and see thelri or address John Bryan, Hlversuie Farm, YeiloW Springs, Ohio. The bidfiett protit it youn -rellable goods—mcr- ctomdlt that you can batik on.- UA*t thatworthconningInto find out about? THE TARBOX LUMJ3ER Enacavort “ " ----------- "There arc many men who make the world weep, tout few indeed that make St chuckle.” \ You do not nerd to toe a Bull Moaner to belong to the Progressive artyInChristian Endeavor. All that . necessary Isthat yonbe dissatisfied CSOfiRVlLLSt Iwith the pritseht ftsndfng of your gp- $100 Rewards $100. The rssders qf this p#p«r will b« ptasw- to la*m that thic* Is at least one dtsflOed dlssass that SriencrluMb«n able to ernein all tie sUgss and that Is Catarrh. Hall's CatarrhCure la the only positive cure now known to tlie medical fraternity. C&iarnir l id w s conbtitntlonal disease, requires a «m«ltutionftl treatment. Hall's Caterrh Cure is taken internally, adtltig direefly uy on fite blood and mucoussurraots of system thereby destroying the foundation of the toiftlSe, and giving the patient strength by bulkHrig Uptha oOttftithtthn and ridfifftiig uatuts ib doing Its work, Thf proprietoj* luiTseomn^iflitib tnr its curafeVs ; Galloway & Cherry « II E. Main-St* Xenia, 0. Headquarters for Reliable Carpets, Rags, Linoleams, Draperies,Etc. Xenia's Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House Walter Cuttlce Phone orders delivered. OHIO hat Mieg (filer OneHiMdrcdDfilfcraforany tsm ttiat ft Ofits to cure, fistidw r ilto Addrt*#. JT, J. CHFKI1Y 4 Co, ToledSO. gold by Drt^iss» « . n'l FamilyFillsstwthetret, TRY OUR fOB PRINTING %