The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 1-26

D a te W«be«Uy-SUBURBANDAY-Ia D.ytoa Dayton fee* completely recovered from It* groat dinutter and the merrfeimtz have planned to make SUBURBAN PAY njore attractive than ever, to out-of-town shoppers, Attractive Merchandise Price Inducements Excellent Transportation Facilities—Fine Hoteland &<*- taurar* Accotnodations—Many Theater* and ’ace* of amusement. “ SHOP IN DAYTON—-IT WII.L PAY YOU.” Osaapleee Stocks BeytoakoaUp* Style* Rl^ht Price* rssm Galloway & Cherry II E. Main St, Xenia, 0. Headquarters for Reliable , ■ * . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _____ Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, ies, Etc. Xenia’s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House TRY OUR JOB PRINTING A Gold Bond Guarantee \Makes thisPaintWorthTwice the Price We Ask«- lYou know the shortcomings o f ordinary paint. When you buy it, you pay your money, get the goods and that ends the transaction, But we cell a paint, that** different .W hen you pur­ chase Bradley & Vrooman Paint, we iwuea^GpId Bond Guarantee that gives you an. absolute inaurance/against phallung, peeling, cracking, blistering or fading, ' Bradley & Vrooman Guaranteed Paint You ’ ve heard o f Bradley & Vrooman Paint YoU know it by reputation. ^ Now— buy it— try it— secure in the knowledge that , the Gold Bond Guarantee protects your paint investment here on every point Com# in and get acquainted. We’ll b« glad to meet you. THE TARBOX LUMBER CO, Build Your Front Steps of Concrete You Ganeasilydo it yourself. Buy a few sacks of Portland Cement and mixwith clean sand. Fill the board forms with this mixture and let them stand until the concrete Is dry. Any wideawake boy can do this. And U* rewK U a hm&omer flight of *tep« tfrmout be built of wood—better thee *iw«—aad evcrWdttjj. They will never needrepairingnorjaunting. We Will Gladly Show You How to mix the concrete. You can nut go wrong if you mm UnlverwdPortland Cementend c I nm MindIntb*properproportion*. The co«t it ametetrifle* . . IJIkAVJB, AJL. The TARBOX LUMBER Co, CLIFTON V. P. CHURCH CHIMES* —The Mormon church tenches trea­ son. —Whatsoever a man soweth b* will also reap, f> —How we .wish every man la the congregation had been to the Xenia convention. —Quit early 'Saturday wad get rest­ ed for Sabbath worship, —•To be <better oft is not to be bet- —Two things do not fret over: Things you can help and things you, cannot help. —Mr*, Frank Skilling1* mother baa been under the doctor’s care for sev­ eral weeks. —Mrs. Joseph Waddle’s many friends are glad to welcome her to church again, restored to her usual health. —Qrl&nd Ritchie will -lead -Qhrls- tisn Union, devotional services next Sabbath evening; all the young peo­ ple are urged to attend. —Mias Inez Lovett has been elected to. a position .in the Yellow Borings schools for next year, —The Women's Missionary society meets on Wednesday, May 27, at the home of <W, <J. Rife, ‘Leaders, Mrs, Albert Ferguson and Mrs, William Waddle; Postponement because o f a Seslre to hear the delegates to Phil­ adelphia report the convention. ' —Miss Grace Ritchie attended the wedding ceremony of Mias Edith Pat­ ton, of 'ColUmbuB, last Tuesday, Mr, and Mrs. ‘J, R. Neale take charge of the PIqua congregation. —The Peace advocates want the world to remember that wqr also has a .price, -anil the cost of it’ is far too dear for most of the things which Jingo bluster would buy with It. .—The . Mormon—church practlces- polygamy under a cloak of religion. —i f every one In .Sabbath school’ brought one along—but there we’re getting ,into mathematics, and as the old lady said when her ;grandson stumped her on a problem, v,Tain’t no time to do flggerin' when, dinner's in the pot.” —(Mr. O. ®, Bradfute was one of the speakers on “Cedar Day” anniversary at 'Cedarvflle College; There was an audience of 400 on that occasion. Mr. Bradfute is one of the trustees of the college. —Hell is the most orthodox place in the universe. Not an unbeliever there. —Do not touch, -taste or handle cig­ arettes, cigars or tobacco in' any form. Tobacco' is a poison. —“If you are close -with God you cannot he close to God.” —“Bring ye the whole tithe into the storehouse, not send it. ’It is not the money he wants; he wants you,” . —“Nothing will run itself hut something that is running, down hill.” —The Greene Township Sabbath school convention in CJark county will be held in the -'Clifton Presbyterian church, ’ Wednesday afternoon and evening, May 20. Plan to ‘attend. —-The attendance last Sabbath was exactly equal to the membership, 151 Suppose everybody goes to church on next Sabbath and make the audience number 200. —Resolutions to the President, Sen­ ate and the (House of Representatives against the Mormon -menace, Were adopted last Sabbath by a unanimous vote of the congregation,'. —How many Christian Union mem­ bers are planhing to go to the Nation­ al convention? It is at East Liverpool, not far away. Can we send ten dele­ gates? ' - —“Romo folks like Dives get very lov­ ing to their folks when it is too late.” —“Of all sad words of.tongue or peri the saddest are these—hell holds fast its men.” —“When a man gets sick, he calls; for the doctor. If you have a cdse In court, you want a lawyer. When you iwant a pastor for yoUr church you want a man trained to the work and educated in the Bible, and not some one who knows about as much as you do yourself. This is now a day when Prohibition should interest every hon­ est »an and reader. Now to Just stop with reading the local papers, yon win know no more -shout Prohibition than you knew before. But to know all about It and what it is doing all over the United States you should take a Prohibition paper,” —Dr, Tapper’s beatitudes; Blessed are those who are not af­ flicted by the Intermittent fever of re­ ligion—hot one day, cold the next; on the mountain top In the bright morn­ ing, In the low valley when the shad ows fall. Blessed are those -who realize that a piomise to God Is more sacred than a promise to man; and a covenant made in church should be as binding as an oath taken in court. Blessed are those who agree with James in the statement that the tongue Is “a Are, a world of iniquity;” and who use this ‘'little member” for the expression only of the ‘ noblest thoughts and the utterance of the kindest words, — mm ,, sm Esj»m son s . John Clark, aged eigbty-twe, baa bem» placed in charge of the national botanic gardens. Washington, a Job ba declined fourteen years age. Don Carlo# Moris Lynch, minister of foreign affairs of Chile, hat been pre­ sented with the crow o f the Sacred Treasure ou behalf of the emperor of Japan. The honor was conferred ow­ ing to his services In tb# tpproach- ment between the two nations. John UaeYlckar, the specialist in municipal government, is a native of Canada. He served two terms as may­ or of Des Moines, where the “Dee Moinee Idea” originated,, and ia now’ member of the city council and snr er- Intendent of the department of streets! and public tmprovementa, General Carlo Ogneva, on whom the Austrian emperor recently conferred^ high decoration, commanded the first expedition of Italian troops in Tripoli In 1011 and was the first governor*of the new Italian colony on the north* ern coast of Africa, He \hold3 the highest rank In the army after the Iflug himself, that of “generals d’eser- tlto." Pen, Chisel and Brush; Benor Gamboa, Mexican minister of foreign affairs, 1 b not only a diplomat, but an -author of distinction, He is a novelist, publicist-and writer of mem­ oirs, and one of bis best known works is bis extensive niemoirs'of his dlplo: matic career. Charles Grady, selected to model the statue to the pioneer mother as the central-figure o f the-flne -arts depart­ ment of the Pmmaia-Pftdflc Interna­ tional exposition, Is a native of Phila­ delphia and* has been awarded nu­ merous exposition medals for his work. A..G, Wyatt, the, distinguished Brit­ ish painter, is a medaJist of the Royal Institute of Painters In Water Color, His recent painting, now in the pos­ session of the, Duke of Portland, last year won the diploma of honor. Open to all Europe, for the best pictures of flowor gardens. ’ FOR SALE* I haTe three Jacks lor sale, large bread Spanish. One five year old, one two years old and one yearling. Call and see them or address John Bryan, Riverside Farm, -Yellow Springs, Ohio, - Scientist says he has discovered se rum to make the bee twice as Indus* trlous. Does it render its sting twice as strong, also? With three big leagues the discovery of the world’s baseball champions henceforth will be a matter of still greater difficulty. Among cancer nuffhrers, opinion is not unanimously against being “shoved over a little bit quicker” by radium or anything else. In sentencing a forger to be a her­ mit, a California Judge risks the en­ mity of other lay brethren who have the Cell without the title. It is assumed <Hat the marriage court which’ Is id regulate weddings Will have a supply of bridesmaids and best men constantly on hand. , “What shall wo eat In 60 years?” asks the president of the Soil Fertil­ ity league. Let’s not worry; 60 years from now the hens may be laying. T IQfl Different Puzzles ...- - m i m m m m r f u n a m m T m s N T r . n v E c e n t s m m , eeltfawy Otiht Sal* Oft. ' - w.gQwwWWrjjpwf' She Knew George. "Where’e your engagement ring, Margin?” “ I’ve hid it. As long aa George ain’t sure ha can get the ring back he won’t break the engagement" #60 RiWanl# f 166 . Themdeiiof this pspj* will be plssse- toMamthat thereM at 1S m »I one dseafea 4 m **» thatWseaehasbeenable to auntin *'Vill stsgM iuriFtbst is CUtarrh. Mail's CatarrhCareistheholy poeitlv* cure bow known to tb* maftieelfrnernity. Catarrh faetiwa eonatitafiobit! dMtsle* requires a emamutiaml $4»j*nent, - Beil's Oaterrb Chreit tdbm'inltrnlJly.Sd’ mgdtreridy uf> cti theMoodandhraooaesnrreoesof System therebyderlroyltj* ik« fpundetiop m the. dtiedse, andgivingflispatient strength by bUitHMxnptbeodriftitBtidn. and etfittof nature -dinguswork, The proprietors bevtK>mn&i iHlWtn iU eumive powure, hat they #6«r dheRdkldriri SWlftes forany caw that ft MU to eur*. OfedOKt Jbt o ' a S S T f .' j * ob ik b y a o »; Teudu o. IPsFamily FEkeiu thekwt. - v- ■ ■ Purchases New Percheron Stallion I have added a eoal black .Perch eron Stallion to my stable, a grand individual that was imported by Dr. Hartman, of Columbus. He has heavy flat bond, good stylo and action and weighs 2000 lbs. Before you make your decision for a Percheron see this fellow* Terms $15 to insure a living colt. Import## Shir# Stallion Colesiilll Diamond King, Im­ ported by Truman Bros., Bushnell, 111,, winner of firsts and seconds at Iowa, Indiana and Illinois state fairsand atthb International. Terms;—ISOto insure living colt. A visit to the barn on the Ma- gruder and Bailey farm, 5 mller east of Cedarville and t. miles west of Gladstone will convince yon that we have the best stable o f draft stallions in Greene county. Harry Townsley* mmn New Meat Store Formerly C. |X. Crouaa’a Stand) We invite your inspection ot our slock o i meats, fruits and vegetable* which at all times will be up to thehigh­ est standard and priced St a fair margin. OVRAIM ISTOPLEASE May WShave your order? . fR141PCvWljJpfl 6hf J l & t r n m i Walter Cuttice FlumeAiders delivered, m p s m m * * m m earned this beautiful silver bag by saving Babbitt’s T ra d e -M a rk s ” You can secure 'many pretty and useful articles in a surprisingly short time by saving Babbitt’s Trade-Marks. Babbitt’s premiums are much more valuable than are usually offered—much higher ,quality and in greater variety* B. T. BABBITTS Best Soap— 1778 Soap Powder—Borax Soap t Naptha Soap—White Floating Soap—Pure Lye or Potash Babbitt*# Cleanser are the best household cleaners you can buy: Safe-*, economical-quick-effective. Housewives who use them, can, without extra expense, add continually- to the . beauty and comfort of their homes. - ; v-v.;;' •TradVMarks arc equally valuable in exchange for any one o f .the thousands o f gifts in the premium list. •Send.for i t . * * V Address all Mail Orders to B. T. BABBITT, Inc;, Box 1776 , N?w York City Given Away FREE Genuine Automobile L. d R . FLYER Who ever heard tell of a shoe store giving away free, a $400 automobile? This is just what is going to happen. For some time we have been planning to give our customer# some kind of a present for their many year# of faithful pa­ tronage. *.. • CommencingApril 15th Ending October 15th •’ ' j 1 We will give with every cash purchase and money paid on account, 1Q0 votes for every dollar spent, and the party receiving the largest number of votes will be presented with this car. The car will be htra for inspection ecme time later. ■ . Frazer’s Shoe Store Xenia, Ohio IE- mnunniimi riitei A poor furnace is not onlya source©f discomftirt, hut causesill health, andwastesyourfuel^andyourmoney. 4 H IG H G R A D E STANDARD FURNACES give J younotonlywarmair*butpur#, fresh air. to breathe* and it ia warmed to the proper temper­ ature. STANDARD 1 FURNACES an honestly made of the beet materials, and will pay for themselves in a very short time fey""the*fuel they save. They ana not an expense, they A R E AN INVESTMENT . , earningyou larger profits than almost anything else you can buy* riSMM (hrCatalogk A$kforit and ■ Aw /s fo i-wnrifta Wltriw#' •VfwwI Wgwgf Pplr^wWe^p^- G i b l i n & Co. uhca * n . y . '