The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 1-26

.s i-4» f m O m Ju fe # m p m w i t h »§w$*©l w s y a $ m t o . . . . , i f e 'Ceda mmm ■ m a s n j m m m t m . m 2 1 . CEO A B V ILLB , FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1914. Tr/'i ittm >;!:•: a fati^ed w£h m In* &e.r>4t:rM% !?<d* $f w"# *• j.- lion ,’s j;a?l due a-id u j romp; « t - tie«iCf.t jscarr.ntify drsired- . . *■ PRICE, *1.00 A YEAR J SIMEH SHULI. ^wwisw 3CTH ANNUAL OOMMENCCMENT r Ft«MNi OkiUty—J«da* Kyi* ttiv** th* \ c«f*rvlU« High aohovl—Upht fimiki. *ta» R« 9 fiv* CHpUmw. By the plea of n J ity os tli» myt of SOmsr ShtfB to- a. <sbar«* of wwiM, abetting Rod awrivti-ttg in th* r n t t w «teu of the crime of mpe against bio fourt«w.y*usai<} daNghtw, Carrie. the owmo ogniaat &w* iadksted poroooe take* » decided atari#* from loot week *rtd kwra* the oth«r* *n weaker grounds -towards proving their ia.noo- Sfaull w u taken, bdGor* Judge Kyle Monday aad on Wo >pi*a. of guilty wa* given Otoe fall extent of the lev so tap M the judge v « i ablp. The sen- lenee J* lirngte-rmiaate and not more tiuu*4w«trisy year* in the poaltentiary. ' Deputy £&#riff Jackaon eBparted- the priapner 'to the pen, Wednesday to entet upon his Joag tern* in payment for the past ho took against hia daugh­ ter. ««-« Marshal K. W, Kennon. followed tatml], hat entered a Plea of not guilty to the twri charge* in the indictment; rape against the young girl and burg­ lary for .the theft o f chickens from Mrs. Vina Harper, Aft a re su lt, of •ahull pleading guilty prosecutor John­ son asked: the court to raise Kennods bond and It -was increased from $1000 to $5000, Being nnahle td secure , same, Kennon has since been confined in the county 3$B. f Judge Kyle .has appointed' Marcus Shoup to assise Prosecutor Johnson in the prosecution of the two Charges against Kennon,; The trial has been se t for June 0 and Judge Jones, of , Troy, win preside ‘ Minor -Eaton, atito indicted on simi­ lar charges, plead not guilty"and went hack to jail without asking for bond’, v HarTy Anderson, colored, indicted w ith Kennon end Shull on a charge of .burglary, plead not guilty. His bond , was fixed a t $150, it is said that.T. R. Andrew offered his services as ..bonds­ man Sn this base, hut another was se­ cured. Mr. Andrew has displayed more ■ than ordinary interest in the cases and the investigations made.. The case against Luck Jones will he .tried -in probate court. Should she ■ * h e given the limit the sentence would he a fine of $1000 and one year i n the workhouse.,’ The, Jones woman has figured in numerous court cases tin th e past. She has also been charged with keeping‘a disreputable house and only a few weeks ago a minister nam­ ed JOhnsori, o f the colored Baptist church, was dismissed by his congre­ gation for hie supposed friendship for the woman, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Estate -of Jennette McMillan Harbl- eon, deceased. W. J. TarhoX has been appointed and Qualified ah administrator with th e will annexed of the estate of Jennette McMillan Barbison, late,.of Greene county, Ohio, deceased, ' Dated this 80th, day of April,. A H ., The thirty-eighth annual commence-' meat of the high school wax held Thursday evening. The. stage’of the opera house had been decorated to repreaent a lawn, ferns jtnd palms being -banked about. The class col­ ors, white and violet were used..The el*8« set in the forepart, while back or the garden wail eat the members of the board and 'high school faculty. An arch * t the gateway in the center, displayed the class motto, ‘‘Dig." <Dr. W. A McCheeqey offered the invocation, which opened the program. Miss Irene Wright gave the saluta­ tory, Mine Anna -Collins the class his­ tory and prophecy, and- Miss Edna fihttfedas the valedictory, Mias Bfecgadee1 subject was, "Darkne-aB COUNCIL MEETING, gut the Star*.?' clan* addles# was one of the beat heard1here in recent yetfrs and was delivered by -Her. George M. Ttourke, of Springfield, H is subject was, ''Next/’ and the earnest appeal in behalf o f the young people and the necessity fop them. Jiving to the best that Is in them frequently brought forth applause from-the audience. Horn or and serve-the country a s did the knights In, the "Idle of - th e King,” Carve not your names on wood or warble bu t on human hearts and ren­ der service in time o r need. I t there has been a sacred trust given, our opre It was duty to die by it father than betray It, The speaker held1his audience-for more than an hour -byhis eloquence. The diploma? were - presented by Prof. F. ME. Reynolds, who- announced Miss Anna ‘ColUiis has - holding the. highest average for the four years. Miss Helen -Oglesbee was second, Musle was furnished by the Fair­ banks theater orchestra, Springfield. 'Mr. W.'J, Pasco, of Dayton, Is spend­ ing a few days with his nephew, Mr. Edwin Richards, and mother, of Xenia, R. Hitchcock and daughter, of Xenia, were also guests a t the-Richards home, Sabbath. ... YELLOW SPRINGS WILL. HOLD NO CHAUTAUQUA. A statement has been* given the press that there will be no session of the Yellow Springs chautauqna this summer and th a t same will be, held next year. The reason assigned is that Congressman Fess .will not he able to"leave his duties 1 i» Washington ap-’congrhss will not adjourn,by the time the-Chautauqua Was-dated,'- FARMERS INSTITUTES. . , ■. * ' ; * - ’ Five institutes have been granted In this County thus far by the State Agricultural -Commission: Yellow, Probate Judge of said ' County. WHEN IN DAYTON Do not fail to visit the store of th e Max Marcus Company, a t 85 (South Main street- Yon will find the most complete..stock of millinery, • suits. Skirts, waists and dresses to be found in the city. ‘ AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance entitled,»An Ordinance to Provide the Oiling With OH Certain. Streets' in- the ~ illoge of Cedarville, State of Ohio: < Section 1, That as a petition has been presented to-the Council,of the Village of "Oedarville it fs hereby de­ clared by Council to be necessary to oil the streets With oil as hereinafter provided, the following streets to-Wit: Xenia Avenue from P. O, <J. A S t U Ry. -Crossing a t Paper Mill to Main Street; from, Main Street to Electric Light Plant; Main Street from south corporation line to north corporation line; North Street from Main Street to Bridge Street; Chilltcothe Street from Bridge Street to Main Street; 'Cedar Street from Main Street to Bridge Street; Bridge Street beginning a t J. A Wells* alley to lower bridge; Miller Street from Xenia Avenue to p . C. C, * St. L. Ry.;-McMillan Street from Xenia-Avenue to P, C. C» & St. L. Ry. Section 2. That the Mayor amt Clerk of said Village is hereby-author­ ised to advertise and enter into con­ trac t according to law for the offing of said streets and avenues with oil. Section 3, That the icost of said oil­ ing including all the cost Incidental they too shall ,bc assessed In one in­ stallment against the property bound­ ing and abutting upon the streets nam­ ed between the points named herein except th a t portion of the cost herein­ after mentioned which the said Vil­ lage shall he required to pay. Said assessments shall be levied *c* cording to the front foot rule upon all lots and lands bounding and abutting upon said streets between said points on said streets as hereinafter before described and which said lot* and lands a re hereby declared to-be special­ ly benafltied by reason Of satd oiling. Section 4. That said Village will pay for all intersections of street* and avenues incidental, they to the inter* sections shall be paid by said Village, the funds thereof shall be derived by issuance of note* to be hereafter is­ sued, ; : * ■ Section 5. That in anticipation of the collection Of assessments a# here­ tofore provided, notes shall be Issued * in th e manner and form provided by law as the same shall be (required. Section «. That the specifications for oiling now on file with the Clerk of said ‘Village be and are hereby ap- f a c t i o n 7. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the aarWwrii period allowed by SAW. A ll. WOLFORD, Attest: ■ Mayor, j . W. JOHNSON, Corporation Clerk, - f «mt go to the Max Marcus Co., 86 8, Mala street, Dayton, Yon will tied no tutor# Mwrtmimfc a t any store m ibe #tty nor will tbs p rte * b s lower, vilie. - Notices of dates and sp&ake M en - «a . . SUFFRAGE. ' May 2d was a great (day' for suf­ frage demonstrations "in all parts Of the country, especially in the large cities, Boston had thfe largest parade of any city; also the largest in its history. The governor and Mayor who witnessed it both said’there- can be no doubt about’' women -wanting to vote. Five thousand suffragists marched in Chicago. The chief of police with an escort of mounted police beaded the procession, while Governor DUnne and Mayor Harrison stood bareheaded awit'passed, Many other cities followed With similar demonstrations. Ferhapp the most important, however, was the par­ ade in Washington, on the 8th, when 10,000 women from every state in the. Union,'and representing 531 Congres­ sional Districts, -marchqd into the ro­ tunda of the 'Capitol arid presented* pe­ titions to the leaders of -Congress-, ask­ ing that the suffrage amendment to the constitution be passed. They also ‘massed on the steps Of the Capital and sung their Campaign aorig acchm- pafaied by ten bands. In the rotunda, where a Committee of twenty senators and congressmen received them many NOTICE. AH persons wan ting ice during the summer must buy an Ice book. ^ A rthur J bnks , .NOW IS THE TIME. "Where you can get a team of oonch horses or a general purpose -horse? Now Is the time to give tins your careful attention, BOHBY BURNS J r ., w ill make the season of 1914 a t J . 33, Kyle's, Cedarville* O., or call phone i-101. INSURANCE.* * Now iB the time to look ou t for your Insu rance, both F ire and Tor­ nado. I represen t The N a tu ra l F ire Insurance Company, The New Underwriters, The Queen of Ameri­ ca, The Pennsylvania, Fire In su r­ ance Company. Combined assets $68,000,000.00. * ' ANDRHW JACKSON, SELECTED Barred Plymouth Rock eggs, 60c per 15 <esw». E. I Poet, m w e 12*191. Fainting and Bubber Tires ‘ At Wolford's DRAWING PENCILS a ll grades at W ISTERMAN ’&t, Council met In adjourned session Monday night to finish the necessary legislation for the street oiling. As matters stand now we should be able to have the oil by the first of June. While the dust has been a great detri­ ment to- homes and store* yet Mr, Chester Owens, of the “Standard OJt Company, Xenia, -who was present, stated that it bad -been *0 cold it was useless to oil. Following the first rain council will have the streets cleaned reedy for the oiling. A committee from the Board of Trade ■consisting o f -8. 0. Wright and Dr. J- O, Stewart, was present to ask the co-operation of council 4md the Board of Health in a “Clean-up** mover meet, & special day to he set apart fob this work; After some discussion the street committee was named. The health officer wlli also be pressed into service and" those who do not-become interested in thi* good -work voluntar­ ily will feel the hand of the law. The .council and Board- of Trade hope mith action will not -be necessary and tluu. people will lend A band. No action was taken towards filling the vacancy caused- by the predica­ ment of Marshal Kennon and Mayor Wolford asked council ns to -candi­ dates.- There were no candidate* rit that time for the eight and one-third dollar a month job, - - - -~ Adjournment was taken until next Monday night when It is hoped a marshal and engineer can be confirm­ ed. * steel to hl» wife, ’ half a hundred town, his country i —What must Xdp i ]answer Acts 14:11. jto be lost? , Don't look for flaws. j life, 1 And even though ;Be wise and kind fa And look for tb# them, --Become in Surely you imp do definitely and w n « vatlon of other*, berested to a t least ) in a deplorable ipg fa r yourself. —Dr. Tapper’s be Blessed a re tboge, pride goes before A ■ mllity la essential t o « Character. Blersed are those ■ truth iliat they weakness of others« their own ability; hrouxb the strength dined to.-admit their Blessed Are those that it fe easier to its jnd. that love, not ffi powpr that wins and of mankind. children, church, Ida -God. . tved? God'* mjist I do -go through find them vhat blind, ues behind Christian, rwtich—pray ■ the salva* are not in* ent, yon am need pray, dS.* ' know that and that hu- Mfrea-tnew of FIGURES: On Personal Property Jn Cedarville Township. Porch Swings $ 2 .9 0 to $ 7 ,5 0 Hammocks $t.OQ to $ 5 .0 0 . Croquet S e ts 75© to $1,50. Bird’* Mammoth Store. ognizp the upon the, pt to overrate those who hors are in- fcehleneas. Jbava learned, drive; [la the.divine the lives As la the past we hare always pnh* IJfchsd the Interesting return* of the Lowry Bldg, assessors as Jo the valuation and amount of property listed. We are indebted to District Assessor Farrell for the following which concerns Ce­ darville township•(and corporation): HI* head of horse* valued a t $121, 030 an Increase of $7150 over last year. 3828 cattle, $85,550, the gain, $18,125. 26 mules, $3055, gain $5. 4233 sheep $16,680, decrease, $330, 4814* bogs, $51,653, gain $15,926, 43 autos, $13,420; other vehicles, 286, $9190, In- crease, $16,930, Household goods, jew­ elry, farm machinery, grain, wool, etc. $76,036, gain $2676. Merchandise, $35,* C96, gain $1941. Moneys, $94,587, gain $40,430; Net Increase over last year, $98,554 or about 18 per cent. The tax return in the county la about completed other than from railroad*, manufacturers, banks, telephone and telegraph companies, etc. The in­ crease ia now over $1,GOO,000 and Will probably reach 1 % million dollar*. AUTO LIVERY ;- -! am prepared to serve yon day or night. JB, C. Fawcett "A college Town” will lie p re­ sented by the senior class of ’Cedar- vllle Colloge, Monday night, June 1, NOTICE FOR CHAUTAUQUA MEETING. AH guarantors for the C hau tauqua hre requested to reserve th e date* of May 29 a t which time F. X. Baker, of the Cojt»AUmr Company will he here to arrange for the Chautauqua August 24-28, Dr- Mites’Anti-Pain fill# tor rhwnwiiam- - Subscribe -for the Herald. BAKING POWDER ; ' A h s v i iu i e f y P mjutb ^; The only BakSng Powder made fromRoyal GrapeCream©fTartar . / H O A L U M . WO Bj&SF P H O S P H A T E ___ CLIFTON U-, P. CHURCH CWiMES. —"When I see the blood I will pas? river you." *' —"It is the blood that maketh ;an atonement for >the soul," —IVe greatly appreciate the bokt- duets placed on the pulpit, —rMr. A. M. George and Roy Hen­ derson, of Cedarville, worshiped with us last Sabbath., —The attendance last Sabbath Was the host -this year. Let us make every Sabbath -a record-breaker on’the prev­ ious One. . —Dr, Foster -will preach the. Me­ morial sermon to the old soldiers at the opera house May 24, at 2:39, everybody invited, —Mr. George Britton, whp makes hi* home With his daughter, Mrs, Rob­ e rt Finney, -iff in quite poor* health, —Dr. Ritchie will preach the bac­ calaureate sermon before the Clifton high school May 31, a t 7:30 p. m. —Womrin'e Missionary Society a t Mr, W, <3, RHe's next.Wednesday at 2 p. m. Leaders, Mr*. Albert Fer­ guson and Mrs. .William Waddle, —Mr. OTvJlle Grewell"and family. United. Presbyterians from Dayton, have -moved to the Gregg -farm,- just West of Mr. Albert Ferguson,’ —Thirty-two men from First Spring- field congregation attended thg Xenia Brotherhood convention, last -week. under We ahMob of the —The 0afobftth School Triwjishfp Convention -held in our church Wed­ nesday afternoon and evening was a profitable and very .pleasant occasion, '—The following we noticed in at­ tendance a t ithe Xenia* Convention, via; Geo, W.- Rife, J, K Rife, Wal, lace Rife, Samuel Miller, Lester Bra- ley, Henry McCarty, Frank Turner, William- Ferguson, Paul Ferguson, Carey Ritchie. William Collins, Roger' Collins, William Knox and the pastor, C. M, Ritchie—fourteen men in all. —Our communion comes the 14th of Juno. We hope' for .a number of ac- ceaion8 at that time to the member­ ship, ■■■■■■'■ ■• ---The postofflee in the church Is in­ tended for the exchange of interesting articles In the religious papers and magazines among members of the con­ gregation. ■ ’ —Miae Margaret Rife will lead the Christian Union next Sabbath evening. The subject is "Seeing'the Signs of the Times," - —We are wondering if the 'Com- mlttee of Home Mission* will plan to start any new congregations in the bound* of Xenia Presbytery! Do you think any ate needed? -—Word from our delegate to the Woman's (Missionary Convention is to -the effect -that *tbe $50,900.00 for the Tanta Hospital Building was success­ fully raised. What the women Under­ take generally goes. How about our basement? —A number of the men- at the Broth­ erhood Convention greatly admired -the basement accommodations a t the First Church, Xenia. —Our communion comes June 14. New members will- be received a t that time; also baptisms will be adminis­ tered to children of members. *—“i t is little short of crime to teach children that it is their duty to pay attention In the Sunday school class and then- allow -papers to be distribut­ ed -to distract their attention.” —The happiest, freest man I know is a -man who ils bound with cords of TOWNSHIP COMbHKCEMENT. The Boxweli comnmJjS&menl foirCe-1 dawdle township iw w beld in the * opera, houae TuesdayisKening,' there being' twelve gmduamaftonr -from the * village Achopl and® eight from the township,- InVocatiBn was offered -by Rev. Jh W. ’R a t i . The following wer*j*he graduates Hid their subjects: # <, i DMYou HverGo'A’iiifiBS...Dewey Corn My Dad and Me -Willis Corry , lUntucky Phllcaophy, j LRrith Finney ■’ •When"Teacher Gets S i ,, 1 ,'smrold Grinnel, The Price of *. ‘D rIrikD am Johnson, Knee Deep In June. ^iaWillaid Kyle He-Didn’t Sell..... - .©'®glvt Northupi. Coolipg Off , F,......... 4©ypard Buffer Mrs. Tommy- Adkins,,fidUh Ramsey How We Hunted a Semi-Annual , Walloping Window BXI The *Wife 'Hunting" The judges, Dr, M* C. Ogleshee and Michael, gave Mies .first plat-e And Mtaa- seepnd place. ;The -fo" sent this-township m mencement. The PUpilri tot the . lagp,Schools under Supervisor of Mu jrendeyad a very pmt ta, “The Browniad* " Florence Smith and 3 iesbeo had the^lew tie folks •were a ll 1 and the sOrige- ’ ple&s^ng to the $ line Randall At ‘StrohfidSe . r0ll MM•> tra. Wldener, farsh, Dr. Ef, t J, 8 . E . ,.He­ ine Randall 'Jam Johnson geri will i-epre* ■ county com- i’ek of 'the "V31* i ; direction of F. Siegler, Sfior&l op&rat- Miss hy-Gg- tn.' fibe Mfc- in •oostumf: tare ’highly:: Every Trimmed Hat ON SALE ;«T ONE-HJ 1 LF PRICE Friday arid Saturday OF THIS WEEK A l l H a t s M a rK ed i n P l a i n F i g u r e s X E N I A , O H IO NOTICE- Notice’ Is hereby given by th e Board of Education of Uednrville Township Greene County- Ohio, thab^aid Board is going to suspend school in D istrict No. 6 of said township, for one year, from tiept, 1st, 1914, the final hearing of said suspension will bo had , a t the clerk's office Cedarville, Ohio, F ri­ day, Ju ly 81, 19Ji, a t 1:80 p. m. By order of tlio Board1*of Edu­ cation*. - ■ ... A ndrew J a <3 ksok , Clerk, DECORATION DAY SERVICES. Cedarville Is to celebrate Metrtori a t Day th in year in a Very fitting1 manner. I t is earnestly 'desired th a t every one will lerid their aid to make th is a g rand Memorial Day, There w ill he a band to p lay favorite airs, and the school children will inarch with the veterans a n d all with conveyances a re requested to he In the line of march. Decorate your homes and show your pa trio t­ ism. v One of the orators of the e a s t a “ home"1boy w ill vory likely give the address in the afternoon a t the opera house a t which tlm j special mufeic and an interesting program will bo rendered. Make an especial effort to send flowers to th e flower room to decorate th e graves of the soldiers. Remember Memorial Day. 0 ( li, f i. Lullenberger Program Com. 1 J. W. Ross * ( A* W inter ~*tt*-*'**w-/*t^^ It’s Your Fault if you f a i l ,to take advantage of . the GOOD VALUES we are offering in these ^ Hart, Schaffner &MarxSuits YES, we can give you MORE and BETTER merchandise fot your $ than you can get in a city store. We want you to make us PROVE it. See our new WALK-OVER low-outs. Wo have SHOES for the whole family you know. , t H a ts and Furn ishing Goods NOTICE:-We keep our su its PRESSED l yr. FREE t’-epTt!fct><H»<tSihaffncf&Mtf% Home Clothing Co. Trade a t HOME CEDARVILL, OHIO The Quafity Stare Cedarville Opera House Decoration Night ■ i\■ ' f? . i P resen ted by the Students o f Cedarville Cot * Saturday, Saturday,May50, 1914 lege. I : ft May 30. TflA PfiCflYIAf o f Afl/1AfCAflvllfA Plat Open at Johnson’s Jewelry Store Wef- 11IC i IldUHCl U1 rillUCIoUHV1I1C nasday* Hay 2 7 t a t - Ato8;60*P.Mv ADMISSION * 25 Cents * 1:30p. m. m m m