The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 1-26

A For Exetllenoe O r JSh ; Work will compare with ’ df<rf m? othtr -firm... T aU tr s r^U B V JBN TH YJ£AK* N<X 22 ^■srsqR' 's u r C B B A R V I L L E / O H IO , F R I D A Y , M A Y 2 9 , 1914, This item whenmark«dwith ** fa­ de*, deucles that ;t yea r'% aujwgrip* tion }g p*st due and a prompt set- tJeinei'.tiscarriCBtiy derired. *, . P R IC E , $ 1 .0 0 A Y E A R AUFF WK 0 THCR 9 Orantwt QaatnMt by th* %uu to ftulld \ Watt »t St, Mary’* I Ifawrvolr, CHAUTAUQUA WILL BE * j TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY j CEDARVILLE COLLE4ME HEEP WEEK OF AU g O b T 24. Coleljration—rCedarville College, Thuns-! day, June 4, 1914, ‘ ! ' - I ARTSAGRICUVrURE COURSE f 'Coteitfbts* o . u*v _rnfr th -. w , ! A representative of tho Coit-Allwr «n,lSS wir? $r£th»tLS}£Zln*ut*a*'t*r»”nwt&*lwal f w ^ d S a t ^ 4 , % ratt ^ i«mmtttce hvt Friday night h J T w m *Wt the flitMtfam: was thoroughly can- COMMENCEMENT, i t /J r e ^ o S n y S W r o r‘'“ 'rcis.1* ftta ^ 3t’^ «onncr,-: A eomblnatloir. A: (sericulture ■ in tht^Twmi^ - ‘ U *v ,u ‘ v'ne »to *mn;-ial ecu; . fburao Ins jusr been avransvd f o r 1 ttonofTSSSS ile y ^ g o will the Ohio State Unive»:ty • K t e ThuTaav Lne 4 ibe J £ t r’ p ^ ^Ur‘,iK *“ * w**k ■^KtaataB 1 - CccJarvlQo College. The arrange- ceflrSo e a m S fifaduS^f K e ? Z u r l i ' u ° & ’ •° £ ,Baro than :®ent m3do t>al,e tor a <*»** 0t m ° RtndPTita. ffiptill’V. nf«fl«ru- .01 UUOTvbt H Arranged Between Cedarville College? j and the Ohio State University, ; wont w*R on the mat bat* of the fit. Mary** Mwaaryolr, near fie. Mary*: io- d*y by/oStaa 1, Miller. Uuporlntoadeat of nubile vwlik IWf Brother*’ hid was $31*0tSi, and was the lowest responsible hW of is contractors who spugbt the -wo*. Operations will be started Immedi­ ately. . .............. CpUNTRY HOME BURNS TO GROUND. The handeoma country residence of Mrs. j. j. -Snyder, located three milOe Southeast of CedarVillP, wq* *n#re. ly destroyed- hy Are at an early hour Friday morning. The blaze supposed to have started from spark. from the kitchen, fluo. and when the lire was discovered hr a neighbor* Mr. T. C. Wolford, a part of' the root was- ablaze. The family were seated -at the breakfast table- and did; hot know fihe building was on. Are .until Mr. Wolford rushed-- info the house. A very- large number of the neighbors hurried to the- scene of the fire, but the flaqjes had gained such 'headway that it was Impossible to save the building and they turned their- attention to removing the house­ hold goods the most of which was ■sated. ' The houro, -which was .an eighbroom frame building, was mod- ■era throughout and was beautifully finished in walnut.' The'siding was also of walnut The insurance was $ 2 ,- 500 , 'but -the amount will - not cover the loss which is estimated at about $ 5 , 000 . Valuable surveying instru­ ments belonging to Bari- Snyder were not removed from the' tmildihg -and were destroyed, Mrs, Snyder has \been particularly unfortunate in does from fire useless than a year ago the bam on the. prop­ erty was burned down: » Foijr more automobiles have been sold In 'this community, W, J. Tarbox, Dr. J, O, Stewart; and W. B, Steven­ son each have Fords; Paniel Penne- hey, a •Beo, and Thomas Andrew a Studebaker, At a meeting o f the 'Common, Pleas Judges >in this district the. jury com­ missioners were named for another .year. John W. Fudge and B. K. Rite nour were each re-appblnted for this ■county.' v*ssed A permanent organisation was made by the atlection of the following off!- dale; Rev. J. 6 , JE. McMichael, pree- Jdent; <J, N, Hartman, feretory; 0 . L, Smith, treasurer; these three offi­ cers. with U H, Sullenberger and S, V. Wright will compose the executive committee, The Chautauqua will he held the week of August 24 . The company fur- nisheo its own tent, .seating fifteen hundred people. The location has not been selected, but at this time the col-' lege ■campus soeroe to he the choice of mo»t of the guarantor*. Bishop McIntyre, the New YorkCRy Marine Band, Stratford Male Quartet and a debate on woman suffrage be­ tween. Mrs, Robert JAFollette and Mies ■fmey Prioe are some of the good tilings on the program, .. . - A canvassing c-omin-Rtee:will have tickets ready -In -about a month. The .price will be $ 1,50 for the full course of nineteen, numbers. students, faculty, present students, In thai It makes the jS‘oav&. duration, three cf which are to . friends of the college and whosoever Aomimuon or u.o tweiuftth yuu- of thoip0 at Cedarvillo College and the will?-are unged to set apart that dav !biEt0^v ^ i ‘li} ■iuHthuti. The anni-'-lasJ ^ at- t?*0 -anlvcrsitjj At the as a holiday prepare a plcnib dinner,wmary will he npprup^atcly obrerv- ■ ? ea^f t'fdiogo Is to and come U tho college1 ground” for ^ week. l e S r o l h l S F 'M u d M V h an allalay outing. In the forenoon j Tho hawnla«re»:<» aqrman to the- i vo‘ r iho ^ Un,n there will be speethes by "old grads,*’ , graduates will I; q prearSd by the Rev, jjL^LJ ^ Riobtlar of ^JonrTtn^ I l f members of the faculty and. others. ut; i?avid MCKimicj, IM iJ lhD . Prefd-l?l,fh,X» U f Se cnc<>m Asri' noon the big -picnic dinner, and at 3 dent.of the M l'ge , y*M*th evening,] The fundamental work of the course thoReWrpj-jin such subjects -as English, modern 011 Main |languages, history. matltematlcB, ceo- p. m, a ball game. 1 ’Ome and enjoy ;May 31 , at 7:50 o’clpck,. ^ . c l Presbyterkui fljurc The program- committee has out!in- For County! NOTICE, Board of Election. - Auditor A. E. Faulkner has -gent out notices <to -the presidents of the var­ ious tjdurds. Of educations in the town*; ships and villages for the election of a ■County board' as required under the new la.w. These presidents, seventeen in number, will nominate and elect: either.from, 'their own number or any. other suitable person, five fbr the new •board, no'two of-which can be of ■the same school unit. The election will be good until January Id, when there -must he another*, which terms will be for five years each. -In the recent Boxwell examinations only 82 pushed out 237 that took the examinations, The county -commence­ ment will be held June 5 . 1 GOLDEN WEDDING’ ANNIVERSARY PASTURE FOR RENT. Eighteen acres of'finest blue grass find sweet clover. Plenty, of Running ■-*spring water the year round. Inquire ait this; Office. TENT, >R SALE, Onp •of the finest walled- tent® made Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Randall Cele­ brated their golden wedding anniver­ sary Monday, May £u', About thirty of their immediate friends- and-. Relatives were present and a very enjoyable day was spent. A- sumptuous dinner was one of 'the pleasing features of the occasion, ' ' - The after 'dinner literary exercises by the younger members of the party Werealmost-eclipsed by a song by the venerable groom entitled “Fifty Years Ago.’* The bride- of a half century wahat her best withthat philanthropic posoltality which, as all who know herCan testify, ban always been char-, acteristic ;«'£ her.' -. , >• ■While the aged couple ore bn the " ' o f Rio, yet '-the*® Is no nd. the following-for your .entertain­ ment; -. ,■ ■ - P r o g r a m - ; College Chapel 9 A m. , Presiding Officer, b, T, Marshall, *Q 1 Invocation - ' Addres-s of Welcome L. ,T. Mayshall, ’ 07 , Pres, Alumni * Association. ■Rev. David McKinney, D, !>., Pres. Ccdaryille ’Collece, .Music- 'Address—“What theAluntoi.Oah do for the College'’. ,, a .Rev, J. W* -Blckett,- ’ 07 j New ’Concord, Ohio Education Address—“Financing Cedarville' Col- ‘ lege” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev, Homer MoMillan, br D., T 7 -At-lahta; Ga. i Address—“The .Mission of. - : ,T. R, Tinner, 'fiSC Dravosbufg; Pa, Addi'e-’s—”C. C. and- This t^mmuiofe* Ity” ..............................r..-.,» Dr, 7 : tv, R. McChesney, Dean of Faculty Music. Round Table .. -: Business-Meeting, i i -a,m. tq 12 m. Basket Dinner Baseball Game .2 p. m. C. 0 . Alumni “team vs. -C. -C. Regular team.- Annual Alumni,Banquet, at Carnegie Library, 6 p. m. shai*p. Splendid Toast Program has boon br* ranged. Gowdy ■Williamson, ’G 7 , -Chairman ■Banquet Committee Committee—Prof.'Albertdvi^a^BK ’Id, -chairman; Dr. W. R. McChesney, dean faculty; -L. T, Marshall. ’ 07 ; Prof. Loroy Allen, secretary; Rev. John W.- Bicltett, *Q 7 ; MiPp;Lttiu Hcnacrson. ’ 03 . CLIFTON U. P, CHURDH CHIMES. Go after your than. Keep after him. Fetch him. The Township Convention pro­ gram was crowded with good things, Reware of Pastor Russel's -agents. Their, literature M spiritual poison! •There -will be no Christian Union meeting -on Sabbath evening on ac­ count of baccalaureate services at Clif­ ton and. Cedarvlllh. -Memorial -service®-' A-t the Opera .RouseApril 30 , at,.DiilCk Kep the fires of Christian patriotism' ablaze;^It is the hops of -our country; Remem!i«r tim' ,Oflittnhy' ’Sabbath Rbhooi -cpavwtfott on June % and 8 . % -ai^st fcosehd a .iw -j. j Monday evening, Jjpe 1, at 8 j o’ilockv in the Opera M§ hso , tho Sen- *lor* will present the anfaal class play, ‘ “Tl-e> f’ntlpa-r. Tni-n " V he College ow .’ ! Tuesday evening, Jr .culminating social ew ‘lego year- the rcfi*pt; nlfy to the students honor of the Senior*, he held In tho Crll Wednesday evening i the Reformed „ i’re^h: will be given the reri -onrtment or .M ubin ■ -Thursday will be A* meeting to celebrate tb giversary of the Chile m the 'College.campus aral prominent’ Alumni baseball game between, the 'Varsity will, start < le'd at 2 p. m. Tlip banquet will be held id 1 p. m. The conunehcement will be held Ip the' 1:30 a. m„ Friday, Ju dress will ho delivers Charles ■Sumner- Brow The 'gi'adufttlng-.clas< 'lers-. ten. •©gilt will greo of- Bachelor o f Robert Bruce Anders ‘loose, NAncy EthaUnd. Mary Hustogs. ,and TmWrjr, .all of CednrV ton and.MnryB.ilna St and Ralph -Clare Ho, ')Urg, Pa, Two will -na of graduation In lesbee, of -Ced&rvlHe, Stfrriuont, of Xenia,' 1 3, comes the ; of the Col- of -the fac- -Alttmni la. is- affair Will , &rary- i & o’clock, In rlap Church of the De- %hl Day. A twentieth an- 1will be -held- h 8, m, -Sev- 111 speak. A uouj I cp , chemistry, physics, aoology, | botany, geology and mechanical draw­ ing will bo done In the college. The more specialized and technical sub­ jects, such ji b animal .husbandry, agri-. cultural chemistry, rural economics, I and agronomy, Will be given 4n the ' University. Tills arrangement was made after Ur, 'Hon'derEon, of the -department-of chemistry, and Professor Graves, of the department of English, represent-, ing -the faculty oLthe university, had j visited -the- college, examined its' an- i trance-requirements' and its courses-'of' study apd conferred- with members of its faeutly. in regal'd to’ the propos?- ed combination course. Their report to the university - as' to the work .of the college was satis-- H O K N E ,R ’S Cool, Comfortable, / Close FittingPumps ana Baby Dolls FOR. GRADUATION ’ Priced $1.98 AhimnTand f?,etory 'anfI 'tp©arrangement was coni' the aiMofld.’.pM e<1I Work in the how .-course t ill- dual Alumni ^Sinrinthe college at -the opening of m libra?” at' Ihe.fall semester, September 9th. tees proper ra -House at 5*.'The ad- jy, the..Rev; Cincinnati, ,is year hum-, ielvo the de­ ns follows: )Tara-Lillian inney, Anna sel Virginia Grace Mor- <ntrQtXeJiia; .of Bdin* r* the diplo- H-Mc-u- Og- Sai'fha.AIidai In Patent Colt, Gun Metal and White Sea Island Duck, SUFFRAC Wliy shculd wot vote? -Can-’ she «lvo„ why she should hav Are -there any reasons.- vote that will not the. government pie* by the people, 4 pie, according .to Ah men should car fratm'ng-the Jaw* - to live? i* it men -the same allowed to ^•guod reason privilege? ^rnen should women? If .o f fhe pea- *'fhc peo* jlh, -the ^A -vol-oe in >.-£b<?y ave -W&* NO MARSHAL, a s YET. Since Mayor Wolford suspended Marshal Kennon some days ago,fol­ lowing ihls connection with -the white slavery charges,the. town ha$ been without a marshal. Several ’have been asked to consider the place," but have declined owing to the low salary ■of eight -and one-third dollars a month. ■Council Is considering a change in the ordinance governing ;the marshal and this may come up Monday night. At the Monday night meeting bide will be received for oiling the'streets, which will be welcome news lor the merchants and residents that have braved the dust storms for the -past two weeks. GREATEST SALE EVER i^ELD IN XENIA. :***" t ■ i t *— v 'Si3w : The popular Haible Store, 45-49 W. Main, Xenia, will soon move into mare extensive and elegant quarters, Not a dollar’s worth of old goods will be. moved into -the new utore. to this end a Removal Bale liaB been put on, ■where prices have not been consider­ ed. The only object is to reduce the Mock before it 4s turned over to job­ bers. -Suits for men,- boys, hats and cape, ladles'-and gents' shoes* all go in this sale. Plenty of odds and ends fit your own price. Remember this great aale. . —(It) FOR THAT SPRING or Summer Suit go to the Max Marcus Ccf., 35 S. Main street, Dayton. You will find no more assortment at any store in •the city nor will the prices be lower. NOTICE* A ll persons wAntlng ice during the summer must buy an ice book* * AhTItUB JKNK8. J^SP'jPJP^PPWPlHPww WWB.wwmt y :happy; yews together and. enjoy,many re­ turns -Of their Wedding anuiyorsary. m e m o r ia l d a y . Tho following program will be fol­ lowed under the direction of HOn. An­ drew Jackson, officer-of the day: Children will assemble at the school house and receive ’Hags. Those In conveyances on Xenia avenue, rest on Main street. Automobiles In the Pub­ lic square not later than 9 a. m„ where line of march will be formed' to the cemetery, ■north of town. Parties will then be sent to the other cemeteries before -noon, in the afternoon at 2; 30 Rev- J. $. E. Mc- Mlchael will deliver an address, at the opera house, There will be. readings and special music by an octette. Those having flowers please send them to the flower room. Let all places of business and homes he deco­ rated. Let everyone turn out on Me­ morial Day. .*■■ INSURANCE. , ' Now is the time to look out for your Insurance, both Free and Tor­ nado* I represent The Natural Free Insurance Company, The New Underwriters, The Queen o f Ameri­ ca, The Pennsylvania, Fire Insur­ ance Company. Combined assets 158,000.000.00, andrkw J aoxcson , LEGAL NOTICE* Common Picas Court, Greene County, Ohio. Bernice E. Baker, Plaintiff, Vfl.- Harry E. Balter, Defendant, Barry E , Baker, Defendant in above entitled action, last known place of residence Neotshe, Kansas, will take notice that on the 22nd d a y 'o f April, 1914, said plaintiff filed In tho Common Pleas Court, of Greene Colmty, Ohio, her petition for divorce against him upon the grounds of gross neglect of duty and that the same will be for hear­ ing at- the Court Hodse in Xenia on and after June 8th, 1914, by which date defendant must answer or demur to said petition of judgment may be taken against him, E. B aker . « '. 8 W MF! ROVWK'S criminal indifference to 'the Sabbath; school Work? ■ ■ -The State Journal says the stand the /government is taking, for temper* ■once -is the best/sign -of the times. -John-fitanforth and family have rempved from tho country to.the Janies Harris property in West Clif­ ton, ■Mrs* Jennie F. Ritchie- returned last Saturday from a two weeks’ vis­ it with her daughter, Mrs. John A, Gregg, of Philadelphia, Pa. •In war one side Is always In the Wrong and sometimes both sides aro in the wrong: better arbitrate. —Mr, W. G. Blair, of Pinckneyvllle, Illinois, spent from Saturday to Wed­ nesday as a guest at the parsonage. Mr. Blair is % delegate to the Assem­ bly at Now Castle,. Pa, Mrs. J. B. Rife's father, David Stewart, is in very feeble health at this time, —•Dr. Tapper’s beatitudes— Blessed are those who have learned to know love and trust tho Word of the King; and to whom tho Bible te a; daily companion and Inspiration. Blessed are thOBewho live In the at­ mosphere of prayer; and to whom tho weekly gathering of the church for prayer and praise is regarded as a necessity for 'Christian growth and. a joyful privilege which must not bo neglected because of social functions, selfish indulgence or business appoint­ ments. WELCOME—All who are not Tegular attendants at some other church are cordially invited to attend; all the services, and to enjoy all the prlv- lieges and opportunities Af church membership. If you desire to make your church homo with us make it known. We shall endeavor to make our fellowship mutually helpful. The minister of this church will deem it a favor to be informed of tiiiy sickness, or affliction, or aged per­ son, where ho could he helpful. He does not believe in Indiscriminate ministerial visitations, or cevn tho appearance of proselyting. m Why then 4e#y idiom the righto of citizens? Some men make the objec­ tion that their wives do. not want to vote. Is that a good reason whyother Women should be denied the privilege? Some rqftn dont carp to ve-te. Almost fifty, per cent remained away from tho .polls when.-the new constitution was ibofore tho ptopfo for adoption or rejection. Nobody said anythingabopt disfranchising the wliole crow because of that. Some claim that it will largely ho tho unworthy women that will vote,- but it doesn’t appear -thatmany of ilmt class are bothering about whether they get 'Urn privilege of not, and that has not been the experience In tho -ton statep whero women, -have the priv­ ilege} of voting. The larger number who Object to signing a petition have never given the question a serious thought. They don’t think she ought to vote Is as fat as they have Investigated. The fact is women needs, it for her own pro­ tection. Men need it to help solve the problems with >wfcich they are con­ fronted, and the state needs-.It because the combined Wisdom of man and wo­ man is much greater than that of one of the parties alone. - NOTICE. , ‘Notice is hereby, given by tine Board of Education of- Cedarville Township Greene .County Ohio,' that-said Board is going to suspend school, in District' No. o of said township, for one year, from Bept, 1st, 191.4, the final hearing of said suspension will be had, at the, clerk's office Cedarville, Ohio, Fri­ day, July si, 1914, at 1:80 p, in. By order of tho Board of Edu­ cation. A wdrev J aoksos , Glf-rk. I H o r n e r S h o e Co. 33 So. Limestone Street, SPRINGFIELD, - - OHIO TRY OUR JOB Ask any man that ktniws and he will tell you rthat a first mortgage Is the safest of any kind of security.4 The only way to release it is to pay the - r U , . .t - I|- , I l,1^1l-p’ ,lTl; AUTO L IV E R Y :- ! am prepared to serve you day or night. Lowry Bldg. , E, 0, Fawcet.t “ A collego Town*’ Will bo pre­ sented by the senior class o f Gcdar- vtlio Collego^ Monday night, Juno 1 NOW IS THE TIME* ■Where you can getn teamof coach horses or a general purpose horse? Now Is the titno to give this your careful attention. BOBBY BURNS Jr., will make the season of 1914 at J. E. Kyle’ s, Cedarville, O., or call phone 4-191, Every loan made by The Springfield Building and Loan Association is secured by a first mort­ gage on good real estate in Clark County, Ohio. Depositors Receive 51 % Dividends Resources over $3-000.000.00 i Deposits made on or before June 6 , 1914, w ill bear interest from June 1 , 19I4. THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. 23 EAST MAIN ST,, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Don't fall to mu aunt Jane Ciaaa Night, Juno 1. F or Rubber tire buggy in fair condition, ,Btonn front goes with it, Inquire at thin office, Fainting anti Rubber Tires At Wolford's DRAWING PENCILS aligradcsat * WISTERMANS. Cedarville Opera House Saturday, May 30. - ■ * * At 8:00 P. M. Saturday, May 30, 1914 Presented by the Students of Cedarville Cot * lege. ThePrisonerof Andersonville ADMISSION Plat Open at Johnson’s Jewelry ^StoTe~WdP May 27, at 25 > Cents A