The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 1-26

Xerald. FRIDAY, JUKE 5, Tfcfi Urns marked wflh «n ?«-; dex,dtupte*L-at# y « f* »ubcrn>< lion » part due and a prompt aet- tlcnwit is raroeatly d#»ir#d. * . • PRICE, '$1.00 A YEAR Of Mi*t Ruth Warnock— In Xenia. COUNCIL MSI UNO. Council met in rogulj day *veniP|r. *U mrwwfci bring pree- 0 , 4 . The twentieth annual ^mm fw e ment of Cednrville rojitege along with the other, event* th a t1go to mak<? u gala week li*ve kept the people en­ tertained a* well as amused and In etrueted. The baccalaureate sermon, we* de­ livered Sabbath evening In the ’ll, P, church by Dr. David McKinney, who chose -for fata text; That Thou Make M l Things According to the Pattern Showed to Thee on the Mount," as token, from the eighth chapter of Hebrews. Glass Night The Seniors to their class night per* not, to exceed' 20 years in the pent- A change in pica of not guilty to that of guilty on the part of k . w . Xeanon, changed the aspect of the saae th a t had been set for trial on lext Tuaeday. Tbe village marshal aad been indicted on two charges, one pf nape against fourteen-year-old Carrie Shull and tbe other burglary for the theft of Mrs, G, W. Harpert chickens. PJea was only entered to the first case and the other indict­ ment stands. Judge Kyle In parsing sentence re marked that he had known the de fondant for. 35 year* when he worked ow th e farm for MS father and little did h e ever -thlnlc tha t the prisonej would ever stand before him to be spatenc-ed on such * charge, judge Kjde fixed th e sentence a t the limit under the law, an inderterminate one Mb» Ruth Wftmock, aged 35, daugh­ ter or Rev, and Mr*. J. IP. Warnoek, was burled Wednesday at Wdodlawn cemetery, sendees being held In tlje new chapel. The services were to charge of Dr. Carson, assisted by Rev, McMiohael and Dr. Johnson. Besides the parent* the deceased leaves two sisters and one brother. The remains -were accompanied by tbe. father. Rev. Warnoek was for seven years pastor of the ‘local U, P, con­ gregation but left here seventeen years ago; At -present he is located at little York, dll., near Monmouth. ent except Mitchell, committee reported the coming year as fellow*; "he finance •dget for the ■enteral fund. $800; health, $100; »*I gfOQ; ser­ vice, $2700; interest wn sinking; $ 1 ,. 323. Total, $5325, ' An ordinance was p* »d providing for certificates of Indab dues* to -the amount of $1250.' The itofltlily bllle amounted t<f $185,20, DEPUTY MARSHAL CILIFTON U, -P, CHURCH CHIMES. formance gave a -very interesting col lege play, "The •College Town." A clean comedy tha t carried' -good acting parts. The leaders In the play were Ralph Hotoeister, the college cut-up, whose funny mannerisms convulsed the au- - dience, David Bradfute,. head of the ' military department of" th e college, Miss Grace Gprdoh -a* “Miss Jim," the girl from Dixie, Miss Mary Hast­ ing, the college -widow; Fred Towns- lety. Prof. Popp, and, Mis® Hazel Mowry, his wife; Mias Nancy Ftopey, ‘Ma Baggsley, a popular landlady; Mis® Edna Stormont, Jane Cavendish, Wealthy Wail street woman ahd aunt of Jimmie 'Cavendish. ’ . . Between acts Miss N-apcy Finney >gave bhe class history, which was very cleverly written- and Well de­ livered, and Miss Edna Stormont de­ livered th e class prophecy. There was -also a specialty which -consisted of various songs -dedicated to the class­ es. The students wore their caps and gowns in- this act -and were -posed •carelessly about -the state making an Interesting picture. At the close they -tossed handfuls of white -roses into the audience. - Faculty -Rebeptjon. The annual social -function as given by ‘the faculty in -honor of -the mem­ bers of -the graduating class -as held in - -Qarneigje library was attended (by about 200 persons. The -faculty and ‘ members of the class were in -the re­ ceiving. line. Entertainment for the evening was- a musical program, It consisted of the - following numbers; "Male quartette, Hugh Turnbull, ‘Cameron. ROss, Rescue MCOOrkell and Fred Marshall; vocal - solo Cameron Ross; reading, “Dark Brown -Philosophy," Miss Florence WiiHiamsod; vocal solo. Miss Mary Hastings; piano so-lo, Mies Ruth. Flat- I te r; vocal eolo, Miss Verna Andrews; I John Stewart, son of Dr, J. O. Stew­ art, an alumnus- of th e college, and now a student in the conservatory of music in Cincinnati/ sang three aelee- tentiary a t hard labor no pert ofwhich shall- be In solitary confinement. MEMORIAL OBSERVANCE. . . Memorial .Day. was observed -Satur­ day in a ' very fitting manner,' the day being ideal. The exercises of the day were‘under tlie direction 'o f Hod. Andrew Jackson. The usual services took place -at the cemetery north oi town, while delegations -looked after the other two cemeteries. In -the aft­ ernoon a t -the opera -house Rev. J. 8. E. McMiohuel gave an-excellent address that -greatly pleased the audience, A band from Xenia furnished music for the procession to' the north cemetery in which .the school -children-.took part. THBfeE WOMEN ARRESTED ON CRIMINAL, CHARGES. As -a result -of. activity on the part of Prosecutor Johnson three -charges of keeping, houses of ill fame were fil­ ed against Elean-or Endsley, -white, and Minnie Hamilton and Nettie Reed, colored, -all "of -which seems to he a part of the general, clean-up campaign that has been, going on here fo r the past month. Sheriff MJoOalHstermade the'-arrests last Friday.and the trials were set for Thursday. The Endsley woman- lives in property owned by J. H. and T. B. Andrew. The Reed place isyin ‘'Pittsburg” and Hamilton on ■Rat Row.” TENANT HOUSE BURNS ON R, C. WATT FARM. " tfsa i Aria. A vocal solo by Turner, DraVoeburg, -Fa. The guests were treated to a display bn the .part of the a rt students, under the' direction of Miss ‘Louisa Smith. The work in this department proved very, interesting. * A tenant house occupied, by Cecil Little on the R. 0. Watt farm, south ten o'clock. The family mid been CEDAR STREET PROPERTY CHANGES HANDS Several deals are reported causing a change of- ownership in 'Cedar street property. Mr. Dave Hower, who pur­ chased the Irwin -property last week sold same to C. N„ Stuckey. Mr. How­ er also gets a piece 'of -business prop erty in-Clifton in the deal. The trad# -was made 'by Smith & -COllins, Mr* .Hower purchased the J. N. and T. B. Andrew property -across the street from the Irwin property. Both the new owners, Messrs. Stuckey and Hower announce that they will imme­ diately upon securing the deeds start improvements and place the property In first-class condition. NOWIS THE TIME. Where you can get a team of conch horses d r a general purpose horse? Now is the time to give th is your carefalattentic-n, JBOBRY BURNS J r „ w ill m ake the season Of 1914 at J . 22. Kyle’s Cedarvllle, O., or call phone A-191. away from, home to the evening and Upon returning found -the house filled with smoker A small blaze was found to the kitchen and -th'la was extinguish­ ed but it bad made such headway be­ tween the walla that i t could not be controlled. There being no telephone, Mr. Little tried to arouse the neighbors by fir­ ing a revolver, but this could not be done. As a result they only saved' •part of their household goods while most of the -furnishings were lost Mr. Watt carried $409 insurance, but there Was nothing on -the -contents. PASTURE FOR RENT. -Eighteen acres of finest blu.e grass and sWeet clover. Plenty of running spring water the year round. Inquire at th is office. * FOR THAT -SPRING or Summer Suit go to the Max Marcus Co., 35 S. Mala street, Dayton, You will find no more assortment a t any store to the city nor will the prices be lower. DRAWING PENCILS all grades at WISTERMAN’S. NOTICE, Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of Cedarvllle Township Greene County Ohio, th a t said Board is going to-suspend school In D istrict No, 0 of said township, for one yea r, from Hept. 1st, 1914, the final hearing of enld suspension will be had , a t the clerk'B office Cedarvllle, Ohio, F r i­ day, J u ly 81, 1914, a t 1:80 p . m. By order of tbe Board of E du ­ cation. A ndrew J ackson , Clerk. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Fills for rheumatism Today’* toXmght'fs tomorrow’s deed, -Formation 4s better than; reformation. Let-the ballot take the place of the bullet Progress does not ride o a a, powder cart. ■; Dr. Ouyler once said he bad never kho-wn a case of ia person who bad ceased to. go to church who did not deteriorate morally and every olhei way, ____________ ____ . _ ..— -William 'Collins will lead 'Sabbath evening in a study of 'Sketches of the Covenanters.” . Mr. James Harris is a member of the pltchta school 'board 'and Mr, Frank Corey1 is a trustee, Dr. Ritchie at­ tended the Pitchin commencement last week. Bruce Anderson graduated a t C0 darviile College last Friday. There were ten graduates. The church offers a rich fellowship with -the best people of the community' which will mean much to the young people, to the familu -id to a ll whe need a warm hand and a smiling face. There was a good attendance on Decoration day; the opera house was filled to hear Dr. Ritchie's speech and the Cornet Band- play- Mrs. Mary- Cooii has been -visiting her brotber-fn-law, William Knox, and other»frieads in thin* community, re­ cently. “ "I expect to pass through this world but once, -any good therefore' that J can do, or any kindness that. I car show, to any -fellow-being, let me do ft now. Let .me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.* GUi" communion comes June 34,. Pre­ paratory services ou Friday and Sat­ urday. - Time given Up to these ser­ vices is Wsdl and. profitably spent. Plan to attend all three days. - By Invitation of Prof. Lee Westlake, the pastor and Mr.-Ed, Octroy attend­ ed- Hosted -commencement Thursday, evening. The church affords Opportunity for united and systematised service for the community with far-reaching’ re ­ sults which are entirely impossible' whan iwtoted and desultory. - mencement a t Muskingum college, Service^ preparatory to communion next Friday and Saturday a t 2 p. -m, School has closed and we.-hope for. all the young -people a s well as the old­ e r ones In these services. George Finney is having the mumps'. He will be glad to see any of his, friends who are not Afraid of him. ’ Session,will meet next Saturday at 1 p. m. for the reception of new members or any other Business that may come -before it. Misses Margaret RIfoand Adah Tan- nehill and Messrs, Don Kyle end Israel LaCrone were appointed dele­ gates to the County Sunday school convopitton this week. The Clifton Cornet Band is making splendid progress and is a dource of pride to the whole community. Threi of our -boys, Omer Sparrow, Otis Ta ' nehlU and Mack Anderson, are mem­ bers* Continue -the work for the Sabbath school I t is the most productive de­ partment of church activity. Come and bring others and search the Scrip­ tures as Christ commanded ue. The young people getting out of school will now be expected to mako an especially great effort to the work of tbe church, What can the young people do? Remember tbe PreebyterSal a t Co­ lumbus Are you going to the city? Plan, to go a t that time, A fine audience gathered at the opera house Sabbath evening -for the baccalaureate sermon by Dr. Ritchie. anthi Walter Roohoff is Ih shal and- will fill the >f R. W. Ken-non. T was made Tuesday by The new official gave mount of $500 secured box and W. H, Barber been employed at the plant-for several moo lously been engineer stone crusher plant a t -y, Rochoff not -only b« but street comhiisslouei glneer of the fire depar DEPUTY MARSHAt HISFII (box deputy mar :pired term -ppojpitmenf or W’olford ond to -the W, J. Tar- Rochoff has lumber -Wing prev- the Spam ie O'rr quari meg marshal nd chief en- ent. CEB a r r e B t . Deputy. Marshal first arrest soon after Tuesday. As a resu lt! vestigatioms by Trosec Detectives Matthews er,- of the State Liquc C. M. Hidgway is char ing a place from J-anu May 2C, 1914. The <tr| -June 16 to Mayor Wolfe :i made his sworn in if -recent in- >r Johnson, C. ,1* Bow- Jommlsaion, With keep- 1, 1913, to to set for I's -court, will usE C rushed i STONrf & Where Marl. Deposit* able the Lime Stone tp Supply -Lime Recent investigation the Greene County Imj 30clation show that thej tensive deposits of parts of Greene county! covers, a number of, at iioa to these deposits i merpUs small depoa throughout the county, ‘ The value o f this turaJ purposes has on the farmers With i number of -test® a r e . which this deposit to ’ upon th e soil of the ground -or burned Um« ThSg development numerous -xequseto throughout the teounty tous to knew if- theto, to order to produce yield. Quite % m to. ON FARMS Nqt.%Waif- il| be Used Soil. j. ir . jduoted by jvetoont A»- a re four,ex-, to dirferent '. of which to addi- sre are nn- scathered "1 fOr agricul- pressed up- resu lt, that ig made in Placed expensive altoA to farmers t.jime FLOWER MISSION PROGRAM FOR TUE8DAY, JUNE 9- Jail and. police station will be to charge -of the A, C. Turrell Union. 10:30 a, in-, workhouse, Old Town, South 6ide Bffie Garter, YeHOw Spring# and Cedarvllle Union., « 12 m-, infirmary, Xenia, Spring Val­ ley, Wilbarforce, Fairfield, McCIellon, Bowerayillo and Oabom Unions, 1:30 p, m-» Children'a Home, Beil brook, Jameetown-and Beaver Unions, Hospital, Anna Clark, iCedarville No, 2, Jamlspn and Ross township unions. The union flrBt named will be re­ sponsible for -the services at that place, All unions -will meet a t the noon hour tor lunch on the lawn. Each union will please -bring 25c to help pay for the treat. "MR& D, S. ERVIN, F. M, Supt, We wish to thank a)l thbse who took p a rt in th e exercises of Memorial Day, especially Rev. J , S; E. McMlchael for his fine address, Currie Post « . A. G, Bona of Veterana iATTENTION! GAS CONSUMERS.! ^ ep avowed , No Gas Sunday, June 7. Repairs on the gas main will he made Sun­ day and to do th is it will be neces­ sary to shu t off the g&s between the hours of 7 a. m. and 4 p. m. Tfia Oiilo Fuel Supply Co. COURT NEWS. HorseShow NextWeek. TJbe seventh annual horse show In Springfield, O.,. will be held next Wednesday- Thursday and- Friday a t the Clark county F a ir grounds. , Springfield is one of the few inland cities th a t has supported such an annual attraction year aftbr year, Of all the cities "that hold horse shows there are few exhibitors of saddle horses bu t th a t prefer t-he Springfield show. This always means large entries from- tbe finest stables in the county. 1 The shows will be held each alter- noon and tickets and reservations cart be had a t Troupe’s drug store, cOrner.Main and Fountain Ave. Cedarvllle in the past has always b e ta interested in the Springfield show and a liberal attendance is promised th is season. ' Lovers of good bo rim should not fa il to a t ­ tend the,exh ib it nex t week. Two suits were filed In the Common Pleas court Monday evening by W. IJ, Barber os administrator- do bonis non with tbe -will -annexed of James B. Gregg deceased. One suit is against John A. Harblson et al for the collec­ tion of note for $650 signed by Jpbn A. Harblson. and fti. A. Horibi- son with Interest at 7 -per -cent' from -September 22, 1906, less ft credit -of $59.&4.‘ In the second suit the plain­ tiff asks the court to determine the interest of the deceased. James B. Gregg, In certain -real estate left by him to order that plaintiff may sell the same and divide same among heirs. The defendants in- the second suit a te Wm. B. Greg-£, e t al.. This section was vis1!ted With a light rain Monday that was produc­ tive ofmuch good to man, beast and Crops after a three-weeks- drought The Tain 1>rougbf 'cooler weather for a day or so. The greatest relief was noticed owing to an,(absentee of the dust that has filled everything and covered every,object tor weeks. It has been to your eyes, hair, mouth, and on most every article you eat. Relief in another way is doming soon, the application of oil to the- streets that has been so -long sought by every­ body. . „ On Monday afternoon ike County Commissioners took up the drinur Cm* sheep killed in the county by dogs during the past year. With too ex­ ception of seeyen all the .claim* ware allowed, as -filed. The seven referred to were cut on the ground that toft claims exceeded the valuation place ! Iupon the sheep for taxation. In al- j.lowing these claims the Commission­ ers abide by a rule to allow not over 0 ^6 for each sheep killed unless they are on -the tax duplicate for a. greater sum. The claims v ^ l be ready for payment on Saturday of this week. The amount of toe claims allowed- and the person to whom they were allowed a re as fellows: J. P. Paullin, R obs tp„ $18,00; U. <*, Biefert, Xenia tp., *12,-00; A. SI. Peterson, Spring Valley, $1?,00; IV. H. Lafckey, Ross tp., -$9:00; J, S. Thoma*, $12.00; Mrs. EUa WaSthall, $12,00; John G. Turner, $21.00; Andrew Bro«., $65.00; Arch Anderson, \$5,00; Paul Butcher, $5.00; -Walter Chandler, $7,50; Thompson Crawford, $36.00; J. O. and F, L. Early, $7.50; C. N. Fudge. $25.00; Jessie G, Gowdy, $75,00; Moses ,A. Hagler, $58.65; W. E. Harblson, $16.50; Alonzo Johnson, $11.20; James Jones, $0.00; E. S, Kelly, $123.00; G. F, Mai- - low, $6.00; J, A. Mercer, $10,00; S, M, Murdock, $10.00; John -McGam^bellt, $22.50; McCollum Bros.. $12;O0; John A. MteCIain, $30,00; J.’ A. Peterson, $6.00; N. L. Ramsey $24.00; Wta, Rife, $18.50; C. ‘R. RS-tenour, $5.00: James Roberts, $12.00; ®, L.. Ross, $40,00; John Shepard, $27.50; C. Q. Shirk, $70.00; Ottis Q. Smith, $5.Q0; Alvin 'S-t John, $5.00;‘ J. C. Stormont, $5.00; Alex. Turnbull, $18.00; JH. A. Turnbull, -$4,00; S. K, WilljanSaon> $23.00; Frank Townsley, $18.00. SIEGLER RETAINED.. ROYAL BAKING POWDER A im o lu to l# P u re A im * fu ie ly A m m mukmtttuim Many mixtures are offered as „* 5jubsitltute5 for Royal. No other baking powder is the same in composition or effectiveness! or so wholesome and economical; riof w ill make such flue food. Royal Is the only Baking Powder made from Royal drape Cream of Tartar MpN* Prof. Geo. Slegler, instructor of music in our public schools during the past term, has been retained by the 'hoard of education for the en­ suing term, Prof, Slegler has given entire satisfaction to the patrons of the -district and the action of the hoard will meet -with their approval r --South Charleston Sentinel, TENT FOR 8 ALE. One of the finest walled teflte made about twenty -foot square. Never used but once and in the beet condition, In­ quire at this office. LEGAL NOTICE. Common' P leas Court, Greene County, Ohio, Bernice E. Baker, Plaintiff, Vs. H a rry B , Baker, Defendant, H a rry E . Baker, Defendant In abov# entitled action, la s t known place ofjraiddeRCp Ne 9 tohe,KanML*( will take notice .tha t on the 22nd day of April, 1914, said plaintiff filed In the Common Pleas Conrt, of Greene Connty, Ohio, her petition for divorce against him upon the grounds of gross neglect of duty a rnH h a t the same will’be for hear m g a t the Court House in Xenia on and a fte r June 8th, 1914, by which date defendant . must answer or demurt© stvid peHtion of judgment mhy he taken against him . »»»mm J 6 , BAxajt lime while neighboring farina or even certain field* of the same farm are found to have an. abundance of lime for all agricultural needs. There a r e probably no more'Certain indications of the -abundance of lime than to© condition of -the clover crop, A remarkable example of this was observed upon the farm of Mr. J. C, Stormont, near Cedarvllle.) Ther'west side, of a Jange clover field is now growing a perfect" stand of red -clover with no -weeds growing among it, while on the other side of the field hiit little clover is to be seem with numerous weeds end plantain cover­ ing the ground. The owner reports this field equally well drained In all parts and the only difference observ­ ed was that th e part of the field grow­ ing clover had an abundance of lime while the other part of the field was tucking in lime.. The same difference may be observed upon this farm in- a field of alfalfa which, sbojys the name difference as the red clover and evi­ dently due to the same cmise, • During -the day spent la this neigh­ borhood visiting farms in company with Mr. D. S. Williamson, evidence et the need of line was found upon parts of each of -the farms visited. There is an old stone quarry upon the farm of Mr, Williamson from which many thousand tons of lime stone have been thrown aside while quarrying for building stone. This stone has been sent to the Experi­ ment Station for analysis and should It prove of good quality arrange­ ments will probably be made by fann­ ers In the neighborhood to have them’ ground for use upofi- their farms. If the plan of grinding the stone near the farm can be worked out it will result in considerable saving to the farmers 4n to e purchase of lime. The mart which does not have to be ground before bring applied to the soil does not appear in ie neighbor­ hood of Cedarvllle, and for this rea­ son limestone would otherwise -have to be shipped from points Where the stone is being ground unless i t can lu- secured in this co-operative -way. It will be necessary to dispose of 200 tons of Mmeatone to induce toe owner of a stone crusher to place his machine in Mr. Williamson^ quar­ ry. Any farmers Who are interested In this proposition may either call Mr. Williamson Or toe office of the Greene County improvement Associa­ tion a t Xenia for further Information. \V. M. CkRJK, county Agent. P U R IN A C H IC K F EED Savo* your chicks. Try It. B ird 's Mammoth 1 tor* be in Cedarvllle for the collection ef taxes June Id, 1914, from 9:80 a . . m. to * :8 0 p . m. J , H , M o V av , Treasurer, —Fresh bread, pies and cakes every day a t the Gedarvllle Bakery. G. W, Miles, proprietor M E N 'S E A S E Work Shoos th« best work ehpe on the market. We guarantee every pair we sell to give satis­ faction. B ird 's Mammoth Store- Summer is here" to stay, so you should buy “ Hot Weather” clothing See Our Palm Beach Suits are Cqol land Comfortable U im rlavv irAaw ” We have every kind and size ia. u i m a e r w e a r pr0xokmt, b . v . d . and Bai- briggin. ’ - C fu Q1,7 | l ^ f „ Our hats range .from 50 c to $6.00 m I m i W r i a l S in all the different"straws. t We are eitelusiYd repj*eseintativ.e& of th( NOTICE! Don't forget we keep our suits PRESSED one year FREE. HOME Clothing Co. Trade at Home Cedarvile, Ohio If tha ta rlS goes an again W ATCH S U G A R jump In prioe. Better Buy new lie oheap at S1.25 per lb saok, ' j B ird 's Mammoth Store INSURANCE. Now is the t-ima to look out foir your insurance, both Fire and Tor-! nado. I rapresent The Natural Fire Insurance Company, TJie New | Underwriters, The (jueert of Ameri-! ca, The Pennsylvania, Fire Insur - 1 anoe Company- Combined, assets $58,000,000.00- | ............... .. ........ -ARimfcw J ackson . Fainting and Rubber Tires At Wolford'i SAFE LOANS Ask any man that knows and he will tell you that a first mortgage is the safest of any kind of security. The only way t o release it is “to pay the debt which it secures. Every loan made by The Springfield Building and Loan Association is secured by a first mort­ gage on good real estate in Clark County, Ohio. • ■ >Q Depositors Receive 1 Dividends Resources over $3-000-000.00 Deposits made on or bsfore Jun e 6 ,19x4, w ill bear interest from June 1* xgl 4, - # ^ - THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. 23 EAST MAIN Sr., SSRINOFIELD, OHIO CPU- - f ,