The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 1-26

* f & O u t 3db ,votfcwil. compare wM | h & t of m y other firm-..,. ^ Tfc!l hiSi %S»tyftjafK€Hl$u%*h i> de*, dm*?wttint a ' lion i* past du? *nd a ;'p>i»pt *ei- |ilwaret ;* earceitly desired, . SSSSSN*: THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR, NO. 3. CEDARVJLLE, 0 » FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1014. PRICE, IU00 A YEAR CLIFTON U, P. CHURCH CHIMES, Did you aotica Sewatary KeWey's remark (that th® votwt at *ii auaUkos —is that of "’fining; nothia* *e*t we nuke a. 'jaSMake'’? Carey P. RKabte, *(dv» w * president ot the C. I?, will lead next Sabbath evening. Tire enrollment iin tire Sabbath school the last jdx mouths Was 328, a gain of 31 eeliolura over Iasi yew. In Clifton, Cedarvllle and (Sciring- fleld, lying is bad, stealing is woree, murder the topmost crime, yet the grtafcwrt, sin ol all sins, is the turning flows* of the fioor of God, At the annual meeting of the con­ gregation William Ferguson -was re­ elected swporintendeivt of the Sabbath fichooi, and Oriand BitchUe,;asalstant. Mr. J, B. Kite waa re>cleetcd trtaa« nrer of 'the congregation for anotfoM term of three yews. Mr. Charles Finney-was re-etoctod trustee o f the congregation for an other term of five years. ' Mise Alice Haney was re-fllactor secretary of the Sabbath- wpfcoqi ana Mack Anderson, treasurer, t\y>e preached on “Total Depravity’* -last SnWbaithnna will- ®pt-he surprised if itho Young Daily "Acrosis ithO',Way -should declare It a real good doctrine if thq people *would‘ oply- lire up to It; Dr. W. S, Harper, a former 'pastor of the Cltfton congrOgatlon. haa a very sensilble ariitele on. “ Bnfob." in last week’s United 'Presbyterian. - Go. Go, carefully, for there are sOuls at -stake. .Go without care, for He careth for you. Go feeling that the time is; short and that the King^1.busi­ ness 'requires haste.. Go in- the-spirit of peace. Go contentedly/ Go to help. Go with a definite 'message.' If'Satanhimself were to call a con­ vention of (all the haters' of humanity, ■ of iall the cold-bloodedand cxniel spirits on earth or Iinhell, nobody Would be­ lieve 'that the combined counsel of their evil intelligence would ever be able .to devise anything more effec­ tive in its power to destroy home-life Gian the licensed' liquor saloon. tV'e ought to be glad. Bight hund­ red times the lord says in His Word, “Be Glad in the lord,” “Rejoice 1Greatly," “Shout for Joy." Are you playing the- “ glad" game? We heartily , eympathiise with all who were 'hindered from .attending 'Colonel Bain's lecture. They missed a great treat. Sugar Creek, congregation is keep­ ing a record of -the attendance of Its membersat the Sabbath services1. What kind ,» f a record do you propose to make during 1911? One>weakness in the life of many Christians ia a lack Of definite .pur­ pose. Plan something and'do d.t. CMf- -■ton United Presbyterians, we trust will eheh undertake some definite task during 19i4; If One plan: falls, devise another, but-do something. > Secretary Kelsey insists, that plenty Of shoe -leather is a splendid Harvest, ment in the campaign1 for souls. If in any ■ other service of life you -want a thing- you -go after it. The same plan works hero* . Tact and .iinteSUdgont‘pfo- -eentatlon of the ’Claims of Christ; with, -a genuine 'Christian*spirit wCll win many. Bu't' do not forget it' must bp done personally, - . (Mr. El ’G, ‘Corey Is*- doing time on the jury at Springfield, this week. Mrs. John A: Gregg andi non, Wil­ liam (Carey, returned to Philadelphia Thursday of /this week, latter a two weeks’ visit at the parsonage It is a tnost unfortunate and com­ plete misnppfeheu&loit of Galvanism to say that it teachers only a few shall 'be saved; that children dying in infancy are lost; that men are as had by nature as Whey can, be. totally de­ praved in the sense tkej can be ne worse; that the doctrine-of election' Is the equivalent' of fatalism.; 'be fair -In the -presentation ol Galvanism. ’ The decrees of God are all carried out 'by means adapted- thereto and' pre­ determined. Galvanism joins mednd to ends. Dr. RItlehie -conducted the funeral of Mrs, -Anna Hamilton; at the M: E. church, Monday, at 2 p. hi. . Interment Was da the Clifton cemetery.>- Rev. J, A. Harper writes; the pas­ tor (from Maville, Inch; “We. had a fine Hew Year's dinner at the church with IDO .present, -We have the base­ ment finished and- had the prayer meeting there and had 35 present; it is so much more comfortable than the auditorium tor the small' meetings. We will have the men’s Bible class there next Sabbath.” - 'Messrs. Geo. W. Rife, A. L. Fetgu- ebn, Ohartea Finney, O, 'E. Bmdfute and J. B. Rttfe are a committee to ascertain the probable coat of excavat­ ing and arranging a room In the base­ ment of the chtirch tor social pur­ poses. . . William Ferguson and W. V. Ritch­ ie have returned to their studies in Xenia Theological Seminary. The- Womcrih Missionary Society will meet Wednesday At the church at 2:30. Mrs, Jennie F. Ritchie and Miss Clara Kyle arc the leaders. Dr. and Mrs. Ritchie -andMrs, J, A, Gregg were entertained1 tor dinner at the homo of Mr, and Mrs, 'Charles Finney last Tuesday, Miss Helen -Bradfute has been out of school tor «. week, but at this writ­ ing is able to again resume her stud- Paul Waddell Rife, ’ oulsa Crablll and Joseph Waddle, Jr„ have aUbeen very* eielc children for the last ten days. At this writing we are hopeful they will all recover. •Mr. Will-tem Knox, Who is making his home with -his son-, Bay, during the winter, was visiting friends atound Clifton last Monday. The pastor will- continue the series of Wrtorte*! sermons, the theme next (Sabbath 'being “Thu Psalms in His- iMise Mae Corey from the County ChttdteftV Home, at Xqjrifo was writ* .in# home folks the first of the week .for several- day*. Mr. W. V. Ritchie returned Tues­ day from: & four-week® trip to.New fine congregation gathered, last CMWttb, notwftbstamlifig sickness in Margaret tiogsett, ofJamey- fown, rtettod her parents, Mr. and Mr*. Charles Finney, recently. U rl ikmim tVrflhw Aud Missliat- tie Tumor have been fddM to the j-Mtulwr tysgWn#'totro of thej^btoth srttoM. 'Miss ■ " t t f j a s M S s a t f a i t . held Wednesday at 1:30. Subject, “Tho Lord of Gtory." Plea.' 24:7-10, Beariou will meed Wednesday at the -pastor’s study at 2:30, A toll (attend­ ance la desired. NATIONAL Constitutional Prohibition Amendment Pay- The -greatest anil most far-reaching campaign ever waged against the li­ quor traffic to now in progress. AH lawful means available are to be brought into tervice, but believing the cause to -the Lord's ami that with­ out Hto favor it cannot succeed, Thursday, January 15, ■ has been se; apart as *- day of fasting and prayei throughout the nation. The meeting here will be held Ii. the Reformed Presbyterian church, on Mato; street, 'beginning at 10 o’clock and continuing through the day. A program! ha* been arranged, und the miffltoter* in town and others will take pari/ The churches., and all who debire-(the.destruction, of the traffic are' urged, to be present and-join In, the - services,. , 'Committee. If you believe the liquor traffic Is the work of thd devil and that Jesus Christ -dame to destroy Ids works, Come to the R. P. church. Thursday and unite in asking Him- to. help ns to do it soon. We are the instruments Hq usee. ■ i BRADFUTE LEFT . FOR WEST VIRGINIA. William Bradfute, who,-'for some several-years has been • Officer, resigned his poSltutra. Thurs­ day -morning and Thursday evening left for Jaeger, ‘West Virginia, where he has- a position in. the Western Coal Co. .mines, and which are man­ aged by his 'brother. -Mr. Bradfute was accompanied by. his son,- Paul. They expect to bo followed soon by the family, but probably -not until spring. When asked as to a successor tc Mr. Bradfute, Mayor Ooffey stated chat asr he had only received. Mr, (Jradfute's reef-gnatlon •Thursday morning, he had not thought of - n successor until he conferred with the board of heatth.—Washington G. H. Record Republican. 3ANDLES SAVS • COOK WILL REMAIN- 'President A, >P, 'Sandies, In a per- sonal Interview with’ several Greehe -County men Monday afternoon, as- mrhd .thepo,-that County-Agent Cook and the Gfedne County Improvement Association have the hearty support of the Commission. The delegation, consisting of. -Oscar. B. Bradfute, W. B,-Bryson, J. B, Eavey, -W. M. Hard­ man, P. H. Flynn, and. Austin Pat-' tereon went to Columbus to see the Oomndaeion as a result o f mmors that Mr. Cbak wnh to be repteoed'-hy-. mmeono elee. . Mr. 'Cook has (recently declined; an. offer from a county Sin Missouri- to become county agent at a much burg-: hr salary than he ia now receiving, on account of Ma interest in Hie Greene County work, and the local men felt that, there should he no doixbt -as to the security of his posi­ tion, Thi3 uncertainty is now happily disposed, of. President Sandies expressed the hope that a large delegation would go up from Greene County to attend the State meeting on Wednesday and Thursday of tilts week. On Wed­ nesday evening the subject of coun­ ty experimental- farms was dis­ cussed-. a topic which is just now of general interest throughout the state. TWO BIG DEALS IN RBAL ESTATE CLOSED. TWO pig real estate deals were placed on- record In the office of the County Recorder, of Greene county Friday, involving a total of 80.7 acres of land in Greene and Clark coun­ ties. Mrs. Josephine Baldwin, of Xenia, sold her farm of 606 acres- In Sugar Creek'township, to Dr. Wil­ liam H, Graham, of South’ Charles­ ton, the consideration being $32,000. In turn Dr, Graham has disposed of a farm of 20t acres located in Greene and Clark counties to John Turnbull, of CedarvITTe. The price paid tor this farm wae $20,150. Fifty-nine acres of the last named farm are lo­ cated in. Greene county and the re­ mainder is located in Clark county. PUBLIC SALE. Having rented my farm, sell at public sale on the promises, one- half mile south of 'Clifton, Gfeene county, Ohio, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1914, At 10:00 o’clock, n, m.t 6—Head of Horae*—6 Black mare, 11 years old, sound, good worker and a single -liner; sor­ rel mare, It years old, sound, good worker, In foal by Robuste De ZilKck (Belgian); hay mare, coming 4 years old, sound, good worker and will (make single liner, sired by Prince Albert (Belgian); hay gelding, 20 years old, good for several year* on the farm: black driving mare, 20 year® old, good for iriany a mile yet; mare colt, 10 months old by day of sale (Belgian), 6—Head of Cattle—6 Two Jersey cows—one to be fresh in March,- the other giving good flow of milk; two fat Cows-; one yearling heifer; 1 yearling steer. 63—Shoats—63. Thirty of them ready to ratten; S3 pigs, part of them just weaned. Farm Implement*, Farm wagon, platform wagon, man­ ure spreader, McCormick binder, Mc­ Cormick mower, hay -tedder, hay rake, disc drill, disc barrow (tandem); Held roller, com planter, ear com slicer, corn shelkr, breaking plow, cultiva­ tors, barrow, drag and other irople incuts, work harness, driving harness man’s saddle, collars, bridles, JiaUera, etc, 600 Buahel* Corn In Crib. 10 Ton* Mixed Hay In Mow. Terin» -Made known on day of »ftTe. OLIVER GARLOUGH. R, B, (lorry, Auctioneer, (J. F. StewArt, clerk. ......... Lunch S*rved by Ynunfl Ladle*' Ml** siunary Oeclriy, Pr**byteri*rt Church, Pneumonia Claims Young Son. Little Joseph Waddle, the twenty months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Eluier Waddle died Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock after suffer­ ing nine days with pneumonia. The death of the little one Is the first in the family of father, mother t,wo sisters and two brothers. The ^areata have the sympathy of a argo circle of relatives and friends m their first bereavement. Thefuncrat was held this morn­ ing rrom\the residence, burial in Springfield. Notice New Owners for Xenia .Republican The Xenia Dally Republican, owned by Dr. Austin PatterBon, has been sold to a company composed ol W, D. Wright, George Little, Leon Spabr, Postmaster Frank Orrftnd Frank Ridenour. Dr. Austin retires failing health. Mr. Ridenour has arisen from- re- portei’ to managing editor on the Gazette and his -work has com­ manded the attention of the public aud newspaper fiatftrnity. At, the expiration of Mr. Orr’s term as postmaster he will assume the busi­ ness management. ■ SUFFRAGE. When the Suffrage women waite'd on President Wilson, after his re­ fusal to.recommend the cause to congress in his message, he recivetl them very courteously. He placed before them very plainly the reason why lie could not make the question apartofh is message, namely that hi party had not made it a part ol Its latform. But when, assured them that ft had lus hearty approv­ al, and that when he was inter­ viewed uponv the subject hertiad advised iv.specia.1 committee on the questions the same ns the Senate had, he succeeded in .capturing their hearts and jthey left in good humor with the president. Some of the anti Auffragegts in their seal to defeat the caused, have matte .Jhft .ISBartrep. IbA _ suffrage in California has set bao the cause . of temperance. They should have attended the Dry" Con- vention In Los Angeles and wit­ nessed the 'enthusiasm that pre­ vailed among the ixiore than 16,060 delegates present as they discussed the campaign for state-wide prohi­ bition, The only question was whether the voting should be in 1914 or 10. Almost unanimously 1914 was, the date agreed upon. Already they are busy getting Initiative petitions circulated. There is very little doubt but by next autumn tho props will be knocked from under that argument. ' M. M. CHURCH SERVICES. R. P, CHURCH, MAIN STREET, I 1 Teachers’ meeting, 7 p. m. Satur­ day. Sabbath School, 9:30 a, m.. Sab­ bath. Preaching 10:30 a. m, and 0:30 p. oi., Sabbath by Mr. G. S. Gladfelter, a senior in Xenia Theological semi­ nary. 0 . E. Prayer meeting, 6:80 p. m., Sabbath, Subject, ‘Ambitious Encleavorcrs’ ’. Scripture, 2 Timoth 2:15, Prayer meeting, 7 p m., Wednes­ day. Subject, "The Lord of Glory’1 Scripture, Psalm 24:6 10, U. P. CHURCH. Sabbath School al 0:30, Preaching by the pastor at 10:80 Siibjeci—"Lion8, Adders and Dragons.” Y . P. C. U, at 5:30. Leader, Harry Bird. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 : 00 . $100 Rewards $100. The readers of this paper will bo please- tolearn that tiieve is af least one dreaded tlUoasethat science has been able io ourein all (to stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is thoonly positive corenow known to tlio medical fraternity. Catarrh bring a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh CUreis takeninternally, noting directly up on theblood and mucoussurrncca of system thereby destroying the foundation of the disditW, andgivibg the patient strength by building up the constitution and tfssBting naturein doing Itswork, The proprietors bavcaomucli faith hi it& curttlre powers, hat Wny ofler one Hundred Dollars for any emit! that It fails to cure. 8 ctwl for #st o tesMriohids. Addtm. F. J, CHFXEY A Co, Toleda O. Sold by BtoRdU, 76 c, U’a Family Pills are the best, General V1*W ole IL Hothlng so need*.reforming ab oth­ er people’* habits.—Pndd'nhead Wil* Son. Winter Sale e Elder Starts Saturday, January 17th. A* ston Co*, ) It’s oar Winter Dayton, Ohio Biggest and best by far will be this Sale, for in our preparation to enter the enlarged new addition, buyers are instructed to clear stock regardless of sacrifice. Clearance ai)4 Removal Sale beyoi It’s a Period of Bargains Never Before Equaled. >u will reap a harvest of eepnomies that will surprise you any event ever known in Dayton, Come and see. 5HARLES MOWS? BECOMES , CHIfF TAX DEPUTY. Deputy Tax (Dcmteetotver Henry J, Farrell has mafia ors*-appointment that if followed besps ministration- of -the far as they relite - Mower was for f-ounty Treasurer .different political roll. Mr, Mo-wer’a osrieiice in,- tire qt Icq makes’ him a Mr. FarriU, much- for file ad- new tax laws so this county. .Mr. rly assistant to h-ieve, -.and. is of; th .than Mr, Far- lillty and past ex- ity trea-surer’s of- lued assistant to FOUR OFFICIAL&JWERE INDICTED BY GRAND JURY. t 'Grcen-e county slon ns a result ul luvestlgati'on, •if the official® m Barktnan, preawferitl ■nresldent; !C, 'G/Jt BTM&nk, a fiive all inflicted on $v| receiving fixipoeita that the bank was . Barinqan, Sm*6h‘ indicted on 179 tion of funds to 1 Dayton., tern*. Buyth* Drug Store,. the largest oes- jlho (Osborn Bank a result tour Indicted; J. H, I. ‘C. Smith, vice- on, -cashier; H. These fourwere ■count* • each, for tieii they know olvent. Jackson were tor mimpplica.- ireeli 'Company^ isterman* OYSTERS1 OYSTERS! Leave your order for nice, fresh ones received each Tuesday, and Saturday! C. M. Speucer. C l o t h e s ot all kinds D RY CLEANED at HOME Clothing Co. Fresh OYSTERS at C. M. Spencer’S. January Clearance Sale The Great Annual Event now in full swing, and Saturday billed for the Big Day. We Pay Your Railroad or Traction Fare • Roth There is, no reason why you should not avail. r ■n o w . W e will refund} your "fare ana the trip a nothing. Fit Boy* for Business. When a boy undertakes to learn the grocery business in Prague, Bohemia, his employer demands from $20 to $60 • a year from him and to return furnish- 1 cs board und clothes. Tho lad must i attend an advanced business school at least twice a week and on Sunday* study an additional language. FOR INDIGESTION AND OYSPEPSIA . Boys’ Clothing J As it is our usual custom to close out goods at the end of each season, we £ are offering you some HARE BARGAINS in WINTER CLOTHING. These £ consists largely of HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX make and are good values at £ the FORMER PRICE. You should therefore take advantage of this ^ though you may not need them for immediate use. I £ $ $ 25.00 and $22.00 $20.00 and $18.00 $16.50 and $15.00 Suits and Overcoats, Now. Suits and Overcoats, Now .................... . Suits and Overcoats, Now. $12.50 and $10.00 Suits and Overcoats, Now ., Come to Springfield and the Jiig Store Saturday. R EL IEVES SOUR STOMACH. EELOHINC. STO. K. C * P *W IT T OV COMPANY. CH IRA r.n , »*r»_ W W A V V Y . ‘A Y A * A W . V / A WA%YAVV% ,//A r .V Y .V A Y A V A :.Y J W /A V \ W A W J V V ,VY.". V .’ A V . Y W W . Y / A W A W W * fClearance Sale of Men’s and offer even $ 12.65 $ 8.75 ** SPECIAL! Wo have some odds and ends of Boys’ Clothing that we are \* ■ closing out at COST end below. Sj copyrtgt-. n*« stb.mtt teu*tn | Our same generous offer applies to this Sale—WE keep your Suits PRESSED one year FREE. t The Qualify Store Trade at HOME HOME Clothing Company | C E D A R V IL L E , O H IO WVWVWUWVWWVWVWWWWWlAft^^ % W .V V W V V V Y w .v .w ,v w v v »