The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

P«!»t Is lUpM money* Yon spread ft oyer your house and then sun, wind, rain and dust beat upon It in the effort to wear it out and get at the wood. Bye and bye you have to do it all over again —but less often with Hanna’s G reen Seal Paint | Entered at the PoBt-Office, Cedar- ’ iHe, October 81, 1887, as second ( Massmatter, than with others. When you think of the cost of paint and painting, remember that one- third is paint and two-thirds labor. ^ It costs more to put on a poor paint than • good one. Use the paint that lasts longest. FOR SALK BY KERR & HASTINGS BROS, kr*- Schmidt Helps You to Enjoy Life at Ithe Least Cost Our Prices’! Schmidt's Old 'Hickory Flour, 25 lb sack for... .75c Schmidt'S Ocean Light Flour, 25 lb. sack for..... 70 Country Cured Bacon„..18c Breakfast Bacon; per lb.;. 2 Fancy Sugar Cured Ham, l b ............................... 18 California and Picnic Hams, per l b , .... ..... ..1(1 African Java Coffee, per lb .... ^..................... 22 Fo r Fr iday and Saturday 29c • a * * • • 4 * « mm w >■•■»•* q/ » > % • . .% ft. , 22c .w. i» • a • • W jU V Creamery Butter per pound......... Potatoes Per Bushel . Butternut Bacon PerP ound . . , . * « «♦ • Elo and Java Blend per lb..'....................................24 Klo Coffee per lb.. -26 Sugar, Per 25 lb. Sack . . . ft :• ft « . ft• ft Gold Medal Flour 25 lb. Sack. . . . . , $ 1 .0 7 ,75c S ton e ’s Cakes Received Fresh Da ily A Car Load of Seed -• . - . . .• ./. ,t 4 _■ ■ . •■ Potatoes of a ll Kinds H. E. Schmidt Co . ' Who lesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohio. Hutchison &Gibney The Season’s Splendid Assortment of Ready-to-Wear Garments and S ilk Coats, Silk Suits, Dresses, W a is ts , Petticoats S P R IN G C O A T S Swell N ew Styles H O U S E D R E S S E S , Gingham Dresses Children’s Rompers •jt v Plain and F an cy Underwear, all N ew Goods. 4 Dress Goods in Voiles, R ice Crepe, Mattarte, Ratine, Messaline, Silk, Taffeta, Chene Foulard Silk inall shades and trimmings to match. Carpet Departm ent The very latest style Rugs, Mattings from Importers, Linoleum in different grades. Window Shades in all widths, 25c up. Hutchison & Gibney X en ia , Ohio . H ats you bought a yachting cap yet? Be «ur« you’re wrong before yen back up. "* ■ Many persona mistake activity for efficiency. , Waste little time arguing with peo­ ple who don’t care, Brains can moke money, but money can’t make brains. Most of ns can see a sorrow twice as far away as a blessing. There’s always room at the top for those who prefer an attic. We have seen no reports of weddings Among the Engllsb stiffragettesr Many a man’s reputation is based on what isn’t found out about him. -A man is -never too busy to listen when the lady on the dollar talks. How many-Americans would recog­ nize the Mexican fiag if they saw It? There’s no use In worrying, and there is no use in telling people there use. To start things coming your way pretend that you have already an abundance. . Two of our old warships may be sold to Greece. Scrap I i ' od is appropriate in the Balkan belt. If a young mdD has money to burn any number of anxious mothers try to band him a match. Only chance to get even with these persistent fruit crop killers 1 b to get them to run for office. / Pronouncing the names of thoseMex­ ican towns must be worse than taking them by force of arms. One thing French cabinets do with ease and grace; and that Is resign. Practice makes perfect. The wireless telephone is almost here. Inventors should go to work on tbfrwireless dictaphone. The government has opened war on the master plumbers, a -call for volun­ teers would brehk nil records. One touch of nature may make .the whole world kin, but some ulka al­ ways got in tbo.J’popr cousin” class. Ope man held that all domestic mat­ ters should be left entirely to the wife and that talking was a domestic mat­ ter. Do hot wait for a Qashligbt before doing something or getting somewhere (n which to show up as a result of the flashlight, 'f Man is be o martyr. If be wears his coat lu summer be Is a mar­ tyr to heat, and if he takes It off be is a martyr to fasblou. One advantage of summer is that it destroys the temptation to attempt to thaw out frozen dynamite in the oven of the kitchen stove. Why should a man pay $10,000 to become a professor In Gcrffia v when he can open a dancing school In this country for nothing? The suffragists’ treatment of Ring George emphasizes the need of a so dety for the prevention of cruelty to constitutional monarchy. Since Professor Langley’s old airship tins been persuaded *o fly the original holders of Keely motor stock arc be ginning to take courage. The baby hippo at the New fork zoo was christened Kongo, Whereupon its mother ate the floral gifts. The eter­ nal feminine sweet tooth! The Panama canal, In addition to its other distinctions, will be remembered as the work that made the Hay- Paunoefote treaty famous, LESSON FOB. JULY 5 THE LABORERS IN THE VINE- YARD, LESSON TEXT-Matt, 20:1-10.. GOLDEN TEXT—“ Ho makoth his mm to rise on the evil and on the good, nnd eendeth rain on the Just and on the un­ just," Matt. G:45, Uncle Sam Is a pretty good sport, but 1 he would hesitate a long time before i consenting to swap Huerta and Villa for the British suffragettes. Geographies are being revised at such a great rate nowadays that the graduate cad no longer state with any degree of confidence tbnt “beyond the Alps lies Italy," A German professor has demon­ strated the fact that birds can iiy with cut brains. Men who have tried to im­ itate the birds in this respect have Al­ ways paid deariy for It. Admiral Peary Is to map ihe air cur­ rents for the government Will Dr, Cook produce n map of the same sort that he has been making In spare mo­ ments during his travels? » . T / _ T 1 K a d o l «>«.*•ibotlftit1' 'tW' uonmijr W « **»a*t fill MfBBdycto *»*««/. «Trtr j V k I. j V today. Oil thl* gnarantm, y.-,s k ———tl*tdfh0«V*lerat Hitt# t,tpMtth*94* <parehM. *ses m*umi*% 8 &‘ Z% * 8 S.' 28 %Sg£ IT vhi U, m* C. »®W iT ir «V CJChMS’AWY. CUIOAGOi 114U Conversation by wireless phone in rrnnee Is reported to have been ichleved at a distance of 150 miles, lint will anybody believe that a French C)iiversatlon was carried on out of eye- Jlght? This is another lesson connected with our Lord’s Perean ministry. ' I. The Calls to Service, vv. 1-7, To get*a correct setting wo must re­ turn to Peter’s Question, 19:17, which In turn grow out of our Lord’s deal­ ings with the rich young ruler (see lesson of June 21st), and which called from Jesus the exclamation, “It Is hard for a rich nfamto enter the king­ dom of heaven" (19:23). At this tlie disciples were exceedingly surprised and exclaimed, “Who then can be saved?'’ (v. 25). Jesus replied, “With God all tilings are possible.'*’ There­ upon Peter said,.“Lo, we have left all and followed thee; wlmt then shall we have?” The young man refused to leave his all and follow, whereas the disciples had and Peter seems to ■deBire’ to_'know ^hTrtr^advantage'liad' accrued to them, what reward they were to have. > Jesus Answers Peter. ■ Jesus closed ills answer' to Peter by saying, “Many that are first Blial} be lastft.and the last shall be first’’ (V. 30) and illustrates ills reply; by the| parable which is our lesson. Many ' who do not stipulate a reward shall be first, while many who work and work long, but vl-ork only for a re­ ward, will ' be last. Preceding this Jesus definitely told Peter that the twelve should he associated with him judging the twelve tribes of Israel, .rtnd that all. who had left all to fol­ low him should receive an hundred­ fold and would inherit eternal life (seo chapter 19:28, 29), that is, they would gain what the young ruler sought by doing what he failed to do.' Historically tlilB is Illustrated by the lew and Gentile, Matt, 8:11, 12; Luke 13:28-30; Rom. 9:30-33. ■ Parable of the Kingdom. Jesus:says tills is a parable of the kingdom, lienee the householder repre­ sents God (cf. 13:27; 21:33, 43); the vineyard is the kingdom, see Isa. 2:7; Matt. 31:33, The king is seeking laborers to labor in his vineyard. He began in the early morning. (v. 1) and with those whom lie employed he made a definite ‘ agreement. The penny had a value oi about seventeen cents and represents an average day’s wage at tbat time. No one works for God Without a fair wage, Eph, 6:8; Heb, .6:10^ Notice, before they were set to their task God called, them, Thb call was to service, .Mark 1U7., He'goes out again at the third and .the sixth and the ninth hour, finds other laborers, making no definite agreement with them but sends them into his vineyard to work, lie led them Into the work and they- trusted, him for wages. At the eleventh hour he found idlers- and asked them the reason (v. 6), they replied .that no one had employed them and them too he sonds into the vineyard without any bargain as to wageB.' None except those at the third hour had finy in­ timation ns to their wage and they wero to receive “whatsoever is right.” Those called at the first may put in longer hours but produce a poorer quality of service than others called at a later time,. The character of the service is of greater value than the amount.rendered and. the higher the service the greater the proportionate reward. Wo get in (his life about what we work for. ' Jl. Tho Reward of Service, vv. 8-16, At the end of tho day the Lord's steward rewards each man, beginning with tho last and ending with the first (v. 8), Tho first one is paid ac­ cording to the strict letter of the agreement, and the last is likewise paid in strict justice but in a most liberal manner. Ho, too, was worthy for ho worked throughout all the time tbat was for him available. Giving an equal reward to all Was a test of the character of those men who entered the vineyard In the early morning. The Lord’s answer (vv. 13-15) is a four-fold one (1) “1 did thee no wrong;” the contract had been lived up to to the very letter. (2) “It is my will to give, even as unto thee;" the Lord 1ms a right to he generous If he so desires, (8) "It Is lawful for me to do what I will with mine own;" God has a right lo exer­ cise such a prerogative and man has no right to complain, Rom. 9:15-21. (4) “Is thin© eye evil because I am good?” The ground of this complaint was that of envy. III.—The Teaching, Wo must be­ ware of trying to make this parable teach more than Is written. To right­ fully understand our Lord’s dealings with those who servo him wo must consider others of his parables. This one has two chief lessons; first, that priority of time or oven length of service is not the all-essential requi­ site; and second, that our fidelity to anfi use of our opportunity Is the chief desideratum. Along with this there are of cotirs© other leasons. In answer to Peter’s question our Lord showed him and his fellow disciple* that the last might first" PromotesDigestionjC&wftK boss aqdRestContalilsneltter Opiuru.MorphiiienorMineral No " t N a r c o t ic . „ A«afwJW- _dfc ifflMfff'f JkMteMs- ‘Mse&fA* AperfectRemedyforConstipa­ tion ,SourStoraadi,Diarrhoea WorjusjCmvalskmsJPevensIi’; ness andLossOFSlEEP. Facsimile Signatureof, NBWjybBK- A$b months ol<i D o s e s - 3 5 C en ? s Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use Over Thirty Years CASTDRIA THKCKNTAURCOMPANY, HIWVORRCITTf We Are Ready W ith the best line of woolens w e ever had. W e are pre* pared to make your Spring Suit up=to=date, Our prices are low enough for our work so you will not have to buy a suit all ready made. , G I V E U S A C A L L X E N IA , OH IO Fare* 3 !i2 D A IL Y B E T W E E N ( l e v e l a n d B u f f a l o i • ‘ THE GREAT SHIP “SEEANDBEE’’ JLctiMli 500 L’^f} Lmtiltli 03 feet, 6 incite*; 510 fitnlcrmrmi nn'fl pitlor* «crotninoi!«tlng 1500- pa»«en. - cn£ diTiiU r Jrt tojt—lfirgc? I t nU jn’(.,i>oriiar’.9--riclii'r iu all *i»poinlnieiii»—ilisu anv Atcamer on mUntl viaicM of tJici world* In service judo Magniflcoat Steamer, "SEEANDBEE," “ City of Erie” and “ City of Buffalo" Daily "C L E V E L A N D and BU F FA LO— May i*ttoDec. i*t I>av* Cleveland * - 8(001\ M. Lcdre BufTalo • - 8:00 P. M» AnivoBufialo * * &3QA.M. ArrlvoClevelanil • ( j ;30A. (Central Standard Time) - wj * ” -- * Conncrttona at Buffalo for NUgarsi Falla and «U Eastern and Canadian Point** Railroad ticket* ’rending between Cleveland and Bnffolo nro good for fr*n*noriaUon oa our aldamer*. Ask your ticket «K*nt for tickets via C. & !L lJne* 'Vrfrito u* for uandeom* illastrated booklet free. THE CLEVELAND A BU FFALO T R A N S IT CO^ C le v e la n d , Os " '•1 " "•***■•• Galloway & Cherry 11 E. M a in S t . , X e n i a , 0 . Headquarters for Reliable Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Draperies, Etc. * Xenia’ s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House h N o m a tte r now n m u ju u t i » vm - u acne** Dr* Mil#*? AJitl-Fatn PUtg wlU help j* * The Bookiualtef ...Restaurant... PILES t rt Immediate relief from r. Shoop’s Ma^fcOintment, Don’t merely tell your children to be unselfish. Be unselfish yourself, too. and If you give things up cheer­ fully tho ehnnecs are that they will tty and dq likewise If the giving up is tactfully suggested to them once of fwjc*. Subscribe for the Herald. For Inf&hti and UMldren. TheKindYouHaveAlways Bought Bears the Signature o f 1 IN T H E B O O K W A L T E R H 9 T E L H IGH S T R E E T DINING ROOMFORLADI&l)!* STAIRS p ALSOREST ROOM. M K A L 8 NOW '«5 C B K T » Lunch Counkr on MainFloor Open Day ami Night. AND AM, OISEISESOFTHERECTUM Of. NeCMliui ,k] ikMkMl and«rtn tWwtwe* iwfl-MmiHM "t*9 n v-Ti*.*9* (htt*) dr .* j . j. M c C lellan •K ilim T C olumbus , Ot 44ia<t The Beet of Ooeit V»t4 i« Oul* Mfiee* Lftrffttihra TahMft M il U mi m/m ami mm mu » etowia, 4 Mr, At Buddt-nl; has slucf "W anti ..young n Luthern mended the B. F. ply to Mi Miss F her Sabb day afte Sarah Br FOR S erty at a Some oth & Collins. Paintin W a n t i : library ta 231 King • Mrs, ’ or has bee with Mr, : The H< tained 1: Mrs. Olai yY ^ Mr.G. Jaoksonv visit tbit McOlella 1 Mrs. R. Chicago, Andrew i iNv, new von*< ■ ■ ■ L _ _ --------- ' ■ . 1 Two ne; A new si Hr. J. O. for C. M. iy Misses Smith lu Gretchen o o l e n s Pleasant 2 p r e j , Mr. ant daughter i p r i n g guests oi > bath. p r i c e s ' Paintin w o r k b u y a Mr. Hai Mr. Chai Springliel Mr. Samu »- *• e»-' L • Miss P Wednesd shower i Marshall .j. . .• .y Misses ,. McClella arrived spend tin parents, Mr, arid ] fail # 3 0 ] B 6 T W E E EVELAF Sjj^UFFA "odnlltiff 15Q0 pa than *nv itcaaii it, of Buffalo". iy latto Dec. - B:O0P.M. <:30A.M. ! it*, Rallroail 111 i octr steamer*. , aitratod lmoldflt1 Cleveltad) Wo arcl the natnel candidatf Bepublic ierr THEE] Greene time to s(J Lis for t| ■ltochestr leum fery Hoi IL ISTUl FHEREC We C.I . ' et'ftMd] agaak IMM M' , tmmumi ienmt, W \ taELL/ C olumbu a f o j v f Tabiftu t