The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

m. .***&**.«*#«.*, .^ tvm- ■«* I N A N C I A L 8 T A T E M E .N OF THE. Germania Building Association OF DAYTON, OHIO A t the C lose o f B u sin ess Sep tem ber 30, 1014 ASSETS CASH ON HAND............ ......., . , , , ................ , . . . . . . . ■ .................. . . . . * 127,$34 05 MORTGAGE LOANS.. . . . " . ........................................................ . 4,374 66R27 TEMPORARY LOANS............ ' ......................................................... . 76 , 424.16 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES........................................ .......................... 1,600 00 REAL ESTATE'..................... ................... . ............................................... 14,050.00 INSURANCE AND TAXSB, due from borrowere...................................... . 302.43 MISCELLANEOUS........... ..'............................. ........................................... 6,857.73 Total . . , . $4,600,333.64 L IAB IL IT IES : RUNNING STOCK AND DIVIDENDS,....................................... .........* PAID-UP STOCK AND D IV IDENDS ,...,........... .........................- ........ DEPOSITS AND ACCRUED INTEREST;......................... ^28,^6.14 RESERVE FUND........... ............................ *.................... ........................ J S ' i ? CERTIFICATE OP DEPOSIT. ............. ............... . . . . . . ....................... - W^2!5ww STATE FUNDS............................. . ......... ........................... . .............................150,0°?S* UNCOLLECTED EARNINGS................................. . 1..................... 5t857.79 - — OFFICERS----- D* \y*MEYER/. .......... .President Wt H. KUHLMAN. . , . . . . . . . , .Vice President. C harles h . meyer . ..................... , . Gen'i Mgr. FRED W. SCHOEN.............. ;............ ....Secretary ROBERT ALBERS............ Ass’t Secretary CARL KARSTAEBT. ......... . .Treasurer ROYG. FITZGERALD.. . / . . :r. . . . , ..Attorney r. 4 .L.,r-^ i [ i ^ * .t A . to—^ y I |iii !■■■, * ^ ' ; ; OFFICE / ; / . ■ * 430 E a s t Fifth S t r e e t , Oaytyn, Ohio RESERVE FUND $202,392.72 UP. —-November 8 Is World's Tempe -~ ance Sabbath'. —A sunny face is worth, more tha i much money. —These three abide: The wor<’, example and prayer, and the greatei i o£ these Is prayer. , , —John ’Wanamaker believes -in . tithing. ., • > —-"We .shalt’reap." "He shall" not rail." —Those who give by impulse the .._L scraps in their purse would he sur­ prised It they knew how ‘little they really give. —Eva Miller is leader for Christian Union Sabbath evening. —Mr. James Harris bad the moafor- tune to lose a- finger from his left hand last week when it came Into con­ tact with a buzz saw, —Covetousness is the secret sin of- tenest mentioned in the New Testa­ ment. * —Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Finney en­ joyed a visit last week from their daughters, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Westlake.-- —>Mr. Samuel Lorimer, .after spend­ ing-the autumn in carpenter work at the borne of bia- daughter. Mr*. Wil­ liam Thompson, has returned to hls home in -Cleveland. ■am Will have car on track soon. Can furnish you No. x Eating Potatoes at. ° Per Bushel in 2 K Bu, Bags at the cat* If y<Su give us your order now,* . ^ . * • Bird’s Mammoth Store Horner’s Specials* Juat received a large ship* [ A meut of Women’s Patent Button Boots, b P lain Toe, Cloth Top, l t w ith the hew Kidney *i He«l;_ $5 value, f . ■S p e e l e t ] ' ' : . . / <***« Horner Shoe Co. 33SouthUfneitoneStreet SPR ING F IELD 'S REL IABLE BljtOX IBTORE atm -----AFFIDAVIT----- BTATE QF OHIO, MONTGOMERY COUNTS S3; • " "~ Frederick "W. Uohoeii, being first duly sworn, says that he is the secretary of the Germania Building Association of Dayton, Ohio, and th a t the above statement is- correct. FREDERICK W. BCHOEN, Secretary. Subsoribed and sworn to before me this 28<j day of*October, A. D. 1914. ' * ROY G. FITZGERALD, .Notary Public In and for Montgomery County, Ohio, CERTIFICATE OF HREE DIRECTORS. ’ We the undersigned, Carl Karataedt, Edward T. Hall aud Carroll flprigg, the Finance Committee of.the Germania Building Association of Dayton, Ohio, do hereby certify tha t the fore­ going is a true and correct statement of thefhmnoial condition of said Association for the fiscal year ending September soth, ifild. . . '• CARL KALSTABDT/ ‘ . - EDWARD T. HALL, ' - ' CARROLL. SPRfGG, Finauce Committee. * Lord'fy —'Read.I. Cor., 13th chapter, care­ fully and prayerfully, and you- will think less about your neighbor’s meanness and more about your own. —If We were more concerned about how people treat Jesus and what they think of Him, we should be less con cerned about how they treat us-and what they think of us. —Members of the church at Cornith got drunk, which was certainlywrong, that that was no reason why-others should disobey the command "do ibis in remembrance of me." —‘‘The time is short” The. time to prepare for eternity, to work- for Cod, to seek the lost, to warn the sinner, to finish the work given- u* to do, in short.' One moment a t a time is all we have. 1—It is Said that Hans Wagner, Pittsburg’s popular favorite tmprofes­ sionalbaseball, was offered athousand dollar* to consent that his picture- should he used on the. boxes of a brand of cigarettes. Wagner positive­ ly refused. The representative of the tobacco company expressed surprise, “I thought alt yon bail players' were money-crazy,” be insiuated. ButWag­ ner indignantly answered:- “I'ni not crazy for any money that mean* en­ couraging any hoy to smoke.cigaret­ tes. If my name and picture on a card or box will have that effect, 1 tell you I ’m going to sign up,, no matter how high you go with your offers.” —♦John Wanamaker says: “The cry­ ing need at thlB time in this country is for a financial revival of church of­ ficers and church members from the oldest to the youngest, not omitting any Individual on the chqrch roll. ^ * \ . 1 : 'Clifton United Presbyterian : : Always Homelike can be : : Your Church. ; —There was one traitor in the Sav­ ior's hand and perhaps as large a pro, portion of hypocrites in the church ever since. Bpt the counterfeit is the strongest testimony to the gen­ uine, and you and I should be true to Christ -‘-Some seventeen ladles were in at­ tendance at Springfield at the Presby- terial Missionary convention from the Clifton church. —The prayer that has no foreign missions in It or close at hand, is like the sun in eclipse—only a thin rim shows or a reflected border. —Any man who does not vote, if he can vote, Is a bad citizen! Dr. Rob­ ert S. MacArthur once Bald that he would if it were „wlthln his’ power, refuse the sacraments of the chiyeh to the man who refused to go to the ballot box on election day. —Dr. C. M, Ritchie will preach a t the Goes ‘-Station school-house next Sabbath evening, November t. —The pastor presented the Wet and Dry issue at the Corry schoorhotso last Wednesday evening. —Mr. W, B, McClure and Miss Grace Griffith have been received, on certificate into the membership of our church —Some people have been c 0 ons by their absence from the recent meetings to discus* the Wet and Dry Issue. -—In the kingdom wf God wo cnii aU do something. In the church of Jeftifs -Christ there is no room for ciphers, —One class in our Sabbath school this year has presented us with the finest church postoffice in this part of tlie state, What will your class do before the year of 1914 closes? Try anr think of something. 1 mean you, y<s, you, my dear scholar. - Miss Reva Moore will have the sympathy of all In ber enforced ab­ sence from college work because of Illness. —Cheer up. Winter is on the way and so Is next summer. -Rev, Huber Ferguson, of Xenie, is to preach Friday and Rev. Mr. Lori* mer, of Jamestown, on Saturday, in our preparatory services, « —Every member Is earnestly re­ quested to he present Sabbath morn* lug at the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Those who cannot be present Will plehse advise tha pastor why, as early next week «* possible, —Mr. Henry Kyle, who has been suffering from the effects of a fall, J# To th e V o ters of G reene County. l am a graduate of the Cincinnati Law School and have had 26 years experience in the practice of law in this county and if elected to the office of Common Pleas Judge I will discharge the duties of the office free from any influence, dictation or control from any source whatever. YourSupportisEarnestly andRespectfullySolicited, R. L. GOWDY. c£ee -Rev. E. ffi. Elder paid a compli­ ment to our Men’s Bible, class, taught by Mr. George Rife, Saying that it was "an wide-awake a class'* «« he had met, Patronize the 'Clifton Lecture course. The talent has been selected wkh care and we believe will please everybody, 'Six numbers will be given for a one dollar ticket. Everybody whotfld go to th® polls early in the day and vote “Dry." Then spend the rest of the day lrt seeing that everybody else goes to the polls and votes- dry. John Wanamaker says: "R we were to take *i poll of the church we would find that 90 per cent of the churches are down at the hell finan­ cially." —It is the love of money that leads men to break the Sabbath, defile mar­ riage, oppress the Innocent, license the saloon,, and sell the needy for A pair of shoes., —"Do this in remembrance of Me," The last request of the Savior, We expect every member at the Lord’s Table. , - -Will a man rob God? No, He, who robs God is a robber. The tithe is ilm Lord’*, fh* Sabbath Is the T o ta l______$4,600,33164 -DIRECTORS H. W. MEYER CARLKARSTAEDT W. H. KUHLMAN V, EDWARD T. HALL CARROLL SPRIQG , j .V gohn ; . CHARLES H. MEYER OHFICE HOURS 8 A. M. to 4 P. M., Daily Covers a Multitude of Summer Suits * « • ■t • § Many^nsh who now find their ligh t weight su its comfortable for offlo® and indoers a re buying these, snappy top coats to p a t en. when they go cu t. They have Autumn w ritten In every line of their free and easy style, in their- comfortable materials and in their handsome patterns which .take their oolorings from the October Hilda and woods, Wonderful Vulues Here at $12 to $25 Atod Autumn Suits, too,—ready to pu t on—you cannot do b itte r than see the new models we a re now showing. The BtylP and fit is assured m advance and the wearing qualities a re gua ran teed by their makers, the finest tailo rs in the business—Schloss Bros, and Oo., of Baltimore and New York. $15 to $30 Kredel&Alexander Sp r ln g fio ld , Ohio WwnSa. mpfbving and of late retting com* fortabljr, ■ . - —Jack Frost caught quite a tew people the last few days because they procrastinated, “Today is the accept­ ed time,” „ ................ —Mr. end Mrs, J. B. Rife returned; No member of the church css iSw* from Philadelphia on Wednmktay of, t o be Without the this week, having spent a pleasant! te tS lfc S y .111* hom<> ° * mt *> —Be. sure to subscribe for the^>fw darvfile Herald again, as the MMunfS* scriptton* are expiring, Mr, Gordin I!™* "abscription. ft* k’tfo r without the Ohhaee -osMfiMsxgu