The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

■UlRliNli*llNiUWJBjIMf)l e wears f h * ^ r « Our Windows w ill put you Style Wise The Mist-Proof fabrics shown in many of the better overcoats we presen t for» younger men, come from Huddersfield, England. The Mist-Proof treatment gives them a certain richness, assures lasting shapeliness %hd keeps out the damp. See the “ Willard” and our other models, next time you come to*payton. Priced; $10, $15, $20, $25 and $35 •Sj&MSireCLOTHES-SHOP__ tityalitjr Cornet* " 4 * S ’Ludlow Sts. DAYTON, OHIO 1 Quartered Oak Chif­ fonier, 34 i n c h e s wide,' plate mirror 16x24 inches; $18.00 ?p“e k . $ 1 5 . 0 0 CHIFFONIER Under Priced 'An opportunity for you to get that odd Chiffonier you have been wanting at an ex­ ceeding low price This, Chiffonier is well made throughout —four large and two smhll drawers making ample storage space — gracefully propor­ tioned.' ' Other Chiffoniers left from Bedroom Suites a t equally low prices* REGULAR RURAL FREE DELIVERY DAYTON, OHIO I ? LOCAl AND PERSONAL \ 1 For Kdhti—Stors room on South Main street. H . A. Turnbull. . ■ OUR FLOUR IS ALW AYS W ELCOM E in houses where it is known. The women folks 'here know that It is always tho same high quality. the same honest weight IF YOU T R IE D A S A C K you would find ou tlets of other good things about Golden ftulo flour. Why not order one? Cedarville Flour Mills CASTORIA For Infants anu Giiiltlrcw. Tin KindYouHamAlwajsBooght Beers the § l g m m o t —Order your Fresh Fish of Hin­ ton’s. Mr. Win. Spencer is now- deliver­ ing his mail in Ford touring car. Mr, Victor Bumgarner and family have returned after a visit with Pike county relatives. Fort S at / r :--Bight head of Rams Shorpshiro'arid 4 Delaine. R .B. BAfcrtEit. LOST—Log chain, between my resi­ dence and Andrew Jadcnon’s. John A. Gtliaugk, Xasn now ready to open a class in 1piano music. Mrs. V. W. Miles. 1 Mr. Harry Townsley held one of the largest, sales of the season last [Thursday. This was the second e,tie of the' enson for Mr. ToWnsley, Htoek oi nil kinds sold high and !■bidding was lively. The sale ;amounted to more than $ttooo. —AH kinds Fresh Fish can bo had a t Hinton’s. A nla# and o»e>half pound datigh* ■ter was born to Mr. Ernest Ralls i and wife, of Dayton, Monday. As Sa consequence “Grandpa” {J, W.) ] Rosa is stepping around rather jproud. [FIVE MILES OF PARADE AT XENIA, SATURDAY. i Mr. O, H. Hartman moved this week Inte the J . U. George property purchased by him- Mrs. J. A. HarbiBon is moving into the Milburn property on Cedar street. Mr, Andrew Creswell, of tJie IT. P, Seminary, Pittsburg, came home to exercise his right of franchise. . There were no classes a t college Tuesday. Members of faculty and students were active on the streets in behalf of thedrys, —F or S ale :—-Indian motorcycle. Price>$25, Will take a bicycle In trade. H v«n M arshall ' Mr, W. J. Tarbox returned from Hale Center, Texas, Tuesday mornu^ where he has been looking after bis crops, Mr- Tarbok reports tilings booming in that country and recent rams have put the wheat ip good shape for the winter. Mr* W. P> Anderson, who has been in Hale Center since last spring will not re turn for at least a month.. Mr, John Stewart came up,, from Cincinnati Monday - to—bB here election day. Mr. Frank Creswell left Tuesday for Hale Center, Texas, to be gone about a month.' Mr. Ralph Kennon, of the O. S. U. Columbus, was home for the election. , A, very, delightful time wag spent at the home of Herman McFarland when he entertained liis friends at a masquerade party, . lb e y en­ joyed the’ evening playing games and during tfie evening, refresh­ ments- appropriate to the season were served. Mr. A. Z. Smith is in receipt of a telegram stating that his brother- in-law, Daniel Herlihy, brother of Mrs. Smith, has been elected State" Senator from the 25th ward in Chicago. His majority was 1700 over his Republican opponent. Elsellvhere in this issue will be found the advertisement of the C. Kelble store in Xenia at 17-10. W, Main Street. The store was opened a few weeks ago with new stocks in clothing, boots, shoes and turni^h- iugfi. The store is one'of the finest in the state and the stock .one of the most complete* You should call when ypu are in. Xedia, Mr-.Alva St. John is the owner of a hew Reo touring car. Dr, O. M. ‘Wilcox and wife, of New Paris, returned home Sabbath evening after a visit with theh son- in-law and daughter, Mr. A. R. Richards and wife. Mr.' Win. Conley and wife and Mr, Enos Hill and wife left today for Pittsburg to be gone until Monday, While in that city they will visit, their sons, Robert Conley and Ralph Hill, students at Carnegie Technical Institute. . ^ Mr. Daniel' Marshall, wife and daughter, of Springfield, are guests of Mr. Oharles Marshall and wife. Mrs. T. J. Fitch and children have gone to Beaumont, Texas, their future home, where Mr. Fitch has been located for some time. Mrs,, Fitch was the recipient of a hand­ made pair of handsome pillow cases and sheet, monogramed, as a re- memberance from the members of the Kadantra Club, of which she is justly greatful. Mr. and Mrs. ^Sidney Smith enter­ tained at a Hallowe’en party last Friday night. ■ A number of the college students were entertained at the home of Miss Iria Paris Tuesday evening. The ladies of the college were given a Hallowe'en reception at the gym. at a masquerade party by the young men and men professors of the faculty. The gym. had been decorated with corn fodder, autumn leaves "and pumpkins. After a number of contests a chicken supper was Berved, The public schools aie closed to­ day in order that the teachers may attend the Central Ohio Teachers* Meeting at Columbus. COMPARISON VOTE. Six years ago In the county election thedrys had 4178 and wets 8401. In the township thedrys had 223 and wets 80, This year both sides lost* In the corporation the drys had 19J and wots Ilk). This year both sides lost. Dsmsntffl. Knickep—“What is the matter with Smith?** Bocker ^“His> baby want* the moon and his wife Want* the l • Continued from page 1, , The judges of the floats for prizes ' were; George IX Black, Miss Wilgus, ! Miss Corbett, Prof. Crawford and . I-rof. Whitaker. The awards were as i follows; Auto decoration: First, Homer Spahr; second, New Jasper Sunday school. Floats: First, W. C. T, U,r second, The Devil’s Gin-Mil], Best horse drawn vehicle other than float; First, J. E. Kyle; second, Y. W. r. A. of Xenia. Best display of church, lodge, col­ lege, or society: First, {5econd United Pu’shyterifiu church, of Xenia; second, Wilberforce college. The figures that were gathered are inteieating. The count at Trinity church showed 150 autos, 70 floats, 120 horse drawn vehicles, 430 horses and 3,G8C people niter two or three hundred had fallen out of the ranks, Q£ course, there wore thousands Of dry people in Xenia that day who did not get into ihe parade, It took the procession two hours and five minutes to pass u giveq point. ’ 0AME$ DAUGHTERS. Mrs, .Vlisgengen of Die Federation of Women’s Clubs in Chicago declares the foot Is Just ns expressive ns the band, Miss Cannon of London classified 150.000 stars according to their spec, tru, and In recognition of this un­ paralleled work the Royal Astronomb : cal society of Great Britain hag. made ‘•her an honorary member. Miss Mabel Green. London’s most re- •marlsnble-blind gtrlrpossessES" e x tr a s dinary memory. She recently reported a pastor’s sermon of 9,000 words with- out notes, mid he declared that It was without n single omission or mistake, Tlie Countess of Warwick, who re­ cently started In business ns a garden designer, will undertake the laying out of gardens. The countess, who enthusiastic amnfettr gardener, estab­ lished a training college for women ftmleners at Studloy soine time ago, At the time of hie Franco,Prussian war, in 1.870, Sarah Bernhardt left the' stnge and ' became a hospital nurse, where she did excellent work among the wounded. After this she entered the Comedte. Francaise. where, in the character of Dona SoJ, In ".He.raani,” she was first pronounced great by Paris. Mggp* ir :Sir*>wf*MrtW)w BET THE HABIT TRADE AT THE SURPRISE j,n!Mdnw ir-rwfrre- Clothes for Big Men . 'v'igY# y \ . l i ,j? t flit ^ *" because you are big that you arc hard to i f M ?re yoo* go. Wo arc always prepared to i ' ^ 5 \ Hi Don’t tb i. i tit; it depends win take care of just such men, and at the same price ns would cost the slim fellow. $ 18.00 Fashion Frills. Observation proves to us that the feminist movement is one of short strides at present—Little Rock Gft* aette. Girts seem to have taken tho stick- ups out of (heir hats and put them in tho backs of 'their collars.—Youngs­ town (O.) Telegram, Paris dressmakers ixiive formed an association to punish persons who copy French models. Fine. Make it-a fel­ ony.—Cleveland Plain Dealer, Thefe will be no cuff on the tro„user leg nest year. That's reassuring. From the way things Were going we feared the ankle watch.—Cincinnati Tfmes-Star. Feminine Fancies. I t’s funny how much of the furniture the -daughter of the house thinks be­ longs to her when she gets married-— Kansas City Journal, - Do you remember fiweet Alice, wlic wept with delight when Ben Bolt gave her a smile aud trembled with fear ui his frowu? Women ate not built that way nowadays.—LouisviUo Courier- Journal. • . 'Undeterred by their defeat In, 1912 the women suffragists of Ohio have be­ gun a new campaign for a constitu­ tional amendment giving them the ballot That is the way such victories are won.—New. York World. The .Writers. Augustus Thomas,, the playwright has been honored by Williams college, Which recently conferred on him the degree of muster of arts. Selma Lagerlof by virtue of her nd mission recently to the Swedish acad­ emy will have n voice hereafter in the awarding of the Nobel prizes for litera­ ture. ^ William Allen Neilson, author of ’"Essentials of Poetry" and editor of the series “Types of English Litera­ ture," has been appointed exchange professor at the Sorbonne. Flippant Flings Are no American institutions safe? Here is the grand lodge of the l^Iks taking steps to get rid of the goat!— New York Mall. The Ohio man who hns invented a machine for cutting his own hair Ji.ts nothing on his grandfather who mar­ ried one.—Wuslilngton Pont You have frequently he: rdsomo l;l7,y% tout complain because Eve .wished the apple on Adam, And now u chronic kicker complains because Noah didn’t swat tho files when the supply wus limited—Atchison Globe. $100 RtWArd $ 100 . Ti»e readers Of tills paper will be pUH»ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded dfjfsOiKthat science lias been able to cure 3 m' All Its sUgcs'Und that is Catarrh. Hell’s Catarrh Gate is the only posiii'te curenow known to tho medital fraternity. Gntartii being a constitutional disease, requires a odtiAflutional treatment. Hell’s Catarrh Cjire is taken internally, adtihg directly up­ on the blood anil mucoussurracwof system {hereby destroying the foundation of the discAc, and giving the patient tftftmgth by building up tho eonstitttion and assisting natureIn doing Sts work, Th* proprietors tikvoao much faith in its euratlfo powers, hat-tbqy OfferdnoHtBidrOdDollars for etiy tfjjite that It fails to cure, fiend for list o testimonials, Address F, J,CHENEY AOo,,Toledo, 0 . gold by Hrtqgtst, We, Hall’s Family I’illsate tlMest, • K o d o l qalpitAtlottofUmbaart, DIj;«*t»whatyouart isn’t much is it, well you van get a dandy Suit or O’Coafc at •thm price. We say so because *. a Hart, Schaffner Sp Marx make them for us and its cur pleasure to Bell these clothes because they're the best in the world, Wa have Underwear, SlTirts ahd Hals ibat will fit you to. . % Come in We’ll Show You CbErdcHHu-tScliuKa'.-r&JI&« w*x /■' »» fr y H 4 \ ; 1. '.h \ M , . ' A Suits an dQ ’Coats for the Young Men in as many different styles of ep"t and material as are popular prices start from $10 as high as $20 *- " * Boys’ IQnicker* hooker Suits N orfolk ; s t y l e s ' Ages 5 to 18 years in good all wool fabrics made to give service as , well as Btylish ap* pearance. No better Suits' were ever sold for tho prices we ask $ 2 .5 0 to $10 Men’i Mackinaws Corduroy Suits Separate Coats and Trousers—Just the thing-iar rough and cold weath­ er wear. When,in town "call we’ll shijw yon a good, time and prices* are right. The bad days will soon bo here, What about a - ' - Rain* Coat for yourself or boy. We’ve..'got1 them and. now is a good tune to buy don’t wait till you aro. driven to it. Big lino for men at ?8,80 to $10. Boys' $2,00 t6 $7.50- Rain Hats 2o and 50c ' The Surprise Store Sal Strauss DAYTON, OHIO E.C.Hilb Schmidt Helps You to Enjoy Life at the Least Cost * These Save You Money Country Otired Bacon ....... 14« Breakfast Bacon* Sugar Cured per lb',..: .......... -..... 22c Fajioy Sugar Cured Ham, lb ........................................ 10o t. California and Picnic Hams, per l b ................. — ........-....14c Schmidt’s Ocean Llgbt> Flour.......... ............... . .........00c S p e c ia l Thursday^ Friday*'Saturday African Ja v a Coffee,. P e r P o u n d ...,............ 20c Fresh- creamery butter, per pound......... *. .30c Pure La rd , P e r 'P o u n d ......................... ............ n c Butter Nut bacon ..................... . ............................ 22c Canned Corn, Per c a n .. .... fic Shoe Pvg Corn, per can ........ 7c Corn Flakes ............... ........ 0e Schmidt’s Olcl Hickory Flour, 26 lb. sack for.. ....... 76c The Ball Mason Jars Ball Mason Jars in quart sizes, per dozen ... . .................. 4 5 C Ball Mason Jars in pint sizes, per dozen. ............. ...... .-. .. 4 0 c DOWN THEY GO AGAIN! NEW POTATOES Per Bu. « • • • « . • i 60 c U | 25 lb. Sack of Gold A A Hour T -I .M Klm,r -90c H. E. Schmidt <S Co, Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . . Xenia, «■*.* 11 Ohibr j mm txu&otxutszs Paint i$ liquid money. You spread it over your house and then Run. wind, rain and dust beat upon it in .the effort to wear it out and get at tlie wood. Bye and bye yon have jto do it all over again —but less often with Hanna’s Green Seal Paint than with others. When you think of tho co»t of paint and painting, remember that one- third is paint and two-tlurda labor. I t eosts more to put on a poor paint than a good one. Use the paint that lasts longest. FOR SALK BY KERR & HASTINGS BROS* V