The Cedarville Herald, Volume 37, Numbers 27-52

LOCAL AND PERSONAL I Xam now ready to opep ft class in piano mime. Mrs. C. W. Miles. Mr. Murray Miirehftli ia tiick with pneumonia, Mr. Andrew Jackson, who lias boon afflicted with rheumatism, left Tuesday for Martinsville, Iud „ where he will take the water bathe. He was Accompanied by Ins son-in- law, Mr. H. H. Cherr.y* Mr. A l Boyd is again confined to his room after being able to be about for a couple of weeks. —Plenty of naw idem Meal at the CedftrriUe Flour Mills J AW temperance workers are re­ quested to attend a meeting at the [ Y. 14. C, A. in Xenia, Saturday at 2 p. m-, to hear reports and fortqu- j late plans for the future, Hr. and Mrs. W. B, HeChesney \ were at-home Tuesday to about one hundred guests including the mem­ bers of the college faculty and their wives and the college students. A three course dinner was served, One of the honored guests was Hr, J. L . Chestnut, of Coulterville, 111, Mr. Jo'seph McAfee has been quite sick this week Buffering with a nervous breakdown, • "* Mr. and Mrs, L. H. Sullenberger were m Oxford over’Sabbath. have your -Suit made-to-measure. by the Royal Tailors * the>est known CLOTHES BUILDERS in the U. 8 / Style unexcelled workmanship the best. We can have you a splendid suit made for $16.00T Elegant Suits $20, $22.50 and$25.00 Come in and take a look at their swatch book and 1st us take your measuie, guarantee a perfect dt. Mammoth Store Bev, J. W. Patton went to .Bela- ware Saturday, remaining over Sabbath with his daughter, Helen, who is attending college there. In the absence of Bev. Patton, Hr. Story, of Springfield, filled the M. E, pulpit, , , Mr., and Mrs'. Earl McClellan arrived home, last Thursday from their wedding trip. They are fitting up theft home on- Mr. Mc­ Clelland farm west of Xenia. Mr. John "Marshall visited in Indianapolis and other Indiana points last week. . Mrs, Lida Archer leaves today for AshviUe, N. C., where she has been for more than a year, .Euroute she will visit in Marysville, Tenn. - . Mrs Ora Ramsey, of Yew York Oity, Is making her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haines, a visit. Mr* and Mrs, W. d. JStewart •of near Selma entertained about 175 guests in a very pleasant manner last Thursday evening. —Get the good things for your Thanksgiving dinner at the market* Mr, S-C. Wright, financial agent ofCedarvIIle College," left Monday on a trip through - Indiana and ^Illinois, in the interest o f the college. ,* * TheC, E* Society of the R : P. church gave a social last Friday eventng in the chtitch parlors. Mrs.' Nettle Hnrbison and eon, Howard, are occupying .'Mrs. J* A, Harhlson’s fafm until the first of March when they will go to their OWA farm how occupied jby Win. Bohlar. No Substitutes R ETURN to tile grocer all sub­ stitutes sent youfor Royal Bak- /. " mg Powdef There is no sub­ stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful. Powders offered as sub­ stitutes are made from alum. —Order your chicken for Thanks­ giving at the Ladies’ Aid market. —Don't forget the M. -EI Ladles* Aid,inarket. Mrs, J. W. Blxon was hostess to the Eadantra Club Thursday after­ noon. Mrs. JVW. Tarbox has been visit­ ing her daughter, MlsBBaohel, who iaatt'ending Muskingum college at New Concord* . CIDER! CIDER! Pure untreated sweet cider direct from the press and made from- choice apples. Barrels *6.00 f. 60 Gallons $6,00. 10 Gal. Keg *2.00 10Gallons $ 1,00 o.’ b. Chilllcothe ti tr L eroy O pp . Weare ShowingAdvance December Styles . - ■ * *:*IN «**• , Suits, Coats, Presses andSkirts •* ' ‘ ^ These December models are tailored in all the latest clotbs, something not shown in the advanced fall styles. You should not purchase until you have inspected our offering. . M. Marcus Co. 35 S. MAIN STR E E T , D a y t o n , - - - Ohio. ■MAN "'A meeting of council was held Monday evening at which time the light situation was, discussed with represenlatives of the company. Another meeting will be held to­ night at which time the light company will have finexpert present. It has been proposed to change the system of lighting and the company wants a renewal ofrthe franchise. —LISTENJ Otic of the best bakers iu town said “ I thought I wouldn't use homp flour but I am Using Golden Buie Flour and 1 never pad 'such nice bread and' cakes." So try a sack o f Cedar- viile Flour next thSe, , •; j., . . U'. mi . ^ * * * - ,tU OurOwn Country. Bow .fortunate this great country of ours is not Involved In a network of “entangling aillnuceS,‘"—Exchange, The “splendid Isolation" of the Unit­ ed States was never more splendid and Impressive than ndw.’ — New York World. America has two things to be thank­ ful for Inthe present time of armed up­ roar, One iathe.Atiaptic ocean and the other is tl>e Paclflq ocean.—Chicago News* ■ ' %■■ ,■ German Gleanings.' - The total value of. Germany’s live stock is estimated at $3,000,000,000. Eighty. German cities subsidize the­ aters in, sums from a few hundred dol­ lars up to/$4O.O0Oa yenr. To make It easier for citizens to own their houses; Dusseldovf has arranged with a' Munich hank to take first mort­ gages on houses, withe Hnsseldorf it­ self takes second lions* . English Etchings. •—v*' It is estimated that in London 20 per cent of' days are wet There are no fewer than fifty Gros* venor streets in the jhondonpostal area. A census.of the buildings in London shows that for every 100,000 of'the 'population there qre forty-five places o f worship and six theaters. In less than a year,the horse-is likely to disappear from-‘'the British postal delivery business, bfiPplace ih the coun­ try help* with side car attachments. ^ t prettyt'Bhinh Elderly Lads- Doctor, I am troubled with n ‘bnllncJnrttiOff’ UiOt | am being followed by a man. What sort of cure would yon suggest?.; Honest Physician J* —A mfrjror*—Cleveland Leader. s* Loglval. “ A disease should be attacked at its source," *, •Then If n mauk‘disease Is heredl tnry I suppose you'd doctor bis father for it, eh?” --Kxrfmuge. ■-I*.;.................. . , ■ No Ore with men as if U0$ saw you; so speak with God. as if men heard you,- Menem. : Worry Will Kid a Cat, A gclod philosopher says: "Never worry today; put It oft until tomorrow, which never comes " Some ’people .beat that; they let the other fellow do all the worrying.—Palestine Herald. $1H Reward fiW . Thsrudtn of this paper Rill he phased to l«am that tb*»k at hut ana dnwfcd djbaSas that Scihoeebto beenable to etnatn •fi (Is stSgss and that is asturh. Hill’s CftUrrhOarsis ths only positive curt now known to the msdlodXrtSSmlty. Ostarth behy? a constitutional dtstois, requires a «nsJt£tutkmsl tatitms&t. Ball’s Ostknh Qur*is takenIbtorrfally, adltajgdirectly uf>- «o the blood andmucousstimwfi o( System toartby dsstrojrlng (he foundakoa of the dwidto, andgiving the patient WfvBgth by buHdlUf up tin dMftiCfctkfti and MOtfqg natureIn doing lit work. The prtJprtstoA havesottithh kith in lie entalffs pemho, ft«4tfcfy ckhwcfheHdlVdreUlUl^rs forimy van m*tU Mil to SVrS. ttbilor litt o lisitoiiliilii ' * ■ JkMtmT. J.OHBKI6Y * Co.,Toledo, O. sold tryBrvgglM, 7«a. IMl’l FfcmHyTflleafe filebeet, “The Home o f the Overcoat Saturday .Opens the O v e r co a t * Exposition Suprem e! Thi? is beyond all question the inost ipiportant Overcoat adver­ tisement ever published in the Miami Valley. We hope it catches the eye of every Over­ coatlessmanwho reads this paper. For here in the Metropolitan Clothes Shop we are showing ap assortment and variety of Over­ coats, the equal of which you would find in. New York or ‘ Chicago alone. Nearly 5006-Overcoats, made up m 104-diptinci: styles, of every conceivabJe fabric and'pattern arefiere arranged that you may inspect them/comjpare them, enjoy them, select your choice, with the knowledge that you have had the pick of the world’^markets. . , Our windows give^^f intimation only of what awaits you in the store; you owe it to yourself to see these and to accent the advantages which this econojaic-^xhibition offers you. Do not delay. You-gain nothing by waiting. . Come now while this perfect .collection awaits you at $ 1 0 $ 1 5 $ 2 0 $ 2 5 $ 3 0 ■AKaUStVECLOTHES-SHOP. q in llV C o n u r 4 * Or LudlowSsVS- DAYTON, OHIO Store Open Saturday Evenings S chm id t Helps Y o u , t o En joy L ife a t 1 th e Least Cost these Save You Money Country Cured Bacon.......,.,14o Breakfast Bacon, Sugar Cured per lb.,.,.................. 22e Fancy Sugar Cured Ham, • lb ................................... 19C California and Picnic Hams, per Jb........ ..... .......: ..r.,_.,..14c Schmidt’ s Ocean Light Flour,....,.’ ................. C5c Canned Corn, Per can.........fie Shoe Pug Corn, per can............7e Corn Flakes...........................Cc ’ Schmidt’s Old Hickory Flour, 25 lb. sack for.,.........76c \KV\JREYOOD\ ilhtolca orWater louthti\ \\stftLSttWTOYSTWR5\ \NoChemlcOVretorvatlye \ \NaturalYtawcvr.VWsKwwiV/” W#/1 \0 Quality OhKWWlUPj l/SEAl/i .AIR j 'Sealshipt’ Oysters Cheaper Than . * Meat A Fresh Helicions Table Oyster, Packed in Sealed CaseB. ■ Solid Meat tyo Water, DOWN THEY GO AGAIN! NEW POTATOES Per Bu. 60 c Flour 25 lb. Sack of Gold , A n M«dal Flour y | | C for . ...... .............. H. E. Schmidt 6 Go., <► *" * Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . . Xenia, Ohio OUR FLOUR IS ALWAYS WELCOME m houses where it Is known, The women folks Hiere know thatitisalways the same high quality, ths samel honest wslgh’t IF YOU TRIED A SACK you would find out lots of other good things about Golden fruls flour. Why not order one? Cedarville Flour Mills Paint is liquid money* You spread it over yolir house and tlien sun, wind* rain and dust heat upon it in the effort to wear it out and get at the wood. Bye and bye you have to do it all over'again —but less often with Hamm’s Green Seal Paint than with others. When you think of the coat of paint and painting* remember that one- third is paint and tv?o-thirds labor. It costs more to put on a poor paint than a good one. Use the paint that lasts longest. fo b s a l e b y KERR & HASTINGS BROS.