The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 1-26

IIP m m m m m Mil>i|jlfl'iiWill*lHiili»»l><«*** CLOSED Under Lock and Key TiiU stora i* now olow i and will remain closed until Thurs­ day* JuueiMh at 0 a. in., when tjm great Sale begin*. In the meantime great preparations are being made. The entire Block will be overhauled and prices on *11 the Shoes, Slippers, Oxfords and, Slubber (loads will bo cut right and left. Positively on goods wjll bo sold and no one will be allowed In the store until that time, You All Know Oscar Young He lms been In th« shoe busi­ ness in Springfield for many years and yon all know the class of footwear ho has always han­ dled, his reputation for selling only honest, high-grade Shoes is known far and near, and now that it is all to go at merely fractions of Its real value it makes it all the more wonderful. The Most Sensational Announcement Ever Made in Springfield’s History OSCAR YOUNG The Shoe Man No. 7 E. Main Street, Springfield, Ohio Will plaoe bis Big 433,000 Shoae Stock on cate—lock, stock and box—entire and complete, for nine days, to be sold at any .old price—two to four pairs of shoes at the price of one pair. . . Wait! Watch and Wait Until Thursday, June 24tli, at9 A . M. When positively the most Extraordinary Bargsin Shoe Sale ever pulled off in Clark County begins. Without limit Oscar Young, th^ Shoe Man ss going to turn this entire stock loose for nine days, no reserve, td go for whatever it will bring to raise cash quick, regardless of cost, loss or value, The mightiest undertaking ever attempted. $33,000.00 worth of high-grade Shoes, Oxfords, Slippers, Rubbers and Rubber Boots thrown on the market to be forced into the homes of Springfield citizens and the people of Clark County at any price it will bring. So hop the first traction, train, electric car, wagon, auto horse, mule or anything that will get you here Ihe first morning. Bring along your bags, satchels, suit cases or anything that will carry from five to a dozen pairs and be sure to know the sizes.for the whole family, for in many instances One Dollar Will Do the Work of Four Dollars Merchants in town or surrounding country wishing to buy any portion of tills stock nan arrange by tele­ phone for an appointment out­ side of the regular bu&tneas hours. 'The stock must go quick, it ntaUes on differencewho gets i t . Wanted 40 Extra Salespeople, Men, Women and Girls, experience not necessary. Apply ut store* Wednesday between 8:80 and 9:30 A, M. The Prices W e Quote W ill Frighten the Wholesaler, Let Alone the Retailer LADIES’ DEPARTMENT Shoes and Oxfords values ud to $2,60 and as high os $5.00 go now at from 12c 89q, 69c, 98a up to ......... $ 3.48 MEN’S DEPARTMENT Shoes and Oxfords, ail styles and sizes. Values up to $2.50 as high as $5,00go now at from 48c up to... $3 ,9 8 Boys’, Misses’ and Children’s Department These departments havebeen ransacked and overhauled and they-sure are going to get a cleaning. Values from 75c and up to $3.00 have been cut to from 8c up to..$2.69 . RUBBERS AND RUBBER BOOTS All go in this sale Men’ s Buck Vamp Boote,.,..„...$g .98 Boys’ Buck VampBuots....:................ ................ $1.98 ■X Nothing Held Back. Everything Must Go. All Shoes Marked in Plain Figures. Shoes and Oxfords in Many Instances at Less Than the Price of Half Soles Remember, the time of this shoe and slipfler sale i? only nine days. Mr, Youn£rausfe turn tbObuilding oyer to t|ie contractors for the purpose of remodeling sum* the interior as well as the exterior Mr. Young needs reduce his stock and-turn itinto e^eh quick. The backward Seaeou 1ns crowded bis stock unusually and >cu will find it easy in this great- slaughter esle of :i is mammoth stock io thcrcvpl-iy satiafy your every want in shoes, When the news of these'extraordmary low prices is russed across ihe coinuy and cily fiom neighbor to neighbor, the big slice stoi e will be ci owded to the limits'of its capacity,- So be on band when the doors open on Thursday at 9a. m. You cannot afford to besitale, as a Saying opportunity like this may.never occur again. You’ ll bo sorry if you miss it. , Opening Dates: Thursday,: Friday, Saturday and Monday, June 24th. 25th, 26th and 28th, and Continues Up to July 3rd. ‘ j 1 j\ r , * / ’ . -*' * ^ i .* 1 / ** ** * At the Old Stand of Terms Cash No. 7 East Main Street, SPRINGFIELD, - OHIO ■■SHEI ! II I INllili JLiiLWESEKlTB I Miss Wanda Wolford, of Wash­ ington C. H., is being entertained at the bobie of her uncle, J. H. Wol­ ford and family. . Mrs. Clara Cotter, 0f Eocust Grove, 0 „ is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lott. Mir, Frank Ervin, of .Cincinnati, liottie for a few days, Mrs. X C, McMillan, of Columbus, .sbSeit visiting at the borne of r father, Mr. Alex Turnbull since it Frldao. ■ W AN TEDW o rk on farm by two college students who. have had experience. Can give any reference needed. "Address Herald office. Mrs. Maude Gerard and daughter, jf Parkersburg, W. Va., were the ;ue$ts ol Mrs*W»H.Blair last weok.^ Mr. Harry Baker and wife and daughter, of Washington C, H. Have been spending several days here with relatives. „,Mr. Baker is a ion of Mr. 9. T. Baker. is Agnes Stormont, who has teaching at Indiana Harbor, Is home on her vacation. Mr, and Mrs. Ora Shearer and Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilcox, of New Paris, spent Friday and Saturday with iff. and Mrs. Earl Richards, Mr. Lawrence Hlsbet, o f Dove- land, Is spending a few days here with relatives before taking up a five year course of electrical engin­ eering m the 'University 6f Cin­ cinnati!. ' —The iielblo Great Money Saving ;Sale Is now on. ' The backward j season is responsible for it and a big stock of merchandise Will be offered at a sacrifice. ClDtliing, Bhirts, shoes, underwear, the seas­ on's latest fashions all go at prices listed elsewhere in thiB issue, Kelble's Big Now Store, 17-10W. Main St., Xenia. Mr. Fred Jj. Fields; of Chicago and bride are guests of Mrs. H. M* Stormont, the groom's mother. The marriage of, Mr. Fields and Miss Jessie Virginia Woodward of Chicago took place Saturday after­ noon at the residence of Rev. Frank W.Barnumm Chicago. Mr. Fields has been connected with the McNeil-Libbey company m that city for three years and lias many friends and relatives here that ex* tend congratulations to him andhi$ charming bride, Mr. A. T. Finney, who ran a nail* iu his loft foot some days ago is able to be about by. the aid of crutches. The member is still very sore and It will be sometime before hewill haveUie normal use of it. - Mr. J, W, Johnson has been bad- fast for a week suffering with con­ gestion of the kidneys. Mrs. John­ son has also been quite ill the past week making their home, some­ what of a hospital. Mrs. A. A. Thoman, of 180 Wash­ ington. Ave,, Columbus, and her niece, Mildred Wnjeh, are spending theweek with Mr. and Mrs. A- Z. Binitb. Mrs,Thoman is a cousin of Mrs. Smith. —Remember Jackson & Dean’ s clearance sale of all kinds of ffnliin-! etyv Sale now going on.. Dr, Isaac,Wistermaii, formerly a druggist dropped into town Wednes­ day on business. Dr, Wisterman has located in St, Cloud, Florida, but has been in the!Northern part of the state for several thonths* Dr. E. O, Oglesbee and. family and Miss Kathleen Blair expect to leave next Wednesday for, the White mountains where the Dr. goes for his health. Miss Helen Oglesbee and Miss Blair only ex­ pect to be gone about three weeks and will return by way of Niagra Falls. V The following, invitations have been issued: “ Mrs. J. A. Bumgar­ ner, Mrs. Stauiey Bumgarner, Mrs. Howard Turnbull, Miss Bumgarner, at-ho'me, Wednesday, June -30, 2 o’clock,” At the home ot Mrs, J. A, Bumgarner. The local base ball team defeated the Shamrocks of Xenia last Satur­ day in a game at the reserve park by a score, of 5 to 4. The Sham­ rocks have been holding the honors In this section fur the class team hut the home boys broke In on their record, There will be a game here Saturday between the two teams. Mr. Francis l^ondsbusb, of Memphite, Tend., has been the guest of bis uncle aud, atint, Dr, arid ifis. M. I, Marsh. Mr. Roudebuah, although only 16years old is quite a talented violinist, a number ot selections from the classics being rendered before summed school students at the college, Thursday, —Clearance Sale Millinery at Jackson & Dean's, Ali trimmed hats at $1.00; shapes at 60 cents each. Reductions on qyery thing else to reduce stock. WARNINGTOAUTOMOBILE ANDMOTORCYCLE OWNERS. jr*r im s m m Or. HB m ’ Art-Petit rant Haft S cha ff ner & Marx, Frat and Perfection Clothes ALL MEN AND BOYS Sec. lo fah ordinance regulating the use of automobiles and wotor- oyclea reads as follows: That it shall ha unlawful for any person or persons to operato an automobile or motorcycle upon the streets of said corporation at a rate of speed greater than eight miles per hour and any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction be fined In any sum not exceeding $25Oil and paythe costs of prosecution. This ordinance will he properly enforced, B. E. McFarland, Mayor. $100 Reward $100, - Will Find SATISFACTION In Our Service CLOTHES FOR MEN Cats, Caps and v Furnishings CLOTHES FOR BOYS The Surprise Store 2B-30 Eaet Third St., Dayton, Ohio ,Th* tender* o f tbifepsper will b* pWirnd. to l«m th&t thet* U at hast" on* dwfcdW tbei toUflpe hftkbam side id In ali > eUgee and tb*t is d u r tli. H ill'• tikiarrh 6 *ft i» tin) ogljr positive cure now lpi©rt to fb« xattUcti fraltmity. Osterrh belfift s consiUuUotmt dUweee, requins s •Ouk^ttUqfial tteKtmiat. B ill’s Csfitrrh Core to U m t itifcnwM.Vt SI m MI* up­ on tbs blood and mucousatirrti m ot system (pareby dtotroving the fdiffida^pn of th* dtoeMi, and jiving the pethi >, Strength by Mlldtog upthe and saaiHit^; uatureiu chfthg it* Wtuk, the proprietor* hlvammh6h M«U iu Its oariUT* powow, Battftiy eNterdhsHtHtWrtWBOiBrs for ony gtm ffMt i« M il to Stbd for ltot o tal l K R J.CHERMY k Cb.,Toi*do, O. HaU’aFSmtiy Ffitoave tlfr.beat, PILES FISTULA d 4$.«« DR.*J. J. MoGLELLAN S m m STLT COUMSUt,o! Where Quality Prevails This is Dress Week at the ; • Big Store " And" this announcement is for women who Appreciate high class wearing apparel at a reasonable price. ~ GREATEST SALE OF HIGH GRADE DRESSES OF THE SEASON And it is extremely doubtful if Bver ^efore a biggev and better assortment o f summer dresses ever assembled for dispersal in this city. WREN'S NEVER DO THINGS HAPZARD O» BY HALVES. OUR 1 DY TO-WBAR BUYER WENT TO NEW YORK LAST WEEK. HE WAS LOOKING FOR SUMMER DRESSES AND HE FOUND THEM. Picked up a snap—the best he admits in his entire experience. The dresses are here now. On sale Friday and Saturday and the balance of next week. EVERY GARMENT IS GUARANTEED TO BE WITHOUT A FLAW All wanted materials—All sizes—All colors—All the new styles, and prices— WELL! The prices will astonish you in their reasonableness. SOME BEATTIES AS LOW AS FIVE DOLLARS EACH AND TRENDING GRADUALLY UPWARD FROM THIS PRICE TO AS HIGH AS $35.00. We bought a tremendous lot of these Dresses and the terms were SPOT CASH ON DELIVERY. That is why we can sell afford to sell them so low* We want every woman in Clark County to sec this wonderful assortmknt of dresses, want her to come to our second floor and feast her eyes upon them even though she don’ t buy. OUR JUNE SALE OF UNDERMUSUNS IS NOW ON Women who have never been in our second floor annex have a pleasant sur­ prise in prospect. 'Those who*.have visited us there know that WREN’S is the real undermuslin Bazaar of Springfield* . Just now our regular June sale ig in progress and, we want to say to the women that never before have we had more attractive offerings than those in evidence this week. 'The new things, the chic things in Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covers, Petticoats, Envelope Chemises—everything which enters into the grand ensemble kuown as feminine lingerie we have in profusion and at -prices always lower than you can buy the materials and make the garments* WHEN YOU COME TO SPRINGFIELD THIS WEEK MAKE IT A POINT TO INCLUDE OUR SECOND FLOOR ANNEX IN YOUR ITINERARY. LINEN CRASH 60 Pieces heavy linen, full width, Blue bordered, unbleached Crash Toweling. Big 10 c O | 3 ^ , value. Yard* . , * * . . . O I O v PRINTED CREPES 50 Styles of fine dress crepes in white with dainty colored figures as good as most stores ' ask you 10 c* *,.* » , *«*. <*« . . «D w HUCK TOWELS 100 dozen heavy ail white Huck Towels, size 19x36* Roman key. and Monogram styles, a 13c towel lfieeach or two fo r * ** *«. * *, * , * * i * , , A iU w APRON GINGHAM/"^ 100Pieces assorted blue check the genuine Lancaster apron gingham* that sell everywhere at H \ / * 81-3c. Ya r d . . . . . . . . . . . O ^ C W i Rifund Your Fire on Purehato of $118,00 or Ov*r,