The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 1-26

mm WlilHHii HUM* fTMFMPM I LOCAL AND PERSONAL | Mr*, J, f\ Gyiift#le liny been f ailed Ut Cincinnati by Kite Illness o £ tbe lit- tla non of Mr. and Mr*. Ray I jiw - arenc*. The Cincinnati Enquirer say*? “ it tilings keep on much longer as tjUev are* parents -will lie sent to bed with- out any supper for talking back to the children,'* Well, we are living in a progressive age, and anything is liable to come to pass. ■ Mr, Ralph Wolford has taken tbs avancy ’for the fitudabaker automobile in this and part of t’aesarcreek town­ ships, . T*ate sown wheat is reported in excellent condition despite cold weath- er, but from some sources the early wheat suffered from the fly. The chaplain of theOhio House gets $5 a day for a prayer opening the ses­ sion, if the present House is like many others in years past the plead­ ings of the spiritual advisor will fall on empty seats while the members loung around in the smoking or com­ mittee rooms, Dayton’s Greatest Clothing Event ©a* ■EXCLUSIVECLQTHES-SHOP. IS^itAlity C o r n e r <4lb fir L u d low S ts . “SecondWinter” SaleNow On Continuing with unabated en- thusiasnron the part of the eager crowds o f buyers w h o throng this handsome store taking advantage o f such genuinely exceptional values as even we have never before been privileged to offer you. It is well worth a special trip to Dayton to avail yourself of this unequalled money-saving opportunity,.) W# r«*4 about this person and that organizing the present legislature and what credit qevtaja Cincinnati poli­ tician* claim. ;ut who „ has beard Wayne B, Wheeler’s name mentioned, the man who rightfully should have the credit as both branches are dry by a good majority, :We thank you in advance for dollar you are going to send us In re­ new,i 1 of your subscription to this pa­ per. And we’ll thank you again when, we get it. 'Surely a double dose of thanks ought to hustle it along our way. % . ........ ..................... Mr, Jacob Sicgler fell Monday morn­ ing while attempting to take carp of his horses. Not seeing that the walk was icy he suffered a fall that result-, ed in a broken hone in his left wrist. Dr. J. O. Stewart set the Injured mem­ ber. liiff Bros, are putting up a large ) 1wart house on their property near the > , Pennsylvania side track f ir storing i fttdr machinery and equipment, .The j budding has a metal roof and siding J I for fire protection. • M f i Robes end Blankets reduced in pries, Herr & Hastings £ros. <4dl ^30 Suits and O’coats—Now $2150 *25 Suits and O’coats—Now $175° *20 Suits and O’coats—Now $1450 *15 Suits and O’coats—Now $1150 *10 Suits and O’coats—Now $7so *10Mackinaws*650 *750Mackinaws*500 *6: Trousers *450 *5°° Trousers *3?5 *4 Trousers *3°°* v*3°®Trousers *225 *2«®Trousers *150 Rememember, this sale includes our, finest regular stock o f new , reliable merchandise men’s and young men’s finest Suitsand Overcoats. Do not wait until too late. The sale is now at its height Your style and size is here. Come—by all means come. Jamestown Is about to be taken off tbe'map so far as train service goes, The day trains have been changed so that service Is not satisfactory to the people of that place or commercial travelers, There are no trains eith­ er way on Sabbath,- "What the citi­ zens of that enterprising village need is a delegation before 'the Public Utilities Commission, The postoffice bore has, caused some little flurry, as postofflees al­ ways do. No man ever got one but somebody objected. No man ever left one, but somebody was glad. No con­ gressman can suit everybody and no man can go into an oflica and suit everybody. So all that can, be done is for both the congressman an’d'the new postmaster do the best they can. But there is one thing sure. No man is given one until ’it' is thought by the powers that he will fill the bill. Apointmen'ts are not made by chance So welcome him and make the burden as light and pleasant as possible.— South Charleston'. Sentinel, F ob S am ® - T wo Jersey cows, one ; fresh with calf by side and the i other w ill be fresh ip the spring. 1 Rhone 13-120, A . G. Gordon, i (Bd) J For Sale or Jtootr—Tbird house north Carnegie Library hi Cedar* ville, Andrew Jack*on, Cedarville, Ohio. Messrs Wendall Duff and Ray­ mond Clark, o f the College, were week end visitors of Cecil Burns. —James Gleason, o f Cleveland has reopened the Vanderpool barber­ shop on Xenia avenue which here­ after w ill be known as the “ Bon- Ton”, First class work guaranteed in every respect, (It) ■At' a meeting of the stockholders of the Exchange Bank, Tuesday, di­ rectors and ofllcerB were chosen. Just recently the capital stock was in­ creased from ?30,000 to $40,000, this stock being subscribed by some ten or a dozen different citizens in the vicinity. Mr, S, W. 'Smith was elect­ ed president; Geo. W, Rife, first vice- president; Oliver , Garlough, second vice-president; O. L. Smith, cashier, and L, F. Tindall, assistant cashier, .The first four with Mr. G. E. Jobe constitute the directors, Mr. Jobe fVas chosen for the first time while the others have served for, several years, were: J. C. Barber, S. T. Baker, C. M. Ridgway, Fred Weimer, Andrew Jackson, H. A. McLean, Walter Uiff, Reed Owens, J. IT Andrews, Cecil Burns. Lester Smith and John Baughn, of Jamestown, jointed the lo­ cal delegation. Mr. Jaclison being in the House when Mr. Willis Was a member of legislature, -enjoyed a re­ served seat with, the notables during th<> ceremony, Mr, A. G..Eveleth fell from the ver­ anda roof at the residence of Mr. J. H. McMillan on Monday while' pre­ paring to put on a roof. Everything was wet and slippery and in some manner not known Mr. Eveleth lost his balance and fell headfirst, some fifteen feet to the ground below. (Mr. ■G. W. Dean was nearby find when he reached Mr,. Eveleth, found that he Was unconscious* He was tarried in­ to the McMillan store, next door, and Dr. Marsh, was summoned., In. a short time consciousness was: regained and the patient was -removed to his home* Examination proved no bones were broken, but there was much suffering In the back from pain. The accident was doubly unfortunate in that Mr. and Mrs. Eveleth had planned to cel­ ebrate their twentieth wedding anni­ versary that night and had Invited a number of neighbors and friends in. Mr. Eveleth insisted upon the friends coming regardless! of his condition, and a very pleasant evening was en­ joyed, about thirty being present. Mr. and Mrs. Eveleth were the recipients \ - ______ ;_______ . ■ .............................— .........- ..— .. . . S G H M I C IT ’S . . We intend to lead during the year 1915 by always selling for less Seal 5 These Save Yon Money Country Cured Bacon........ lie Breakfast Bacon, Sugar Cured per lb ...................42o Fancy Sugar Cured Ham, lb .................................... California and Picnic Hams, per lb .... ...... ........... .14c Schmidt’s Ocean Light Flour................ .......... -... 65o Canned Cord, P e f can........Do Shoe FegfCom, per can........ 70 Corn Flakes....................... to Schmidt’ s Old Hiekory * Flour, 25 lb. sack for..........76c Shipt Ch | A P V T C £ V 0 0 1 )\ H f l ] \\Holei or'Water I ou O im V liSEAil \\StKLStt\VT OYSTtHM 1 f WNoChemvalVreiemVWeV j 1 lift (buWvy II II . / asters ‘Sealshipt’ Oysters C h e a p e r T h a n M e a t A Fresh Delicious Table Oyster, Packed In Sealed Cases. Solid Meat No Water DOWN THEY GO AGAIN! NEW POTATOES Per Bu, • .............................. ..... 50c ■Si N5 lb. Sack of Gold Flour M .d »lF I»u r H. E. Schmidt <5 Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers 3 0 South Detroit Street, . » Xenia, Ohio. “ Duck” Broailico, driving for Nagley Auto Dlvery,and J. M. Bull of Springfield, who. travels for a Columbus grocery concern, had a very narrow escape from serious in­ jury and possibly death on Wednes­ day wbep they were struck by a D. T. & I engine jn South Charleston. Tho crossing is a had one, the view being obstructed. They did not hepr a train near and proceeded across. The front wheels had just reached the track when a freight engine struck the auto knocking it to one side. Neither was hurt but were badly scared. The machine was badly damaged. Our attention has been called as to the result of the recent civil ser­ vice examination for county infirm­ ary superintendent. Waiter Dean 1st: T. C Wolford, 2nd and M. Smith 3rd. J. A. Barns shipped a fine Burnt Jersey hog to Beamon, O., Wednes­ day. . The price was $36,00. For Sale:—Choice Plymouth Bock Cockerels at $ 1.00 each for a short time. W. JET. Oreswell, Federal Pike. Unusual Value=Giving. Get This Idea Clearly, W e N eed Room for Spring Goods! & W E ARE willing to pay you increased clothes valu* for the help you will give us in taking the Fall and Winter Goods away. That's the moving spirit back of this sale. Our stocks aren't "enormous” ; here are just broken lines and patterns left from early, selling in Hart, Schaffner and Marx, Atterbury System and Clothcraft Clothes, • $32.50, $30 and $28.00 three pieee suit in a variety of patterns, good mocels two and three button coata, high cut vents Sale Price$22.50 Get a good rob* and horse blanket pow while you have a good full line to pick from and can getthe Mid-Winter discount (4d) Kerr & Hastings Bros. Owing to-the quarantine the Duroc sale orWatt and Foust has been called off. Most of the buyers are from out of the state whereshipments could not be made, Mrs. J. E. Kyle is visiting relatives in Adams County, Mr! Harry,Townslcy has purchased the L. A. Teas farm of 40 acres it'a price said to be $0800. Mr, Teas sold the farm to Wm, Finney, who in turn sells it to Mr, Townslcy. - The deal was made by Smith & Collins. AH members of the Protective Associ­ ation shouldattend the annual meeting at the Mayor’s office, Saturday at 1:80. There will be election of officers and othc' important business. Margaret, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T, N» Tarbox, who was injured sometime ago while sleding, is thought to have injured her spine which is feared may make her a cripple. Mr, Ray McFarland of Columbus has accepted a position with the State Sav­ ings Bank and Trust Co., having been Connected with the T, & O, C. freight department in that city. Mr. andMrs. Robert Bird left Wed­ nesday on their Southern trip. The High School basket ball teamand their lady friends with Prof, Fortney their instructor, were entertained Wed­ nesday evening at the home of Mr John Wright* Local officers made a goodcatch Tues­ day when Wm, Shears andhis paramour, Lizzie Jones Barlow, were taken in charge. Some months ago the woman was up for drunkenness and released on bond. This she jumped in company with Shears and it is understood they located in London. It was also found Out that the couple liad taken out amar­ riage license in Madison county, the marriage takjng place fn West Jefferson. Shears has a wtfe living here that has never been divorced and whom he- de­ serted, Ths Barlow woman was first married to '’Buster" Japes but following Ills death she was married to Harry Bar- low, who Ha* not lived with her for some time, She has more than Gnce been in mayor’ s court arid on serious chatges. At present two cases arc pendingagainst her. Wednccday afternoon the Sheriff and Prosecutor from London came here and took Shears back where the grand jury will investigate a bigamy charge. The woman is still held herebutthe local officials will not hold her in case she is jointly indicated with Shears, The case is a clear one and both will likely get penitentary sentences. "Word has been received that both were indited. Not fer Doctors, Of course it is all right for igno­ rance to be biles,, but we dislike to have our doctor enjoy himself that way.—Gklveston News, a +f* $16 and 15.00 fine quality clothe^ in many pattrons. Sale Price $11.50 $25, $23 and $22 serviceable busine ia Suits for ordinary wear. Good strong materials and patterns to select from Sale Price $17*50 ■**■■■ 1l,l,»T - 1 ■■Z'-.'U-.-'-.'i-r1 r*1'"1*’’-'.'W"v ,■*■»»»■■■. " j . j -r-'>"■■■■■■■—.'my m ■■. l $12 and $10 Values Sale Price $7.50 $20, $18.50 and $16.50 well tailored Suits, good for a lP round wear, ex­ ceptional all wool values Sale Price $14,75 Same Reduction on Overcoats as given on Suits SHIRTS Goods UNDERWEAR $2.50 and $2 values........ $1-50 Values $1.48 $115 $3.00 value $2.50 and $2 value. . , , . $2.25 $1.48 $ 1.00 values, $ .89 .$1.15 50c values... . $ *39 *vSue *89 Boys’ Knickerbocker Suits and Overcoats $12 and $10 values ............... ..$6.75 9,$8and $7.50 values .... ..... 5.50 7and$6 values .......... . ............ 4.75 5 values .............................. 3.75 4 and$3.50 values ................... 2.75 KnickerbockerPants $1.15 and 89c Leather Goods Sate Bags, Suit Cases and Novelties ATWONDERFUL REDUCTIONS C. A OppositeCourt House Main Street Xenia,Ohio . ■s**-