The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 1-26

$ ir‘ The Cedarvilte Herald, I hon . frank j . cannon . 1 IV r Year, 9 Bancroft’s 64th - • .4 *■* Annual FurClearance Sale Opens Saturday January 23rd. This sale commands your^ a ttr ition because more furg and better furs are involt d than were ever before offered as a cut price in Central Ohio. While our reductions may not sound as radical as some you see advertised, yet the benefit to you is far greater for two reasons; 1st—Bancroft furs are without question high­ er grader-no price is low'enough to make poor qualities really cheap. 2nd —We stake our reputation tha t every cut is absolutely honest and the original plain figure price a fair one—our one-fourth or one-third off means a greater saving to you than one-half off if the first price was too high or was misrepresented. BANCROFT QUALITY NEVER VARIES ONLY PRICES HAVE CHANGED - You are always safeguarded by our long experience, expert knowledge and the broad Bancroft guarantee of satisfaction in wear. ^ Every popular fur and every correct style is here in wonderful profusion—fur coats, fur muffs, fur neckpieces, men’s fur iined overcoats and fur caps All go down together—nothing is reserved. Fur coats as low as $18.75. Fur muffs as low as 95c. Fur neckpieces as low as. 45e. < k a r L h p u C l Ed itor *ne- Eori-ml a t the Post-Office, Cedar- vsile, October 31, JKS7, as second class matter. FRIDAY, JANUARY C2, 1915 The barbers of the state are going to ask the legislature to pass a bill that will require every tonsorlal ar­ tist to take an examination. Evident­ ly the barbers have forgotten the sup­ posed tyipopularity of the Warnes law ^nd some others that brought about examinations. But then who would fuss with a barber over such, a point unless It means the boost in prices? A Republican administration has pledged a change In the tax laws on the theory that the people have been robbed ot the opportunity of electing fchejr ' assessors, Tuesday wo reiu! whore the Republican delegation from Hamilton county' called upon <Jov, Willis and urged the removal of the Republican district tax assessor and suggested another. The other mem­ ber, a-Democrat, seemed satisfactory, as no objection was lodged against him. If all this legislation is to he put through within the next week or ten days why need the Cincinnatians worry over a job that is to he so short lived? We wonder sometimes which way' we are traveling and this is one of the times. Y»n will hear a brilliant, rkxjwer ' logical, truthful, and fearless exposure; ot Mormonism. Senator Cannon reveal* the full facts Jand conceals nothing of the rottenness of the Mormon system, Senator Capnon is one of 'the ab!e*t and mi'&t distinguished of public men, Cedsmlle hap ever had the opportunity' to hear. It will cost you nothing. The lecture is free to all. If you think that ib| Mormons are obeying the laws on polygamy, come and become undeceived. Every patriotic, liberty-loving, law- abiding citizen ought to hear Senator Cannon. Remember the date and arrange to be at the opera house, Thursday afternoon, Feb. i, at 2 : 80 , Tell other's and bring them with you. Let u* show Senator Cannon that we are with him in the fight against Mormonism, that Cedarvilte Is patriotic. 1 ■Soup, houses, free clothing- anld1 a dozen other things are being provid­ ed for the poor in the cities. The riiances are ten to one that it is the same crowd up for charity this year that has been on the public in years past. A local dealer states that some­ time ago a woman asked for a cer­ tain amount of groceries on a town­ ship order. At the sariie time she ordered .candy hut paid the cash for if. Over in Springfield a pupil was late for school one morning. The teach­ e r Upon inquiry asked the cause and was informed that there, was nothing J-City, in that home for a breakfast. The teacher gave the child a kiollar and sent the pupil home to provide1for dinner.. 'Part ot this amount was used for the noon meal while, the balance was used by the family to attend a picture show in the afternoon and the pupil was out of school just the same. Every year thousands, of men are out of work in the auto factories in De­ troit at a certain season when the sales are the lightest owing to Winter weather. This same lot of unemploy­ ed knew of the slack time last win­ ter and that it would come this year, but in nine out of ten cases there was no preparation and charity must care for a spendthrift generation: This is not so in every case, hut we often wonder if we-Were not encouraging pauperism by too extensive charity. Mr. &. H j . Wright has returned from a business trip through Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania In the in­ terest of the college. CHURCH SERVICES. U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N . R. P. CHURCH (MAIN STREET) ^Teachers’ meeting Saturday evening aft ? o’clock. Sabbath School Sabbath morning al 9:30 o'clock. ■ > i Preaching by the pastor—elect Rev. J. L. Chesnut,‘D. J). 10:80 and 0:80 Sab­ bath: C, E, 5:30. .Prayer-meeting, Wednesday 7 p. m. M E T H O D IS T E P IS C O P A L CH U RCH . Jos, W. Patton, ipastor-^Sunday school, 9:30; preaching and commun Ion, 10:30; Epworth League, led by Prof. Parker,; at 6!30. You are cor dially. Invited attend these services. WANTED—One of the large maga­ zine publishing .houses desires to em ploy an active man or woman in this immunity to handle a special plan which has proven unusually profitable, 3ooid opening for, right party. Ad­ dress with two. references, Publisher, Sox 135, Times *Sq. .Sta., New York RESOLUTION. BE -IT RESOLVRD: By the Board of County CommissionersofGreene County, Ohio,That the burden whichpersons,firms or corporations ruay transport over any freeor macadmlxed,gravel or stond road, within the county, be andMjereby is fixed, forany vehicle having a tire of less than —tiiree inches in width,,a burden of..... . ........... ... ..... ... . .,.;...3100. pounds, —three inch tire, a burden of....... ______......... .8000, pounds, —four inch tire and over, a burden of.. ., ... .:....................... ;,.,880Q. pounds, in each case, including the weight of the Vehicle; The law provides a fine of not less than Five dollars, normorethan Fiftydollars, against any person violating the above regulations as to the use of public high­ ways. ROAD USERS TAKENOTICE. Board of County,^Commissioners of jt G e t a flood rob© and ho rse . . . b la n k e t now w h ile you have a , Orctne County, Ohio, ■good full lino to p ick from, and ) by GEO, W. KENDALL* Clerk ■can g e t t h e M id -W in ter d iscoun t .Xenla, Ohio, , ! <4d) Kerr & H a s tin g s B ros. January 21st *1915. *. Boys* Odd • Trousers In Wool and Corduroy, 8 to 18 yearn. Lined and unllned. $1.60Knickerbocker*.................. $1.15 $1.25 Knickerbocker*......... ............98c * 4 $1.00Knickerbockers...................~88o 76o Knickerbockers..................... 59c “P We are offering *Hari, Schaffner and Marx, Kauf­ man, Frat and Gold Bond Clothes at half the-.former price. Yes=»An announcement that should interest every man. Boys’ Shirts New patterns, collar attached and detatched, regular 60c values. Sale price— 38c e r . ' The SHIRT Proposition is again before you—We certainly are giving the values of the town. Cash deal* tell every tune. $1.00 and $1.26 Shirts, plaited and negligee percale arid madras, aTl sizes* new pat­ terns and colors. Sale price- 6 9 C Headwear For Men , and Boys In any style you want. Another big shipment of those 78c and $1.00 'Caps which we are A Q n selling for.;................ *1*571/ Wool. Phuh and Cordtiroy How About Pur Caps it's time you.were getting lined up. They can’t al. ways la s t a t these prices— $1.23, $1.48, $1.73, $1.98 SUITS AND O’COATS FOR MEN ------------AT--------- - HALF PRICE E* r \ f \ for any $30,00 Suit CHC j A JU or O’Coat C I O r n forany $25,00 Suit U > lA ,O U or O’Coat $10,00 S,dB$M0Sn" C A CCA W $17.00 Snit or O’Coat C*7 K G f°r *ay $15.00 Sait C p / t O y or O’Coat $28,00 Suit or C ^y l A f \ O’Coats for. . . . . . . vPATbVJw $22,00Suit or C 4 i A H O’Coats for . . . . . . . CPXlAJVJ $18.00 Suit or C O A A O’Coats fo r ..............» v U $16.00Suit or ( h o A A 0’coats for . . . . . . . . i J O t U v $12.00 Suit or O’coat ^ 2 ^ c r H A fot aay $10-00 Suit A A or O’coat <4>QAJU Boys’ English Slip- On RAINCOATS Tas only, light weight and durable, regular price $1.00. Here is a chance for tlie boys to g>.t a nice Goat reasonable. Yes, a bargain- Mothers we have placed all our Wash Suits, “Manhattan make'* on sale a t half price. Styles are Russian and sailor blouse and made of, the most durable m a­ terial, $1.00 Suits 50c; $2.00 Suits $1.00; $1.50; Suita 76c etc. Sixes 3 to 10 years* Boys’ Suits are reduced so low th a t every hoy can Wear a ^Perfection Suit Instead of ir fot »or make. You are sure of receiving the wear and fit, $!.§<> Suit* are now ,selling a t - Trouser Sale of importance to men who can use an extra pair. We purchased a few hun­ dred for cash. Quality the same high (standard we always show, hut the prices are very much lower, Here they are, $1,16. $1,39, $1.87, $2.15, $2.47, $8.43 and.................... $3.69 We just received another shipment Boys’ Mackinaws Sizes 9 to 17. We consider them the best styles we have had this season. The colorings are very beautiful and a t­ tractive, The regular price would be 87,60* Sale price says— . . / STRAUSS and HlLR 28 & 30 E. 3rd. St., Dayton, 0. FREETRIP T O ™ Dayton, O. | AND RETURN ! | Railroad and traction fares | paid both ways to out-of- town buyers for a radius of 4Qmills. SALE NOW GOING BN H A R V A R D On the Harvard Corner, 5th and Jefferson Sts. D ay ton 's B est Clothing S tore f o r M en and Young Men. Reorganization S a l e ; §60,000 worth of new T’all and Winter Men’s High Grade Tailor-Made Suits, Overcoats and Odd Pants, made by the world’s most famous tailors, including the world’s famous L, Adler and Bros. Rochester Clothes,Garson-Meyer,Sohloss Bros, and the L, System, practically all bought for this season’s business, and sold at retail in our large corner building, located on .;«r ' ■ ■■ ' • ■;■■ '. *" ■ . ■ Harvard Corner Fifth, and Jefferson, Sts., Dayton ,0. SALE NOW ON -For the past .years the name of the the Harvard Clothing Company has stood out'for everything tha t was honorable and high-class in the clothing business in Day- ton, always selling , the best merchadise in America at our standard prices—$10,—$15, —$2 0,—$2 5,—a n d . giving valued that are worth and sold for fully 25 per cent, more in other stores in this city. We are going to reor­ ganize our business. We have recently capitalized and in­ corporated for $100,000. In order to quickly settle the in­ debtedness of the old concern offer tne unrestricted choice of our entire stock of hand- tailored merchandise a t the following low prices. An ex­ position of over 5,000 hand­ made, hand-tailored Men’s and Young Men’s Suits and Overcoats a t a reduction of 25 per cent, to 42. per cent, on our already low selling price. READ! READ! READ! Men’s and Young Men’s Suits, Overcoats and Balma- caans; our $ 10.00 d*C 7 ' t Men’s Suits, Overcoats, and Balmacaans; our *7C regular $15 values. ..«?•'• ■ * Men’s and Young Men’s Suits, Overcoats and Balma­ caans; oue regular O QC $ 20.00 values........ «p 1 0 •51D Men’s and Young Men’s Suit 3 , Overcoats and Balma­ caans; our regular d*l 7 A r* $25.00 values. . . .V * * • *«? Men’s Odd Pants; regular $ 2.00 values.. Men’s and Young Men’s Odd Pants; $3.00 values.................... Men’s and Young Men’s Odd Pants; regular CO DC $5.00 values.. , . , Come see and be Convinced HARVARD .Clothing Parlors HARVARD CORNER $th,i Jeff«Trion Ms., Dayton, O. Railraod and Traction faros paid both ways to out-of- town buyers to $ 20.00 or over for a radius of 40 miles. 1 ■ ■ ■ A 95c Children Cry for Fletcher’s TI 10 Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for ov tr 450 years, has home the signature of and lias been, made under bis per* sonal supervision since Its infancy* ------- A llow no o n e to deceive you In th is . All Counterfeits, Imitations a n d J u s t-a s -g o o d ” are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTOR IA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. -It is pleasant. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance* Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all .Teething Troubles and .. Diarrhoea. I t regulates th e Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. - The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. genuine CASTOR IA always iBears the Signature of 81 IoUse For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THECttNTAUWCOMPANY. NEWYOWtcCITY.- \m m § 1 iiiiiM i'M W M w aw aw Everybody from Cedarville and surrounding counties to give us a call, and see our new, line of Fall and Winter woolens for Suits and Overcoats. No need of buying your clothes ready made when you can get them made to order for the same price. W« give free Tickets for the Educational Library in Jobe Bros. Window. / . ’ I T h e L e a d in g T a ilo r X e n i R , ■■:■ !■* Ohio ,1 PRESERVE TH IS AD F O R ‘FUTURE REFERENCf N EX T SU B JE C T A TENDERLOIN ROAST A nd H o w TO CARVE YEAL S e c tio n A Loin, the finest cut lo t roasts and chops EL Fillet, for roasts and cutlets. C. Ilutnp-end for roasts and cutlets. D. Knuckle, for stews, soups and mincemeats. E. Neck, for slock stows and bashes. F. Breast, for roasting audjoheps. G. Blftdo*bon« for pot roasts ahd stews, H. Fore-knu^jjrie, used for soups and potples. I. Used for Boasts, Section J satno as D. WALTER CULTICE II II II it II II This month’s •Butterick Patterns are 10c and , 1S q ~~*none higher. •irwPMr***! S - IOCA vi Mrs. CWv visking her Jl. Wolford. ‘Nelllo P. to «ctt 57 j holding a Hi If yen are gale, let ns t wHl »ot he in yo»r yin ready annoui March. Mr. Wilson bert Nagel t Nagel selling of February. hoW a sale rate on the II occupied by < Forty-seven of hogs and cd on the M« ton county Ji lug out the A deep trenc iuals hurled ' lime, ) ng ° f ts . ou ^ L a d R the^e .■*sVl$rAsL.ji >’*'■, ' 1 . ' Lin v buy hv a yarc for u IO Galloway & Cherry t • i’ y II E. Main St., Xenia, 0. Headquarters for Reliable Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, •. • r . iS, Draperies. Etc. ■■ ILVW I A 4 I V I Xenia’s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House Wc , s e Thes Countr Break f Cure Fancy lb . Califoi per I! Selnnit Floui Gamio Shoe I’ Corn 1 Schnii Flour, LOIN ST o w *VtL D 3 0