The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 1-26

Mr. James McCkrilan foes axscepted a. position oa tbo advertising force of tihe Dayton Journal, ' ... .............l . ■■Prat Leroy Alien and wife* have Tented the BhuH iproperty pn ’North Main street, recently purchased* hy Mir. G. F, Slegler, Mr* Dharles Bojd o f Hast Liverpool has 'been the guest of We brother-ln- law and sister, 'Prof, -and Mrs. Leroy Allen. .. .■ ■ . ■Mr, and Mrs. John Lo tt of Pitts- hurg, arrived last Friday for a visit uvSth relatives here. Mrs, Lott will remain some time while Mr. Lott is out Hn the Interest at his company. Mr, B. W. Lemon, the aged colored- blacksmith, died Saturday - and iwas burled from the A. M, E. phurch, Mon­ day, The deceased had beep a t'esl- dent of this, place several years, work­ ing in the D. S. Erwin shop.' i ■—Ang le iron fence posts, superior to any other make. <10 d ) ' K e rr & Bastings Bros Mr. C. M, Crouse is suffering with neuritis in one o f his eyes. Mr, N, L . Bamsey has for his guest h it Sister, Mrs. Gray o f Col­ lege Corner, O. Mr. B, W. Lemmons the colored blacksmith, leaves his estate to Mr. D. B. Kevin by w ill which has been probated. •■■... Mr. D. M. Ksnnon spent Wednes­ day lu Columbus. C. M. ipsneer. has opened a grocery in tho Turnbull room on South.Main street, The Exchange Bank statement published in this issue shews this financial institution to be in the usual flourishing condition. assets m mm F o r S a l e ;—Good fam ily driving mare, good pheaton buggy and $00 bu.corn. - W . J . T akbq x . M r, -A, E. Richards, the enter prising druggist has purchased a new soda fountain and w ill have It .installed within the next month. Interior changes w ill be made in the room to provide accommodations for-hig patrons, The room w ill also be re-decorated .and with the 1m1 provements and new fountain w ill make the store quite attractive. Mrs. Helen Hammond and Miss A lice Prltz, o f Dayton, spent the week-end with.their brether-in law and slater, Rev. and Mrs. JT-. W . Patton. , Mice Kate Nisbet is opending the •week with relative® in Bellefontaine. The basket ball games last -Friday resulted tfn j divided: honors. The CedarvElla girls defeated the Antioch girls 22 to 20. The Antioch boys de­ feated the local team 52 to 25. The iSullenibecger elevator escaped a iSerious fisre llaslt . Thursday, em­ ployees Idllscovering fire In the top of the building .and.1by. quick -work soon had the flame# under control. -' The ■loss Was not great. , No reason, can be given for the fire. . DRIED APPLES Nies one*—Be per lb.—3 lbs- for 15c. Fresh Fruit—tho best line of Oranges, Apples Graps Fruit ate,, at Bird's Store1; The shipment fo r the Belgium re­ lief has gone from this place and con­ sisted' o f the following: 75 bushels o f shelled corn, 40 bushels of rye, 10 1-2 bushels toif beans, 325 pounds of rice, 200 pounds o f salt meat and. hams, 50 pounds of'sugar, 50 pounds o f peafthes, 24 cans o f corn and 10 cabs o f molasses. ■Some time ago the IB. P.'church raised $75 In money for the Belgium sufferers. You can buy Lime and Sulphur solution both in the dry and liquid form at O. M. R idgway’ s. _ » v :' 1' X -Ray incubator, greatest catch­ ing machine on the market. Phone 2-122. s ! J , W . Moore, Agt. . The Exchange bank haw been select­ ed as depository for the ‘new Ross township centralized school district. The district recently voted a $35,000 bond issue for a .new building and this issue with the regular deposit .will amount to about $40,000. Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Murdock, after a seven weeks vis it in Elber- and .Atlanta, G a „ returned home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Collins entertained Rev. and Mrs. J. L . Ohesuut and a few other friends last Friday. Mr. W . ’ W. CresweW has gone.cto Philadelphia Where he <was called to testify as at witness against the treas­ urer o f a fertilizer Company who Is being Weld toy ithe •Federal authorit­ ies, Mr. ‘Creawell ordered some ferti­ lizer from a Reading, Pa., firm and forwlarded a check in payment of. the goods, which never arrived although the chebk was ckshCdl The matter was referred to the .postal.authorities with the above result. It is said that many others were victims of this same firm’s methods. Judge, Thomas E, ■Soroggy, former attorney in this county,* and Sixth District congressman, died Saturday at his home in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at the age o f 72. die was a veteran o f the ‘Civ'll War suffering a.'bullet through the right’ lung. He was ad­ mitted to the bar In 1871. In January, 1905, he Was elevated to the Common Pleas «JudgsMp and served until his election to congress. Judge Scroggy Was twice married, both wives pre­ ceding his tdleath. A brother, John, and sister, Kate, reside in. Tulsa, while a sister, Mrs. Stark, reside® In Dayton. The funeral Was held Tues­ day afternoon at the chapel in Wood- lawn cemetery, Xenia Ex-Senator O, -F. Hypes, of Spring- field, dleldl o f blood poison early Tues­ day morning after a week’s Illness. The deceased ‘ was formerly of this county, hte parents, Mr. and) Mrs. S. H. Hypes, residing in Xenia. He was' a man o f sterling integrety, a man who in Ms business and political career practiced Christian ideals. He was most noted in his home city for hid fleMdeZsiiip la behalf o f the dry forces. 'He was equally prominent in the councils of the Y. M, C. A. and the Methbdlst church, having had much to do With the work of prominent boards. TBe deceased* was 53 years of age and- leaves a wife and daugh­ ter beridfea his aged parents, two sis­ ters and ,tWo brothers. The funeral was held Thursday. Mr. W illiam Alexander, o f Yellow Springs, spent Sabbath with his mother, Mrs. C, W . Alexander. Miss Elizabeth Townsley, daugh­ ter o f Mr. and Mrs, A . D. Townsley is the only contestant from here in the'MoBer Shoe Store, Xenia,' piano contest which closes in June. Friends interested in the prize coming this way should g ive their votes to Miss Townsley. * There have been several com­ plaints from those .who subscribed for our combination order .-last January in that the Ohio Farmer and Stockman' have not come regularaly or. a t all, i f you arc not getting yours le t us khow as we are determined to flndthe trouble. Miss Julia Hopping, o f Toledo, Iowa, is the guest o f Mrs. J, B, Winter. MEN S FURNISHING GOODS Hats, Shirts, Sooks, Under­ wear—in our new Spring* line w* are aiming to please the tasty dresser. Come in and see them. ' Bird's MammotlT Store. W illiam Albert, the 16 months old son of Mr. and’ Mrs. Addison Graham, died Thursday night at the home o f its grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. H iram Graham. The child had not been in good health and had suffered convulsions. Thursday night it suffered such an attack and died in five minutes, The child’s parents, were moving from South Charleston to a farm near Xen ia and the son had been le ft with the grandparents. The funeral was held Sabbath after­ noon a t South Charleston. Two brothers and a sister survive beside the parents. Dr. Mlleo* Anti-Pain Pills tot rheumatism SpringMillinery Opening Friday, March 12,1915 Saturday, March 13,1915 Most Fashionable Styles at Lowest Possible Prices. ......... Miss Bernice Northip Main St., OppoilteOperaHouse LINOLEUMS AND MATTINGS Plsnty on Hand,.and we guar­ antee you as good or better values than you oan find out of town. At Bird’s Mammoth Store. - r l have opened the blaoksmith shop formerly conducted by Towns­ ley and am. ready for business. I w ill do all kinds o f repair w.ork -and interfearmg horse ,shoeing Is my specialty. C. H.JP end lum . Mrs. Jacob Johnston and Mrs. W illian A lexander, o f Yellow Springs, spent Thursday with their mother, Mrs. C. W . Alexander, Rey. W . R , Graham, o f Y ellow SpringB Presbyterian church, has gone on a trip to Fresno, Cal., with a view o f accepting a ca ll’ to that place. He. w ill be gone several weeks. ; ■ ’ The village council in South Charleston has decided to submit the question o f a bond issue tor water works to a vote of the people. Thomas MattinBpn, one o f the big farmers near South Charleston has purchased a 40 h. p. iraoton for plowing that w ill turn three acres, ot land per hoi^r. I t w ill also turn' the corners just as easily as by a team, \ London, Ohio is said to be one of the most attractive small cities in: the state. N ew paved streets and cluster electric lights add much to the beauty o f the town and have boosted property values. The town w ill also have saloons In a short time as a result o f the election last fa ll. - The cithen* generally w ill not point w ith A s mufcli pride to their new institutioh, ’ ‘ •■ - The Township Board o f Edu­ cation met a number o f 1architects Monday afternoon to go oyer plans ahd formulate some idea o f ’ w liat is needed in modern. Bchool build­ ing and what would best suit the needs o f this ,vicinity. The board meets again Tuesday evening to take up the matter. . Miss Julia Harbison, who lias been located in Columbus for the past few yeats has returned here to make her home with her mother.. —M O N E Y TO L O A N ON FARMS a t S)4 with privilege to pay on the principle at any time, W rite, Farmers Loan & Trust Co,, Rodin 8, Steele Bldg., Xenia, Ohio, Concentrated .Cough Medicine w ill save you money. A 50c bottle o f Wh ite Pine Extract and Tar Compound make* . a fu ll .pint of splendid ooftgh syrup and saves the user about $2.00 a t C. M. R idgway ’ s —R id Cedar fence posts, corner posts and braces, equal to Ohio Locust and o f equal value. K e rr & Hastings Bros. —F or S ams :—A lot o f N o . 1 oak fence post. Edw. Dean, Break up s cold in a tO . M. R idgway’s, one day, 25c MEN'S WORK SHOES Wtf guarsntss satisfaction, and If thsy srs nst good, wc give you another pair, Bird’s Mammoth Stars. ■ Mr. R oy Harrison, o f Troy, for­ merly o f th is'p lace, received from the Carnegie Hero Commission last Saturday a check for $lu00, as a re­ sult o f his bravery ia the 1018 flood" Several weeks ago he received the Bllver medal, Mr. Harrison has been motorman on the Springfield and Troy E lectric Road -and the g ift lias been applied on the pur­ chased o f hiB mother-in-laws, Mrs. George Randall, place west o f town, Mr* .Harrison attempted to save two women and several children a t Troy during the flood. H e bad safely loaded them1in a boat from their perilous position, but while passings dangerous place in the river the women became excited and overturned the boat. A ll the occupants Were.drowned except Mr. Harrison who drifted into a tree where he took refuge and remained there for 18 hours before he could be rescued. The flood happened two this month on the 25th* N6 matter how hare your head aokea , he. MS** A»t1-Y*h» PIIW wilt hole fm% Clifton U. P. Chtlr^h Chime • -Lead a hand, —Rut# are art routes. —A good motto; “Advance alt along the Line.” —Waliaow lead* <\ V. next sab­ bath evening. ’"•»D€‘cI*i!)>n day Will- be observed SC a * — m W Marfare-t Rife is drilling Clifton high school for a concert to be given shortly* —Jf*yon have not done so drop your prayer list# ia the basket next Sab­ bath. —Most o f our people have recovered from their colds and grip and we hope to see every, one at the Sabbath service, * —Mr, John. Finney and family now occupy part o f the old homestead; —‘Often more harm is done by neg­ ligence of the .SgQOd than ' toy actual commission.' o f evil. —'William Ferguson was elected secretary and treasurer o f the Pres- byterial Brotherhood! for another year "at the meeting last week, —iPrayen meeting Wednesday at 1:30, followed by the -W, M, Society and1 the monthly meeting .of Session* at 2:30, —Mrs, Gordon Collins and *Mrs, Al­ bert Ferguson are leader# o f the W, M. Society next Wednesday at 2:30. —The closing meeting o f Session for the chuTch* year w ill be held Wednefe- dSay at 2:30 at the pastor’s* study. —There were' *17 anen) And'two wo­ men "from the Clifton church at the Brotherhood' meeting In Xenia, last voeek., ,r */ —Mr, Jacob Stiue and* family are occupying the home formerly occu­ pied hy ’Mr. lJobn Finney and family. They wiSH* receive a hearty welcome to worship wttb us< —Mr. Albert Ferguson, accompanied the pastor last week pn 'pastoral visi­ tation, calling in the home# o f Mr. Lester Braley, John Finney, George M. Rife, J. ®. Rife and', Clarence Finney. —A business man'recently remark­ ed: “ I consider it as much my duty to be present at prayer-meeting as to meet.any business engagement.’’ —Over one hundred dollars was raised last Sabbath toi add! to our mis­ sionary offering for the year clos­ ing March 31*. —Thing# to bring home from church: 1. Gratitude for the privilege of. public worship..' 2. Zeal for (work, with God, in the salvation of men.' ’ 3. Greater Jove lor the soul® of the back-adder# and impenitent. 4. A new sense of the Joy of fel­ lowship. 1 - , 5. !An inspiration for the coming year. ' , 6. A resolution 4a Invite some one to the next service. 7. A reverential spirit which will not stop to gossip, or criticise, even In thought, either the 'preacher or his sermon. . ■ —The surest way to accomplish the ruin of the pout is just to neglect “ the great salvation.” (Education, science, philosophy cattnot stove you. Christ Is the sinder#’ only hope, . - —Book# toelongteg to the Circulating. Library should' all b e 3n the first Sab­ bath o f the month. ’Pibss# do not for­ get. " * ‘ ' , • —The fallowing committee was ap­ pointed to prepare &n*&< recommend a plan* for an efficfeirey movement ip the C, U. Society, viz.: William Ferguson, Carrie Rife, and Oriand Ritchie. —The Young People are planning an every member canvas and system­ atic effort to ratep. furicto In their £0? clety the coming year. The commit­ tee to cprry the plan into execution is composed or Carey 3P. Ritchie, Hattie Turner and Dorothy OolWnJ. — Invite the men Of to hear Di*. Ritchie*‘i sermon an Busi­ ness Honesty, -March 21. Interviews with 20 men on that subject w ill *be reported. —Accompanied by Mr. Gordon Col- line, the pastor called Monday at the homes o f William Knox* Ross Tanne- hlll, Jacob Fluke, Charles' Finney, the Misses Bull, JohnMBulck- fend Henry McCarty. -r-The W. C. T. C. of Clifton .will meet at the U. 'IP. parsonage next Tuesday at 1:30* —The world ha* plentW o f com­ mon people. It’s -the folks that strive to *do common thing# in an uncommon way that get result*. * —The manwho lafelway#crlticioing church member# Is'not a desirable companion for your boy. —No country without the Bible has ever had a mfell system, a-telegraph system, a 'bank or even a two-horse wagon*—till the Ok ie got there. —March themes: March I f—How to Make a "Success of the Christian Life. Prelude—Why a Boy Should Be a Christian* -March 21—Cart An Honest Man Succeed! in Businews? Prelude—Re­ port of Twenty Interviews. March 28—The Christian Eternal Reward. Prelude—Others. —"It is a good* thing to see people take front neats. It show# they are not ashamed to be there. It shows they are in sympathy with the event. It shows there is it sincerity in their very presence. I t may be questioned if there 1# much religion in a church where the members choose the bfeck seats the front seat# tenant- less. Sitting away bock, when a good cause is. being urged, Is very like throwing ft bucket of cold water on It." mm mmm SGHMIDT’S We intend to lead during the year 1915 by always selling for lees Seal Shipt Oysters Special —F O R — Friday and Saturday Swdltzer Gheese per lb ....... 24o Limberger Cheese per lb,...19c Brick Cheese per lb....,... ,.,„ 21c Regular 10c package of Home Wade Sauer Kraut Per lb.. ,2c Corn Flakes...,..... ..............,6c Tomatoes, per can..... 8c Corn, per can.....,,...,, .............. 6e Lenox soap, 8bars for.......,.,l0o Salted Herrings fo r....... ....... 2c tJ L P I3 V £ ¥ O O D \ rtHolc* orWaUr iStALMUPT OYSTERS! ,\NoChew'uyl’Preservative\ \wA . \ / U iR ] \b Qu*UtVOXlAWhUtPT ‘Sealshipt’ Oysters Cheaper Than Meat A Fresh Delicious Table Oyster, Packed in Mealed Cases, . _______ . . ■ ■ Solid Meat No Water 25c A QUART Fancy Apples Per Bushel 75c H. E. Schmidt 6 Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . . Xenia, Ohio. l e g a l N o t ic e Lela M* Jfeowyer* Plaintiff, v s . Qhas. W . Bowyer, Defendant* Common PJeaS Court, Greens County, Ohio* Charles W. Wowyer place of residence Riverside, Virginia, will take notice that on the S8th day of January, 1915, said Lela M, Bowyer filed In said court lmr petition against him for divorce upon the grounds of wilful absence f<|r more than three years and gross neglect of duty* ahd that the same will be for hearing at the Court •Hons# m Xenia, on Maroh 2Snd, 1915, at fio’ clodb a*m., or as soon thereafter as the same oan be reached, by Which time defendant must answer or demur to said petition or judg­ ment may he taken against him. (Signed) Lela'M. Bowyer REPORT Of the Condition of the Exchange Bank, Cedarville,- in the State ot Ohio, at the Close ofv Business, March 4,1916. , RXSOUKCES Loans on Real Estate,,,..................j 19,240.00 Loans on C ollateral.....,,.,,;..,..,.. 30,700.00, ' ‘ " ... . 117,423.42 [ Other Loans and Discounts. Overdrafts................. '504.80 State, County and Municipal Bonds cot included in Reserve............ 14,787,50 Premiumspaidon UnitedStates,State.. v*. and Munloipal Bonds................ 515,05. Other Bonds and Securities.....,.,,'. 2,510,10 Banking Houss and Lot and Qther * IVsal Ectnie.,*............. .7,500.00 Eurnituto and Einturee......... . 1,000.00 Cash Items...,.*................$ 93.15 poalromRenryaBgalcA..; 4?,70<tOS; Gold C o i n . . , 1.070,00 * Silve^Dollars,..,...... . 705.00 Fractional C oin ,,.*.,,..,., 404.24 , U. S. and National Bank Notes.,.’.., 7,522.00 ’ Bonds helda* lawful reserve 457.50 Total Reserve,..,......... ................... 53,n";5.0& 0. 8. Revenue Stamps................ 53.50 T o ta l:...,..............................5248,259.22 * « LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in......... .. 39,000.00 Surplua Fund,...... . 2,250.00 Undivided Profits, less Expenses, Interest and Taxes P a i d 074.08 Individual Deposits subject to check 142,084,22 Demand Certificates of Deposit....... 9,402.03 Due to Banks and B a n k e r s . , , , . . 258.30 Time Certificates of Deposit......., 8,500.00 Savings Deposit..... 45,130:63 Total.....................................3248,259.22 State of Ohio, County of Qreene, as: . , I, O. L. Smith, Cashier of the. above named The Exchange Bank of Cedarvilio, Ohio, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. *0, L. SMITH, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th, day of March, 1916.- ’ Karlh Bull, Notary Public. RAIDER’S CAPTAIN TALKS Declare* He Will Not Interne Unteea Forced to Do So, Norfolk, Va., March 12.—With flvo- Britiah warships hovering around the Virginia capes, eager for a chance to aink her. Captain Thierlchens of the German auxiliary cruiser Prlhz Eitel Friedrich declared he would not in­ terne unless forced to do so and that he was ready and anxious to proceed to sea as soon as his vessel makes urgent repairs to her machinery and boilers. When told that' British war­ ships were so close to the Virginia capes that th£ coast guard cutter On­ ondaga was sent out to see that they did not violate neutrality laws, he de­ clared he had been taking chances for seven months and expected to do so again. Constructor Watts has been delegated by tbe navy department to superintend the repair work. Captain Thierlchens furnished Col­ lector Hamilton his reasons for sink­ ing the American sailing vessel Wil­ liam F. Frye. The explanation Is written in German and will not be translated until it reaches the hands of Secretary Bryan, Charge Againat School Principal* St. Louis, March 12.—That one hoy Was serioufcly injured as a result of the action of Principal W. D. Robin­ son of the Garfield school at KenWood Springs,'fit. Louts county, in taking two boys Into his office to let them fight while he looked on, was told by Louts Olg&r, whose son Oliver is con­ fined to his bed with lacerations and contusions suffered lu the fight. Panama Canal. Again Open, Washlngtoq, March 12.—The Pana­ ma canal is again open to trade, ac- cofdlng to a cable received at the war department fr6m Major General Goe- tbals, governor of the canal. A chan­ nel was cleared for navigation past tbe slide In Culebra cut and vessels arc peering through. Dr Miles* Antl-Paln Pills fer all pat*. N e w M i l l in e r y S to r e ^Phw Gaods— Latest Creations in Spring,Millinery S p rin g O p e n in g Friday, March 12 Saturday, March 13 The latest shades in King George Red, Sand and Putty as well as Belgian Blue, Shepherdess Sailors and Tipperary hats. Ja ckson & D ean South Main Street, Cedarville, Ohio The Fact Remains No amount o f misrepresentation by the peddlers o f alum baking powders, no jug­ gling with chemicals, or pretended analysis, or cooked-up certificates, or falsehoods o f any kind, can change the fact that Royal Baking Powder lia s been found by the offi­ cial examinations to be of the highest leavening efficiency* free from alum, and of ahsotiife pnrity and wholesomeness. Royal Baking PowSer is indispensable for making finest and most economical food. Tile HU H G RAD E LEHR PIANO I t UtKD AND BNDOKltD V f TheSftMl 0ta**mi«y *f Mmkb VeA TkA— .as*:MkaJeUkle. ■IHH w NlfWtTivlI'WWI WlWwtiWf ■»,i ih ** ui misJ .j. CMieie0»M«rrtl*WA tWertt#SebOetrier*f»*WNe|«. ♦k. IkMieAi^iAamihAMiUbAASW ttM SAatAfA SimhlA* fudn* |Ml sTeNN^Pl*VnWnTWWI|wlM$P|W| w eewiwfwWP* AMOOTMfeRLCAMNOOONtRMVAYOlHft* H . L 1 H R A C O M P A N Y , M o n u P w , 1