The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 1-26

'■2 -, —*J-»'w- * 'A—•— -' - *_ . ... .- _ - ■ ■ - -v-j l A A A J U l ^ J U U A K Aft ft ft AH ft ft A ft ft ft A R.ft.ft ft ft. f t .» a ft ft ft ft ftft.ft ft ft SALE Don ’t Miss Seeing the Largest Selection of Merchandise Ever Shown Spring and Summer Suits All the Latest Models in Men’s, Young Men’s, Youth’s and Boys’ Suits £22,00 SUITS A | A A A Opening Sale Price......... ...................................... ...... .........J ) 1 4 « / U 122,00 SUITS. < 1 * 1 A f t Opening Sale Price............ ...... ,................... .......... .........,— $ 1 t f t / U $18,60 SUITS ( M A 7 C OponingSale Price . . .. . . ..... „......... ...................... l i f e a O ' $16.60 SUITS -< tA f t C Opeuing S^'le Price............. J ) / » O u $26.00 SUITS ( h m A J - . Opening Sale Price• m ”»*• »«'♦»•*#«•►»*»»»»* k if«»»»**•»#»«»*«,»rty»K*(•-**»«I,» ® V H r $12,60 SUITS O JJ Opening Sale Price *«*»-»*«•'»<•*»*■•(in 141 .*■ * ., <-4 ■ F **.'•* 0 ___; , . . . ....... ; ^ ........ .. _________ Young Men’s Suits • ,‘C3r ■. • # Nobby Patterns and Latest Designs $18,60 SI ITS ' ■* ■ ' . < M A 7 C Opening Sale Price *« m M:*!**/»*•**■*<*•(*■▼M*»r*^*t*r*«s*'*,-»'«■» ei*^ tp J[ ♦ m $16.60 SUITS . (j»A O j? Opening Sale. I”*!ioe............... . ....... ........ » * • eAjML?: $15.00 SUITS A 0 Opening Sale Prlee 4 *« r s*-«r■■ '•»ft»»»/ "t 'J- t ■ ^ M /Wt> $i 2 . 6 o s u i t s „ <$*£ o r Opening Sale Price .................................... .. . <{H|tOD See Our Great Bargains in Men’s Youths' and Boys’ TROUSERS. Great bargains in Boys' Knee Pants Suits $1.48, $1.98, $2.98, $3.49; $3.98 Working Men’s Department k m Work Shoes, Everyday Work Olothing, Trouser*, Beat Overalls, * , Jacket*WorifcShirk, Furnishing Goods Department Latest Neckwear, hosiery, Belts, Garter*, Suspender*, Handkerchiefs, Shirt* dollars, Underwear, Gloves, Complete Department fW,. , •#,TJ I Men’ s and Boys’ Summer Underwear The largest selection ever offered in {Xenia, Balboiggan, Porosknlt, Jersey Knitt, silk finish, B. V .D . dunlin, Made short sleeves, long sleeves and long drawers. Prices, single garments. 25c, 35c, 49c and 73c Union Suits Underwear 49e 73c, 98c, $1.48 You must see this large assortment to appreciate it. We fifebig men, fat men and lean men. Spring Shoes and Oxfords Men’s and Boys’ | Shirts Greatest line o f summer slnrtB ever shown in this city. Every style made in, this country 49o, 78c, 9 . 8 e. 'These shirts usually sell yfc 70c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, Don’ t miss seeing them. Straw Hats AIM kinds, from a 10 c every day straw hat to Panamas up to $5.60, See our men’ s nobby new Styles 49c, 76c, $1,20, $M 8 ,. $1.98. Panamas $ 2 .9 8 to $ 5 .5 0 Boys and Children's Straw Hats all slices.'........ ........... 10c to 98c Men’s nobby styles. Oxfords, button and luce shoes. patent leather, gun metal, vlci kid, mix caUv, light and dark tan* and white. $ 6 * 012 nnad l o r .... 49 II M m m U t -»t*~ift ’ ->*. •>»»»' *!*»►»*•«»'»* <*ntrKS ■$«,# $*.49 $ $ M nft#» Cor t w a,’{»>#. ii < h * ^ ,trt'-,>'s'. ih *** 1 $2.73 Spring Shoes and Slippers &4« our forgf stock In Boys’ and DitUe Gent Oxfords and Shoe*. $1.23, $1.49, $1.63, $1.89 $1,98 and $2.25 All kind* of leather. Don’t miss our Bhoe Department, & Q t hadies,;VllWs*eB. Folks, Wo are shewing the largest lino of those Shoes,, oxford and Slippers and at loWer prices than ever. ' * /' Wo can suit you all in hur Dadies* Shoo Department. Wo will g f not mention stylos or prices boro, We want you to come and seo. You wilt have a surprise. ‘ Nos. 17-19 West Main Street s Big NewStore Xenia,. Ohio Nos. 17-19 West Main* One of the enjoyable events of the} ' fFnAR 'ITAY MAY 14 two mri Vlilinn .l/A I « "• * It* ■ inc. ! good iday The lourist'j were provided a , On Friday May 24th Cedarville cMtken rapper with afresh -1 College wilt celebrate £iw big event | r;:eats at the various dies realized a neat num as a Tiie la ^ 5 of iSio College Year-Cedar John Burney, formerly of Clifton, ut of late located with the Spring- eld Coal and Ice Co., dropped dead aturday at the'plant. It is thought tat he touched a low voltage clsc- :ic wire which was more than Ins eart would stand. Mrs. Wm. Koase and two daughters ave been visiting in Amelia, O., /here Miss Clara, teacher; in the iigh School, The infant son of Mr. awl Mrs. lari Crow, who reside cast of town n the Shull farm, died Saturday torniiig, having but lived a short mo after birth. The body was tak- n to Xenia for burial. Harry Hamilton, of Clifton. was rrested Monday by Sheriff Jackson t the Clifton cemetery on complaint f Newton Dailey, who charged him ’ith obtaining a horse under false fetendeS. Hamilton promised to ive a mortgage but sold it More doing so, Hamilton plead not uilty before Mayor Dodds of Xenia nd furnished $200 bond. The graduating class of Xenia uninary heard a splendid baccdau; ;al« sermon when Br. Jesse John ;>n addressed tho,e]asS at the lurst f, P, church in Xema, babbatn even Mr. Paul Ilamsey and sister,"Miss Iluth, entertained the Junior and Sophomore classes of the College last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, wlio have been spending the winter in Florida, have returned North and have been guests of tlieir son, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. O. L, Smith. The Senior class of the High School will hold their class picnic at the Clifton Cliffs today. Mrs. Joseph Randall is reported in a very critical condition, her friends having little hope of recovery. j Mr. S. T. Baker has had the honor ■of being drav/in on the United States ; jury in Dayton. Having to serve at Ithis season of the year will be rather 1 costly as no doubt Mr. Baker's se.r- ‘ Vices would be worth more than the isalary, which hardly covers board and |lodging while, staying in the city, • Truth. Truth itself, according to Locke's fine saying, will not profit us so long as she is but held In the hand ana taken upon trust froit other mlnas, not wooed and won and wedded^ by our own.—Cteorye Eliot, their efforto* The tour started frem SI'-^cry one is urged to forget toil and | New York City, “,ui. Edith Blair’/; |worry mid join in the grand good residence and then to Ireland, the Itim*. M. E. 1 church. From Ireland the! Tbs committed from tho faculty was at the Netherlaada the e,lt,8jating o ! F r o i s , Creswell, Holli- was represented"at^tfce home of K day and pftrkor< n m * w i t t i ,iun!er- G. H. Hartm/m and Arabia at Mrs. ««« student comintttres havo nr- A. G. Eveleth’a with •India at Mn;. I ranged a delightful program and Mary Bridgman'/;. The tour ended at |pi spared for « glorious time through the home cf Mrs. J. W* I’atton. ink the day. Mr. A. G, Collins has joined the! A huge tent has been provided by host of Ford owner a by the purchase lha faculty so there need bo no fear of a touring car. <>f foul weather. Tbo following Mrs. Elizabeth Bull has been in very poor health this week, suffering with stomach trouble. -She was in quite a serious condition Monday but has since improved. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Oglesbce left Tuesday for Sulphur Lick Springs to be gone some time. The Dr. hao been in declining health for several weeks and it is hoped that the vest and medicinal properties of the water Will result in improving his health. Little Jean Morton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Morton is report­ ed as much improved since her at­ tack of ‘scarlet fever. Mr. Morton is staying away from home for the pres-* ent rather than take any chances owing to his school duties. Mrs. David l.akestraw has been in a very critical condition for several days. Confirmed. "Freak fashions are passing,” com­ ments the Cleveland Plain Dealer. We just looked out the window and, by Jove, you’re right,—Boston Transcript, IS' the program. 9:G0 -Stunt*, Faculjij—What Is is? Senior-Safety First. Juniur-Dance of the Demons. Sophomore—Old Curiosity Shop, Freshmen-* A short time m Bing Bing Prison. Y. M. C. A.—His Waterloo. II iDO-CroWnlng of May <luenn May Polo ami Drill. 11:30—Presentation of Senior Mem­ orial, IS:00—Basket Dinner. High School songB and yells. 12-46—Glass songs and yells. 1:00—Cedar Day Oration by J. Morle Kite. Toasts by Mr, Joseph Finney, Bov, IVin. Graham, Mr, Richards, Dr, Chcsuut, Prof. Fortney. 2;30—Base Ball gamo Catlamllo Collcgo vs Jamestown Athletics. 8:00 p.m. an ontertalmnont by th* students in the opera house. If you enn’t r.tcot for nervousness taka' a Dr. Miles’ Antl-I'alw Pill, A Cooking Feat In tha Air* To cook a potato plo at tho top ot a rblciney three hundred feet high by means of tho heat generated In th* Drca fcolow would seem an Impossible task, yet such a feat was on one occa­ sion accomplished by John Faulkner, 4 famous Lancashire steeplejack. The Incident was the outcome of a wager between Faulkner and* ager of a Manchester gas works, who doubted John’s statement regarding the excessive heat. A largo Iron kettle was procured, an<! this, being flllc.1 with necessary In­ gredients—sixty-six pounds In weight —was hoisted to the summit ot the bqgo chlmiiey stack-eFaulkcer placed tho receptacle on the outer and cool­ est side of the brickwork, but despite tlilo, (ho contents were found to be thoroughly cooked , in one hour and twenty minutes, or tori minutes less than the stlplated time, Faulkner won his wager and the pie, which, It Is said, was slightly burned at the bottom, waa afterwards distributed among the poor of the ilstrlct—Bystander, Our Center of Area. Tho center of area of the continental United States (excluding Alaska, Ha­ waii-and other recent accessions) Is in northern Kansas, about ten miles north of a place called Smith Center, county ceat of Smith county, in lati­ tude 39:65, longitude 98:60. The cen­ ter of population Is 51 miles south and about C57 tulles east of the center of area. Valuable in Surgical Work, Tho sinews of the kangaroo ate'es­ pecially desirable fo u e in surgery, for sewing wounds.and bindingbroken bones together, , We Will Pay 17c IN TRADE ft For clean fresh eggs S a t u r d a y , M a y 8 , ’ 1 5 Robt. Bird Dally Thought. .Tho words wo speak and the things U*« for Bone* of Albatross, Bones of tho albatross are. be! y„.nli-nVi It-Wt,*•■>,*»»»* we do today may, seem to be lost, but dsed to a very great extent ,of late in the great final revealing the small mouthpieces for plpea instead of i est of them Will appear,—-Lowed], her, ---------- ^ , -JC -/ V ' J