The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 1-26

/\m-'"'m ^ r- - - ---■ • *-*•»♦ ^ <**H*‘Aftg^ m**t Wot Bxceienot Ota* Job Works will ©cmpai* w ith {Mi of may otixwr firm..... fteratcL ■ *■ yv t •U'3r!l#%*#ra#FV!va*t»«f #*► THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NO. 23. GEBARVIIiB, CWSO& FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1915 Thu Item when malted whit sk hi* rb i, denotes that a yeal’s *ub*crip- turn it past due and * pivui-- set­ tlement lit earnestly desired. . . - PRICE, $1.00 A YEAR Dr. UcChesney ChosenPresident, The B o a rd s Trustees oi Cedarvjlte College held the usual meeting Thurs­ day, the most important act being the unanimos election of Dr. W, R. Me- Chesney ai President of the college to succeed Dp. David McKinney, who re­ signed after giving twenty-one years of faithful service to the institution. Dr. McKinney also offered his resig­ nation as' a member oi the Board of Trustees, due to the fact that he had be­ come connected with another denomi­ nation, but the same was declined and he will still retains his membership on the board. The present officers were re-elected except Mr, O, E. Bngifute, as secretary be declining another term. Dr, J. L. Chesnut was chosen a member of the Board in place of Mr. A,.Y» Reid of Cincinnati, and was also ejected' secreta­ ry. Mr.-S, C, Wright was added to the faculty in the'capacity oi Professor of Education.' He'wilt also be?Financial Secretary. Prof. F , A, Jurkat was elec­ ted member j of; the/board-and made treasurer and Mr. N. L , ’Ramsey ift elected to the beard. A resolution was passed instructing the' treasurer to- remove all securities from a safty deposit box in Cincinnati and. deposit same in the Exchange Bank. This was done as a matter of convience to the treasurer. Dr. McChestiey will be installed as president of the college next September. It is a high tribute to Dr. McChesney to be chosen head of an institution tor Which he has labored -these many years and at a personal sacrifice His whole heart and ambition have been centered on the success of Ce.darvifie College and upon assuming the presidency it is’ pre­ dicted the institution will enter upon a more prosperous era. Dr, McKinney’s services have always been for tile best interest’and advance- memt of the institution. His manage­ ment of the financial affairs has beOn of profit and laid the basis for a still greater success in the future. His wise counsel and.advice will still be at the service , of the Board of Trustees of which he is a member,.- PRETTY JURE WED ING, , NOTICE Meetingof Stockholders. A rriecting of the stockholders*^ Steinfeis-Joseph Company, 'of Xenia, Ohio, is hereby called for June 28, JOlfi, at 10 a. m„ at the Office of said'Company in Xerila, Ohio, for the purpose of de­ ciding as to the Surrender and abandon­ ment of the corporate authority of said corporation. . L. Steinfels, President. A, Joseph, Secretary. Xenia, Ohio, May 80,1915- NOTICE Of APPOINTMENT, E state of M artha R. MoMlHan, deceased. F , A. J u rk a t has been appointed and qualified as Ad tn tn iatrator with the will annexed of .the estate of M artha R. MoMHIan, late of Greene Connfcy, Ohio, de­ ceased. Dated t lm 28fch day of May A. D, 1916. , CHARLES F.JEIOWARD, Probate J ndge of saRLCounty HOUSE FOR RENT. House of seven rooms on Miller •treet, In good residence location; eloctrlc lights, barn, well and cistern water. House lu excellent repair as well as barn. For Information call iLeon Spahr, deputy county recorder, Xenia, Ohio, NOTICE I will be away from iny dental office beginning Monday, May SI, for about th ree weeks. Dr. J . W. Dixon. The country home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Tonkiuson was the scene of a very p re tty Juu e wedding Wednesday evening when their daughter, C am e Ruth, became tho wife of Rev, Wendall Foster, of Clifton, now a studen t a t Lane Theological Sem inary in Cincinnati., The ceremony took place a t seven- th irty and was witnessed by about 125 guests. T/ie graoniBfather, Rev. K. C, Foster, of Clifton read the beautiful wedding service, assisted by the grandfather, Rev. Jam es M.: Foster, of Oil City, Penn. The home was a prOfussion of frag ran t flowers, the pink atid white idea being carried ou t through th e rooms in the decorations.1 The bay windows of the liv ing room were converted into a lloral bower, where the service was performed. Syringas were used in profuRsion, and tail .white standa rd s wore topped by clusters of p ink roses. P ink roses were used throughout the other rooms, * Proceeding the entrance of the bridal party , a ’program o f nup tial music was rendered, Mrs, J , W ,; Johnson of codarville sang uO Perfect Dfiy,,r a n d '’’Believe Me if All ThoseEndearlngYoungCharlnB ' was rendered by Cameron Ross. The’b rlda l procession was led by the little ring* bearer and flower girl. Haro ld H am e r, dressed all in white, carried the golden circlet in the h ea rt of a calla lily,' and tittle Miss Christine. Smith, in a white frock with pink ribbons, scattered rose petals for the b ridal pathway. The best man and maid, Mr, E rnest Foster, and Miss Hazel Tonkinsou, brother and sister of tho bridegroom and. bride, entered together, and the bridal pair fol­ lowed. The bride wae beautiful in h e r robe of chiffon- over messaline, with lace and silver trimmings. Her tiilla veil was arranged in ' cap effect,.with lilies of the yalley, and she carried a shower bouquet of bride’s roses. H e r maid wore pink taffeta, and carried pink roses; The impressive nuptial service of th e Presbyterian church was used n uniting tho .bridal pa ir. The dining room in which the brides table was laid was b.eautifully clecorated In pink, and white. An ivory, basket filled with pink and white rosebuds formed the centerpiece for ilie table winch was lighted with pink candles. were the work , q 1 Bessie Garrison, of near Springfield, were decorated with pink roses. Seated with the newly married couple were-six of their young friends, Rev, Foster and Miss Tonkinson, Charles Watkins, Miss* Fanny Tonkinson, Kay Ledbetter and Miss Mildred Corry. Rev. and Mrs.'Foster spent Thursday as guests of the former’s parents at Clifton, where a company of friends were entertained in their'honor, and they start today for their home in Dills- boro, lnd.t where Mr. Foster will preach tiiis summer, at ttye. Presbyterian church Mr, Foster will graduate next year from Lane seminary, Cincinnati, His bride who has been teaching in the public schools for several years, is an attractive girl and both young people are very popular and have the best wishes of a host of friends, Among the guests from a distance were: Mrs. Emmons Hardsook, ol Co­ lumbus; Kev, J. M. Murchison of Mid dletown; Rev. Howard Day oi Hanover; Q.;Rev, Hewitt and family of Fostert- ville, N. Y.; Rev, J, M. Foster of Oil City, Penn,; Mrs. W. H, Eakia of Era- lenton, Penn.; Myrna Rosenbery, of Pittsburgh;Mr. and Mis. Smith of Sandy Lake, Peftn.; D. L, Tonkinson and family of Springfield. NOTICE, AH persons are prohibited from dumping any refuse Of any nature in the Samuel Kildow quarry. The cor­ poration provides- a dump a t Ervin’s, west o f town, D. H. McFarland, Health Officer. |ThirteenGraduates Clifton U. P. | FromHigh School Church Chimes. jDAYTON HORSESHOW j TOBEGREATEVENT; WATERWORKS FOR S0l*TH CHARLESTON, The th irty -n in th annual com­ mencement of Cedarvillo High School was field. Thursday even­ ing in the opera house, The. Btage had been tastily decorated w ith palms and potted plants, Tho class colors of pink and silver gray were used in decorating the stage as a garden scene, Upon an arch in Hus center of the stage wrb the motto “ In teg rity " in large letters and illum inated with electric fight* Excellent music was furnished by the Fairbanks Orchestra of Spring- Bold. ' There were bu t three graduates from tho class th a t spoke. Miss Luvena DoVault, the Bahriatorian and Miss E d ith Hamwiwi, the val­ edictorian, each gave orations th a t were splendidly delivered and had been carefully prepared, Mr, Myrle Stormont, president of the class, gave an entertaining class history th a t proved -popular with • the audience, ■ The class address waB delivered by Dr. Daniel McGurk; of Dayton, who Bpoko of th e advancement -ubiig educational lines and the needs of the fu tu r e .. More vocation­ a l train ing iu tho schools was advocated In order that graduates may go out from school with a pmetical as well as a theoretical knowledge with out having to gam experierfbe after school days are over. . • The diplomas were presented by President J . H, Btoruiont. The following is the class roll: Martin —I t pays to cdd^sotrate. eonoe —Wanted- class. —Kenneth ffitjhie Friday,’ —In the mfcJatoK all his David neyer God. ►—Do you stsbose David, would :ave been wiUfttf to live in a com- aunity without g church? Circulating ^ Library books ex- tteu in the Bible Don Kyle last prosperity WeiiUer, Allen Turnbull:, Lucile Hamos, Mable Deck, Edna Hanna’, Prestley Townsley, Charles Lftwry, Louisa Finney, E d ith Hatnuiau, Lurena I>eVault, Meryl Stormont, Ilo Andrews, Leola Germ BAND CONCERT , NEXT WEDNESDAYEVE. bis tfifte aim en joy* answered se: The first band concert a s arranged' by tho Board of Trade will take place bn W ednesday evening on the public square, ' Those concerts will continue throughout the summer on each Wednesday evening,' I f the weather is inclement,' then Thurs­ day <?Y*ninjr. come on t a t tlr tfift find program o f good music as furnished by the Clifton band. Country ieople are especially invited each Wednesday evening. Bring the whole family and enjoy a concert while the shopping is done. CHURCHSERVICE, !• P. CHURCH (MAIN STREET) Teachers* meeting Saturday evening a t 7 o’clock. Sabbath School Sabbath morning al 9! 36 o’clock. P reac lnngat l(f:iJ0a. m. Q, B. Society a t 0 p. m. P rayer Meeting Wednesday a t 7 p. m. You are cordially invited. .'or the Christian ftnion Sabbath even­ ing. —Congregation#! player . meeting next Wednesday; At 2 p. m. Mr, George Rife wiUJbe the leader. —“Every fattdh:, should be n-little jhurcli, and evefcx church shoidd be a large fabiily,^ > —Why not wear * smile ?' No otljer Ifing you wea#% more becummg or ■costs less, ' j ' Keeping the College Christian was a timely top» a t the Presbyterian General Assembly. Louise Crab#L -has just returned j’ron the hospital- where she success­ fully underwent an operation. Our C. U. adjourned iast Sabbath evening to attend the baccalaureate services by Dr. McKinney a t Cedur- vflle, , •Dr. Chesnut, dlf Cedurville R. IV i-hurch, will ussira the pastor in’pre­ paratory seryicea for our commun­ ion on Friday and Saturday, J u n e 'll and 12. ; * . ' . Session will meet Saturday, June 12, a t One o’clockTor the reception of new members- •Mrs. Helen Gould Shepherd offers a-Bible to any, Y, W. C, A. girl-who: will commit to memory 509 designated verses of SeriptmV Recently she has made good the offar for two Ohio girls —onq 70 years of *»ge apil other 82. •Tlie pennies' e## veiy religious; they go to church a. score of times where the dollar# go once. —Messrs. Wfla^i, McCutcheop and McKinney, three gentlemen from New Concord, were callers a t the parson­ age last Tuesday. -Dr, Chesnut vfes a pleasant caller at the parsonage last Monday. He was accompanied , by • Ria -daughter, Miss Mary* who j t» t mSeived from llUnoia, 7 / Miss Addah ’Hftinehill spent sev- ,DAYTON, Juno 8—Tho th ird annual Horae Show to be held here June 17, 18 and 10, will bo tbo largest affair of its kind ever wit­ nessed'in this section of tbo state, This is the confident prediction of those who have the show in charge, Mr, John L. Bushuell, of Spring- fltld, Mr. W. 8. Blitz, of Now York, and Mr. S. H. Carr, of Dayton, have been in attendance m tjia interest of the Dayton show a t all of the prjuiofptjjyiorse shows of the Bast which W r a held during the la st three wiyflp In' Washington, -Phila­ delphia, and Neyt York. They state th a t several o f. the principal show stables l h . Amortea will send strings of th e ir finest animals here. Among tne well-known sports­ men. who are expected to exhibit' are E , T, ritotesbuxy, millionaire horseman of Philadelphia; A. W. Atkinson, of Merohautyille, N. J .; Dr. V .T . Churchman, V a .; Mat 8 . Cobon, of Lexington, Ky.; Val Crape, Wild Rose Farm ,R t. Charles, III., W alter H, Hanley, Providence, •R. L ; W. Tabb Anderson, Mays- viile* My.; and Win, O, Seipp, of Chicago, Miss Louia Long, of Kansas City, will probably enter a number of fine horses. In addition to this notable list there will be a large number oi Ohio horses’ in ­ cluding th e Bushnell Farm entries,' the saddle horses owned by George P % Greenhalgh, ' of ToRdo, and probably a string of rdadsters owned by Hhrich Bros , of Uhrichs- ville, and the .Mitchell stables, oi Columbus. ^ ^ The cash prize lis t amounts to more than $3000s divided among 60 classes which will include tro tters, roadsters, heavy .harness horses, saddle horses, hunters, Jumpers, ponies, and polo ponies. ‘ A special feature is being made of the d raft horse class, which will include a large number -o f local entries', Thefe will also be several races in the roadster and runabolt classes. In spite of the fact th a t the entries Will tip bS tterthau ever before, the South Charleston voted last Tues­ day by a majority of HI over the two- •hubs-vote required by la\v, Th9 to­ tal vote for the bond issue way 259 with only ill against it. A great campaign bad teen waged by a Boosters* Club and as a result the full vote o f fbe village was recorded. There is.nothing that will add more to the beauty of the village, comfort of tho people and be pf .as great pro­ tection to the town in ease o f lire as n,complete waterworks system. South Charleston has good streets and with the new water .system will t e able to •Hove her standing with towns many times lier size. COLLEGE JUNIORS BANQUET SENIORS, The annual reception if rim Junior to the senior class of Cadarsdlle col­ lege was held Friday evening in the parlors of the Reformed Presbyter­ ian church. Covers were laid for thirty-:;!:; a t tables placed in t t e form of a hollow square. A canopy of the senior colors, purple and w m suspended above the tables and tte> tables were lighted with whit© candle* with purple shades, Purple ribbow were festooned betwekk the candles' and were studded with blossoms of the; Matrimony vine, David Brndfute ser­ ved as toastmaster. Responses were made by Cameron Ross, I)r, J , L< Chestnut, Dr. W. R. McChesney, Mi*« Eleanor Holliday, Miss Wiimab Spen- cer and Carey Ritchie, —B ring your buggies and carri­ ages In now to have them painted. ' A t Wolford’s. —Buy -you r P lym ou th b ind e r tw ln o now . T h e r e 1$ .a s h o rta g e in s is a l a n d - t h e (trice m ay go h ig h e r.- - K e rr ^ H a s t i n g s B ros, The Barber on X e n ia ' Ave., has been opened and jready for business, A. 0 . .Bussell formerly with C, Sm ith is the -artist. F irs t class work. Children’s ha ir putting a specialty and an expert”,in bobbing hair. < 'j' »er hpUteeae Pr, IM m - Our New Feature \ We; Make Women’s Tailored $uit$ To Order . ( ; S' IURELY a joy to the- individual taste is this new, truly extraordinary offering for the particular dresser who prefers to chopse an exclusive color and weave of-cloth or silk from our select varieties, then has th e .privilege" ,o£ deciding upon any model to her liking of becomingness, and we take your measure, giving a guaranty of satisfactory fit­ ting, and you pay for the maldng of a handsome man- ‘tailored suit, just— , "_ . , .S O ^ral days tecedtlj^Visitinfir v>t%h JgRtaf; wforao Show A^aoeiatlon has do* N W «< S‘ » « m ■It is said ih Toywas very or a question w. mediately warn succession tte eagerly asked for t t e se- -ten Charles Wesw «Aasked hisr ntoth- t she, of course, ins* When in quick question was iitly answered even times. Her reply was, “Because six times were not enough!" So often it is the seventh time that does the work; and i f we have not the patience to persevere, we miss the goal, —The following authentic anecdote enforces the truth that children do a pile of thinking . and puzzling over really very simple subjects. Little Mabel had teen unusually quiet at church oho Sabbath. She was gen­ erally a very restless listener. Her mother, noticing it, asked her: “What made you so good during service this morning; daughter?" “I was thinking,” answered the child, “why the people who write “ yarns always put something bad in them that the minister can’t let the people sing. He always says ‘omit the -.bird’ or some other stanza, and he .lays it over twice, so they’ll t e sure hot to sing it, s u it must te something wicked," admissidn to cents. The prosi- d e b ti* « , U . Oarr, and j , M. Guild is secretary o f tho Association. The judges fo r the* various classes a r e ;D w th o r s e s , J , Garner W ait,. burg, 111.; harness horses, George H. Hiiinip, of Now Y'ork City; hunters and jumpers, Henry L. Bell, of Ba>*Blde, N . Y. It would cost you double for this making ordinarily and it is high-class—excellent. Inq'uIre'In WOOl Dre&s Goods v X - i or Silk (Section. * - . . <i( ^ .......... » . -k- - - -T - f.- •- > -v ' ' J - - v v id The Elder & Johnston Co. Dayton's Shopping Center ; , NOTICE. 'Smith Huffmaii.l Plaintiff . Vs. \ Emma Huffman, I Defendant J In Common Pleas Court Greene Co., UNITEQ PRESBYTERIAN. There will be «0 preaching Sa te bath. Other services a s usual. C, H. S. BANQUET. —I , have leased the 0 t, John gravel p it and have I t cleaned raady for delivery of gravel. I f. W. Collins. —Bfici ofllce room for rent. See G.‘H . Hartm an DRAFT STALLIONS. . Got your Plymouth binder tw liio a t Kerr & H osting* Bros. Mr, Brough Rife had a horse and buggy stolen from the rack at L ittle ’s corner, Thursday n igh t be­ tween six -th irty and nine-thirty o’clock. Tho rig had been driven by Meryl Rife, who was attending the Alumni banquet. Whips Were taken from buggies belonging to Dr. Ritchie and 0 . G. Turnbull. Tele­ phone communication late th a t night indicated the horse was in Dayton bu t wben Mr. Rife and Marshal McLean reached th a t city itw a s lo u n d to be another horse. Tho ha lte r was loft tied to the rack showing tb a t someone lmd taken the rig. FOR RENT—Seven-room, bouse, North Main street. Ccdarville. $6 per month. John Harbine, Jr.*' Allen building* Xenia. Both phones. St Gall and See the Powers te rry field. More ground in berries than ever planted in this section before. Imported of d raft class ever In the prince Albert, the Belgian, the best sire Hors** of hlgif Loftgjameau, the Imported Peteh *ron, black Steel gray, has proven fnm«#if ft very sure breeder and. his first fifteen colts this season ate extremely high class. lie promises SObe a second Prince. I3ee these horse*, both are in perfeofe con eUtton ahd will s tand 'fo r public ‘service a t the farm on the Winning ton Road Just eOUth of Oedarvfile Term*, $#0 for either horse fo ra . (satisfactory colt, ‘ Phones, barn 18 on IDSand 28, ANDREW W INTER Dally Thought. A strange volume of rtfial life in the packet of the postman. Eterfial love and instant payment.—Douglas Jer- rold. A Hard Blow. “Poor Mrs. de Reegur is broken­ hearted. They can’t send her any more' Paris gowns, That suit She’s Wearing was made here in town.” “What a pity! I never saw her look­ ing So well.” Somewhat Mfaunderatood. In announcing that a certain Con­ necticut town Intended to increase its water supply the local weekly con­ tained the information that it would ‘build a watershed covering 50 acres." One of the town officials, a building contractor, who naturally favored the "shed,” was severely criticized by a fellow townsman thusly: “'Twill be a tarnation Shame, by heck, ef Ezeklat Blllin’s gits the job of puttin’ a shed over GOacres of water. I’m ag'in it, tooth an’ nail. Zeke's got' sufficient outen the town already.” —MONEY YO LOAN ON FARMS with privilege to pay onth# principle a t any tfm*. Write, JTarmsrs Loan &Trust Uo,, Room .8, ;gto*te Bldg.* Xcnta, Ohio, Rmponslblllty Ended. The youngster's grandmother and aunt hkd been visiting him, Mrs. Htnner Hocli of Marion relates. He had teen including them ItiTils pray­ ers saying Cod Mess each of the im­ mediate family add them also. The night of the day on which they left, h# prayed h is' prayers as usual, in­ cluding them. Then he took a sec­ ond thought and said, “Oh, so, 1 to r got. Grandma and auntie are gone. *o yon needn't mind about them any more.”—Kausfc* City fitar. Some Help. Mrs. Datus—-“Do you find your gym­ nasium work helpful?" Mrs. ArtiguS -“Helpful! Why, this morning I was tho first one to reach a bargain coun­ ter out of a bunch .of a hundred start­ ers.” flay, where did neu get th a t CEMENT? A t E rv in’s, it certainly Is fine, A delightful affair was held at the home of Miss Eleanor Tarbox Friday evening, wheh the members of the Junior class of the High school gave a Teccption in honor of the graduating class. The Senior colors pink and sil­ ver gray were tastefully arranged in the parlors and the High school colors red and white, adorned the table at which a delicious banquet was served. Covers were laid for twenty-six'. Fol- owing the baliquet toasts were en­ joyed. Herbert Patton acting as toastmaster. Meryl Stormont, Prof. Fortney, Allen Turnbull and Helen Brndfute responding in an entertain­ ing manner. Following the banquet the evening was spent in an informal manner; O, Emma Huffman, residence unknown, will take notice that on-May 22, 1915 , s.lid Smith Huffman filed in said court his petition for divorce against her upon the grounds oi wilful absence for more than three years and adultery and’ 'that the *ame will be for hearing at the cmrt house in Xenia, Ohio, on July 10 , ,1915, at 0 a, m., or as soon thereafter as the same can be reached by which time defendant must answer or demur to said petition or judgment may be taken against her. Smith Huffman, Plaintiff, NOW IS THE TIME. Order your terries now. Don’t wait till the season is over. The crop will >e here in about ten days. * To. Te*t Suspected Coin. There Is s very simple means'1oi testing a suspected coin, which can he applied In any circumstances. Take a good coin and vigorously rub its milled edge, against that of the bus pect, If the Coin on trial is a ‘.‘wrong ’un” it will peel off, or at least show signs Of flaking, if the edge bears the test the coin may safely he accept­ ed. This advice was given by an offi­ cer of the criminal investigation de partmetit of England, who declared it to t e a certain teat. Whliperlng Gallerias. Famous whispering galleries are those in the capitol a t Washington and iii Gloucester cathedral, England. In the former, persons standing 65 feet apart may distinctly hear each other speaking In whispers, and in the latter, the gallery, which Is oc­ tagonal in form, conveys a whisper across the nave, a distance of 75 feet. —Pathfinder. Where yon can get a team of coach horses or a general purpose horse. Now is the time to give this your careful attention, Bobby Burns, Jr», wifi m/dec the a ason of 1915 a t the J. G. Jinney farm north-east of'Ce- darvi'le. A, T. and J. C. Finney. Plymouth ffiiider Twinei S A T E S TX 9X E A M D G R A I N - % . ■ - • , . -A Twine is a small item, but good twine saves a lot *of expense in harvest time. Every time your machine is stopped the delay costs you money. Time in harvest season is always valuable, and some- . times extremely precious on account of the condition of weather or grain. Be sure you use the- best twine,—^ P L Y M O U T H TWINE. Then you will be safe from the annoyances, delays, expenses, which ordinary twine causes. Plymouth Twine works perfectly in every machine. More of * it is made and used every year than any other kind, because it is*known to be the best and has been for years. Binds more sheaves, with less ex-, pense, .no knots* no’-breaks, and is guaranteed full length •and -extra strength*. Get Plymouth Twine from the local dealer. Look for , the wheat-thoaf tag,/ 3 lii# PbmottUi dog#. Ithas th# samel high qualltfL at ouftwtM .1 KERR &HASTINGS BROS, Kasy Victims. There are nearly always cnbugh people who do ftot read the newspa­ per* on hoard a big ocean liner to make the voyage, interesting tor it »ew card sharps, 1 Hart Schaffrter and Marx, Frat, and Perfection Clothes ALL MEN and BOYS W ill Find SATISFACTION CLOTHES FOR MEN In Our Service Hats, Caps and Furnishings CLOTHES FOR BOYS T h e Su rp r ise S to re 28-30 East Third St.; - * * Dayton, Ohio --.-JR-,, . w