The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

I j.*: . IS*• i »-—* * f* 9q*y FV. f r s# *-~ *^ '-^ J jg| g O & q g ljfc " “ !-&+*Wi2n- ?s.M .~%' .* k 5 .^«i#^ ft*t*»-',#.?»,:l.9fc I f- <•“ 3S. .+.* if>: S h o p p e r s wsw mapM W« want t® make it easy far yoii. lT®tke this selection ®f useful sifts fsr men, wenstso^boyajgiris and children Mw^gaiiy-nijifiuni 4 - iMWimpiw t.-p c hjheri’ft X m a s G i f t s m £ , $lM>ilM> $2.49* $3,98, $4*98 Matfi Kid Gloves. .400, 73c,98o, $1.23 Other Glove*— ............... iQeto4§e Fo rCepe.. . .$1.49, $1.73f $ 1 . 98 , $245 Ifeakwraw0-.*. . v *2% 39c, 49o Fteacy Dress Shirts 49c, 73c, 98c, $1.25 ite e a t Cpllara, Night Shirts, Pajamas, Underwear. ” Coat Sivcaters, *.* ** **. ***.«*»* . 4 o , 73c, 98c, $1.49, $1.98, $ 2 ^ $2.98,.$3.#, $3,98, $4.98, $5-49. Hosiery all kinds, latest stripes, Fancy ComHnatidn Boxes,, . . 25c to 08c 1 Mandloreldefs, Ties, Silk Hose, Sus­ penders, Garters^ Belts, SUk Handker­ chiefs, Mufflers, Jewelry* etc. : .House slippers29c, 40c, 98c,$1*25,$ls49 "I'—'Ml'*I! , ll^.i* Ladies* Xmas Gifts Combination Sets poods and Scarfs l * t * « » # * » * « * « M • * I * # % * M « • * 49c, 98c Boudoir Caps* ».'*•*•♦,**’* »25c_ Embroidered Aprons.. . . . . . *25o, 49c Fancy Ncckwear* ’ l ,®5c, 49c, 73c, 98c Xmas Boxes Handkerchiefs.. . . . .250, 35c, 49c, 73c, 9$e, $1,25, $1.49, $1.98 Wool Coat Sweaters, all colors,. , ........ , 98c, $1,49,41.98, $2.49, $2.98 SilkCoat Sweaters, all colors..." $5.49 House Slippers 29e, 49c, 75c, 98c,-$1,24 r- - F ^ 'l Silk Scarfs,.........V........ ,49c, 73c, 98o Silk Umbrellas for Ladies and Men., . . .99c, $1.23, $1.40*$1.88,12.49 $2,98. ,Earn Coatafor Ladies, Men, ; . , X m a s J g i f t 6 ’ f ^ ' . B « y a ^ p ^ ' r'G iid8v ;\ l ' ; " ■ Coat Sweaters.; r .49c,73M8e, $1.25, $1.49, $1.98,.$2.49, $2*98, $ 2,49 Very useful Gifts—Clothing, Suits, ^ .* . -in#. *r< •“ __ >«,_ M * , < House Slippers. ** **%#4 49c 73c, 98 Overcoats, Trousers, Mackinaw Coats, ■RnhHftr tw u r i n ^ -Fine Shoes, Rubbers, Arctics, Bpot^ Bubber Boots, Gloves, H.mdketeb^fs, jj^ts and Caps 4and -Hundreds of Knife Caps and many other'useful gifts other useful Gifts* . >i " u I ■ ' < - - r •> *■ T mmwaamn ..... ............. y ............................. .......... ■—* m *kil M a k e o u r B ig N ew S to r e y o u r h e a d q u a r t e r s d u r i n g y o u r H o l id a y s h o p p in g days* D o n ’t 'm i s s o u r s t o r e ; 'T a &J lA* Angafajfl ,1 C*L, Dde. 4, M S . To tfe* M ite r « t th« Cwfarvilk Httf- D*ar & 3 i r th® hand of “Ucd* Ttmx U*S& iwwe, ft abfttaiasrfL **TWf 2 «W #feu* la k i tb* midst of * con- i£»7t< t w w i y Ac to hem boat to p rom to luuiToml J mmmj ®.* Vool W* jMwr « ’ish of this kind of * thing; jost iw h’ it is » possibl® ftcquisi-tioni, Ths ftsdidists* ima many of our wligiott* hMdars had about KMWludad, |u*t bafocp® this gr*afc Btwopaaa war U san , that tfa* world was rwady to amtafisto th« muqii da- aired* and h«jp«d for p®an. But whor® iwa all tbadr & » thaorios now? Ona would think if tbn»« men learn from’God's rm la tlon th a t ther® will such a time yet toma to bless the peo­ ple of this world; they might reason that the beat pace to learn how and when J t is to come about, is front the same source, that they as­ certained i t would come a t all; vir.; in God’s revealed word. Daniel 2:36 to 4% inclusive, describes the Times of the Gentiles, that shows * Contin­ uous worlf-mlership, up to the*44th which with the 45th, ii verso nforms us how, after this world rulership has run its course, then-Christ the *mone cut out of the mountain/’ will destroy this epllossal Metal Image, (the fig­ ure of the Times of the Gentiles, tha t has existed since Nebecudnazar the Head of Gold, was invested with world • rulership by God Himself. God i dom’which ’Shall’never he destroyed, Compare with 2d Samuel, ?:] Acta 15:14-17, Duke 1:41-43, Philip- ians 2:11-13. • We hear much about “Beating the swords into plowshares” > f -:Micah 4:3, "but forget that prior to that, there is to be, as in K general beftt&ig o f the to swor.............. ” ‘ ds, till the Lord takes matters in hand, a s in 16th. verse. If the nresont Is not a ti owshares into sw&rds fdread- -spyiis * >«*r?*sw -4Hh ’ -»*w* W ® x w * 'W -3w pww * In Solsctln* W M»Ud*l* OUW»o H«* ?«U to tm&*t On# CJp-to-Date S tock o f J ew e liy n Which amtuaces many new and novel ideas in the jewelry lirn •-jawclrv t«»suit every t-wte a*4 pn«w for both young and old. Wfe beltava thatwa can caosriaattonil)' kt*te that ue bar* the ripolcaal aahuMiaft •* jewelry in tlm city including handsome pieces set with, , Diamends and Otl^r Precious Stones We have some especially good vahjas at *10,00 to $* 6 , 00 . If you want a diassemd a t this price it will- pay you to we our line. W* set them in any kind of mounting wanted. We also have them mounted h» Tiffany and fancy mountings, We mention a few articles to give you an idea of the low price at which you can purchase* Useful Holiday Gifts Diamond LaValljerei, $4 60 to J Solid Gold Diamond Guffs Button/**,W up. Diamond Set Wat,.hes, |B,Wand up. Bracelets, |l,fQ fq ^ 0110 . ♦ Chain and Locket, J 3.00 to s Bracelet Watches, *0.76 to *26,00. Gold Handle Packet Knife, j».(50 and up, Gold Match Boxes, *8.76. ' . Geld Cigar Lighters, Wm t o *4 «o. Diamond Tiffany Rings, *0.05 and op.- Fancy Shew Buckle®, *2,00 to * 8 . 00 . GoJd Set Rings, * 1.00 to *8.00. * Silver Pencil*, 75c to * 2 . 00 , Quid Scarf Pins, 75c up. Solid Gold Watcbcji of every know* make for Ladies and Gentlemen, We have a large line of these goods, In the small piecesjmd large sets. All are of the the very best quality and wiUpland engraving without chipting, v We engrave ail iypry ini »ny‘dolor free. ■ ■Mantel and Desk Clocks, Emblem Charms, Watch Fobs, Chain# of Every Description, Silverware, Cut Glass, Souvenir Spoons, Hatpins, Signet Rings, Mesh Bags, Change Purse®, Vanity Cases, Thousand of other Articles. GOODS NOW L A ID A S 1 DE. FO R . C H R IS T M A S J am m m l f : I * l «KWM»fttiO South Detroit Street, " Xenia. Ohio* , asiow me Se lf Agents for W*W*W* Ring# and Fairfax Pattern in Solid Sliver. B e l S c o n d *,ts McCulloch ' f k ’ .. ” .— : r , « . * - ■ v- have,we an^ promise of nations best­ ing swords into'plowshftres, f ts . 3d Grid's /'esteh- iVerse' tells will M C kTFI Rf F * * * 1 *■ \ * - ^ ^ ^ ^ ' * s , , , *■ 1 1- , , f J fe-...........^.......... jr . ■.... »■.. -................ ^ rif. ....... ..... * _________ ____............................................. ............. WhvCni ° f B & Why d« Bible wild 2 ” when ■SfA o f the Lord." fU u e *<wiiw v o readera thus “run i? Acts 15:14-17 shows th a t for His name, *etee,g:3)a ; ?>'- ' ’ * .F - \ ■f V " v - 1 shdU.have n^ end , (fot the willenfat age. ends,w ith man’s time in & ffesh. body .1 on earth) let him read Rev, 22;S-5, and he Will stee there the saints to rple (and of i n t s ^ fc ■note f i s t ........... Paul fcoiH ><■ t '' « - 1 ; * /- r* •*V , . - i b r a t y Sets * , Jew e l Pockets ' * ' ^ " * . ’*■ BIB fthdGbih Pu rses /** * .• -'"Brittge'Sets u *. ' . f L e tte r CaseB • . \i ' * t /( ^ftreb*“Fold Gases . ; - • Tt ‘ *P icn ic Sets - v - ''v > W i ¥ > 2 c<<o •‘V :Pol cling M irrors M ilitary B ru sh S e u , „ Collar and Guff Boxes . Five Hund r ed S e ts / ”* Card Cases ,,(■ , ' Sewing Boxes,. ' v/< ./ Toilet Bo lls" ' . I*. Music Bags B ill Books , TWridoe Botfiev 1 ' Gloves and H a n d k e r ­ chief Gases - - Plnske,..!. ^ Jew el Boxes. •’/ . Cosit Bangers ' Offlce Sets ' Tobacco Pouches 1 ' “‘ ‘ ki *4 * 4 D , *^ t ‘ c/ ' '1 4' , , wK_BE*s> ,d 4 p fe ^ : V,.v ; , r , : .......... , V ? ‘ * ", ^**S ■ ' i. ' * - - ’ - 1 . *■ , . - '* j > , . , < , ' ' , ! , * , ; . — Cor* ;15:51-54, hopes fo r pis, re«- * ' ‘ " be- Street* ^ 2 = 2 - ^ & ! ? ) ■ « « a s r s f ■,/ mnmng of the miHenmum. And let me digress here, just to say, if any </ l H - Not full-of Toys, b e f itte d with a Nec»giity of Life, that as a gift will nake . - Father, Mother, Brother and Sister a Merry, Xmas, / Slippers for »11members of thefamily, ia every style and color. ’ 3 § c f 5 c $ i . ojo t o $ i . 5 o • Ladies’ Sjhoes in overy leathar, style, dsfch or calf top, high or low ktels $ 2.00 $2.50 $ 3 . 60 ^ tO $ 4.00 / * Mears Shoes for dress or every, day, *A shoe that fits, wears a t a price within the reach of all , % $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 3*00 to $ 4*00 Ghildren's Hi out shoes in gun metal ‘or patent .colt button. Just the needed for the winter months. 4 * $ 1.25 $ 4.50 $ 1.75 to $ 2.50 |W U 1 J 510 W ir t, w one doubt* whether the.. Erst resur­ rection o f Rev. 20:6, and 1 s t Cor, 15: 51-84, is.p re or post*millennial, thin hope of Paul 1 st Cor^ 15:61-64 quoted from Is, 25:6-8 should set him straight on this much disputed mat­ ter, fo r Is. -25:6-8, marks its begift- m i & nr V i 'l J * l a X#n» ■ p m t t m i h of th is plsei Thera Jftmestown oxaminfttlo] •.parpose. a , 1 » »o inter mt&6$ here I t toa# bea - 4pNdm en* : . /#|i:fjfe'3irioco; •«* « / . We bounty hasq " a# ai ‘experi : p r m u m ^ t . aaocsss h a s - ,*formed, ..Al . , n^cittdBm t: - pepuiftr w4: - * th a t th e o ld The lo c a l ojJdersJndic = and pnbllst qanhofc be v< W h e n n q i b,e th e nre , business o f t 1 ■ . some other p ,bh ly be r> V; - patrons n u t . The lo ssn f t ,, poatoflcea i ; wonid faduc 1 * - ** k ./,! V * > * • ' ' 1 * , - . . . 3 # A * " * * r 1 > r 1 ' *, -v’ ’V: Sheriff J a V ' >' , discovery sei first laid'dyeii p;'-. nH’. ' '* >*< - - qn a .ch a rg e t •: ElSher Lifcth ' : % h e g «&eril . J ‘ \ memo ry 'fo r, ' hissed Mtoyo Id I * * i ‘ * * * - >*<v ;* ’*^Si * p* ■ A dkmW kJ Xmas'prese *10.60 1 fttBide Are happy this weekin receiving our Christmas checks amounting , to theenormous sumof . ntng; and, Paul, is to be resurrected he efforts of the individual : the church were more to /conform to the Image of .Christ (2d Pet, 6 : 8 ) and thus make their calling and ejection sure, 10 verse, to com­ plete the body of Christ* of which Jesus is only the Head, Col, 1:18; and confidently expect* as Paul hopes for. His Kingdom M in 2 d pet. 1:11, and as Jesus received (as son of man) in Rom. 1:4; also hope fo r the same resurrection, being declared sons of God With Power; and allow our Lord peace so abundantly promised in God's wordy rather than going about Vlt In their own Way; I think i t would be more honoring to God, and less confusing to man. Three Hundred and Thirty Thousand Dollars ; j • ^ :7’ */ ' r '■ * ' • ' Ail savingsdeposits in the bankdr^w interest gt four p e rcen t' * TheAmerican Trust andSavingsBanh Springfield, Ohio , -—Chase it. storm blapke k fKe rr&Hm LE n 1 To the seven whom will be t roent of the R i by BertTurner Miami townslii| You and eacl fled. that the re laid ditch, no. together with hi estimated cost will be up befoi and confirmed. Court House ih January 7thl01i Board 0 ! Co Greene County, by GEO. Xenia, Ohio D HORNER SHOE COMPANY 33 South Lime*tone St.,**. Springfield, Ohio ■ ' r !> - ■ - - One would think- after all these thousands of years of loan’s corrupt rulership, the thinking p a rt of man­ kind would gladly welcome an era of Te €xm aColdinOneBay CravwCrip fa Two Day*. !521*^S5SS4«A«-asB r.. peace,'under the rulership o f a resur­ rected Christ, and under ru le rs'a ll resurrected Immortal Incorruptible Sons of God, Rom. J:4, whose ruler- ship wilt continue fo r the remainder of man's sojourn on earth in the flesh body. Edit such a change will not he without a struggle, for Satan wil do his best to retain his power, and we have no ptomlse of peace until he is bound and cast into [the bottomless p it and sealed fo r lOOO years, that he* cease deceiving the nations, fo r th a t time, as in l* /. 20 : 1 - 3 . I t is certain y not to the credit of our Bible teachers th a t they forsake God’s revelation, and look to puny man, with his past black ^ re c o rd to bring about God's premised e ra of peace and good Will on earth. Yours for the truth. J G. H. AttDERSON. Jew fatonr tmitate S i Our Clerks “Smile” When YouAsk Themto Grind Your Coffee! ■ftasessto / ' We have installed the latest Model HOBAET ELECTRIC COFFEE MILL, which makes it possible for ua togrifid your Coffee- JUST LIKF YOU WANT JIT, and the pleasure is ours. Two things aremost important for the making of a good cup of COFFEE, Quality—and Proper Granulation* We carry the very beet grade%of Coffee, selected and blended for their cup value, and we have the mill to grind it to suit the pot you are using. Trust us with your CdffeeOrders and “see the difference^ f . TEA AND COFFEE HEADQUARTERS J. M. WILLOUGHBY CEDARVILLE. . ij*. OHIO r>v<v Jewelry S to re \\ WATCHES, - The finest of its kind tn the Stdte oi Ohio for the DIAMONDS AND STERLING SILVERWARE X M M a * Main Streats, DAYTON, OHIO, «« T k t h e h gi m p ro b le n eRmiem WEI SLSt /A.;®#/* * ' , 4 ■i •J -SJ5* y-'*' *~v .