The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

A. Spencer it spending a in Dayton. Mr. W few days of bis vacation Mir*. Chnrle$*Desn and daughter, Hester, returned home Thursday aft­ er a visit with relatives in West Mb crty. Miss Afiabel Murdock has returned home after an extended visit in the; . . ► !n Use ver ars 1 1 Misses Pauline Grimily and Mu Dean have ben visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jjauwyenee in Cincinnati* % iub 1rn -jVWSr t m - ; and lenss; iown tvork first are i h i q Mr. Edward Ginn, former lumber­ man of Jamestown but for the past •’'fifteen years a resident of Washing ton C. H„ died in a sanitorium in Co lumbus Monday o f paresis. Mr. Ginn was the son o f James Ginn and was bom here, moving with his parents to Jamestown*when a youth* He .was forty-eight years old *nd>leaves a Wife and one daughter, and his aged father. ] The W. C, T. V* will meet next Thursday, July 22, at 2 p, m.,, at the Library. Subject, "Medical Temper­ ance. AUmembers whohave not paid their dues will please bring or. send themimmediately to Mrs, J. E. Hast­ ings, treasurer. * / Miss Marie Thornton, of Springfield, Whohas been the-guest .of Miss Mildred Crouse, has returned liorae^accompanied by Mias Crouse who will make her a visit* Mrs. F. P. Hasting is visitingm New Concord, O; Miss Ruth Chitty, a summer school studeht fromBowersville was -poisoned ..recently while attending a picnic at the cliffs, andhas been compelled to return to her home. - . CEDARVILLE COLLEGE NOUS, Attendant* at Summer School ia m . . : - ' • • » , About 40Summer School students attended the entertainment at the U. E. ahnrah, Clifton, Wednesday 'night. They piekniokad at the Cliffs beforehand, The greatest chorus ever given hero will bp in the GedarvlUe Opera House, Thursday evening, July *9. There will be ISOor 60 voices. They, have been training during the Sum** mer School session. -Prof. Siegler is the leader, Keepjeh® pightin mind and be tber*, You will hear a splen­ did entertainment. The Slimmer School picture was taken Tuesday. 'I t can be seen, and obtained of Nagley, the photograph-' er, , The following will give chapelad- dresses at 10 o'clock, Tuesday -July 20, Hiss Vera Andrew; Thursday, July 23, Miss Game Finney; Friday July 20, Miss Mary.Ervln ;»nfl Mon­ day, Jnly 28, Rev. Parke Jackson. Everybody is welcome at any tune. Summer* School closes 'July. 80. The First Semester of the .College year ,opens, September IB. , There wijlbe a large attendance. The elementary training school for teachers for next year and the Sum­ mer School have been recognized by the State Department ot Public In­ struction at Columbus. GedarvlUe College ta now. fully prepared to give any line of work required for teachers in any department of our public schools. MissEula Tarbox, of the Hutchison& Gibney store,.ICenia, is home, on her ’vacation of two weeks,. , Jamestown i« making preparation for the paving of Main street from one end to the other. ■ < —Our Slue HomeFavorite Stamps Save If 4 per pent. Home Clothing ™ J O '» k , / , i . * r - •o. ■ * Joe Mass!*, a well known charac­ ter1white intoxicated, pushed the aged John McDaniel-into the creek where he was fishing at the “ flax’% As a result Mayor McFarland, fined Hassle fl.QO and eosts and thirty dkys. \ ;;; $ lie best l Fish. *n yon s r O h i o . ° Winter ha* resigned her position tu the local high school ^ . to abcept a position Hi the Painville, * O., high school at a salary said tobe much greater than paid here. , e - # ' , ....... - _.....- ( l We notice a good likeness of Mr. John Orr Stewart in the Tuesday issue of the Time-Star. Hr, Stewart assisted by Hies Fanny Blehle, keader gave a recital at tlie Madison Avenue Baptist church Thursday evening, Mr. Stewart has just a c ­ cepted the postion as Professor of „ . vocal'culture und repertoire at Mt Union Hpio College at Alliance, O. He will alto have charge of .studios at Urobsvilte and New Philade'phia* Mr. J. M. Craven and wife and Mr,J.T. Woyd of Indianapolis were gtisits of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Con- farr, Friday, The regular band concert hat been postponed until u*x$ Wednes­ day owing to uncertain weather conditions. Miss Mary Ervin ia at Lake side Chautauqua this week being on the program in the Interest of the W. O. T. U. §g|Tgb» CHURCH SERVICE. Teachers* meetingSaturday 7p.m. Sabbath Bohoel 0:8ft a. m. Preaching 10:20 a. m* The Rev. Thomas White of Phil** delphia wili preach at the morning Servio. C, E. Society 6, p. m* Preaching 7, p. m. Fffcyer-meetlmjWednesday7p. m. You are cordially invited. FOR SALE. Bids will he received by the Clerk until 12noon July 80 *16, for one or all of the buildldgs except the Stotts Winter House) on the Bobt Bird, {formerly Alex frvin) lot, on north HamSt., make bids for each build­ ing, or for all. By order of the Board of Educa­ tion, Andrew Jackson, Clerk. SOUP i d , feat Hie Choice. If a man had his ehoioe between i t f i ^ g a gallon of castor oil or hearing bis wife read one of his fool love let­ ters, he would dive into the castor ‘ 43II,—Cincinnati Enquirer, True to Type, ' The Cttstomer—‘'These grand opera Monograph records are no good. I E f t get anything out of half of them," The fialesmain—"they are our finest achievement, ton can never tell when these record* will sing* They’re so dou Optei&tt* BRIGHT BRIEFS . ~ Themajority of men am like clock#— either too fast er too slow. Hope mayhud when it is cloudy, bat It.blooms only; in sunshine. A short sighted man always expect#, his neighbors to look throuch. his sitae* '• - ’ ‘ f The more we need advrto the lee* likelywe are to appreciate the kindwe" get . There is always something'coming te us that we should like to see side­ tracked. ____ If you. are looking for trouble yon don’t need to spend any money on a periscope. . If you are skilledyou have self confi­ dence: if you have self confidence press on to success. _ ■ Lots of men never-get anywhere be­ cause, they spend all their lives trying to trade places. _ _ _ ♦ Life could be made-a great deal happier if memory could be put under perfect control. m - Alternate labor and rest, judiciously used, enable the wise worker to endure' mucbandgo far. Never tell a man you have a cold. It only gives him an opportunity to offer a cure. Safety first When a man misses the road to suc­ cess he usually insists that some one changed the gnldepoSts. Mexico has about everything that could serve forcomplicate its affairs ex­ cept an energetic peace movement Current Comment. fly What’s become of the swat the campaign?—Detroit Free Frets. Flour prices continue to rise and fall, but they rise considerably farther than they fall,—Chicago News. Control of 861per cent of the world’s electrical Industry Should keep the Dnlted States a live wire.—Wall Street Journal The Mexican Constitution, being very' much like that of tile United States, la a right good constitution, but nobody InMexico appears to know how to use it.—Philadelphia Press. President Lowell of Harvard says that a man la at his zenith, mentally and physically, at twenty-three. Strange, then, Is It not, that the world’s heavy work is done by men closer to fifty than to twenty-five?— New York Sun* Gradual Advance In Artillery* ' The greatest Change in artillery came about the time of our Civil war, when the rifled gun was brought out. It Increased the range And power, At * later period the gun carriages were Improved, So that the recoil was ab­ sorbed Instead of being allowed to throw the gun back after each dis­ charge. Sines 1860 constant Improve­ ments have been made until the pres­ ent efficient artillery has been pro­ duced. •t®# your bad bream with tit. teMM* Tahlikti ' PICTURESQUE AMERICA. Seeni® Beauty of This Country Rivals the B**t inthe Old World. The American tourist is prone to take too patronizing au.atUtnrio to­ ward the sights of iris own country. He hesitate.-* to express enthusiasm about anything that isn’t stupend­ ous—-that i r ' t li a class with the redwoods, Ki*\ -vu and the Grand canyon. But when ho reaches Eu­ rope the guides tell him what he ought to like, and he admires even the lesser "sights.” Erom Scotland’s capital he jour­ neys into the “ bristling country” of the Trossachs, and if lie has never seen the highlands of the Hudson or the Ozark hills of Missouri a Arkansas he will say a g % “Not!, inglike this in America1” * TTtter nonsense! Many an Ozaric glen matches anything in Scotland for wildness and beauty, and there are .scenes along the-Hudson which are enough like the Scotch lake Country to puss as twin sisters. The reason why every one has hoard of Invcranaid and nobody knows about Hahatonka (a place far more won­ derful), is because Inveranajd has had more publicity.' What may be even’ more difficult to believe,s but it is none the less literally*true, is the fact that there are stretches of the shore o f the Missouri river which are as beauti­ ful ns the shores of "lovely Loch Aebray.” : And I would defy the most expert to attempt to tell apic­ ture of Ellen’s isle, made famous by Scott’s. "Lady of the Lake,” from snapshots of some of the little is­ lands in the St, Lawrence or the' Hudson. „ ^ If you crave the European flavor there is plenty of Europe in Amer­ ica'., Bits of -Charleston, Boston and New Orleans counterfeit .some 1 of the old world’s city streets. I can show you a piece of 'Italian hill town in Kansas City; a-bit. of old France, even to .the windmills," in Nantueket island; a German hamlet in central Missouri; a glimpse of an English country estate in the south parks of Chicago. I could lengthen this list to a 'column. —: Charles IMielps Cushing in Leslie’s Weekly. Baseball Truism. A pitcher may fool some of'the bats* men all of the time, and all of the bate-' men somp of the time) but now and then they get together and knock him out of the box. ’ CtawNftsa#* Boris. During the first fifty years of the old A frican navy, itUb-JhlS, the mortality of naval officers resulting from duels was two-thirds that re­ sulting from naval wars, In the eighty-two duels listed by a recent Writer thirty-six men were killed, all naval officers except three civil­ ians. The per cent of mortality was 22 , or five times the mortality of the federal army in the civil war.' One-half of those not killed in these duels were wounded. The large number of casualties was undoubt­ edly due to the abort distance be­ tween the combatants, which cus­ tomarily was only ten paces, or thirty feet. In a few duels the dis­ tance was even Jess, In the Barron- Decatur duel it was ^ 1 wenty-four feet and only twelve in the Bain- bridge-Cochran duel. . Odd Fishing. Jt is said that at one time the Icelanders taught tame beam to. jump into' the sea and catch seals, j In China birds do equally well, for .at a signal they dive into the lakes and bring up large fish ,grasped in their bills, In' Greece the fisher­ men use branches of pine steeped in pitch,.and lighted. The.inhab­ itants of Araorgoe used cypress leayed cedar, which, served, when lighted, as a lure,;and the Chinese fish in the night with white painted boards placed in a manner to reflect tba rays of the moon Upon the wa­ ter. These attract the fish to the boat, when the men oast a large net and seldom fail to draw out consid­ erable quantities. Anchovies are fished for in a similar manner. Begins Saturday, July 17th Ends Saturday, July31st .With really no hot weather as yet to speak of, the need for quick clearing is now more urgent than we ever experienced T o meet this con­ dition, there will be no parleying in price, but. each department cuts to the very last notch. Staple lines— everything goes. It wili be merchandise for the lowest we ever sold— and positively the best you ever bought Buy Now and Save Hie Elder & Johnston Co . (DAYTON’S SHOPPING CENTER) Prevalence of Cancer. Cancer amopg men fa found in all countries where a close search for It has been instituted, The frequency with which it occurs differs, however, very much among people-living .under , the ordinary cohditlons' of present civ­ ilization in Europe and America and among races or nations' living under more primitive conditions, especially in Africa and Asia- GET O URPRIGES ON PRINTING '2 C X Scholarship. Being scholarly Is almost tanta­ mount to being liberal. It means-liv­ ing in one’s generation, feeling, its Im­ pulses, loving Its'devotion to knowb edge and the Search for truth, and having faith In humanity and liberty of both thought .and actlon.-T-Ex- change.- - . - To Cine a CoM in OmeDay T d n L a x a t i v e B r o n a o Q t t & i n c t a u t a . e v e r y S w isM h a k ia i io a ie fK l Ia— • T U s sigOatora, V ' MX&r&Wt** esa W. JI .- .... ■ •>**, ■ ' V- ,... •. • , .; .. . , ■. . • v\ .■ ' • - *'1- V V ■ 7.-'. ' ,7 The Savings are Yours How,sooncanyonget hero? The sooneryou comethebetterforyeu, Here’s achancewhenyoumenandboyswho likegoodClothes and Furnishings, Hats andCapscanmakea substantial saving, Thisisnot a “Frantiomoney raising scheme.” Just our Jfegular July Clearance. The only differenceisyou arebuyingSummerwear­ able*atAUGUST PRICES. * The interest here.i*in thequality. At regularprices thereareno bettermerchandise, non* more.economical, none better, for the tame price. Nowthevaluesaretheearn*. But theregularPrices.areawfullyreduced. Ourstore is brimful of seasonable* wearables—and offered toyouat acleanreduction. When you seethequalityyouwill besatisfied- - Shirts ForMen at July Clearance |1.«0 Silk Bosom and Cuffs Madras body to match. Priced abHflo. One lot of 200 dozen 10c Percale •hlrts, military collar attached Priced at 29c. 76c and *1.00 Sblrta, Negligee and Pleats, stiff cuffs; a small radge of patterns. Priced at tto. Shirts Shlrte—Silk Bosom and Silk Guffs, with Soisette body to match, nobby patterns; $1.60 and $2,00 values. Priced at $1.28. $1.00 and $1.60 Shirts, collars attached anddetached. Soft cuffs; a wide range o f patterns and of the finest fabric, Won’t last long at this price, 76o. Boys’ Shirts Boys’ Shirts—Military collar Attached er detached, plain blue and fancies, 80o« Boys’ Spott Shirts and Waists, fancies andwhite, July Clearance price, 48c. 201. Men’s Straws Underwear ere now being offered at the prices you've been waiting for, Are you ready? $7.80 Hat*...... ..........$6.68 $6-80 Mats. $4.08 $600 B it*___ _____ ,.$4.46 $4.00Hats „— .......... $4.8$ $4,60Hate,,,,,... ,W,,,$S.46 $4.00'Hat*,,......— $2.06 Can’ t Mention Every Bargain We H a v e > Offer You know what Hart Schaffner & Marx and Frat Clothes Are! Just five your attention to these reductlons-then come. Fancies, Bine and Black for big or little men, tall er short. Now is Your Time . $28.00Suit* a t ,,.....$10.08 $26.00Suits a t ,,,....$10.68 $23.60 Suits At.........$17.46 $20.00 Suits at $14.08 $18.00 Suits at..... ,,$18.46 $16.00Suits at.........$11.26 $12.60 Suits a t , , .....$0.48 $1.00Suits a t ,,,,......$7.46 You Will Buy I f Y ou Gome Don’ t Stay Away Children's Strawand Wash Hats at July Clearance $L60Hat*............... $L00 $1.00Hats .......... .76c 80c Hat* Oft* lot « f 6*4 MMn .Mb Wash Suits for the little folk* al­ most given away. You ’can practice economy now if you want to. The best that can be produced are now Belling at these ridioulous prices just when you need one. Hate...............$1.46 Hats .... .,,,.06c Hats.......... ........ 76c $8.60 Hate,,,,.... $8.00 Hats.......... $2.60 Hats..... .... We Can’ t Reduce Contract Articles Perfection Clothes for Boys at July Prices Clearance should be of much Interest to you. Parents, we know the reductions are right and worthy of your consideration. Now is the time—today. .$7.60 $6 00 Suits a t , ,, . ....$8.76 .$8.88 $4 60 Suits at..... .$6.88 $4 00 Suits at..... .$4,88 $8 60 Suits at.... .$4.60 $3 00Suits 10 Per Cent Off on Blue Serge Bargains For ThoseWho Want Quality , Loti o f Rain Coming Get a Coat Men’ s Trounrs at July Clearance $1.60 Trousers.... ...... $1.10 $2.00 Trousers;.........$1.69 $2.60 Trousers......... $i.«8 $8.00 Trousers,.... ,,,$2.10 $2.60 Trousers $2.69 $4.00 Trousers... ..... .$2,06 $8.e0-$6.00 Tali Slipons and Rubberised Rain­ coats. fflekrane* price- $2 .50 For Men and Boys at /July Clearance $2.00 quality...........................$1.60 $1.40 quality.................... :..... $1.16 $1^26quality.,.............. 88c $1.00 quality.... ................. 70s 76c quality....................... 08 60c quality...... .................... 42c 24cquality.............. lflo Neckwear 100 dozen assorted- 60c Silk Four-in hands. July prloe, 2&c. 26o Neckwear, lOo * A Suspender Snap 60c kind, 86c 25c Jluspehders, 16c. 10 Per Cent off on all Bathing Suits. H Hose at Clearance Price. 86e Silk Plaited, 6 pair* for $1.00. White and all colors. This is the thne to buy a 16o Hose for 10c. 100 Handkerchiefs, the bent yet, for 7o. 26c Lisle' } i Hose, all color*, 18c 60CWork Shirts, 89o. Surprise Store W * Blwe $ . k H . O f te n Stamps Strauss and HUb a « -3 tl la s t Third S t ., 0 a y t * » , Ohio.