The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

n 1- \ j *4 'N f ‘* 1 -, W e W i liP a y You 20 Cents Per Dozen IN TRADE ONLY for CLEAN, FRESH EGGS. No Dirty Eggs Accepted. WE WILL SELL YOU FOR CASH Saturday, August 28 , Only HAM (Crown Brand) 12 to 15 Pounds Par Pound , . . * . . ■ , . 15c BREAKFAST BACON (Crown Brand) 8 to 10 lb. Piece. Per Pound . . 20c BACON SIDES (Crown Brand) . . 15c LARD (Crown Brand) 5 Poundlots . . 55c NATURAL LEAF TEA By the Pound Only . . . . . . 55c YOUNG HYSON TEA By the Pound Only , . . . 65c SOAP 3-5c Bars Export Borax for , 10c 3-50 Bars Pearl (White) for . . 10c 3-5c Bars Babbitts Naptha for . . 10c BABBITTS CLEANSER Per Can . . 3e STAR TOBACCO Per lb. . . . . 43c 25 Lb. Sack Best Cano Granulated ' SUGAR , . . .• $1.65 We are continuing our Special Sale on all Summer Goods and have many Bargains for you. BIRD’S Mammoth Store N O T IC E—Our StoreWill be closed for invoicing Monday and Tuesday, August 30 yand 31st. Make your purchases on Saturday. , a >4 Direct to tike Farmers ’ , We will furnish direct,to the farmer* o f Greene bounty the beet serum sad v4pa» ontfcbe market * t * centf* pet C. CL for'koram linn vim*: 3aO. O- ■drum and X C. Q. vira* will immune f* t 100 lb. pigs tV»eir natural Ufa. Piga three to ten day* eld can be' lmm lined their natural life with 10O, C. serum and 1 O, C. v im *., ^ ' . * We will send you an expert to teach you how to vaccir ♦ Hate your own hogs. REFERENCES Phoile O. A. Dobbins, Oedarvllle, O., Kaferouces Sonth-tvest National Bank ot Commerce of Kansas City,' Jin. Order ytour serum from W. H. Embry, our agent, Stockyards, Cincinnati, O., or Inter-State Vaooiiie Oo./JRansa^Clty, 'M'o. Picture* ate all gonehut— youstill can fei One free by tending * label nett one of Dr. LeCear’a Remedies to Dr. L. D. t-eGe.r MjjdicifteUe., 729 Howard St.,’ St- Lotiii, Mo* Thit iplemlid oiLpainting te~ production of thelargest horaeirftheworld ia worth "baViAr. Buy one of Dr. LeCcar’t Remedies today. Your stock land poul-1 try deserve fo be triat» l ., ea with^ the tested W prescription* o f an , b expert Veterinary f Surgeon.Dr.LeGear's J Remediesarbguaran­ teed to satisfy. RICHARDS' DRUG STORE Independent Jobbers of Petroleum Products High Grade Refined Oils and Gasoline AHGradesof Automobile Oils and Greases. SteamLubricating Oils of Ail puds. Delivered ByTankWagons To All Parts of Greene County. PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO BELL 476 W, CITZ. 102. ; Fatrontaa Htm» Induttrioa. C . E . O W E N S , P r o p r i r t o r located at C. II, & » . Stock Yards HIU, STREET, . . XENIA, OHIO Attractions At State Fair.! With more horses entered in its ] races than at any other *similar ' event in the country, with promise of the finest exhibits of live stock, farm products and machinery over seen in the state, with a horse show conducted after the fashion of the famous shows o f Madison JBrpjare Garden, and with the showiest and most brilliant fireworks spectacles •which could be purchased, mem* bers o f the new State Board of Agriculture are mo*e tlian satisfied fliat Ohio State Fair, August SOth, to September 8, the first to be given undertbelr auBpisesisto be one of the .most successful of the many successful ones which the Buckeye Stats has offered. ' The officers of the state fair board are one of the busiest places in the state these days, filled with horse­ men, exhibitors, concessionaire and privilege men, making final ar rangements for their visitto Uolum- bus next week, and one peep will be ruffiolent to convince that there will bej nothing lacking, from aide*! shows and popcorn men tq the more dignified displays of art, machinery, fruits, vegetables, stock, blooded eaces, etc., etc,, to make the State Fair grounds more ,than teeth with life for five days next week, The fair board was particularly fortunate in procuring Path's wonderful spectacle. “ Opening of the Panama Canal,’ ? as it has been in great, demand since its first ap­ pearance . in* Chicago some few months ago, The board secured it dn competition with several other citiss, for the week, by sending a personal.representative to Chicago to press OhiO'B claims. There is a magnificent scenic display, edu­ cational In it's. nature, w ind ! will show the route of the'new Panama canal, and Which it cost $80,000 to produce. The scene open* on a fete day, giving opportunity for the in­ troduction of a circus performance participated in by representatives o f circus families whoso names have been famous' in :England and America for a hundred years. This js "1 followed by ah attack on Panama city by sen, land and air, giving an idea in a graphic way of the terrible battles now' beifag fought over Europe. The city of Panama is'etttirely destroyed, then comes the gorgeoiis display of fire­ works which concludes the enter- talmneat. ’ Fourhundred and fifty people participate, and, it js not exaggeration to say it will be the best exhibition o f it» kind Central Oh'o has ever witnesssd, ‘ I t la the intention of the board to give more for the money, at the State Fair, this year, than' ever be­ fore, and to establish a standard at Which future board* may atm, Monday will be Ladies' Free Day, this popular feature having been "altered. All women Will be ad- 1,^Itted free of charge. Tuesday will b* Columbii* Day, and Columbus, being back of the fair more sntfiusiastiaally this year than ever before, will try to make it one o f tbe big days of the; week. Wednesday and Thursday will be "Grange Days, aud Thursday will also be designated as Governor’s Day, as'Governor Willis wilt spend tbe entire day on tbe grounds and will make an address. ^Friday will be Children's and Did Soldiers* Day, when all children under 1$ years of age, and all soldiers who fought in the Civil War, will b.e ad­ mitted free' of charge. A COMMUNICATION. “ Why Not Let Josus In?" was tli* theme of Dr,Ritchie's sermon at the Clifton United Presbyterian Church Sabbath morning. A t that time the pastor preached his first sermon after hiB vacation, in the church which was newly painted and papered during hlsabsence. "God says lie wants your heart" Was stated as tho summary of the scores of sermons and addresses heard by the Speaker during the summer. When God says in Provetbs 2S:2fi. “ My son, give mt- tbine heart, and let thine eyes ob­ serve my ways," lieiseues an invi­ tation, not a command, GOD’ S NAMES EOn CS, Although God might justly call us sinners, rebels, Wretches, or in­ grates, he often calls us Ids I'eople, Ills disciples, »r his children. But in this passage we have the supreme expression of his affection in the; tetm, “My Bon.'* What a wonder­ ful thing it is to be. called a son of Gbd! IS AMERICA CHRISTIAN? In this connection, the term “ hiarfc” includes the Whole man: body, mind and soul, pod wants your physical strength for work in his vineyard, and in the! arftiyof the Lord. He wants your minds, consent, and all your power of Intellect consecrated to hla service. Not only the body and; mind, but also the soul should bo surrendered to God’s will. Our nation Is convinced of the truth of Christianity, but is not yet con* converted to its practice, America- want Ceristianity’ s fruits without paying the price in terms of conse­ cration, i JESUS, TJf» SUV»«tt£ FRIEND Since God kas created us, and (jurist has died for us, we should an tiihly this iov ib f i t m ! tation and give our heart* to Jesus. I f wo do not give our heart* to. tiie Master, w* will give them to the; God of money, fame or society. Bo j when chooamg a master, why choose th* supreme friend, SUB CAS* OF DECKER I f yr* decide to let him in, Jesus comes far mors ,than fa l l way to ' meet us. He enligtbens our souls and actually pardons our Bins.] Think for a moment what that, means, Charley Becker went to his death for Jack of a pardon. The power af money and the prestige of infiusnoe exercised in vain. Jesus grant* U* a free pardon and promise* glorious rewards in this and the life to eeme. t h * JJEAUTIFUD Ol* Bull wa* once spending the night in a hermit's home. After the*veilingmeal the old man took down hi* violin from the wall and played npon it. •Ajriast he became Weary and Ceased. Ole asked the old man if he thought he could" learn to play. Tho hermit offered only slight encouragement, Then the master drew the bow across tbe string* and with wonderful melody played “ Home, Gweet Home." Th* old hermit wa* so touched that be gave up hi* lonely life, Christ can glorify your present life a* Ole Bull did that of tbe hermit. And he can do it today, “Why Not Let jeaua In ?" " * Store Closes Saturday 6 P. M, THE SURPRISE STORE We Glvell. &. S. Green Stamps GREAT THRIFT IN BUYING Instance of the persistent Housewife** Economy in Purchasing Half a Dozen Egg*. **Ju«t to show you bow tbe small economics practiced by thrifty house* wive* may sometime* be carried too Jar,’’ began the driver of the pie wag­ on; "well* t see a lot of it along toy route,, but- this happened down at the market house. My wife ,was scouting v around among the neighbors and one Qt them tbtdrher that there was one stand at tho market, where they were selling fresh eggs for fifteen cents a dozen. Bo she hiked right down there. The market was crowded^and she had a hard time, but she pushed along till she came to a butter and egg shop. ‘JSggs. sixteen cents/ tbe sign said, so she plunged .along for the next. But eggs were sixteen cents there, too, and at the next place and the next A little thing like that didn’t lick her, though. She hunted for about a half on hour, and at last found tho place she was after. The sign cheered her up a lot, " "Your *ggs .arefifteen cents a dozen here?” she asked, Just to make sure. "Yes, ma'am," *’ *Wel|t give me' half a dozen.* vAnd she lay* dawn her eight cent* end walk* out, satisfied with hey morn­ ing** work. She got mad when I tried to tell her that half a dozen of the lli-ceat egg* would’ve been just as cheap," > He matter bow bard yo»r h*»d aensk ear. wot**' JAU-tWa jpui. wtttkelp ye* . Dr. Mass'Antl-Paln Flu* for rheumatism P e r fe c t io n Clothes for Boys Get Your. Boy Ready for School At Little ^Cost • Men’s and Boys’ Furnishings at Prices to Suit The Last Sale This Season What You Want Awaits You Here Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothes for Men Straw Hats H^lf Price AShirt Sale That Is Worth Talking About Yes, This Is the Just Three More Days. That’s All THE SURPRISE STORE Strauss & Hilb Dayton, Ohio. For E\ W ork ! TIII3 Nomii Vai The oornl filed for all and vtilasol will get a cl in Novembtl .Andrew, ship (fieri: R.S. Toil H, A. Turi straw have! trustee andf W. II. Ba| treasurer. For School A, Z, Smithf candidates, [ vasanclos, In the vjj hove qualifl McLean, W [ McFarland.] Only six i| council and B. E. McFal W. Dean. J. and E. G. Lcl H. A. MelJ and Constabl J, G. Barbe for village tr| MERCHAN1 •Wt, the un, our stores Chautauqua hours of 1;4I p. m. HartrJ Barber, J. Post, G. M. .& Son, Wa) Shroades, R W. P. Towr . JOhaa; M. ^p« . Jacob Slegie —Order yo o f Willougbl —The mai band forgs i . receive liis.r TtidtWW3»*U»bottn*i« *«(«!, StjA^oa,*•vllt yn< ■«»»,*virx65ott«S*,«*lu7ibi ITIt T*ll»Mmtlpiyyoa.«t#m t » imtKM pK * • !« ftv m * 'rrr'n'injifSqiMTlr'i'i' M l M m X.C»- P THE GREAT DAYTON, OHIO SEPTEMBER 6-7-8-9-10, 1915 . .................... .. iWs.hmi' ...■ ■- ' ^ ■■ ’ ..• ......... ^ .................................. 1.........------"" Biggest, Busiest and Best Fair in the State A ct i Monday, Sept. 6, “Labor Day” Grand Parade of all Live Stock V ^ r i A & l U V / p c l l l I l g j United Trades andLabor Council’s Picnic on Pair Ground*. E,VERY DAY THE BIG DAY $6,200.00 I a RacingPurses { Two Running Races Each Day. Art automobile given away free, by the Thomas Manufacturing Company of Dayton, Ohio, to the peison suggesting the bi sf. “CVeh Phrase” to identify their retail advertising. Cohpon - for suggestion with eveiy gwicial Aclmitbiui Ticket, / ------ V ' - ----------F— — ——. SECOND ANNUAL AUTfiMOBIL^SHOW WILL BE HELD ON FAIR GROUNDS, FAIR WEEK 3 aNwkgiagBMgilBiMimMiBiieiwmiNilkiAeimiemimgMwwigiwiAigMeiaMimwBmAlMliwiM I GE.NERAL ADMISSION - 2 5 c S. A. M0SBY, President. I. Jj. HOMJliKMAN, SeorfeLuy In the lees Bell, .to be ll tauqua duriul much that Is | agriculturist, is a one-day trated by niai] la which the Mr; J. C. He|