The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

Y Q m X * V w * i v « i m i p i n w * h l « l * » y «*lfcwp,’Ci*ft,w#, ,<V)ASt^WSrfwy-rftfSP-ift*wv .» sn*w - Tffi* ft** whenwalked with an in­ dex, denotes that# ycss’s sufcscrip* tit* if p u t ilu* and a prosi;., set- tUw«'9t f f «ant£ttiydMiced >, . * *w(!«¥w(wvwwapwy%' THIETY-EIGHTJa y * a r NO. 41 CEBARVItLE, WHO, TODAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1915 Death L. A, Tew. Ilw en Fer L ssndo r A. Tfl»a, * lifelong rsH danfcsfthi* pise® Qt#d Sabbath a t ib* MeOUllaa ho sp ita l in X«ai% v h t r a h# had bean takan two week* ago to bo trea ted for pnoumoni*. Fo r more th a n two years H r. Tea# bad no t been in good health a a d he w*s particu la rly feeble iti&oe the death o t hi* wife about a y e a r ago. H e h a d w ith in the past few year# antlered from cancer ef th e eye and, one member had been removed. The deceased was a eon of Samuel . Tea* and was 76 years of age, He was m arried te E lisabe th Jan e ®Uli who preoeeded him in death ia# t yea r. For. thirteen year* Mr, Teas h ad charge of th e Whitelaw Held farm p r e c e d in g Mr. Wro. flhmleyY management. Hlfc Tea# wag a member, o f th e M. E , chu rch and a man of good Christian, hab its being a faithful worshiper in th a t congregation, as long a* hi# health perm itted, H e is survived by a sister* H rs. David Baker, of "Fairfield and Mrs, of Dayton,. 1 1 The funera l was held from fhe I f . E . church Tuesday afternoon, the services being in charge if his pas ton, R*v. J . W , Pattob . Burial no rth o f towri. County Board Brings Suit. The county board of education ha# broUgh'tauit against the county - Commissioner# to. compel- thein fo tran sfe r an excess of «;938.85 in the #h*ep fund , an excess over a ll claim s paid , to th e board o f edu­ cation, Thin sum ha* been loaned to the b lind pension fund In which th e re wa# a deficit. They say i t will , be re p a id to the sheep fund, b u t no t a t fcbi* aims. -■ * October Term. T h eG rand andF eU t Ju rie s for the October term of court, were d raw n from th e ju ry wheelSaturday morn- log, The Grand J u ry w ilt m o st Oc­ tober 4, and the p e tit ju ry October 6, The Mat* o r jurors follows: GRAND D. E . Pau lin , Silver creek, J. W . Matthew#, Spring Valley Twp. J . F . Bell, Miami* B ay Hit*, Jefferson. B iehard Furdom , Bugarcreek., "Willikm A, .Turnbull, C eda rv llle , 0 . W. Cyphers, Xenia, *nd W ard . J , W , Sm ith, j#ugarereek. Charles Dean, Xenia City, 4th Ward* George N* Shank, Beavercreek. M, c , Bailey, Xenia, 3rd ward. Ohraer Darker, Xenia, 3rd Ward John Or StoverBtick, Xenia, le t Ward. M. B . Bobaugb, B a th ., - IJaviB B a rnha rt, Bilveroreek. PET IT _ . . p . J , bane, Xenia, City, 1st W ard. B . H . McClellan, Beavercreek, W , B* Ba rbe r, Cedarvilie. C. S . Bullock, Sllvercreek. Fe rry Bomapert, Bath. Justice M, Glass, Sllvercreek, C. E . B radstreet, Xen ia, 2nd Ward. J . A. Shirk, New Ja spe r. , , J -E . Lewis,Boas.. E . G. Lowry,■'Cedarvilie, , E . H* Bfhut, X en ia , 2nd’W ard. A rth u r Cummings, Boss. B , O. DeHaven, Siiyeraraek, .John Ringer, Xehla, 2nd Ward, J , H . Pa rker, Silvercteek. L . E , Fau lkner, CaeBttrcteek. John Christy., Silvercreek. L . W. Coy, Beavercreek. . Jo h * A* F ifer, Xenfa 3rd W a rd , F ra n k Pennewit, Sugaroreek* < Village Officials Inspect lights. The village officials composed two auto loads th*t went on a tour oi inspec­ tion to Yellow Springs, Osborn and New Carlisle last Friday night. The Dayton Power & Light Co. ha* been asking ior a new franchise here and a change In the light system to one Similar what i* used in Osborn and New' Carlisle, These towns have tne incan­ descent system and althou citizens seem to be satisfied .our officials were* not in that our present arcs give much more light than do die Incandescent*. The Officials were much 'disappointed and unless the company offers a better in­ ducement there is not much chance for a change, Between the two .systems there would be assaying to the village of abqut $80 a year in'favor ofdie incandescent system, The official* Say that thjs present light contract would have to he" cut In half before It would be a fair price for the incandescent system and then the peo­ ple would not be satisfied with the change. ' ' .. QU * When twilight glints A* summer's eve; And breezes cah»J jfiow; When birds are singby vesper songs, In tones both aw#* and low, O l then what jey the a wsrie, O’er days of child! sd’a jubilee! What pleasure then It's to lie In shadows by th* rook, THEATREDOTES “DaddyLong-Legs” t# be tbe At­ traction at Fairbanks Theatre Springfield, Septem­ ber 27th. FRIGE, *1,00 A YEAR usws We Escaped Former Citizens The ,Barmin and Bailey Greatest Showon Earfh Comes to Xenia on Thurs­ day, Sept. 80. The oldest inhabitant, can hardly recall the lime when the larg­ est circus in tke world ever visited the country. It will be a great treat and those who cannot funj are excuse to go .by,- taking the youngsters can excuse themselves by wanting tp see if it is the same show that visits Jbe cities. There will be a crowd there butibejffiig top" accomo­ dates 10,000 persons. “ ■ LEGAL NOTICE Common F leas Court, Greene County, Ohio. , L ily M. Cline ) v*. f Legal Notice CurttaCIino ; ) Curtis Cline, residence unknown, w ill tak e notice th a t said L ily M. d i n s h a s filed In said court her p e tition aga in st him fo r divorce upon the ground of gross neglect of du ty , and t h a t the same w ill be for hearing attfa# CourtHouaejm Xenia, on October 28,1918, by which time defendan t m u s t answer or demur to sa id petition or judgement m ay be taken ag a in st him, ffhstoiftj'of ch ildren , w ith order for support and mainfainanc* also *aJ»d, •' L iny M. CiiiNE. NOTICE Dead Stock W a ttted :^T h e GedAr* villa F e rtilise r Co., wilt remove a ll dead stock immediately by calling, C. O. W E IMEE . lere. Mr. 'Wtor Galloway, ot Kansas MA boon visiting *sti $£•$''feto* Mr, GhMBrwsr doe* not find much her* today th a t W** in ov idenoathsn . So f a r a s h* knows Mrs. J u lia Galloway Tay lor is the on ly person resid ing hew th a t h e knew* . B e i s . the son of Anthony Galloway'and wa* 14 year* Old when he w en t west. • *Mr. Wra. Huffman, known to m any o lder ettisehs made a Abort v isit here Monday, hi* first trip back In 20 years, Mr, Huffman is Pa ris,. K y ., and is -con­ nected with a gas company,- W h a t wasoHce a lir g o iarnily- of Huff­ man’s has gradually been reduced by time un til there in no ohe by th a t name in thiB v icin ity now, Mr. Wiiiiam Huffman was a brother of Lse, H iram and J a c k Huffman. Ceditrville had a very narrow escape lastThursday evening from a gas famine, such as was experienced by Xenfa peo­ ple which caused them to do without a warm breakfast. An accident had happened to the line near Cplumhus and the pressure began dropping until by night it w** dangerous to try to use light# ojr fires without being On the watch. - Cedarvilie and th4®the town* east had m&re "presure of course than did the town* west of us* -As it was the lights went down very low and .began td flicker until there was some apprehension among the cossUmOrs. . H. Vf, Irwin, manager of this district, who i* s strong supporter of the "Safety First" Movement ordered the gas shut off In Xenia, thus preventing any chance of accidents. When It pome* to service theO, F , & S, Gb^can be counted 00 veUabtlkyhot soMdoahi will happen m 4 m rid °i ' " CHURCH SERVICE. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. flabbstir flehool ah 9;80. “ Bally Day1*w ill b s observed. F re achm gby th e pastor a t 10:80, Y* P' C. U. a t 6:00, F ray e r meeting W ednesday a t 7. Our au tum aal communion ssrvlce Will be hold one week frptrt Sabbath, Octobers, with preparato ry service* F riday evening a t 7:80 and S a tu r­ d ay afternoon a t 1:30. Ft, W. CHURCH {MAIN fiTREfeT) Teacher#’ meeting Saturday oveai”^ i t 7 O'clock, . Baity B ay and special offering for mlBBton# in th e Sabbath School St 9:80 a , m. F reach iag—Subject, "Missions" a t 10:80 a, m . C. E. Society 6 p. m, . Even ing Service a t 7 p. m , You are Cordially invited. The H at— The S u it- The Shoes Feather* flutter and fluff or odd .ornaments bedeck Full H*t«- Suit* follow the Military ideas with braid and fur trim m in® - ' , Autumh Footwear favors the Sekmless/ I^ace Boot and pretty Button effect*. Right soldi raady fo r you ana s ilia nowoot and pratHoot o f th««l Hi# Elder & Johnston Co. (Diayton^ Bhappin# DryForces Hear Metzer. The dry workers in the county num- bering about 200 gathered in-the First M, E , church last Thursday evening to enjoy a chicken dinner and hear * lec­ ture by Hon. Clark W. Metzer of, Can-* ton, who had the credit of carrying Stalk county last year by 8000 (or- prohi- bition against a wet majority of 4000a t * previous election. A number of short Speeches were made by guests present. About a dozen citizen* from here attend- ed. ■ ' * * ■ k COMMUNICATION. - Dear Sir:—Please allow me space ip your paper to thank the public for the financial assistance rendered us ip our Annual Picnic given on the 4th instant in Mr. Jackson’s park. Our nat proceed* was $SS,Sl, the greater part Of the said amount came from our friends from Jamestown, Ohio, and tbs balance from our friends at Wilberforce and Cedarvilie. I hereby thank everybody in the behalf of the committee and slncerlyhope them suc­ cess in all that i t good This being our last Rally for our pre­ sent Pastor,Rev. J, N. Blackwell, Yfi ar* glad fosubmitthe following (itemized facts under his administration.' Pastor Salary 1200.00, P, Elder $84.80, Pastor’s Board $94.00, Trustees $47.81, Faster Day $i.O0, Children’s Day $1.60, Education $1.76,’ Dollar Money $28,26, Sabbath School $7.00, W. M«Missionary $9.00, Allen C. E. $1,60, A. M. fc, Choir $8.85, amount total $852.18. P . C. Bruce, Chairman, Where Rural kchbols 'Attract, It IS a* true a* It ie strange that la low# many mini schools #ro so atirac- ■ffve that 'city boys are seat out of th* city to attend the rural school. I know one country school in which there srs sis children from City schools. A "chicken roast” is the latest school a t­ traction that I have known. A tesfehey is making the schbolhouse the center of social life for the district, she doe* not like the idea of having a dance In the school, and sho will not have kiss­ ing fracases, so she plans various so­ cial functions with stunts and game* that have hbundatiee of the, that are new, that are harmless. She does quit# a little along the line of refreshments,, and everyone takes * part in the prep­ aration as welt as In disposing of the feast, The greatest success she ha* #v#r had was a chicken roast It was la tbe autumn, and was ip the school yard. It Was a close approach to a barbecue, Every man, woman and child in the district wa* thers. ^Jour* a*I of Education, Dr. Miles’Anti-todn Pit!* for rheuiWMim#. And watch the s In every dancing And then recall deb Way back in hike as the sun with Ascend* the And sheds his ray* All things to] So grows tbe youth 1st Till manhood I scarcely know how That years now Since neighbor boys With brother While we and all t Grew rapidly to Then, as tbe velvet Float* swiftly faf And scatters from t! Without regret So iar away from Toother scene* Where ir e they »©#,' Whose eye* we Ah! here I seem to They’re scatter Grim death ha# clai That haye with ■ grown. . The bright autumaal Through gtlmc And darkened shad All nature toe An emblem this, dec The neprappr How fleet the time Tq manhood’* And down the eve With loss of We resell the limit In all, the For as the sun mpi. Then sinks atei And twilight tlnt* ’| Harbeapty tp< Our rising lire*' ] Sink down tovi But oh! Thisj I f ’ W eaeea *ytribe M l 1 plays d’s happy days! 1and light * ky. iliiauf power ' and strength t «t length; 1has flown, fbo» • ' , : oft to play me, . aSince then cmg men, down t near, nt stock., I’s home limesweroam. rclever boys, lit and clear? | atone, nd hear, 1for his own’ om Childhood cends. ;< veil of Cloud, pgthenout S j ‘ j power, rlastsadhour. kbyhood r | y . , i of life. . I.POWftl**:■ l pea, > and fen. ; time* On Monday evening, September 27tb, the Fairbanks Theatre, Bpring- fleid, w ill offer “ DADDY L02?Q- E.EGfi” , the fatnou#, oonmdy auc- ue*s wlijch Henry Miller f* sending on four this season. Th is I s a (iratnatio visulizatloa of the ap- pen .og 'romance pet fo rth in the famous. “DADDY- LO^TG-LEGS" le tte rs wbtoh were published, m the tiadieu Homo jo u rn a l fhr*o year* ago and whioh h a v e ’since, in book form,, proved one of th e most famous hest-seUoru' in th e 'lite ra ry world. The theme o f the p lay is th e to - thanqg of a very quain t little Cinder- uUa and a modern prlpce 'Oharm- itig. The'play has4been described by the d ram atic reviewers of the country as the d a in tie st love* story, told ' on the gtag* i n ' recent* years. I t ia a t the same tim e# comedy th a t bubbles ovsr 'with whlmical frmnor and -is rad ian t With th e joyousnesB of youth. B kkmx . Fotmd Ekad In m Bed. Martin V, Denney, aged 74, for many years a resident of this place was found dead in bed Wednesday morning about five o'clock, the discovery heingltaade by his daughter, Mrs, Myrtle Beachnffi, Dr. M. I, Marsh wa* called and alter examination pronounced death due to heart trpubto: He had been dead about an hour. The deceased suffered an at­ tack of pneumonia last whiter and never regained his usual strength and has suf­ fered heart attacks ail Summer. Mr. Denny was bom in Gallipoli* and lived in Wilmington before moving to tllia place 8i year* ago. His wife died six years ago and thro* children mourn the loss of a parent, Henry of Alpha; John of Enon and Mr*. Beacham who lived with her father. The deceased was a member of Co. B. 80 regiment of the O. V. 1. The funeral services wilt be held from the home Friday afternoon at % <r<’clock. New Store Is Opened. The oldest firm ia the county opened Its doors Thursday in a magnificent hew building on tho site of the old store On .Detroit street, Xenia, which. Was de­ stroyed by fire last December. For more than fifty year* Hutchison St Gib- ney have bsenin the dry goods business serving the public in a manner than has made them the leading firmin the epunty. Although Mr, Hutchison has reached an advanced age he was fortunate in having associated with hhn, Walker Glbnef, son of the 1st* JohnW, Gibney, and Harry Sparks, who bad been reared ind educated from the Hutchison homo. The-work of rebuilding was left in the hand* of these young men, The former knowingthe business requirmsnts worked in connection with the latter, whohandled the architectural end. As a result one of the most modem department stores In tM* section o f'h e state was opened to toe public on rharsday. For ton- vltosaefc and Ireanty none of the stores iti the neighboring ctrf** can equal it, Th* firm ha* TCcelved many congratula­ tion* and best wishes lor sncces* from hundreds of friends that attended the opening. ■Si'*,:...'............ Watotod: - Ybh to smoke th« bold, Fo* SAtxi—On* two year old Jersey tow and one service Polled bull call. N, H. Wright, Selma, Ohio, Fall Festival In Xenia. X en ia's giecbnd an n u a t Farm er’js, Fall Festival promise* td eclipse any th ing th a t has ever been he ld In Xenfa and to estab lish a m ark of perfection th a t o ther cities in Southern Ohio w ill Bud h a rd to equal, The festival ie scheduled for October 7, 8 and D and a ll hr-- rangOmonts have been made to m ake thanloBing days of th is first “ Ind ian Rummer” week -a banner, even t fo r th is district., . "Some attraction for everym inute has boon th e motto-ot the cOmxnltteo In charge and from a g lan c e ,a t the program 1$ will be ’seem t h a t th e plan baa mot w ith ao tairab le suc­ cess. From baby sbpw# to m y lan* fligh ts haa &Cen a magnat fo r th e people #4f over tbl* gedtion or tbo stab*. There are a ll k ind s of parade*, day and n igh t a ttrac tions and every th ing th a t goo* With a real festival. The affair is being staged under the auspices o t the -Xenia jitioiiieli* Men's Association* L a s t .year,- on its first venture, th * festival se t a record for attendance. T h is ydar the iky- seem* the' lim it fo r con­ quest and people of th is v icin ity are looking forward to th« Fall Festival .a s the- banner even t of southern Ohio. Our Special Offer For Saturday, Sept. 25. I :.-W 'V V. , - : , , ' * r H ms -a - , t*! ■ • , ^ • S u ’ , ■■*•■ r&jefa’t* r T o e v e r y p u r c h a s e r o f a K I N G C L E R M O N T A l l F u e l B a $ e H e a t e r w e a r e g o i n g t o g i v e a w a y , a b s o ­ l u t e l y ' F R E E O n e 7 2 3 6 „ P ^ ; 0 > * i 3 ‘ 1 -y/y .■* 1 »<( t**’ vj— -I »4 a # M. X • t\<*£. a-'31 .skr. i‘ Axminster % Remember—this special :offer only bolds good for Saturday, Sept. 25 ^ * . I t i8 ,through tbe'courtesy of tlibm ake rs of the KIISTG CLERMONT ' th a t th is combination Is being offered. They, are also sending a man direct from the factory who will demonstrate tbe wonderful ' F u e l 1' A’W< Tho only heater made that'will burn hard coal, soft coal, slack, ceak, wood knots, or anything burnable with marvelous results Ft completely wipes ou t Sout, d irt, smoko a n d wasted* iieafci ' It„, a ir­ tigh t—will bold firefffty hours with b u t one ffijing of so ft .coal.; I t Is so constructed th a t I t delivers to your rooms every degree *f h e a t. genetr- ated by the fire. The demonstrator will explain a ll these point* ahd< many others, too numerous to •». - .V- ' ‘. x Mjsntior There i# » d i , ' ra re .opportunity for «*p#‘ AUTOMOBILE RACES The Automobile races which are scheduled for the -C lark County Fa ir Grounds on Saturday , Sept., are causing . much , eothulasm among tbe local and Outside Race Bugs. There six Big Races Scheduled besides a race for th e am a teu rs who' a re perm itted to enter any other event. The race for the Amateurs is for fi miles and for a prise of $50.00. Besides th is prize there $1000.00 offered by tbetnanag t- n ie iitto th e winners iu tbe o ther events. The $1000.00 Is causing some of the beat taOera on half mile tracks to s it tip and take notice and they are entering th e ir cars on the local tra ck for a il of the events. Home of the en tries recetv ld in­ clude H e rb e rt Rudy .from Ihd ian- apollst driving s Cino, the c a r th a t won the 200mile race in Columbus la s t year. The Big 00 H , P . fltuts driven by Douglas Gray of Chicago. The s ta te is Americas fastest ca r and Gray i s a registered A. A. A. driver with considerable experience. Tlie Cole 0 Bullet, which was bu ilt by th e Cole Racing Team,’ has been secured by the local Cole Agents. Tills ear will be piloted by B ill Slicer. . The-Lima HUnbeam ls another ca r th a t is worth cotnjng nffle# to see I t is driven by Dale H . Armentrout of L ima, Ohio, and h a s the record of 10m iles in 11 minutes' 30# sec.’ A rm en trou t ju st recen tly gained the title of Champion K irt Track Driver of Ohio. Sid M artin of Cleveland, is another driver of no little repu tation , having driven the half mile ovals for years, ! The management has secured the Haw ken 's Cadet Band to furnish music during the afternoons enter­ tainm en t and a ll in all, the meat for Saturday Will prove to b# the best race t h a t has ever been eeen oh any ha lf mile track . The admission is only 50c tfh lch t» unusual for tin# class of en tertainmen t. * ^TOMATOEBfor sale |d 60 »*ht* a bushel. Call phone 12-148, —FOB BALES -Two second hand storm buggies. Ralph Wolford. B*»?t say,* “ I t 's F a rm Jtot, we nave lei* of lum* to buy • a stove before* th# cold Weather se ts iu” . b u t In­ vestigate the K ING CLERMONT NOW! while the specialnffer i# oft; you’ll never reg re t It, • * * L o o k i o r t h e KIJSTG C L E R M O N T W e ’l l b e t h e r e ' t o m e e t y o u C. N- S tu ck e y d ^ lon C e d a r v i l i e , . - * ; . O h io if U’S'TnBSsmyatWaAir^mDC- . ‘W itfNo greater elemeiit o f safety sur- rouncte th» v a^ sums contained Jn the vaeflts o f this beautiful building ' then Injarround* the money deposited with ua by our small army of de* positora Tout* money placed In our hands I# not only to safe keeplhtf, but it Is in­ creasing in volume without effort on your part. It la providing the compe* tence that will be needed for old atfe , or the wnilny day** that should be, anticipated. ([The saving habit Is a producer of self-reliance, o f business indepen­ dence, of freedom from*anxiety, 4[We offer the people of this community every inducement to save that ts consistent with sele banktog. *1* C start a bank account with us today. TRY .O 0R . TOB PRINTING e#trM« 4 0