The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

"’’iff * T m mmrn*m mmrn* Season” Sale ALL DAYTON PAPERS *nA thous­ ands of hand-bill distributed throughout the country tell the Story of Dayton's 0reat Event. The Fair's “Forcing-The- Season" Sale HOT WEATHER, ENORMOUS $TQCK$, m a t u r i n g BILLS, arc [the influences contributing to thi» necessary Sale. _ Words and Figures cannot begin to tell the Story of the enormous bargains of all , the desirable “Ready*fa-Wear Garments l for Man/Woman, and Child, Come at once and fit out yourself and family, while the CHOICE is iJfeST and th* P&IC&S are LOWER than they will * ever be again this season. . Sale Starts Thursday, Septem­ ber 23rd and Continues ,* ; ■ 10 Day. ■: • ' - 28 & 30 E. 5th Sjt., DAYTON, OHIO Carfare Refunded to Purchasers, of $10.00 or Mere. , Opportunity like th is don? t come often. Don’t Miss it. Gas Consumers! Ohio Fuel Supply Co, R. W. IRWIN, Manager. Owing to aa accident on the main line near Columbus is was necessary toihut off the supply of natural gas Thursday night to safeguard the con­ sumers of the company. \ ’■ ■■ . ■■■. The trouble has now been remedied and no fur|bcjr iaconvediefioe need bo expeeted. Th» action of tha company in sutting[off the gas was taken to avoid accidents that might have re­ sulted because of low pressure. We desire our customers to feel that we at all times consider their safety first, and that our com­ pany will take no chances of accidents. - ' t ThU month’r i l kttttr lck PeMtrnt m U k eettd/'^lStf^nem hig^Str. U . P , Church Chime*. No th in* wrong oan be *tr*ng, A T itan ic of *eal* u lo st every day by drink in Amsrio*. Ndwin Mradfuto is Under of the Ch ristian Union Sabbath evening. Mr. ftordon Collin* In euy dele- gste lo P re iby te ry n ex t Monday. Be sure to shako hand* with •very member of Presbytery. Dive th e delegates suoh a welcome as will be remembered for many a day. A church t h a t h a th friends m ast show \teelf friend ly , s ’’F irs t the man takes « d rink ,; then tfa* drink tak e s a drink, then' th e d rink takes the man.” Mr. Cameron McOlure, Delancey, New York, visited with h is uncle; and aun t a t the manse from Satur­ day to Monday. Mr, McOlure will a ttend Cedarville College. Mr. A lbert Ferguson Is our dele­ gate to Synod which meets th is year atH ob ron in Northern Ind iana. Some of our modern theologians who Want to give Qod lessons about the bast way to save th e 'w o rld tell us they do no t w an t any blood in their redemption; bu t it is the,blood th a t cleanseth from a ll sin. Messrs, O. E . B radfute and Albert Ferguson are th e committee „on en tertainm en t a t the meeting of Presbytery'. Please repo rt to these gentlemen how many you will enter­ tain. 'Please retu rn your ticke ts both' d i e d and ,blank to the pastor next Sabbath s ta tin g your desire fop the; XCnia Bible Conference ■ n ex t June. We certain ly ough t to give our support to .this worthy enterprise* A young man in W estern OanatUr whose paren ts bad prayed earnestly in his beha lf was brought to Ch rist. B u th o b a c k 8h d ,a n d f o r two years lived in t h a t condition, A friend handed him a copy of “ euppose’% and God used I t to bring deep con­ viction to bis h e a rt. In a le tte r he tells how he "rushed to h is room, fell on his face before God, con­ fessed h is sins, whs restored and' immediately led* h i s first Soul to Christ, W ith in two weeks- twelve o u t of fifteen o f h is Sunday School class were Converted/ H e ‘came to Chicago, en tered the Moody Bible In s titu te , and du ring bis two years’ course led personally alm ost one hundred souls to CftriBt. H e gradu­ ated in April o f th is y e a r, a n d now a s p a s te r of a church fn Michigan he h a s entered upon.* soul-winning m in istry . God, ip answertoprayef, used a little tra c t to u tte rly change the ca reer o f th is young man , and through him th e lives of sceres of ethers, . . God is f n lly a s ab le to change the whole courseot/VOUB Life, if ifcjs n o t a lready w h a t i t should he, DO BARS: to exclude every th ing else JU ST F IFTEEN MINUTE* and le t the Molly Sp irit ta lk to yohr hea rt about the taaitor?Ybe world’s g rea test p r e s e n t ' need is infer* oetsore whe , have proven. God’s Word th a t ’’P rayer Changes T h in g s /’ . The drys e f th is Township held a meeting in Clifton U> P . oh arch la s t Tuesday evening, p ray fo r the overthrow of the saloon n e x t November,. . -Miss Mae Cerey is spending her annua l vacation a t the home of her pa ren ts in Clifton, Miss Corey We a te told ie doing a most excellen t work in th e County Children’s Home sit Xenia, . E a c h teache r in the Sabbath soheel will eonduct the review n ex t Sabbath as he or she th inks best as there will he no special pregram . Marvey F inney has suffered a re­ lapse again and Is under the doctor’s care constantly. Be sure to pai* en your temper- au to leaflet to somebody else. Memorise the facts and talk them over. F ac ts are said to he the fingers o f God. Kenneth Waddle had the mis­ fortune to lose a finger in a cu tting hex l a s t F rid ay , We a re very sorry b u t th ank fu l It was no t his hand# Mr. Casper Finney has returned from a month’s Visit to his unole’s In In d ia n a and started to Cedsf- vllie College. ^ Can you name a ll the congre­ gations in Xenia Presbytery? Come nex t Monday a t 2 P . M., and hear the JtoU Ball. W* expect an eider and a M inister from each congre­ gation. T ry to be p resen t for the 7;80 Conference Monday evening. A most profitable time Is expected. The following is the program :: Dr, Jesse Johnson, presiding: Fm * t- Sp iritual reviving, Bev. Alexander M itchell, Ph . I). (SO minutes). Second—The ruling E lder; 1, Work in Congregation, Elder. L indsay A, Graham (10 minutes). 2, Oppor­ tu n ity m Community, E lder J , g. McCampbell (10 m inutes.) 8 Place in Church Courts, E ider E , C. H a rris (10 minutes), 4. General discussion, . Nothing to Worry About. Hoity-toity is another word that has gone out of use, and there Is no occa­ sion to worry about it<~Atobieott Glob*. "...ift" F tW P M m 1|%VTbHMwsttai Fitts “The preMBl laot hr that, after al­ most a year or so vodka—sf the time this is written—Russia la regenerated. Vrhne has dggpwaed to s great de*, gree. 8«rings k*Y# increased tre­ mendously. Prosperity exists in many places wh«« Khare were bitter pov­ erty and debaaShery before. In spite of the tax of the war. its heavy drain on the manhood of the country and Us enormous expense, Russia at war —as Russia is—is * far stronger Rus* sift, a far mare livable Russia, a far more civilised Russia than before the war began and before the prohibi­ tion of vodka” The above is the summing up of conditions in Russia by 8am Blythe, the noted magttrihe writer, in an artl- ’cle in the Saturday Evening Post,. Blythe has reeauUy made A Journey through Russia and devotes one of his series of articles to the operation of prohibition throughout that empire. Russia is reaping financial benefit from prohibition, Mr. ’Blythe points out, although tha empire Js losing a half billion yearly in revenue, Before prohibition the average yearly sav­ ings' bank deposit* in Russia were from $16, oqo ,(KWto $20,000,000, In the one month of January this, year $30,. 000,000were put in the savings banks, peariy twice as much in one month under prohibition as In an entire year under the boose regime. OHIO UBEBAl LEAGUE Think* It Doubtful if Hamilton Coun­ ty Is as Wat a* hast Year.. - ’I t is problematical if Hamilton county can again roil up the majority that she did so successfully fn the last campaign.” Bo says a circular letter sentmut from Cincinnati, by the Ohio Liberal league# the btoWn-in-the-bottje, pure and unadulterated Honor organisation a t the State, 1 i Why do the liquor men think they can not get as Mg a majority In Bam- ilton county this year as they did last fain Is Cincinnati Rising her grip? The honest elections Jaw enacted by the legislature last winter i$ putting a crimp info the .plans o f the wets.. OHIOCHI! AGAIN m SALONS Emesr^gr DolarCauses Gimcinast! quirer respondents* i ’"For weafch' *ret throp Bunday obeyed. I n T oinnati, and its Columbus cpr- the following: has been Rn open se- the state that the' _ law inaxno place* in Cleve­ land .and a few other cities, the Sun­ day enforcement law is failing into disrepute.” 4 correspouibmt to Mlda’a Criterion, the Chicago mtuor paper, a lso1 saysi ’’Many Of the saloons to' Cincinnati and other cities which are equipped with side and- back door* are noW open on Sunday and apparently are not afraid, aa formerly, that their li­ cense* will b* revoked” From-other source* it la learned that liquor man are not conforming to the law a* they did month* goal by* The state liquor licensing board has sent out a warning to the effect that the law must be obeyed, and that violators will not be granted license*; The dry* point to the growing law- leseneas of saloon men as another evi­ dence of thd failure' of license and say it will mean more dry votes this year. The general impression is that the liquor trade is *0 poor that many dealer* wilt t*Jke chances in order-to make an extra dollar or two. - WORKMEN AND LIQUOR -The Statistical Abstract of the. United States for 1903 indicates that for evanry $1,000,000 invested in six principal industries the fol­ lowing number of wage earners are employed: Liquor, 77; iron, 284; paper and printing, 369; leather, 499; textiles, £74; lum­ ber, 679, „ The ratio Of wages paid to cap­ ital invested in this group 0! in­ dustries is as follows: Liquor, 5.61 per cent; iron, 1?.$ per cent; pa- per and printing, 41.3 per cent; leather, 88,6 percent; textiles, 23.9 per cent; lumber, 47.1 per cent, If the $1,300,000,000 now spent for liquor were to be spent for bread and oksthlng, it would give employment to nearly eight times as many workers, who would col­ lectively . receive five and a half times as much wages. Cincinnati says she can not get along without salpon revenue, and yet she has the biggest bonded indebted; ness of .any city in Ohio and is now without enough money to pay running expense*. SggljftwgS * » •» «*<*#.m e* r mo» The Big Store Whew t*a*Hty Fxemil* The Edward Wren Co. S p r i n g f i e l d ’ s G r e a t e s t S t o r e ^ • ■ Extends to You a Cordial Invitation to be Present # tbis weeE at its Grand T a ll Opening W here it is assured thatpn possible disappointment can await you, The Big Store— Forty Stores in one—The Mecca for all thrifty, economical and dis­ criminating buying in a radius of miles around has completed elaborate arrangements to meet the demands of the fall and winter trade and the re­ sult is that never before in the history of the store has there been a more charming and' attractive array pi merchandise assembled^or your con­ sideration and approval, . ’■ -■ ■ . I .. i ■ ........ ■ ■* - To The Ladies— We'especially commend our Ready-to-Wear, our Millinery and our Muslin]: Underwear section where the newest, nicest, daintiest things known to Fashion’s ever changing degree abound. T o T h e M e n — . W e say. without, hesitancy or equivocation, and without fearo,fcon- tradictionthatwe HAVE FOSITIYELY THE BEST MEN ’S STOftE IN SPRINGFIELD . The Big Store is truly the People’s Store for from the immense/stocks found uneer its roof practically every Miman want may be supplied, W e Buy fpr Less. We Sell for Less. W e give service which becomes exact and refined* through handling things in a big way. .We save you steps, W e save you-trouble. W e positively guarantee every purchase made YOU must be PERFECTLY satisfied else your money w ill be re­ funded. W e want you to come this week. Come while stocks are new and .complete. AND REMEMBER:—We stake our reputation on /quality. - ' V ' '/ ■'*' <! ‘V/ " > ' : • 1 /• fil^We Refund Fares on Purchases of $(5.00 and Over and we Prepay . Charges on Mail Orders iii Excess of $5.00. { COME TO SPR INGFIELD TH IS W EEK - -AND COME TO WREN ’S ,k|ir’L > s - » These two terms have been used together for so many years in Xenia, that yoii can’t think of H. E. Schmidt’s Store without thinking of Groeeries. Then, too* for variety, quality and price Schmidt’s has always been the leader. , : r 1 Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday BREAD O 5c loavoo1of | A . 0 Bread for 1 vC “Star” Tin Gans Per Doz. . . . . . . ,32c Contract NowandGet a 31 Piece Sterling China r : F lou r is high bu t we still sell a t the old price. Tomatoes, per can .,,...,..,..... ...,8c Corn, per c a n ..... ....................6c Lenox soap, 3bars for..... ...,.10C Iv o ry Soap, per bar........„..8^ c i Not over 6 bars to a customer Mason Jars Quart Size, per doz. 48c Dinner Set ft> : FREE for $50.00 in trade Don’t fail to select from the sample* what you want when etir men tail on you* Down Goes the Price New Irish Potatoes per peck 14c Irish Coblers per bushel - 50c ‘"Fine Puallty Mealy-Extra Fino Water Melons Get One Off the Ice for Dinner H. £ . Schmidt 6 Co Wholesale and Retail G roc^ jB r 30 South “Detroit Street, . . zSK S t • t \ Ohio. $l«« Rtwsrd $100. i Tlrt <>ftbU iHSpwwill b« pttos«d to toiin itot tilKi# i« *t N ni *( on* ItsUMl'itol Srifnoe h*stoe* *!>ie to cikei* ft!! ibr sl^(* fitiil tluit i* CTHDfih, IT q H’B Oftteie ilift only j.tHitiVj cuu now knetaw to flis m*8i(*iir«tomky, (ktoinfc Aygi^uttait' A- j rquMyn *i ,Iwmlfi OuVOUf # « timMMtm at m -Rto Bowiistoi* ...... l e i " " ' " ' ' " ^ fo tM f l« III toMlgHi pd¥im 4 HhetM tlki* i o t i uw r a os.tTHMo, k Bril’* ttotost. Does Your Church Need Money? We have a new plan for raising money for ehurckes, women's dub s, and other organisations. No investment i* requ ired . I f your church needs money, o r i t you *ato Interested in ra ising money for any o ther purpose, w rite us direct, or hand th is adv e r­ tisement t* th e president oi your Lad ies’ Aid Bociety, or tit* Chairmah of your Ouiid, or to your pastor. By merely ask ing fo r our ”«h«rch p lan” fnil particu lar* will be Immediately sen t. A d d re s s Fund D *n* rtm *n t, Good HoM**k*epln# 'W(*a**!n», * - 119 W*at 41 «t Bt.* Now Y«rk City- i.U‘. 1] M \ y * ! l t h : Impc The 60 in aonne lege sm t Ji», i m , • Vr- W- i on Frida A epee pared-to lars to 1 has beer F rank E th a t day co llets a r e exp e N o : Cifcizei have ioe unlawfi The v (town ha upsighb lessuesE has bee condltii nightie: »t the ordered in that enforce - The meat, s heat of era Bid* 'out a 1 shaft \ by mei long, b structu suspen- noon h ument, Shifted -few hu- north, motion.. weatln crust ceived e h i- B 1ft ■•is-'' iU • Aft • o r ■ih:’ --j f tvpMt, * je u • » f - omen'* fed, I f falsing feutver* o r the sing for ft. Mina,