The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

•n/tjtu AiifJk '*OU» - u a d x 9 sxvaJL ^•jjouosBjnejKx •nuu op^ iia'dxs ua A ] psmdoad a p sa ip ow a ^ j ,JtCI sim<A isq jjtrj ^ //’’enepuj -jr i mmv;puucj »sax|j j a auo ^unsaid jjim . aM*axo}« jno’oj iuausastjjaApa biiji Ru ifiuuq ojdood jsiy **P jo i p w o i vipjoa u n f. uj +eaqa«t £ { % { { axis ‘tp p a a p a injprreaq oujo* ipaAiaoax p n f J 93 J J j r e p n a |8 3 D irect to the Farm ers Wo wilHurnlsh direct to the farmers of Greene county tho te s t serum nml virus on tho market at S cents per C. O, for serum and virus: 20 C; 0 . »ornm and 1G. O, virus will immune fat 100 11). pigs their natural life. Figs three to ten days old can bo immuucd their natural life with io U. O. serum and 1 0 . <1. v iius. We will scud yon an expert to teach you how to yacci-' nate your own hogs. ' REFERENCES Phone 0 , A, Dobbins, .Oedaryille,, 0 MReferences South-west. National Bank ot Commerce of Kansas City, Mo. Order your serum from W, H. Embry, our agent, Stockyards, Cincinnati, 0 ., or Inter-State Vaccine Co., Kansas City, Mo. A Gold Bond Guarantee Makes this PaintWorth Twice the Price We Ask«- iVou know the shortcomings of ordinary paint* !When you buy it, you pay your money, get tK« goods and that ends the transaction. But We sell a paint that’s different. '^Vhenyou pur* chase Bradley fit Vrooman Faint, we issue a Gold Bond Guarantee that gives you an absolute insurance against {chalking, peeling, cracking, blistering or fading, ’ . i >' i _. ^~ . . - * Bradley &Vrooman Guaranteed Paint iYouve beard o f Bradley & Vrooman Paint. ,YoU know It by reputation. Now^buy it—try it-—-secure in the knowledge that the Gold Bond Guarantee protects your paint investment M b on every point. • r Crime in and get acquainted* Ws’IFbs glad to meet yon. THE TARBOX LUMBER CO Farm Economy The Biggest Loss on Farms Today is Perishable Posts andPoor Fence Profits Are Made by Managing a Farm * on a Business Basis Use American Steel Fence Post Made by American S tee l &Wire Company THEY LAST A LIFE TIME Thousands in use in tho past 15years, which have not rotted, rusted or burned because they are heavily kino coated inside and “outside. American Staal Posts-— Gan Be Driven Eliminate Fence Repairs Every Post a Lightening Rod Protects Stock from Lightening No Staples Required Fence Rows Gan Bo Burned, Dos troylng Weeds and Vormon . Land with . Steel Posts is More VaLufthlo Seo us a t once f 6 r further information of i i k the man who has used Amarican S tee l Fence Post TARBOX LUMBER CO. Cedarville, p h i o . j *—rjanii' wV|*|i»i|'i»’Jj* m s s T s a x tx ✓ ✓ TRY OUR JOB PRINTING mm Dr. Leo Anderson.. WRo and daughter, visited in Columbus the first of the week. “Grandpa” Mayes has bsen spend tug his Fourth of July vacation by visiting relatives m Indianapolis and Cincinnati. Mr, Frank Bull, of tho Indian­ apolis Star, is home on a two weeks vacation. Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Crouse and their guest, Miss Grace Walters, of Washington, D. C,, and Mr. .and Mrs, 0 , M. Townsley, spent tho Fourth at tho reservoir. Mr, Jf, W. Johnson is able to be at his place of business after a two weeks fiiee*8. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hastings have >een guests of their, son in-law and laughter, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Mo- deltan near Xenia for three weeks. Mr. Cecil Burns has been elected i to ttach in the high, school of Galva, ? 111., the coming year. „ Mr. Lawrence Barber was oper­ ated upon a t hi* home about Jive o’clock Thursday for appendicitis, Mr, Barber had not been well for several days previous to taking his bed Wednesday evening, Dr. J. 0 . j Stewart .was called and found an j operation necessary. Dr. Findley j of Xenia performed the operation and latest reports' are that the patient is doing as well *ts could be expected. Miss Mary Cooper is in Chicago attending the World's Christian. Endeavor Convention. Mrs. Cfayton McMillan and two -hlldmi and Miss MaTy Murdock ave gone to Virginia to visit with Rev. Jason McMillan and family. Dr, J. W. Dixon and family nr rived home Sabbath evening after p five weeks absence on an ante trip to Tulsa, Okla.' About 2500 miles were covered in the trip which was made in the ram both ways. The South has had an unusual amount of rain this summer. Mr, Ward McMillan,of Blooming­ ton, Ind., is visiting friends here. > v tamrr TMs month’s Butterick Patterns are 10c and '15c~~none higher. mats m mmm Mrs, Matt Rasor and daughter, Pearls, of Columbus, were guests the Orshof the week a t the home of j Mr, JohnK..Rradfute, Rev. .T..' 8 k E. MeMiehael has pur- cbrhsrtjft J Gov., Wrilis has named the Wooster Experimental Station board and we see the name of Mr. G. E , Jobe is one of the members, appointed fo ra one year forth. Mr, Joho is one of our most progressive farmers and at one time served on the old state agricultural board, Mr, Harry Powers, of Selma, bad the honbr of attending as a delegate from the Union Christian Endeavor^ Society! the State Convention at Tolcdy, Ju ly 3 to Oth. •Misses Mildred 'lYiimbo and Elsie Shroades wore the guests of Miss Alice Hixon Tuesday and Wednes­ day- , , ' ■ F onB a z v k -T wo large store dis­ play windows, 2 side vestibule windows and large ghis#. store door, all in fine condition and will be sold a price to move'quick as l have no use for same. Just the thing if you are m need of a. store.' front.- “ ■ ’ C, M. lUdgway. Postmaster Turnbull has reason to feel proud o f his first year in office la that tho business transacted en­ title s him to on increase in. salary from #1400 to $ i m . Tim Yellow- Springs efltcrt affords the same in ­ crease while Charleston dropsa |lo0. w . • , • * •• » • . Jamestown was granted a $aov to-1 Ohio corporation, capitalized af.j , $150,000, breeders of horses, sw ine, I . . rARMERS '• sheep, poultry and manufacturer ot{ ' . “Laxla-Tono” a hog cliolrea prc-J. m y ° U/ p la a ** «»***" »«»»« ventiye. F. B!”Cramer is president ta rp au lin * , Wn neutl of the company and other Uin-iJ**001 f 0 *" uao com ing- cmnati capitalists as ofilcers. Mr. 1^hresh lng s e a s o n th an w o w ill — thorn to you for another Mr, and Mrs, J, M. Auld had for thoir guests from Saturday until Monday Mr. and Mrs, Adam Grider of Iberia, parents of MrB.- Auld, and her brother-in-law and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nelson of Marlngo. l’he trip was made by auto. F ob S aiaj :—A No. 6 gas burner for steel range, good as new a t give away price. Also several pair of wooden slat “bouse shutters in excellent condition a t less than the cost of making them, Have them cut down to fit your windows. - C, M, Ridgway. O U R J U L Y N C E r S A L E , A j. >,\ 1 L- i 1 * f ctf tL.,^»cbet "‘••o'i' i mjjg. Be- Sure S r Opciaed Thursday loci A ttend T h is Sa le d ay , Ju ly io th . n r Men’s and Boys’ Clothing^Furnishings, Hats and Caps R edu ced to August Prices 1 m " i The Surprise Store 28-30 East Third St., - - Dayton, Ohio A poor furnace Is no t only a source of discomfort, but causes ill health, and wastes your fuel, and your money. t Edward L.Litter is theagricultnrist and medical advisor forthecompauy The headquarters of the company are located at Stockton in Butler county. The farm will consist of 500 acres when all plans are ma­ tured, Both common and preferred stock is offered for sale. Mr, Litter formerly was located here and will be remembered by many. loan year. BAND CONCERT SATURDAY NIGHT », Mr. and Mrs. (). L, Smith went to Cincinnati, Wednesday and Thurs­ day. Mr, T. M, Hanna and wife and 8, A. Hanna of Kuthven, Iowa; Mrs. Candace Dubois of Curlew, Iowa; and Oapt. M. E. Hanna of Stanford, Conn.', were called here by the death of their father, the late Rob* art Hanna. FARMERS* Will you pioase return grain bags and tarpaulins* We need them for use in the coming thrashing season then we will loan them to you for another year. Kerr & Hastings Bros. Mrs* Maria Koraimer, aged 87, died Sabbath of heart troublo after a long illness. The deceased made her homo with her son,- Mr. Deross Korslmer, who tenderly cared for ills mother during her recent ill ness, Tho husband died about seven years ago. Mrs. Kershnei was a fasthftil member of the Christian cnutch in Yellow Springs and during her illness ivas a patient sufferer, resigned to her fate. Four sons, James and Charles in the West, Ford, of Yellow Springs, and Deross at homo and one daughter, Mrs. John Townsley, survive, The funeral was lsehl Tuesday, lt*v, Patton having charge of the services Burial took place at Yellow Springs. There were 80 temperance essay* written in-tho township. The high school prize, $3 was won by Zolpha Dobbin*. The 8th grade paizo,$2, by Ruth Huston and the seventh grade prize $1 by I'anl Kohler. The The second county prize was divids d bofcwoen Miss Dobbins and Mildred Trumbo. The essay of Miss Elfcie Shroadeft is worthy of mention. it you can't strep fur nervousness tax* a Dr. Miles’ Anti>Paln Pill. Korr & Hasting Bros. Ths regular liana concert was omitted on Wednesday, evening owing to rain buearxnngoipents have been made for a concert Saturday evening. DEAHT OF ROBERT HANNA. H IGH GRADE . STANDARD FURNACES givo - j you riot onlywarmair, but pure, j . fresh air, to breathe, and it is ] warmed to the 'propel' temper- | ature. ' , r STANDARD «! FURNACES are honestly made of the .best i materials', and will pay for . 1 themselves in a very short time by the fuel the^ save. They are not an expense, they ARE AN INVESTMENT ' earningypularger profitsthan. almost anything else you. can ' —buy* ’*>■* *< *■ j•✓ .c-* Our Catalogis Free, Astefor it and farany information about Hooting, G lBL IN & C o . UTICA N. Y. ' ,frr-"i4»T ;"1 nnK^uWfw i<#>n■ Mr. Robert Hanna, aged BQ died early Wednesday uiorning at tlio homo of his soU-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, W.-A. Jones following a ligh t stroke uLparalyais several days ago. Mr, rSamia was a resi­ dent of Ross county til a year or so ago a1hen lie came hero to reside with his daughters, Mrs Jones-and Mrs. J, W. Dixon. He was a mem­ ber of tho 82 O. V, I. and Irom early manhood a member ot tho M. E. church, where he wa« a devot«d Christian worshiper. • Three daughter* and four sons survive: Mrs. Jones aud MrB. Dixon ot this plAe» and Mrs. Candace Duboice., of Curlow, Iowa; O. C. Hanna, of Maryville, Mo,; T, M.aiKl 8. A. Hanna, of Ruthvon, Iowa; mid Capt. M. E. Hanna, a ] retired army officer of Sauford, | Conn. Two brothers reside at Madi- j son Mills, 0 . The hotly was taken t to Chiliicolho by auto hearse for ( burial Friday. Short services were | held at Urn home of Mr. Jones j Thursday afternoon conducted by { Rov. Patton, assMed by Rev. Me* f Michael. CHURCH SERVICE. R, P. CHURCH (MAIN STReET) Teachers* meeting Saturday evening at 7 o’clock. Sabbath School Sabbath morning at Si 30 o’clock. * Preaching at 10:30a. m. 0 . E. 8. at 6 o’clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday even- j‘ mg at 7 o’clock. UNITED PftKSttYTEtflAN. ftabbatk fllcliool at SsKt a. m. Preaching by the PMtor At 10 : 30 . Y. P. O. U. » t #:W. Preaching at 7stw, Prayer meeting Wednesday at j 1;30. Schmidt's =Groceries Tassa tw i terms have been used together for so m any years in Xenia, ‘ th a t you can’t th ink of H. E . Schmidt’s Store w ithout th inking of Groceries. Then , too, for variety, quality and price Schm idt’s has always hcen the leader. v Specials for T h u r sd ay , F r id ay and Saturday BREAD 3 5 cloaves0*of i n . Bread for Flour is high but wo ntill soil at tho old prlk’f?. Tomatoes, per c a n ......... ,.«o Lmox soap, 8 bars for . .... too Ivory 8uap, pni‘ b a r ..... .. fiLc Not over 5 bars t-<a «u' domcr Fresh Fruit . Fresh Aid delicious Fruitg, Strawberries, Cucumbers, Iiadishes and Onions Contract Nowand&eta 31 Piece Sterling China Dinner Set FREE for $50.00 in trade Don’t fail to select from the samples what you want when our men call on you. HOME GROWN EASING P O T A T O E S 3 9 e a Biisliet Good, mealy and dry-Frec from !■ • . Sprouts Mason’s Quart Fruit Jars 4 , f t * * * P e r “ O v Dozen H. E» Schmidt 6 Co Wholesale .and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . . • f Xenia, Ohio. y i HM. C i n x a r o , n t e e d **19. .. X»1r'RPSiR.mA, .........................., 1**1 u sm w u , m