The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

w» w - - ' •■ awe-* i M P N I ♦ <>» ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ M M » M ♦ » » ♦ ! » » Farm and Garden ■as MAKING THE HOTBED. Wh*th»r on th* Ground w In * Ptt Vital Point t* Hooting MatoriaU Wtwtber you males tlie>«a on tbfl I jrround orl»& p it tba Vital point; la th? beating material, aaya a contributor to tba Country Gentleman,- Sometimes frames built directly agalnat tba house or near the greenhouse or garage may be heated by hot water or steam pipes from the nearby boiler or even by warm air from the cellar. Inthe great majority of cases, however, manure must be relied upon. To produce sat* , iafsctory results this must be of tho right kind and must be carefully bi a.- died. Procure clean, fairly fresh boue manure, and unless It has air' ady a good quantity of fine bedding mixed through It get rotted leaves, to the bulk of half to two-thirds of the ma­ nure, Mix the two thoroughly to form a compost and tramp it down as firm­ ly as possible la a compact heap, pref­ erably under a shed or cover, . In a few days, when the mass begins to steam, It should be forked over and made into a new pile. Tramp down each layer and build it up compactly, as before, and if it seems, to be drying ont add enough water to beep the whole moist, but not wet Remake the pile, if possible, oa a warm day. * When the compost Is ready put it in place to, a depth of about fifteen to twenty-four inches. Half! a. cord will • A. GOOD TSTEB OF HOTBED. be sufficient for a three sash frame Unless*it must be placed on the frozen1 ground. Then a little-more than1 twlCe the first quantity will be needed. It should be spread, out’In'a broad, loW heap,, nine to ten feet wide, eighteen to twenty-four,,inches deep, extending a jtoot and a half or so beyond the ends Of the frame and, banked up rdimd the frame. In making 4 bed of this serf it will be’ necessary to buy some soil* at n florist’s ormarket gardener's. The manure should be tramped down thor­ oughly and allowed to begin active fer­ mentation again. After a few days- the soli may be put on (o' a depth of four to six Inches, Then, unless you are In too great a hurry, give a good watering' and leave, the 'sasfiCs on -a few days to let the soil warm up. and to give some of the weed seeds ,4 chance to sprout. The soil Will then be la a good condition to mix with chip dirt or leaf mold for use in the seed flats, , ' ' • ■'\ ' Qae of the secrets of growing .early crops in the frames successfully Is to have the soli rich In available nitrogen. Old, thoroughly decayed,manure mix* ed thoroughly with the soli will supply this and Will also help to make the soil light and warm. One or two top dress* * Inga with nitrate of soda after the plants begin active growth will also produce visible results. Plenty o f wa­ ter Is another essential* • Satisfied. • -Flvo-yeaWiId Mafgta had traveled about a great deal during her short life. One day* her aunt remarked: "Through all her travels, Margie al­ ways seems happy and contented,” "Yes,” said Margie, “ho matter where 1 go, I always find.some dirt to play in.” Dally Opt!rhlstfor Thought. A* many suffer from too much as too little, REPORT Of the Condition of the Exchange Bank, Cedarvllle, in the State ot Ohio, at the Close of Business, June IS, 1916. RESOURCES hosat ok Real £*t*t<S.. ..............» ! 10,540.00 LO kksok Collateral.......... ....... 38,435.00 * OtherioimaaadDiecoimts........... 145,000.47 Overdrafts 2,019.59 Slate, County and Municipal Bonds notSbeiudedln Reserve.......... 38,287,50 TremlumspaidonUnitedStatts.Statfc ■ and Munieip*! Bonds....... ......... 315.05 OtherJBfonda and Securities.,,....... 2,519.40 Banking House and Lot and Other Real Estate*................ 7,500.00 Cash Item*............... ;..t 47.94 IJirttfromReserve Banks... 15,000.57 Silver Dollars.................. 1,028.00 Fractional Coin,........... 1.217.3G It, 8. and National Bank Notes,,..., 5,390.00 jim i •|iir i,|nr ' 22,583.87 If,S, Revenu*Sumps..,...,,........ • 179.00 Total................................. $273,333.48 MABU.ITIR5 ; Capital Sloek Paid in.....................f 40.O00.O0 Burping Fuad.............................. 2,500.00 Undivided Profits lees Expenses, Interest and Taxes P a i d . , . , , . 1,094.81 Iadtvidual Deposits subject to cheek 188,781,85 Demand Certificates of Deposit,..... 4,871.37 Tims Certificate* of Deposit,,,,.,,, 7,500.00 g»vl*g* Deposit.............................. 48,035.43 Total,-,....................... $273,383,48 State of Ohio, County of Greene, itst 1,0, L . Smith, Cashier rdf the above named Tha Exchange Bank of Cedarvilla, Okie, do Mtaonly sneer that the abovestatement intrue 1stthe best, el tnyknowledgeand belief, O, SMITH, Caehler, SnbssriMandswtsrB to before mo this 1st, day of lane, 1918, Katlh Butt, Notary Pttblle, tire*** V m n i f OMo, Compare thissale with anysale in Dayton andyou’ll findthat ourprices for like values are amazingly lower. We claim to give thebest values always and much more so now. Investigate! WEGIVE RED REBATE STAMPS 28 & 30 E. 5 th ST. DAYTON S REAL ECONOMY CENTER You owe it to yourself and to your pockethook to investigate our olaim of superior bargains. The merchandise we offeryou is standard inqualityand prices out of range of all competition. In- vestigate! - • , # .. • , ■ ■ ’ i ITS HERE AT LAST! What Hundreds of Shrewd Shoppers Have BeenWaiting for—OUR SEMIANNUAL And Will Set the a Talking While It Lasts "Everything in our big store, from basement to furiour while the sale our fifth floor, is shorn of all profit and a liberal slice of the cost to make selling quick and. lasts. It’syour opportunity. Grasp it. Unusual bargains everyday. A Wonderful Sale of theGenuine Palm Beach Suits There never was such ,a demand for a single article as there is for Palm Beach Suits. J * , ** . * *** ' * They are a sensible suit too—cool, comfortable, and good looking. W e offer them in the most wonder* fully low prices during this sale. , $6.S0 Seashore Suits The coolest suits women would want to wear, a t­ tractive in appearance and the same style shown, in the higher priced lines. Ju s t 100 ^ <M AO suits-to Sell a t ..............,................................. . I*JVO $8.50 Beach Suits The same suits are sold everywhere under a different name a t prices'up to $8.50. Dur- t f o jk e this sale we offer a limited quantity a t .......... $10.00 Palm Beach Suits 225 Suits, the greatest value in Palm Beaches ever offered, We will never be able to duplicate these values a t the price. Get one AC while you can a t . ............ . .«P“ *v a l $12.50 Palm Beach Suits The genuine Palm Beach,whith the lable, *uperior in style, quality and workmanship to any other Buit in the market, inNorfolks and Belted AC Backs. The greatest value of all a t . . . . . . . . A Sensational Skirt Sale * i .75 Ladies’ Skirts, large assortment of styles to * choose from. Choice.......... . . . . . . .............. .70c $2.00 Palm Beach Skirts, Yo’-e and 2 patch pockets full Dare bottom. Special .................... , . $1.00 $5.00 Palm Beach Skirts—In plain ok striped, beauti­ ful styles. Special................. **............ .$2.45 $4.00—All-wool Serge Skirts—AE colors, different •tyles. Special .............«. . . ................. $1.95 $3.50 Ladies’ Skirts, Finest qualify Gabardine cloth beautiful styles, belt and pockets., Special........$1.45 $EA$ 0 N-END*$ALE OF Undermuslins Has Waver Been Matched in Low Prices $1.00 ITndermuslins a t . ........ ~ .................... ,47c $L50 Undermuslins a t. .07c $2.00 Undermuslins a t ............ .... —................... .87c $2.50 Undermuslins a t . . . . . . • . . . • •$1*07 SEASON-END-SALE OF \ Ladies’ Hosiery and Underwear Many sample lines marked a t a fretetion of cost, Our regular stocks are all included an fchwsale. Have 200 Spring Wool Suits Left They are the most beautiful of^the late spring styles. The materials are those in great demand this season, Every suit must go during this sale. Here is your chance. Every one suitable for early fall weai. $12.50 Ladles’ and.Misses' wool Spring Suits. *. *$2.99 $20,00 Ladies’ and Misses' Wopl Spring Su its .. .$4,99 $15 Ladies' and Misses* Wool Spring Suits, .7 ...$3 ,99 $25 Ladien’ and Misses’ Wool Spring S u its .. . . , .$8.99 Extra Special Flyers $3,50 Panama Cloth Coats at-........ ......................$1.00 '$15.00Black Silk Coats, silk lined. ..............$3.95 $10.00 All-Wool Voile Ski r t s. . / ............$1.95 ,25o Children’s Rompers,........... .................. ; ........... 7c $3,50 Jersey Silk Pe tticoa ts . ........................;$1.00 79c Ladies' P, K f and Linen Skirts.......... .......... „.29c 35c Children’sE a in H a t s ................... ; ............... ... .6e $3.50 All-Wool S k irts . .............. ..........................$1.00 $1,50 Children’s jiaincapes............................ .! .55c $1.50 Fitted Top Petticoats............................. . .; .39c $1.29 P. K and Linen Skirts.................................... 49c . ..... 1■' $ .. 1 1 .......... - -Vi-;. ■ -.......... $ $ $ . $ $ $ S 3 8 S S 8 S S S S 8 8 S $ 8 8 8 8 » m W . .. ■ ■ w M anufacturers’ Shoes .« ^ CJi $ 1,00—Samples— $ 1 .00 m Paten t and Hull, Strap and Plain Pumps, ^ «» white two-straps and white Baby Dolls, low 05 ^ and.high heels. Come early/ A a m $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and S I I I I I w ^ $4,00 values Sale Price............ a. m <»• €<> <yj Men’s Clothing at These Prices Proves HowAnxious We Are to Reduce Our Splendid Stocks $10 Palm Bsach Suits............ ............................... $4.48 $15 Men’s Spring Suits.......... ............................. v.$6»88 $20 Men’s Spring S u its ............................... ,$8.88 $1.00 Men’s Trousers.................... 69c $1.25 Men’s Work Trousers. ..........................88e $2.25 Men’s Dress Trousers......................... $1.28 SEASON-END-SALE OF Men’s Furnishings The small Lota, the Broken Links Are to be Closed Oat. The Prices are the Smallest Ever Quoted— Come, * Men’s $1.00 B. V, D, U. ion Suits, tho best dollar union suit in the market inone genuine without the label B, V, 1). These have the label a t ............ .69c i r> ' _ .— ............................................................................ - ............. - ...- The Greatest Sale of Summer Dresses Ever Launched $2.00 Washable Dresses.......................... 69C $7.50 Beautiful Washable Dresses.......... . .$2.75 $12.50 White Silk Dresses Plain and Embroidered style, also many elegant and Crepe de Ch;ne Dresses, in assorted colors, at-.. . . . . . . . . . 1................ ; .$5.00 $16.50 Evening and Party Dresses......................$6195 $8.50 vVhite Chinchilla Coats............................. .$3.95 Mother?--Thi Cn i 13You Have Be h f Waiting, For" Extra Specials—Children’s Dresses $1.50 and$2’00 7 Q r Values at . . , . . . . 1 79c Children’s Dresses, sizes 2 to 1 4 . ........ ... .19c $4.90 Children’s Coats, "Sizes 6 to 14 years........ .. .99c ...................................— ..... ......... ”" l " ....... m*6r " : - * SEASON-END-SALE W aists Silk, Lawns, Voiles, Etc. Tremendous Price-Reductions on Every Item Ladies' $1.00 White Waists—Fine lawn; embroidered; various neat patterns; newest collar effect.. . ,45c I * 82.00 Waists—Voiles, lingerie, organdie; a series of exquisite designs. Special........................ 79c $3.50 Waists—You'Ve never seen prettier designs- for less than $3.50; voiles, lingeries, organdies, e t c ......................................................... .......... $1.59. $2,50 Crepe de Chine Waists—Pink and white; very good quality; newest collar effect.................. $1.29 $.1,50 Jap Silk Waists—Soft and clinging quality; em­ broidered Style. Special.................................... 79c SEASON-END-SALE OF Boys’ Clothes $3.50 Boys’ Norfolk Suits. Sale Price.......... ... ,$i.8$ $5.00 Boys’ Bulgarian Suits, In all colors and all sizes.4 Sale Price ................................... ... ,$2.98 11 dozen Boys’ Washable Suite, worth up to $100. Sale Price...........................................................37c 6 Lots of B ys’ Washable Suits; solid colors. Sale Price ...........1........ ...................................... ,57c $1,00 Boys’ Sailor Straw H a t s ............................... 21c $2,50 Boys’ Washable Suits, sailor collars; neatly trimmed. Sale price. . ,77c SEASON-END-SALE OF Gloves Savings Average Close to Half