The Cedarville Herald, Volume 38, Numbers 27-52

r - ) ForExcq iLanoe 0 « r l i f e Weekwill compare wHh *-il o f any okbar firm. & J Xerald. >ae.". This it«l* whenmark*# with m in­ dex,denotes that* yciK's sulffcrip* ;iiw f* past due and a prnro},; ■set­ tlement is e»rae»t*y desired. » . - S 3 ssssrs^s1 THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR ITG. 61. CEDARVXCiLE, OH®, >AY, DECEMBER10, 1915 PRICE, 51.00 A YEAR- e w f MKKRY TIME AT COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY EVENING DITCH QUESTION G. H» Hartmaw Beats Council and School Board In Getting Sewer Connection Arguments Flew Fast and Furious, Much To Amusemirnt of Citizen*. 1,* ■ Ifc was a free show Monday night at council mooting and no, charge o f the freedom of speech being denied any­ one could be made for at times a half down would be talking at one time. So heated did the arguments get that it was necessary to shut off the gas aud turn in the fresh air. The question at issue was over a sewer connection on Walnut street, that had been made contrary to law as well as village ordinances. An In- -formal meeting o f council was held Saturday evemhg :whea Mr. G, M, men at work Sabbath night about nine o’clock and the ditch was finished and tile laid before the break of day on Monday, although not completely filled until sometime in -the afternoon. Mr. Hartman when before council would not give a clear answer as to whether tile had been laid or not and left council undecided. Following the meeting an investigation was made and found that such had been done. Council on Tuesday the matter up with the solicitor and it now devel­ ops that there is no legal authority on the part of .council granting the school board the right to connect to a storm .aeWer. This would stand against the village and what will he done is yet a question. Messrs. Collins and Hamraan agreed ’;o bring the matter before the school board and pass a resolution to con­ form with one the council passed, that would forbid any future taps to the drain. ■ • The mayor's receipts were $17.and reports from different: committees mad and approved, Mr. H. A r Ellis offered his resigna­ tion as member- of the board of health. The appointment wall be left q .Mayor-elect McLean, who was pres­ ent. ’ < A recess was taken until Decembe: Hartman was called in fpr opening;a ( 31 when the business •for the year street without a permit, Mr, G. —*■1— i-*--» • - Hamman o f the school hoard drainage ,'V \ *' « committee' was also present. Mr. Hartman gjaimed to have’ no knowl­ edge of such a permit being necessary as he had made his arrangements with the,school board. Mr. Hamman stated that although he- was a mem­ ber of the,drainage committee no such arrangement had been made so far as he knew, Mr. A. G. Colline of the school hoard and also on this committee had ' been communicated with by the street committee and he informed council that work Would stop, at once until a meeting of council Monday evening when all interested parties, would be present and, the matter settled. A t the meeting Mr. Ctfllins was given the floor’ and stated the school board’s position. He. informed coun­ cil that the board had not given Mr. Hartman the right to open the street and so far as,a connection'being.made this agreement having been.entered into some weeks before the ditch'was . startedNyhen the board expected to cross the Hartman lot. It wag| also understood that by allowing such con- " nection $25 was to-be. deducted from the price of a village street that the board was closing* part of- which was to fall to Hartman, who would then sell it to the school hoard. Mr. Col­ lins contended that it was not his un­ derstanding that tiie school.hoard had. no Tight to allow Others to connect to the sewer while council held other­ wise and the minutes were read show­ ing the instiructiona to the street com- atjttee when the grant was made. Mr. stated that he had Informed Saturday to discontinue .must be completed,' On the following day, January 1, council will reorgan­ ize, W: H. Barber retires and Mayor McFarland takes his place. SCHOOL BOARD HOLDS CALLED MEETING TUESDAY The local hoard of education held a called meeting Tuesday due to the situation over the ditch matter. The hoard discovered that it Was likely to lose what privileges had been granted, by council if any outside connections were made. Rather than take this chance after spending several hun­ dred dollars getting the ditch put in, a resolution was passed instructing the clerk to notify Mr, G. H, Hart­ man to disconnect" hi's sewer Within ten days, I f this is not “done the hoard will -disconnect it. „ FENCE .LINE SUIT IS AGAIN REVIVED’ , Timothy Haley has brought suit for injunction .against Gilbert C. Hanna cutting down trees on a tract of land that has been in court for a couple of years, both Hanna and the Haley’s claiming it, The land is in possession o f Mr. Banna now as it ha* been, A former suit was carried to the Su­ preme court where it was decided that Timothy Haley had not been properly notified. Mr.Hanna had won in the tower court*. ' Suit is now filed' t**k~ CHURCH SERVICE. M. E. CHURCH. . J. VT, Patton, Pastor. Sunday School At 9:30a, m. Preaching at 10:30a. m, Epworth League at 6:30. You are cordially invited. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. S&bbath School at 6:80. . Preaching by the pastor at 10:80^ Y.‘ P,C.TJ.,*t<5:30, Leader, Ruth Finney. Prayerineeti ngat 1:30. „ • Christmas entertainment Thurs­ day* December 23rd•$ R. P. CHURCH- (MAIN STREET) Teachers’ meeting Saturdayevening at 7 -o'clock. - • . ; Sabbath School Sabbath morningat MJtf o’clock. PreachingSeryicel0;30a, ro.’ , Q ,E. SocietyS;30p, m.' , *'/ .Preaching morning and evening by1 -Rev. Maurice Ruben, SI-PI', CRAWFORD FOR HIS HAS The Xenia township, licit and the Cfreea* i ing between them Supt D. L. Cfawfofi far this year* suit ' oral days ago again The difference# are the twp board* a*4, into Pfof. . Crawfo standing. So far hoard is concernad w is a friendly one, tWa,’ ing the legal right, contends the same, < Supt, Crawford cl employed under sec school law* awl tivrtj for payment o f his Greene County *' The comity board l „. quires a district to in order to draw - ’ iRUIT ICH ELDUP its tm a*v- . boards, between enter COLLEGE NOTES. The debate announced for last Tues­ day morning took place at the chapel at 9:30. Chapel exercise* were con­ ducted by Prof, Jurkat, Dr. McChes- fiey appointed Prof. Allen professor in Argumentation and Debate, as chairman of the debate. He an­ nounced the subject of the debate as follows: “Resolved, that President Wilson’* policy for military preparedness be supported,” The speakers on the affirmative whip . iwere: Messrs. Dwight .Sterrett,1Da- -jJO'Ur vid Bradfute,-Walter Graham, L, A, ward fWaites, „ - 'Those o$ the negative were: Messrs. PROF. t. a . waits ; CONSPIRACY As an echo of the, muddle wMn the ' recently deposed as principal of the filed by Supt. bfcen filed against the hoard and Supt: ages for defamation the sum. of $5,006 an. as -$540 yet dud hmj j contract as salary, charges conspiracy. Were pretended and Ants “colluded” confe spired to injure hi® teacher in which he 1 living. M. J. Hartley^! REV. MAURICE RUBEN but could Her live no Information on the' la tman deal as President Sturmonf and Mr. Collins had taken this up. The member* of council have had all sorts of trouble with the ditch m ques­ tion and have been threatened with a damage suit. , The state board of health also has a hand in the affair, complaints having been made'there by property owners. The village tax­ payer* are the people council is pro­ tecting from any damages being placed against ,the village, . ; When the school, hoard asked for permission to tap the village statin sewer council hesitated and debated the question for some time, .knowing that the present sewer at the outlet was not large enough to carry what water was coming into it. Knowing that the cost to the tillage had been great in blasting through' several Squares of solid rock to get the sewer down council gave the school hoard the connection to Bave them this cost and to keep from tearing up the streets. When the grant was made it was to be understood that no con­ nections were to be made by anyone and that nothing but drainage for the school cellar and from the roof was to enter. Mr, Hartman not being present was Sent for and presented his side of the case. When asked why he had .pro­ ceeded to fill the trench after prom­ ising not to, said that he understood that he Would be held liable’ if it was left open. ,Also admitted that he had done wrong in opening the street without a.permit but did so on author* itv of the school board. Mr, Hartman inferred tliat council was trying to reach the school board over his shoul­ ders and then the hair raised on every member’s head and words were words about that time with Mayor McFar­ land demanding order. The Mayor no­ tified Mr. Hartman that he was guilty of Violating a village ordinance and liable to a heavy fine. Council members claimed to have information that the school board and Mr, Hartman had everything planned for when the tile were laid a special section called a “Y ” had been placed in the line at appoint opposite Mr, Hartman?-? property. Council also held that Mr. Hartman had started SHERIFFS SALE Elate o f Ohio. } Green* County (es. . Pursuanfcto command of an order otisble In partition issued "from th* Oottrt of Common Pleas of said County, and to me directed-and de­ livered, 1 w ill" offer for sale at public auction at the west door -of .file Court House in the City o f Xenia, in said County on Saturday, December 18 ,A. D,, ISIS • A t 10o’clock A, M., the mllowmg described real estate, lands and tenements to-wit. Situate in the Village o£ Gedar- ville, Greene County, Ohio. Boundedand described as follows: Being the whole of -Lot number 09 of John Grr’e addition to the town of Cedarville, Greene County Ohio, which lot is more fully des­ cribed* .designated and known on the plat of th* said town of Cedar- viHe. Size of said let being 82& feet by 182*jffeet. ’ The said Premises are located on Elm street m the Village of Cedar- ville, Greene County, Ohio, and known as the Richard Darling, property. # . The said premises Were appraised at Three Hundred and Fifty Dol­ lars. (1850.00). Terms of Sale, Cash, on day ef sale. * To be Sold by order of said Court in case number 14051 wherein Offa Daniels ispetitioner and Effie Bess et. al. are defendants. F. A. JACKSON, Sheriff of Greene County* Ohio. MARCUS SHOUP, Attorney for the Petitioner. The Rev. Maurice Ruben, who will speak in the R. p, church, MainBE., on Sabbath morning and evening,comeshlgfalyrecommended He I* superintendent of the Now covenant mission tu the Jews in Pittsburg and •is also • editor of “ Th* Giqry of TeraoP’, a magazine publiebed In the ig^rest of Jewish mte*tori*»He -has-.-aad 'a lighted and edified with hi* in­ terpretations of prophecy. - The people of Redarville and vicinity afa cordially invited to hear this distinguished man and theyare assured of a rare treat. Ho will, also deliver one of h|s famous,lectures in the R. P. church on Monday evening at 7 o’clock. An offering dor the cause will be taken up. - A FINE m Tuesday afternoon Millan was presented'.: bile by a member of ha Dr. Charles C.R}bso*y To say thatMr* ~ prised does, not ex; is noway to express : MacMillan- cannot himself* •. Mr. MacMillan hood of-the court Vance, Jr,./drove* shiny Ford up to him, He was ha, Dr. Gibson simply. precidtive n^fuaberj tion desired .tb mr Not realitinjr the, note Mr. )a « x vetope^forAbe\ DAYTON INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION WILL HAVE EDUCATIONAL FEATURED I t was an InsUsriWPHaBblto opwat- ing the Ford. : Then fight hewn* to shine in on Mr; MacMillan and his strength to ooze. Be finally, recov­ ered sufficiently to make pome in quirie* and learned that the trim little machine wwr hlsh. for -keeps. - HiS friends expect Brother MacMil­ lan to survive hut It will require time and careful nursing, It,is doubtful;if he will ever take long walk* again, but why should he with an automobile all his own7 All jokes aside Mr* MacMillan is supremely happy ahd it’s a close race between the donor afid the recipient a* to which is the happiest. It Is a fine gift by one fine gentle­ man-to another and The Virginian congratulates both.—Abington, Ya., Virginian. . he was ,Ralph Elder, James Chesnut, Jr., John |Collins, Emery Hoskinson. i Some very interesting aa fVfere brought up and the deji most cases very good. .T l « T Music was furnished by a mixed icners ^quartette: Mr. Cameron JficBlure» Miss Irene’ Wright, Miss' Mary Bird. and-Mr, Dwight Sterrett. They gang ”The kLost Chord” and “Face to Face” . r!HIM The- debate Was splendidly attend­ ed by a number of friends of the col­ lege hnd unusual interest was shown in the arguments advanced. School At the dose of the debate a rising ucaupn|vote was called to show the attitude „ Waits of the audience'on the question. ’The kcharges vote showed 29 for the affirmative,-41 =has for the negative. The judges, Rev. J* . rs o ffs . E. McMichael, Rev. J. W.,Patton, j-jDam-1Rev. H, P, . Jackson decided two to ar in 'one in favor of the affirmative'.speak-?, >■well ers in the debate. I t yflftt’isi . * o4 tition: ' Miss Mabel Ward, student secre- rges tary of the Chip and West Virginia fend- ' IW s of the Y. W. C. A. made a visit _ con-^ttith the association at the college, as a [leading the meeting on Wednesday Ig bis*momjng> and conferring With the Cab­ inet Wednesday afternoon. The basket hall season was opened last Friday night with the annual I f "1m,may judge front .the fight that wad”put up by'both . sides in the class games, the game iMac- (with. Antioch the 17th will prove most mu- A interesting. Come out and encourage * n, }the. team by your presence. * «ur-1 Antioch and Cedarville ate ,old ri- tfcnftJvals.* Show your-interest and enthu* isiasm for Cedarville by coming out and helping the teams here win a splendid victory. t * The annual Christmas story will be .Jk -read by Dr. McGhesney next Tbnrs- , ,day morning. There will be special 1 inusiit- All are invited to attend. • The freshmen class scored another point against the upper classmen they decided oh the, spur of-pit at to hold their spread on Mon- “ ———.atod evemng instead o f’ ‘ as/^lanned. Tbe other olasai. ......nnr ante* teok t&a crowd to Miss Rntil Thompson’s home heto#'$|i!Rl!k- erstille and an enjoyable time wah reported. The evening was Spent in DECEMBER—THE CHRISTMAS(MONTH! S u r e l y ‘ everybody, big and little, old and young’, is saying "W e l­ come to you, dear old ’ Chfistmas 1” AH .over the store is just like our toy door, , . so attractive, so busy — the iBooks, the Hand­ kerchiefs, the Purs, the jewelry and Silver­ ware sections— every • _) f department full .to (overflowing with the right qualities arid the newest things for Christmas Gifts. A ’ ’Really Santa” is here—in our “ Gift Shop** On the. second floor and any little boy, or any little girl, or any' hig grown-up who has the least bit of doubt as to the reality of- the pleasure that he brings—well, just come in and meet hirri face to face and see for yourself 1 The Elder & JohnstonCo. (DAYTON’S<SHOPPING CENTER) I V J *$, 1 12 DAYS ROYAL B a M n a lM i r Absolirte^Piue XnsniresHie umm I M idrail andhcaltbful food M ALUM-NOPHOSPHATE Dayton, 0 „ Nov. . How .boys can cam tlicir livelihood in factories and, stores, following trades they desire to master and at -the same time obtain thorough literary and technical train­ ing will be exemplified* in the ^public schools’ exhibit in connection with the Industrial .Exposition here, January 14-22. As people enter the Delco building on First street, just east of the canal, they will be conveyed in immense ele­ vators to the seventh floor, gradually working themselves down to the ground floor as they inspect the Vari­ ous exhibits. The seventh floor will be devoted entirely to displays^ of everything known in the electrical world. . *. * Lumber dealers and building supply men will have big displays on the fifth floor and on the same floor will be displayed filing systems, type­ writers, dictaphones, cabinets, hooks, accounting systems and innumerable other devices Used in the conduct of business. ... . The fourth floor will be given up to the biggest automobile display ever attempted in this Section of the state. Approximately 76 makes of cats will be shown and there will be an ample display of automobile parts and ac­ cessories offered. The third floor will be given up to mercantile displays of all kinds and Of varying interest while an exceptionally strong feature of the second floor will be the. opera­ tion of machinery showing the pro­ cesses employed, in turning out nu­ merous products that have brought reputation and influence to Dayton manufacturing establishments. The ground floor will be devoted to an emergency hospital, to administration offices, bureau of information, rest rooms and nursery, The front of the Delco building will be ornate and brilliantly illuminated. In fact the illumination of the build­ ing will be of such intensity as to render the exposition structure dis­ cernible miles away. Anticipating ah attendance in ex­ cess ,of 100,000 the steani roads and traction lines running ihto Dayton are prepared for reduced rates and an ex­ odus from all points into Dayton. R«cognTx« Superiority. In Yellowstone park, the brown bears retreat hastily from the hotel garbage piles when black bears heave -in sight, aud the latter, In turn, promptly get themselves gone at th* approach of the sllvertlps. It is an in­ teresting little social/system, estab­ lished on the primordial,basis of feat. WELL^RILLING. I have purchased tho well drilling outfit of Johnson Bros, and' am prepared to drill wells on im­ mediate nor so* GEORGE H. IRV.IN &MONi Mis* Eleaiior Holliday was .invited to be chaperone of the outing. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Deputy. County Treasurer J. E. Sut­ ton will bo at the Exchanke Bank in Cedarville on Tuesday, December t4, from D a. m. till 2 o’clock p. m., for the collection of taxes. J. H. McVAY, •County Treasurer. ’ To do Your Christmas Shopping I f 35011 are looking lor a present for MAN or YOUNG! MAN come to our store. He Wilt appreciate something USEFUL ;. One o f our new Fall Suits or Overcoats would be avery USEFUL gift* We have a full line * Shifts, Sox, Ties, Suspenders, Hand Bags, Sait Cases, Trunks, Combination Sets, Etc. DONf’ T DELAY . COME NOW . * . . ,i*» ,, , ’ • * ' * ( P , T HOME Clothing Co. t r a d e a t HOME Cedarville, - - - - Ohio —Why have your horse suffer the cold when yon can get one.of those Northern Ohio Blanket Mills Co., blankets at Korr & Hastings Bros. W* have the regular wool blankets in different patters as well as the storm blankets. This month’s Butterick Patterns 10 c and ISc—none higher. rme nr.UHM' Antl-l*»l» n n * W ill There be a Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet in Your Home This Christmas? - MoreThana MillionHoosiers are Nowin Use You can’t think o f anytfeing that w ill give you more lasting service or be a greater saving to you in heip, time, money and strength. W i l l you see these cabinets now? Bring your husband i f you can. Buy that Xmas gift together. The terms are extremely easy and you Will never .invest in any Xmas g ift that w ill g ive you greater pleasure or more lasting satisfaction. A ' B y making a small payment and $*.oo per week you'Can have One of these cabinets placed in you r home. pome in, you are always welcome at our store,' gtott+wtcUtiUted Hpcrtitimei fabyheku t 4 t 1 i f McFarland & McKee atop ymw fcsd !><■«*!&with tJf aim*’ LuttUlv* U*in«U,