The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 1-26

Merdd, tgfaikrip* tiun i* j>Mt 4«e airf a $»n.uf i ?$t- tieu<&:,t i# t<iiii.t*tij ilKurd, . . * 1 'i':.'1;. i«»it »h<i. sii*!k>-< wrt#i»n is*. , R W T R * * W » WO. affi.'i1, r r : i . No&ing t t t « t * «ivil u rv iM ■bftAlfoo*' 'for <4rf*»» m J*au»ry b « t crvjttoi Lb* m i*S* fc. F. &.4*4ta* ouV «* tftfo {fSMNY**V to bo nlwthrhwl. ’ Tfc4w0«* trt x«efft, ^NSWwtowtt ip d Qglbom and the. *s*®»ee*W<m trb* l#g 1*14 for th a t 1 - peep***, So fwr *• to k sew a . thur* * k > ia$«fetio 4 of eturnglug th« thi* f w bwm propowd >y tkm postal Afcek #o m»k« obango* wnry-t *fou» Line auto h** jboeomo lb, ’Wo andoratand Madison •bMBilj b |# o t rw iy boon rudfartHctod Ajf^'«tep#ri.m*ut, ttoob d rlvo t b*i»f gmmmxm fo toeom tlM . W hat the •fcaoww biff boon we are not in* {pps&pji-* A s tm U a rp la n w « ms tried S ^fame-fad,, Ind ., and so utf- Wft# It ’fnth thb patrons, o ld orcte^wao rwMjrtad to. v. ISm io*at postal oiBnlaio ''bare no o|f!ttM»4ti4w«ktta||f any change hero and pufail#fa*ct reports otherwise bei^ET# bft Verified, W h e n * ohattge comae th a t would b £ #w> mean* of. throw ing the mi»be*» of tfato community through aom* other postoffice, there w ill not ,0hiy he *a vigorous pro test by the ■pabrone h a t the- business iafcefoats, Tbe toss of th e® . 7.-35. burin,ew to fcmtteiRces in towns of th is size -would reduce them, to ■ fourth class. C m A M n U S , : iTt:emTD«maTnr^jj)ii M w tD A V , D e c e m b e r mm mvm. U, X. CHURCH. 4. W. Patton , Pastor, Sunday Sofaool a t »:b0 a. m. Preach ing a t a . at. Ripwartb Laagae a t 8:M>. T m are oordi.atly itm te d . It P. CHURCH (MAiK HTflllT) J . Li Chrsuut, Pastor, = - 0 Teaehsrs’ seeeUng Saturday •recto* a t TWefoMk,. - * Rahbath Reboel Sabbath mprniqga{ •:80 o'clock. Preaching Service 10,80*, nj, C. E. Society 6:30p. m. Preaching ate:80 p. m. JDono t forget the week: of prayer, Denver*jule Their Answer Di MayIncrease ropertyFarm LandValues NEW COUNTY OFFICE Kim ytreet febi toU Crone t-rty was appr Affaiiftt «0 i Prison Record SJ^eriff Jackson made ‘a quick e e m a l day s ago when its ffcrifeia id eyes on George Mayo, held an » charge of bu rg larising th e Fifther L ittle ton house in Yellow 'The Sheriff, who h a s a good memory for rsoaiUng faces, recog- ’ r* as. the w an . held in -four b re fk tu g into the »r sto re i n Mayo |bja»b he had ewjr served Sima ■?but?ha> day-or ao 0ho*l*: UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. J . S. K. MoMlchael, Pastor. Sabbath School a t 0 ; 80 . Preaching by the pastor a t Ifh?0, Y. P . c, u . a t s ^ o . L eade^ Aims Collins. Prayermeatipg a t LOO TH E W EEK OF P-RAYER Ejc-Congrejisinau M. R . Leufvor Siierilf Jael t e d aietsr, 1). Williaum the Kjcbard have IHsdHli«>fran#w« in th e XU tf, court fa the xtaAhgenglit hyasipter., Mrs. M. L . l). Tandiay of Kew York, d fny lag ad l tb s aemraUuial charger, as ts<bw dWlstcto.^trf tiieIHnro* eetate wWT b fio rt declaring th a t pistiltiff ditow fS<f,0dDbuore than she was e n title ^ ' w b ijh defendant^ agreed io'gct' tb s .’tl^m ra th e r thaw Jiavft fan ifl^ maUsra brought into court. A,the sh it a pro-1 y islvn jn the MathwwJRpaibocb wjli whereby th e 1 piMntiif was to' bd dented a- one-fiMh-»In terest in ttw eetate, due to ’%Tormer su it ihiit had been filsd, thb' g rand father b.l)~ Ing eutrkged by fh's false malicious and Bofcnde^oaa ^barges which thd r,iadley^^®dia4Sjh ooUH. ‘ ‘ Thu ad'a,Hornbatik estates, were valued ' a l seyeral fiundredlaswer tile i hnnsand and Iiy keeping them in tact have- greatly^noteased, - f T Saturday sold! f property ouj IiMit ^receodingt-,’ “ W. The prop-» -Mao. . We, -the m our barber December *6 mainderof riiei The ten days" school hoard >1stree t to th e «1 will do st on Saturdsy , for the re» A»'C.1S«*seU Wffli McUoj i Ohas. E , Smith At a recent meeting of the various churches of the village, plans wert; perfected providing- for An- .ob­ servance of the Week of Praye)4 Wherein all the churches would unite. On Monday and Thursday evenings will he hdd m tim Jt. y. Ohurch'iMaln Street), tm Tuesday and Friday in the M, E, cbjirob and on Wednesday and Saturday m the tr« P. cburcli a t l.’sbh o’clock. The pastor ofjthe church wherein the _nveetiag is held is to have foil 'charge and direct the meeting as he may see fit. The subjects for the weak are Peace, Missions, Ohtireh Unity,' Educational Institutions, The Home and Social Service, More complete and definite an­ nouncementwill bematte neict week", but i t is hoped that the Christian people pi the community will bear -these meetings in mind and plan to attend them.- , MMiS THEATRE o fiy disoom •’Y” jo in t in placing i t w lth l One or two sej were also tak* refilled. ° k• m expired the had the' Walnut jtfifaftan prop­ ping opt tpe She and .re­ ar section. J’aeeweriiile the ditch' -’■|v .'' ^Ibwe^^lhalfceHi one of th e „be«t ‘.^R i^-peh««n te yew e an give 83 00 to > HidgWay’s RexaU S tow . —^Cbiwe Robes, horse blankets, ( abjfcrm b lanke taand s tab le blankets ■■'MTKAfct& Hastings Hroit. • , To th« several lot and land owners, whom will be benefitted by the Improve- meat of the RAMSEY ditch, tm petition . by Bert Turner et ah, In Cedarvilte and MLw&i township, Greene County, Ohio. You and eachof you are hereby noti­ fied, that the report of the Engineer ot Said ditch, now upon file in, together with his apportionment of the estimated cost of construction thereof; wifi he up before the Board for hearing and confirmation, St our office in the Court House in Xenia, Ohio, on Friday, January 7th ISIS, *t 10.00o'clock A. M. Board of County Commissioners of Greene County, Ohio, by GEO. W, KENDALL, Clerk, Xenia, Ohio December 17th., 1916. UHIQH PB&AUH tNGEERV lG # v> , , '- 1 t t p '] •, R f' 1 ,n t JrS- Ak a sweating of repreaentatiyes of *H{t .vAribu* young, people's so- eierieh -of? She. village held in; th« U. ? . Ghhwh llaadA y 'ov«hJ.nj 'jp th f' isMa |»asl* .fov, hg.*'s«tvi ■Oonrafiktees were appointed whieh’ sacald carry ou t thoplannaug'gasted and these a re already a t work. .ThO preaching is t;o bo done by the local pastors, tho it is pocaihle th a t some neighboring mmistern may bo in ­ vited to preach, The plan is certain to commend itself to everyone in the community and i t is hoped, th a t the Opera House may bh fiiled to the doors every n igh t. F u rth e r an ­ nouncements w ill be made th ru the Herald from time to time. Tuesday, December 8Stft, O T L toT i m i n m p M i S ), A t Fairbanks Theatre, on TueSt day, December 38th, 41m .a ttrae ttou Wili bo th e ever welcome annual appearance of Al, G , Tfield’s B i# Minstrel Show,; .This - neasow ' th js famousTfiiitSfrel organization jht iij between and Kibb?e -magttlficen| jiapo to offer a sp&iidid an te rta ln - hent than overi bbfeYe. >A eplsndid company cbmposth iff th e men who. are a t th e tip tojE? df ^linestrelsy, boautifulandcaifcffy aohg*, dances travesties iflsd a^kbufadance of wit and humor, w th mdkp th is ope o f h-joyable ot th e en tity *&&&*''it 5 ; r -| D le ’SSthwsnd Sfithi DWElrvTRAVEL F t ifhe mtktiw&tm • *% ^6 iirbA !|il Theahfo oa Wetf#ok8»y a m d ) * y S H t t b IfWNJfctbi lb & um " ' TLe Ohio my Thro ‘ of Ja f tl e T o The state tax commission bus called a ll the county oudilors in the state to Oolnuihq* where a con­ ference wa* imld rolptive to lucreas- ing the laud valuer fm* taxation. The atiditora were ordered to pr«* pare a list of transfers of real prop- irey and ascertain the sellingprice, nearage, if i&vm lands, and the valuation of the same tract of land for taxation a t the present fime i t is hinted tha t if valuation* are placed a t th* recorded sale price there w!U bo a doubllng^of the dupi egte and yield larger tax re turns, . The Warnec law which was rs- pealedjg s t winter, provided ft plan of assessment through appointed assessors and as afesu lt the records show'that more than fifty thousand new .tax. payers-were added that never had been, listed in years back. Wo believe that people generally will oppose any increase in the valuations of iarm lands, or village or city realty, though the people arc hftlpleaa under the now law if the state tax,', commissionsees fit to >rder thelncreas*. ,What wu want to see is a com parnioa between the returns under the olcl-aysiem againyt the one to be made under the- now law 'without changing realty values,' I t will be of interest to the tak payers of this cmuuyto know that County Auditor Faulkner is adverse to go increase or realty pi Greene ASounty for taxation m that taken «a ^ wthde the county is above the over the state; .Tiler©may **" " ■ necessary here and |« are few* The re- Ik pf the county would 'ipdssd dollars over * vaagessifierit. , Common F leas judges over the s ta te hav* a nsw appointment to ]make the first of the yea r if a law | passed by tb e la st leg islature and 'Signed by tiuv . W illisis recognized. | The new officer is to be known as !*Iic Court Constable ami the salary jtsflicod * t fl,WK) a year. A t tlm 'p resen t time wo have a court bailiff who is paid by the day wl«A« court is m session. W» ha v« h ea rd of no applicants for tiie office in th is county yet, th is probably lining d p t to th a fac t, th a t lew knew ’such a law was to become operative the first of tb« new year. pm c fy $1.0 0 A YKAR Jams For January T«rm LETTERS FROM OUR REAPERS tbe most season a Wed.iw LjpiCfcr j k t f . Following th«l m»uagem«nt' moatffcdl 3$ wEripttpbi m I t Is to be regretted tha t a t the season of tbe year when peace and good will should predominate we find the European countries in a deadly war . th a t has cost millions In money and men. I t mast appeal to Americans a t peace anti con­ tentment that the proposed miluaty plans are hot paving the way fm piunglngthis nation a t some future rim©in ta a horrible war. Responsibility for, such, a, move rests with eongry^a. each individna* member knowing the personality of the men urging this military pre- pareoilers, for It is liufc a deep laid scheme' for the munition and fitted Interests to add tq their wealth and power alb the ekp-Mjae of the mis­ fortunes of w ar,' / Christian men and women have been praying for these many weeks that conflict abroad might ceas< and n<>w-we read of -congress plan­ ning tor “preparedness” a t tbe expense of tfle. Ai^ejican people. What kind of Christian statesman have wo sent to Washington? Fon­ der over the'thought of devising ways to harvest probably yobf eon and mine in death in order tha t the financial masters of the country can add tb their wealth* T h ire isn e time in a man’s life] when he leaves th*> atmosphere of bin fellow men Until he •reaches .Washington. This is whafc befalls »ur repmsentatives and -'senators ‘ o are surrounded by every inr ee th a t will lead away from the • and tune cut of t»n.Ar# Tbe Ur^nd and Fetit Jurcra for the January term of court were drawn irom tbe jury wheel Batur- day. The Grand Jury will me*t January », and1 the Petit ..Jury January H. The jurcra drawn ara;- -GJIAHD •-■L M. S', ileal, Xenii, 3rd Ward* Loyd Clark, Xenia, 4th Ward. • Ct M, Hustoiij, Bagarcreek. J . it.Sutton, Xeuia, &rd Ward. . li. V»1 Sims, ripring Valley James Bryan, Siivercreek. , E . H. Hutchison, Xenia Twp. ; Joseph Shade, Bath, , Thomas Dswme, Miami,1 i J. c . Wllliamfidn, Xenia*2pdWard William Wets#, Hcma Twp, ., ; James Taylor, Boss, Henry L, Binder, Xenia city. Frank Linkhart, Bpribg Valley Township.' Wilber R obs , Jefferson, , *. -. ' p e t i t F. W. Johnson, Miami, D. Tressier, Silvercreok. Benjamin Wolf, Bath Twp, R, E. Ferguson; Beavercreek* Iiorneo Anderson, Xenia Twp, > ■David Hilt, Miami. ‘ - John Shirk, Jr-, Sfiverorcek. , Thomas Higgins, Xenia, firdWard FrankBfttdorf, Bath Twp. n, " i Elias Harness, How Jasper Twp.‘ John Shane, .Ifof-s* ’ Charles Marshall, Cedarville Twp, William 0. liiCfcman, Xenia, 4th Ward. ’ . . , ’ J . ,G<MeCorkcll, OedatVille Twp; A, H. Crcsweil, CeuatviileTwp, Frank Shepherd, Xenia, 2 nd Ward Joseph Maokett, Miami Twp. Haj^ry HSgley, Cedarville Twp, Charles N.' Fudge, Hew Jasper TVp. G. H. Hogg; Miami-Twp. ; i #a SqraeQueer 1 - KsSf^ Oarrih KatKart ' ’ are to *Ed<aPK«n»e*" 7A ieda « Paw Y#rk asm slesw^ssf-lli &¥s! m M. E. ENTERTAINMENT, Christmas en te rta inm en t a t the M.Tff, church F riday evening a t 7:00, A B a rrin v ited . ..... .............. —Bring you r B u tte r and Eggs to J . M, Willoughby's grocery, where you w i l l . get- th e h ighest m arket price. A box of Lowtwr 'e Candy w ill be a satisfactory Xmas p resen t for any oneSOet# Ifi.Oo a t Rfdgway's, The Bexall Store. 'Jjt' “The Mortgage Lifter** i# hog, and th e chemist «ays he Is composed of Ba^ water. In th e winter season I t Is a j^rohlem to furnish, trim w ith the most essential ^Sto«nt8 of his makeup unless you have a WELDEX H06 AND SHEEP FOUNTAIN ALSO FEED COOKERS AND HOB OILERS ' McFarland &McKee LOCAL DISTRIBUTOHS ANDREWW INm , County Agsat, beau tifu l, « n to r t|lm n g - ' and la sfructivc tra v e l motion picture# ever made. Mr. Howe no ted ''fo r the fine diBcrlmiaaHou shown iii selectingmaterial'to bephotograbsd, and fo r the. Wonderful clearness of a ll tbo pictures ri'hbwa. The series of picture* tbU yeaF will be. found to include ‘scenes o f g rea t beauty and in terest froip lite ra lly a ll parts of th e world, 4 A ' *- " - - - F riday and Satu rday , Dec; 81»t antf J a n u a ry 1st*' " t • , “ a d e ^H” ' . * The most popular of mnsieal comedies “Adele’V a fte r a long add successful run in London and Hew Y|oTk, wili be th e a ttra c tio n si? the Fairbanks/Theatre on 4F riday and Baturday, Dec, h ist and J a n , tot. No more de ligh tfu l offering cohld havebeenselected for NewYears-Eve and Day. “Adele” wili bs presented by a splendid company which in- eludes m any o f the members of the original How York cowpay- Tbefe will be too, an excellent; singing and dancing cho ru iv a n d stage setting costum ing of the u tmost a rtistic beau ty . . ' " ■ ' RESOLUTION, Granting the (JertarVllle Town­ ship Board of Education uge of Walnut street for drainage pur­ poses# , ■■■■- ■. Sae?-1. Bo it resolved ny thet Council df CsdatVille, state of Ohio {that the CedatvilleTownship Board !of Education be and is hereby granted to place on Walnht'fetrecta jditch necessary tv drain cellar and jdown spouts irom new school build- ting and no other water or sewerage shall be allowed to drain into said ditch and noJ property bolder abutting said street or dith shall use said ditch, for any phrpos* whatever, Said ditch shall he Son- sttuctedfti accordance with pla«s; and sprclflcatlonwnow on file With said Board or Education and said Board of Education shall pay all expense hereto,;M S*(f. *. Bald Boafd of Xdncatlon i,whall now and l^reufter keep in re- Ipair said ditch so no danger of any 'person or any animal of Any kind jkhalt be in danger of injury or (nothing shall ho allowed in said [ditch to stop any ogress or ingress of any person from tiMngsaid street }for public travel, 1 » , E. MeFARLAXD, Mayor, Attest; J . W. JOHNBoN, Clerk, ■ $ ■, , . - -Prisparo for the onld tvlnte- wind amt snow by getting one of those Chas# rohi a, fliv beift on the market right. A full lino anil priced Kerr dmHastings Bros. scours tbs omy mgrbing nswspaper published in Columbna or Central Ohio a t a nominal price. The great advantage m receiving a newspaper vn‘the date it I* pub- pnblishettis not to .bo. denied* I t means th a t those residing in the rmho' jsfcsections, penetrated by a rural delivery, araable to keep in a# close touch wdth tbe happenings of tlic world as the city resident. ' If is a well established f a c t ' that tha Ohio State Journal is the most ably edited newspaper In Ohio.; Col. E. S. Wilson, the edifdr,ie' known for and wide as an entertain­ ing writer, lecturer and publio speaker/ t~ - • ; ,The DhioBtate Journal Is a mem-* her of the Associated Press and secures its' pig telegraph new#; through tha t wonderful and perfect; newsgatUeriiig organisation. Every farmer Is interested in tho (Ham, Live Block aud Produce Market Peports. Ho also finds the weather reports of great importance aud the Weather Map and Obser­ vations appearmgin the Ohm State Journal each day are a feature that proves very valuable. In this day aud age everybody reads a daily newspaper and the question with the reader la what newspaper is m position to furnish the best service a t the lowest price# The thousands and tons of thous­ ands Who read the Ohio State Journal a ttest its popularity*^ I t is the newspaper bfisfc situated to' supply its readers with a ll th a t can be procured in tho newspaper field,; Ohio Stats Journal readers get their papers on the day of Issue f; they get the news first, as was demonstrated in Uie sinking of .the Lusitania, when an account of tho terrible loss of in,the OhiOBtata Journal 48 hours ahead* of (lid afternoon papers, dated for the next day. The Happy Hooligan and Kdtoeti- jatniner comics appearing 111 tbe Monday issue each week please the young, middle-aged and old, and the women readers are finding the recipes and talks byAnna McGregor Payne very entertaining .and edu­ cating. Dike all good things, the great Bargain Offer will not last- long. When tho midnight sour arrives Januery 01 fl« regular rate id twenty-five cents a muni It, or three dollars a year, will automatically go into effect and continue through­ out the year. ' rtubsc-riptioiis may bo sent to th:« office or direct to th# Ohm .State Journal, Either Tho national, Stockman, Ohio Vftrmerof McGall's magarino may be Included with a yearly sub, l Option to the Ohio State JuiminL Dm combination price being two dollars and twenty*; five cents. XL % Attos w&s holding up the world. A t this juncture Santa Claua drove by, •, , “Hello, Atlas," said Bants. “Still holding i t up, I sec/’ , ’Yes,”, woophed Atlas.- ’Well, get busy with It," Santa ad* vised,. “After J make tty ' trip thlft year there won’t bo anything left for an ev- joryday hotd-up man.” LEGAL NOTICE# \ Probate Court,Greone ■ County, Ohio. Bowlin P, McLean, Adm’r of tho Estate of John P, Carrol Deceased, 1’laintiff, VB. Tile Unknown Heirs of J . P<Carroll DofendantB. at ai., Tho Unknown Heira of John P, Carroll, late of Croottc County, Olno, deceased, .will take notice thatllawlin P* McLeanfc admiitifj- tratorof tho estate of John P. Car- roll, deceased, on the 18th day of Hovemb. r, 1013, filed his petition in tho Probate Court of Oreoue County Ohio, alloning that ttife personal esiato.of said doecdfcntisintiufflei^iit to pay Ids debts and tho charges of administering his estate; that ho ( foosiinploof tho fol­ lowing described real estate, to-wit: Httuatoin tho County of Greene, GtAto of Ohm, and In the Village of Cedarvllie and bounded and de- aoribed as- follows: Being Lot. Ho One (1) in 3tteob Miller’s Addition to tho town of Cedurvlile In said county of Greene, And morn fully described in the plat o? said town, The prnyter of the petition I b that 1L S*Ervin bn rcfluirod to answer, sotting forth the1Pvarthmlars of Ids mortgage lieti thefoou, and tliat said property bo sold to pay the debts and charges aforenaid. The Unknowu Uciro of John P, Carroll, deceased, avo hereby notified that they have been made parib n-ilefen* dant to said petition and (bat they are required to answer the same on or before the 22 nd day of January, 191ft. BA ^L IH P, MeLEfiK Administrator of tho Estftto of John P. Carroll, Deceased, Howard, Atty», Xeuin, 0, r»r.MtifS’AfrtIW>PllvferUiouwntWm N*1, j.u■«*'!■ IJIJUMUAWIU•»JtWL T h a t tUVISBOe is largely political Up ono doubts. The Democrats have to have an issue lo r the nex t campaign and th e Republicans to meek the enemy m u st go one better, so th is p a ry wilT support; a n y kind of a preparedness plan however ex- peneiveto place the Democrat? in the “whole”, aa .tlie nation will be plunged fo r year# Into deb t. Mean­ time the money, sharks look on favor With the Democrats, id ea and a fopu sh ing fh e Bepubfl jansto lend a ll support possible* politfoiane may make cap ital out of such movements and*atimednp win as the resu lt. The people mnpt furnish the foonoy tp p a y 'th e bills bu t the fa th e rs aud mothers b la s t flurniHh th e inch and boys and thus pay the to ll t h a t will bo collected. W h a t k ind Of a Christian states­ man can subscribe to such a movement? W hat say yon fathers and mothers? - Antl-Jiiigoist. January 18,1915. ,a-drink, list teen tteo on -ilk ‘ - 7*1 will pay the highest ttstkef price for raw furs* Phone IM97, \Vm* Marsli*ll. Former nawspupot* roporfer, the Bev*. Dr. Charles Plske, is now coadjutor bishop of central Hew York- in- the- Episfopal church. FUtttly wash rag, according to the United stifles-public health service; 4s a more prolific distributer of gernn than the common,towel. Connecticut map trying, to decide whether to accept $15 weekly allowed Under compensation law for stiff finger or have it cut off and get $35 a week, , _____ ; Bare from Indianapolis to Terre Haute between a motorcar, St Lodia iittitcdArnin and a carrier pigeon was; won fay tbe motorcar, with, the pigeon third, * ___ Her guests children whose grent- great-grandpareuts were her pi*y-‘, mates*„Mfos Betcy Cnproti celebrated, iicir one hundred and eighth .birthdny a t SlnUsReUl, Conn. • —^Oysters, Gramborries, Uelery, fjweet Potatoes for t h a t Ohristma# Dinner a t J . M. Willoughby’s Every Woman Should Know . There are three entirely different kinds of baking powder* namely: (1) Create of tartar* derived* - fromgrapes; (2) Alton, a mineral' acid i and (5) Phosphate ofLime* (1) Baking Powders teade of Create t Tartar'add to the food the samehealthfulqualities that exist in the ripe grapes from which dream of Tartar is derived.’- (2) BaitingPowders made of Alum add to the food some form of! v4 : In wholly foreign to anynatural1 jsrtioieoffood* VI '(3) Phosphate ofLime is mads from rook or by burning bones which by chemical action are ohaxiged into a white* powdered acid* It isused inbakingpowder only because it is a cheaper substitute* - ■. ■ ii A Cream of Tartar pmtdtr neoerconiaim Ahm or Phtaphabt ■■ !i Every housekeeper should read; the names of the ingredients * printed on the label and know What she is using* ROtAh BAftttt#POWMSR CO* Rev terk"