The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 1-26

i January Clearance Sale O fSuits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Waists and Furs n o w g o in g ON KAftLH »U U . :1■WBErwwsssp Fuh-rod at tho 1’ort-OHlcu, Codftiv vdl®. Ortobor gl, lUHL as **<?ond clft»Bwetter. Every garment at the season’s greatest reductions Values must be seen to be appreciated " ■% - The M earick Cloak Company Second and Main, Dayton, Ohio , DAYTON, OHIO ■ ' I '• ,*/ V, J . * t V* i PAYtOHmW i u k “t ij5f MiJ* »< Spend a Day in Dayton Exposition Week, January 14-22, 1916 Entire 7 Floors of the New Delco Bldg. 10 Big Shows for 10c FREDAY, JANUARY 7, IMS Circum*taaco« bring about many things that ara beneficial to the peo­ ple. It »o happened that a large com­ pany in Dayton erected a magnificent building for manufacturing purpose*, .nrougn the activity of a strong civic •rgamsation it has been planned to org hold an industrial exposition in that city in the near future that will out­ class anything’of the hind attempted in the state. The exposition is for in the country has inrnde the progress displayed in Dayton. Even this has been accomplished in the face of the fact that A hundred million loss from the flood had to be met.. The city is thoroughly metropolitan, even to the closing of the leading business houses at the end of the day. There, was a time when business men thought it necessary to wear out themselves and their clerks a whole day and half of the night, not* knowing, that Just 'as much business*can be done from eight until six. It took a lesson from the flood tq start these progressive busi- It will be only a few short months until the public's attention, will be drawn to the primaries for the nom ination of stafe and county offices. There island has been much specula­ tion tover(.the nomination of a candid date‘fo r senator from this state" and attention to the governorship on the Republican side, In some respects Got -nor 'Willis has made good yet many of his appointments have been distatseful to politicians and private citizens as well. The way he has handled patronage has not left the party united by any means and from many reliable sources it began to look aS if another nominee must'be , * To this end prominent Republicans .gathered in Columbus some weeks ago to smooth out the wrinkles and ad­ just-differences and come forward .with a united party. At that,gather­ ing Theodore Rurton was assured Ohio's support’ for president) those who advocated some other than Gov, Willis for governor were ‘ convinced that for the party to refuse him a noinination-would he dangerous; the delegates and, alternates at-large to the National Convention were tenta- •ively agreed up. Up to that time Harry Daugherty"was the leading And strongest candidate out for U„ S. senator and he was given assurance of the party support. - Everything looked like unison fop party victory until, some of ’ Mr, Daugherty* friends, asked Congress­ man Fess for an expression -on the situation and then comes a bomb­ shell explosion, from, the.Congresstnan -that he, would hot stand for slates, etc., a very natural consequence in as much as toe good Dr. was not in the inference, imft. for that reason much real good could not- be* expected un less he had a. hand, so selfish am­ bitions could be gratified, . ' The Dr, has posed long as a firm Supporter of his college chum, Gov.-, Willis. But the Dr. never lets fnend- shim however close, stand in the way of personal gain. The chance,to step higher on the ladder.of •’ fame pre­ sented itself iri attacking Mr. Daugh- ortv. This was the firBfc step towards the Benatorship for Fes*. It also has been the ,first step towards cement­ ing the opposition to Goy, Willis and thus mean another candidate with a good probability that the» governor would-be dropped as One of .thfe four delegates at-large. The enemies of the governor have the excuse in Fess* desire to push personal ambitions against Daugherty, Who is taken to task for associating with certain rrd- 'rressives that have returned to the fold. When the history of the last campaign is -reviewed the good. Dr, might'be asked today as to who he supported for president in those strenuous days. If Mr, Daugherty as state chairman could tell whether Fess on the stump, was for Taft or Roosevelt he mtist have a fine concep­ tion o f human nature. Most of those svho followed the campaign can re­ member that Fdss was for Fess first and last as he was the most impor­ tant personage on the ticket. For that reason Fess now has -little ground of connecting Mr. Daugherty with something ,his party does not care to write in history. One little paper Over in East Liver­ pool, that fell in with the Progressive movement .two years ago, hasn’t yet reached the stage where it is big enough to find that it is ftlofte, its party having gone elsewhere.. It was this paper that mentioned Fess for Senator and we read the press matter from the Seventh District headquar­ ters that the whole state seemS to he clamoring for ft chance to vote for the Yellow Springs statesman. The sooner Fess makes his announcement the sooner the atmosphere will clear. Let's have it at once. What Fess does will have much to do with what may happen to -some others that are flirt­ ing with him, The general public will welcome th» probe of gasoline prices, by the government. Already the experts find that In 1915 there was a pro­ duction of 3000000 barrels more petroleum than In 1914. It has been charged that the price of gasoline was da* to theexport bub the govern­ ment finds that the exportation was less last year than either 1918 or 1914. At present ilte efude petroleum stock is the largest ever known 920 inllllBn barrels in storage, A govern­ ment chomist has found away to increase the production of gasoline $X)peremif over the present methods Several iiidsp6n(‘ eit companies have adopted the method and by an increase production expect to IoWer the price. TheOkio State Journal Bargain Offer Will Be in Effect Throughout the Mouth of January, 2916. It Ii Your Chance to Secure One Year’s Sutacription for Only TwoDollar*. Following their usual custom, the management of the Ohio State Journal will again offer, during the month of Janua.y, one years sub­ scription for only Two Dollars, This remarkable offer makes it possible for those residing oft Ohio rural routes, and In small towns where tho Ohio Stafe Journal is not represented by a new agency, to secure the only morning newspaper published *n Columbus or Central" Ohio at a nominal price. The gfeafc advantage m receiving a newspaper on the date It is pub- published is not to be denied. It means that those. resifiiug in the remotest sections, penetrated by a rural.delivfiry, are able to keep in as close touch, with the happenings of the world as the city, resident, It is a well established fact that the Ohio State Journal is the most ably edited newspaper in Ohio. Col. E» S. Wilson, the editor,, is known far andwide as an entertain-, ing writer, lecturer and pubiio speaker. The Ohio State Journal is a mem­ ber of the .Associated Press a i secures Its big telegraph news through that wonderful ftnd perfect newsgafheriiig organization, Every farmer is interested in the Grain, Dive Stock aud Produce Market Peporip, He also finds the weather reports of great importance aud the "Weather Map and Obser­ vations appearing in the Ohio State' Journal each day are a*feature that proves very valuable. In this day and age everybody reads a daily newspaper and the question with the reader is what newspaper is m position to furnish the best service at the lowest price. The thousands and tens of thous­ ands who read the Ohio State Journal attest its popularity. It is the newspaper best situated to supply its readers with all that ean be procured In the newspaper field. '•Ohio State Journal readers get their papers on'the day, of issue; they got the news first, as wap demonstrated iii the sinking of the Lusitania, when an account o f the terrible loss of life appeared in the Ohio State Journal 48 hours ahead of the afternoon papers, dated for the next day. . The Happy Hooligan and Kafaen- jamroer comics appearing m the Monday Issue each week please the young, middle-aged and old, and the women readers are finding the rdcipes and talkB byAnnaMcGregor Payho very entertaining and edu­ cating. 1 - Like all good things, the great Bargain Offer will not last long. When tho midnight eour arrives Januery 3i the regular rate of twenty-fiye cents a month, or three dollars a year, will automatically go into effect and continue through­ out tho year. . Subscriptions may bo Bent to this office or direct lo the Ohio State Journal. Either Tho National Stookmah, Ohio Farmer of McCall's magazine may be included with a yearly subscription to the Ohio State Jonrnal, the combination price being|wo dollars and twenty- five cents. & LEGAL NOTICE. Probate Court.Greeue County, Ohio. Rawlln P. McLean", Adm’ r of the Estate of John P. Carrot Deceased, Plaintiff, vs. The Unknown Heirs of J. P, Carroll Defendants. «t al., The Unknown Heirs of John P. Cftrroli, late of^ Greene County, Ohio, deceased, 'will take notice thafllftwiin P, McDeant adminis­ trator of the eBtatoOf John P. Car- roll, deceased*- on the 18th day of November, 1915, filed his petition in the Probate Court of GresneOounty Ohio, alleging that the personal estate of said decedentisinpufilclent to pay his debts and the charges of administering his-estate; that he dl«d seized in fee simple of the fol­ lowing described real estate, to-wlfc: Situate in the Couhty of Greene, State of Ohio, and,in the Village of Cedarville and , bounded and dc- soribedas follows: Being Lot No, One (l) in Jacob Miller's Addition to the town of Cedarville in said county %ot Greene, and mote fully described in the plat of said town. The prayer nf the petition is that D,S, Ervin 1 m required to Answer, sotting fori Ii th e p i:(i i",tb its of- bis CASTOR IA for In&at* and Children, Tbi KM YmHui Always.M$t Rear* the Signature of mortgage lien llu-reou, aud tlmt said property he sold lo pay the debts and charges aforesaid. The Unknown Heirs of John F. Carroll, deceased, arts hereby notified that they have been made partics-defen- dant to satd petition and that, they aro required to answer the same on m*before the^mdday of January, * RAWLIN P. MoLEAN, Administrator of the Estate of John P. Carroll, Deceased, Howard, AUy., Xenia, 0. The Kind YouHave Always Bought Bears the Signature o f In i l s e For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of, Wrapper. THCCINTAUF,OOMKANV. WmYOflrtCITY. Galloway & Cherry Jl E. Main St., Xenia, 0: leadquarters for ReliabI Draperies, Etc, * 1 1v \ ’ * ^ / t \ ' \ 'r ** **„•' - \ Xenia’s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House mriiwniw H as nv jr>v ss ■ r- W e are here to Supply the D e m a n d / Get otir prices. Every 25c purchase has a share. 40 Shares entitles you to 50c in trade. Several have taken advantage of this profit sharing / sale, Why not you. Prices are.right* Call on • ■■ ■ ■ . ■ • .' . -■ -W ' C . M . S p e n c e r The Grocerman Phone 3-110 Cedarville, Ohio >l 'i>,y 3 , pi *e 553M5 NO ON* EVER CAClg TO ,l‘"' 1-1 ...........................I Oft BflOM HONft&ri PAILftO TO R|N 6 fttU K P I B y .CONSUMING oim o«* PffiPIB ROAST efttl1 For Youthe Greatest Pains W e ’llTake A Juicy Chop or Tender Steak A Boiling Piece or Roast So Rare We’ll Trim for You .With the Greatest Care i -* e I WALTER CULTICE FISTULA AKOAM. ^ DISEASES OF THE RECTUM MSw tntMmM C m dr - j . j. M c C lellan JflBtifilbJ C olumbus ,OT QUICK RELIEF BALM t Q#kkrjlkrf(SrHr*TluwtftndTeniiife*. H«*i*oH*« ih INmnltia tom*4y. Oirtokr*H*ff*rO*MlnH»*d sod«nL»n««. ^oktitr^UlfofT**tk**hisdEsrsohB. If#rCo»|h» tml flanrsitw**. xrMttit EWimrt*CmiBMHMdy, 8«*t ^*VMl*li|y«ami RBrnidyforP msims I*. N b btfiarPlitflomodyknown. Bid R»m*dyfor Burn* tM IvyPel«0n. ForSort Fool -Aohln#JolBt*-Cona-R«nlo-i,. *»«* #l‘»* Brua^afo- and Jav«*«»•!«* * tlm#* a*S>*V THE C0LUMSU9 OHEMIOAL W - OOfomlko* Ohio Ko tuattar bow htud your hMul M«h«% «fo. •*!**#•kUlbPWHi mao Wtti hM} y*m