The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 1-26

j: •< tet lew* 'JsVlrt i Thebb*efvi,tlbfabf th< ' Tv»»k f)t » in^Si s C m ,.*» , t.c,iip*riy jx coming, T uqw I hj *, J*». 11, j j»r*ysr' ha* brought out u flood »* .' ; Mi*. A. £, WrtuurA. and t*« son* ; tendance $te timmmiug*, uoticuhio <■»ho have been visiting in New* Paris,! Increase each cviiiing, Splendid #]iftunW h#me Tue«l»y wning. j interest has been manifest. The ; Mr. Herman Coryy of Canady, who ; meeting toniglifc is at the M. B, is -visitin:,' in Hie equity, spent Mon- f church and Saturday in tli, II. 1*. ‘day wi/’wfrKTris here. i church. Th&muon meeting in the Mr. and Mw£ James A* Gray bare I The funniest Topsy. the sweetest returww to Pittsburg after spending: Kva, Hie moat comical Marks, and the a-woak hare, ;mo«i faithful Uncle Tom, all go to , , j make Harmount’a $30,000production Mr. and Mr*. Ira Davis entertained,of Uncle Tom's Cabin the world’s * numberof friends at dinner New,•«»rgest and best.At the opera house, Year's day. . 1Tuesday night. - j The Young Married Folks club met ' The Laymen of Protestant churches Thursday ©veton« at the home of Mr. throughout western Ohio will convene and Mrs. Fred Clematis, tin Dayton, February 3-111 to, discuss v ?ll pliases o f church work and the re- RnWrt^a wMwJiL>'«fH 2 rlv ?ation of the riiurch to community M m *§/Hs w J r ^ ’ 88^ ^ r’ problems. One of the speakers will and Mrs. w, ft. Watt, - »e William Edgar Geil, the first Mrs. E. G, Eveleth has returned from Chicago after a five-weeks’ visit in that city, Mr. Harry Ewry has purchased a farm! of 145 acres .in Warren county situated about one and one-half miles from Morrow, -He will move there tlm first of March. The deal was made through Mr. Carl Pauli of Day- top. Miss Isabelle .Winter, who leaches at Fainsville, and Miss Carrie Kife o f the Selma schools, have been granted life certificates by the state school .commissioner. The many friends here will be in­ terested in the announcement of a daughter recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pauli in Dayton. white man to exjilore the mysterious Chinese wall. All evangelical church­ es are urged to send representatives, Mr. Eobert Hood entertained at din­ ner last Friday Mr. John Nash, Mr. Lee Nash and wife, Mrs, Dora Kerr and Eev. H. P. Jackson and wife, Eov. J, S, E. McMichael was taken: sick last Saturday and was unable to preach Sabbath morning, services be­ ing dispensed with. Mr. J. W. Willoughby and wife and Mr. Martin Dell and family of Platts- bijrg, drove through to Columbus, Tuesday, to attend.the funeral of the former’s sister, Mrs. Anna 'Grooms, who died Sabbath. The deceased had been a sufferer with tuberculosis for several years. TheFamous Clincher Cushion Heel - r * . - ' : . .T - y, - ■' ’ - . • JVlkkes Top Notch Rubbers Last Longer Moat rubbrfers twtxaily break through at the. heel first The makers o f Top Notch Rubbers haye overcome this by inventing and patenting a special method o f construe-' 1 ,tion -which an strongly reinforces the heel that it will wear a* long as the sole. Soles and uppers are pure gum. ‘ - * ‘ -, t ~v TopNotchRubber Footwear Top Notch Rubbers are extra quality and extra value. They are the longest Wearing rubbers sold in town. And they are jhst as'stylish as serviceable. A ll styles for men, Women and children. Come in and see them. Moser’s Shoe Store 3 . DETROIT, XEN IA , O. j This community has felt the affect °P<ir* Jl»ue* J«*t «Bbi«tlu evening | Iof the grip that !:;u; spread over the j w*8Wf-U attended, considering the; country the p .' : rmth. Scores of a weather and sickness. Bemember; person* have malady and the j the Sabbath evening meeting, j physicians have been, kept busy look- * 1 lug after their patient*. In some r cars whole families have the grip in some stage. Continued freezing,! weather would do much to improve health condition*. Mrs. Elisabeth Blair has been in a very serious condition the nasfc few davs with broncMl pneumonia. Ow­ ing to her advanced age friend* fear for her recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Manning and children have returned to Piqua after spending several days1*with the lat ter’s mother,. Mrs, Charles Hall, Mr. Walter Graham and sister, MLs Alta, gave a reception at their beautiful home on the Columbus pike west of town, last Thursday evening, when about .seventy students of the college’ and other guests were re­ ceived. The decorations were in red and green in keeping with the" sea­ son. There was a program of music and readings that were enjoyed by all* Mis* Hatbarger of West Jefferson lav? several enjoyable readings. There were guests present from South Charleston, West Jefferson, Mechan- iesburg, Selma and Xenia. Miv John Or? Stewart, youngest son if Dr. and/Mrs. J, Q. Stewart of this ijaec, and Miss Florence Burck pf Ft, Thomas, Ky., werfe married last Tues­ day morning’ at the Highland Metho- lisn church, Ft. Thomas, fay the. Eev. J, M. Fuqua, The bride is the daugh­ ter. of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Burck, a Cin- -innati violincelUst, and is a.talented, uusician herself. The groom gradu-. ated last June from the Conservatory* of Music, having a large class at the ■Twin. Cities, as well as New Phila­ delphia where he has vocal classes at ML Union college. TEe newly mar­ ried couple will make their home in New Philadelphia.. Dr. and Mrs. Stewart attended the wedding. One of the happy events of New Year’s day was a twelve o’clock din-, ner given at the home of Mr. Albert Burrell and daughters of the Clifton pike. Despite the inclement weather all I'efiponded to the invitations. . The. house was beautifully decorated for the Occasion, the colors being red and green* The table with a large fruit hasket- in 'the center was decorated with southern sjnilax. A three-course dinner was served. Covers were laid for: Eev. and Mrs. J, W. Patton and daughter Helen, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Nagjey Mr* and Mrs, John Johnson, Mr, .and Mrs. L. H. Sullenbergeg and Mr. and Mrs., Charles, Clematis. The second number of the lecturo course; on Thursday evening, January 13, In the opera house. The Baweis ate native New Zealanders that will picture the1 pldwild life ot the savage tribe o f ’ the South. Hea* in contrast with present-day civilization, The -plat open* at Johnson’ s on Wednesday afternoon at 3 p, m. Messrs Hutchins A Kelley of the Day(on Power & Light Co, were before the South Charleston council Tuesday evoningin the interest of a franchise for that place. The Cora-' pany cannot get street lighting be­ fore lCkdowing tp a gas company franchise. The citizen* are asked to become interested in, the move- mentaaSOO customer* will be re­ quired.* The line will ue extended Jtronrhere in case tho franchise is granted. - T he “ftAiL'T G tU N D ” ' IS A DAILY PLEASURE HERE - Mr. Charles'Baum was called to Greenfield Thursday by the death of his brother, W« A. Samp,“aged 5L Two brothers survive, Jeff and E. H, Saurn, Troubles of a domestic nature Wore brought into Mayors court Tuesday when- H. A. Barr .plead, guilty to a charge of disorderly as filed by Mrs.' Game Pierce. Mayor McLeah placed tho fine and costs at fS.dQ. Mr. J.,H. Nisbot Is laid up suffer­ ing with a healed ear. MfiW puaUw Tufetitic gfaf *w<(»■.a## w-w-fc a ■•Mum* 6 G H M I D T ’8 ’ r ^ ... . . ’ ; _* , ’ , , --T , When you want the best Groceries the land affords go, to Schmidt’s. We have long maintained,a reputation for carrying in stock all varieties of food stuffs for the table. Get the profitable habit of buying at the BIG GROCERY. Seal Ship! Oysters TUBE CANE BtTDAB per aaek..., ........... ................ Fiour-tSchtrtidt’ * Ocean Light fts lb* ..... ..................... t ........ Creamery Butter........... ........... . Lard, p«Jf pound................. . Sugar Oured Breakfast B a con ................................. . Begular 10c package bf Corn Flake Tomatoes per can Canned Corn per «an. 8 bars of Lenox So&p........... £ bar* of Ivory Soap Silver Thread Haueakraut per pcratul. $1.64 .....72c ..:29c -lie .....18c 5c 8c 6c 10c 10c ..4c H. E. Schmidt 6 Co, Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, X e n ia , O h io . ■Wi,w«i»!e«iiii The Cedarville high school basket hall team do leatod the Blobming- burg boyB last’ Thursday at the Alford by a score of 43 to 19, thus turning the tables for a former de­ feat at the bands o f the’ visitors. John Wright held bis opponent, Ilickaas forward, scoreless except for a foul. Harry Wright -who has been thoJiome star was out of the game* Creswell and Insley were the forwards and Woimer and Wright guards, Hutslar, center. The High school boys have lost butiwr. games this season. Jamestown won onoo f those but on next Friday night the home team ©xpfote to win back loatlionOte. „ Thu CedarvUlo band will bo tbete sure, this time. Watt & Foust will hold their, annual sale of DuroC bred” sows Friday, February 4, 1910, at Cedar Vale Farm, a* which time, jtbey Will sell sixty-five bead of cbdswt stock. Don't forget the date. . , ' 4 " - .—“ Above Alt1’ smoke the Bold, - Mr. 0. N^ Stuckey and wife left Wednesday for an extended visit in McKeesport, Pa. COUSINS CAUSE A MIX-UP Marriage Makes’Children'of Ponneyl-’ , ■vania Couple Third Cousin* to Their GrandmothC'*. Beading,Pa—Edgar L. Tyson, twen­ ty-three years old, Ot KutztoWn, fifads himself in a peculiar position as a re­ sult ot, his marriage to Florence D., Wesauer, twenty years old* of Kemp* ton. Tyson and the girl’s mother, Mrs- Jeremiah WeSaner,' are' first cousin*.' It wa# not until a court or-'’ der was ob^dneit'th^t Register. New­ man would issue- a marriage, license to the couple, heclbse close relatives are forbidden to wed under the Penn­ sylvania law*, ,-t . Now Tyson finds his first cousin 1 * his mother-in-law ' and .his second cousin is bis wife. If they- have chil­ dren, some genealogical experts argue, they;will be third cousins to their grandmother and second cousin* to their mother, AGED WIDOW WEDS YOUTH Wealthy *Woman of 73 Marries 25- .Year-Old She Hired a* ah Overseer. Wilmington, Del.—-This vicinity ha* been taken by surprise by the an­ nouncement of.the wodjjng of Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Lightcap, as the marriage plans had been kept Secret, even from close personal friend*. Mrs. Light* cap la sOxenty-three, owns a big farm and is reputed to be.wealthy. “Her husband is tweuty-flve. They became acquainted in June last, when Lightcap Was hired to ^act as overseer of her farm. Friendship ripened into love, and their romance was“culminated onu night “recently when they slipped into Townsend after dark and went to the Methodist parsonage, where Rev. Warren Barr tied the knot. Immediately after the ceremony they hurried hack to the farm. TO OUR FRIENDS. I wish to express my sincere ap­ preciation to the kmrl friends for their kindly help and for the beautiful flowers and the choir for tlfe heautiftii music afc the death of my belovsd wife. Clms. F, Marshall TOW NS LEY ’S GROCERY A FewNewYear Prices 10Bars Lenox Soap....,............. . S6e lo Bars Blgdcal Soap............ ......26c 12 Bars Ark Soap ••■ him . ..... 26c 10Bats Santa Claus Soap...........25c 26 lb. Sack tit Aristos Flour........ 90c 2« lb. Puritan Flour................. . 90e 25 lb. Snowball Floor.................?6<s SBib, Sack Sugar................ -.... £1.66 8 Cans Best Tomatoes.,......... .... ,26c Good Corn i can*.,............... . . itstt Swafi*Down Flour... «... .......... 15c Good Coffee ........... ........ 14c to 25c lb. Krugs Bread 6Loaves.............. 25c All kinds of fresh pork at all times Chop*. Sausage, Spare Bibs, Back Bone at a price that you can live, j Come and see us and you will come [ again. TOW NS LEY 'S GROCERY j . t**hw umrn **#*..'*** Mi* ** .big I iiy m # m S T WE REFER to GRINDING COFFEE. We just “ puth the button" and our new HOBART ELECTRIC COFFEE MILL <%* the mt-*an4 DOES IT RIGHT TOO* No matter what kind of a pot you use, or how fine or coarse you want your Coffee ground, we can suit you, The beat Coffee grown wiJJmake a poor mp if it i* improperly ■prepared. You can relyon u* for BE3T QUALITY alwayt, JUST TELL US WHAT KIND OF A POT YOU ARE USING AND WE WILL SHOW YOU THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE OLD WAY AND THE HOBART WAY OF GRINDING TO PLEASE. > -im Wl 4 CED&R.VILLE, The HOM E o f ‘B E T T J. M. WILLQ EES’ OHIO Your Money and How Make it Earn The burning question is the money question, It’s onmost people’? minds. Have you ever a thought? Wh ,4 are you doing with your earnings? Letting it go on each week with nothing to sho? for U? Commence now and op^n an account with THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING AND LOAN AS­ SOCIATION, where your money will earn - ' I . .As "il“ * i I- ’ *• * - *» , Compounding semi-annually* Your security is first mortgage on’ good real 1 , estate in ClarkGounty, ‘ • , ■ a , “ a r ■ ■; . ■ ........ ■ ■ 1 - \1: ‘ * , S' ' y*' \ •» ^ , ' v . v i • -u, * - ■’ r., w: 'i : DEPOSITS UP TO JANUARY 10th , J916 WILL ., •. DRAW INTEREST FROM JANUARY 1st, 1916. - - ‘ » ’’ ,^n ’ t-' * « . i '* 5 _1 * ..'o ' r * 7 , *V, . t 5 -■ R e so u r c e s $ 3 , 900 , 000.00 • 28 E, MAIN ST ., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO LookOut For Our Great Re* Bargains in all Departments, Especially .Suit and Coat Department After Christmas Clearence Ready-to-Wear Suits 1 SUITS Regular $15.00 Suit for ................ *. * $ 7.50 Regular$17.60 to$20.00 (P |A C A Suit for........ * . , . . . * . «P 1U #OU A. Regular $27.50 Suit fo r ............... * . : . , , * . Regular $32.50 Suit for ................. *. **■ $ 12.50 $ 15:00 COATS Regular $15.00 Coats $10.0 Regular$20.00 Goats J J g Q Q Regular$25.00Coats g|J Regular $27.60 Coats J j g g j j j A ll this Season’s Merchandise “ Him Store in Old Location” X e n i a , OhiO WW *)' T o C u re a C old n t T o k .U s « t i v « B r o m o Q um h %wmmbmtemvMfapM 1st mm ihi« , Thll- - ^ w m b r 0 m m m p fcoau25fe. *>t f •to .WffWsJ*.