The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 1-26
4 BwktoSgingTime-Ttai faster i f ? “ * * U « th,. tree. to b# "waking g ^ J j " ou^ v** *» * • P**u*it u i fmhret for i « K« « ! i T * ~ W\ tlw l0V0li^ t fru*taaWa In their charm. aD oT ^h lT / ' U t« * dre*“ vSUl flower* straight J f “ «own~flat w tto r^ tw h u a -w * sport hat*; #v«ryt»iRg to plea** you, * 3 2 ? *.Wl S r Ju,t M dtfferent ** Individual*. Such a va- M r L S T * .■ ? 7 * *WWe fi"'hIOn8 no pmi0UB 8W#0B' peraapa, ha* matched', T wonderfully smart; so dainty, y t they truly deserve to be spoken of as—serviceable. flH0E®~^hich play such an important part in muBt haVe a mantton, Our# are perfectly deUahtful—and of course, the best, <# This is a “welcome” to you! . » ■ ' ■ • ■1 « . ■ The Elder & Johnston Co. (DAYTON’S SHOPPING CENTER) Under the,.Auspices-of the tlhurehes of Cedarville 'Mfa IN THE, OPERA HOUSE M, : if 7 :00 O’CLOCK Every Sabbath Evening ‘Above A ll” sinoke the Bold,. I Rev. W. R. Graham of Rockville, Ind., has been spending several days with relatives here. —A ll repairs necessary for Ford automobile* at Owens k Bon. A *on was bore Sabbath to Mr. and Mr*. 3. G. McCorkell. Mr*. Walter Culture and Sonhave re turned home from Xenia. * How ie the time to jpray your fru it trees. We carry lime and sulphur selution. McFarland A McKee —Hew stock of picture frame- mouldings at Hagley’s Btudle. Mr. W. L. Cleman* is driving a new four-cylinder Oldttnobik touring’ car. s e e u p o t a t o e s Ohla, Bose, Cebbler*, Trlumph R. BIRD A SONS* CO, Mr. W. D, Hisbet of Chicago dtopp- ed into town Saturday for a few hour* andVisited with hi* patent*, Mr. Mr*. J. H, Nisbet. and Mr. Cameron Ro*S, who has been teaching in the high school at TraCr, Iowa, ha* been re-elected for another -at an advance of $20 a month in year his salary. Mr. W. L. Marshall, wife- and son, Alfred, spent Sabbath with Mr*. Mary Barber, Mr, Marshall went oil to Co lumbus that evening while Mrs. Mar shall went to that city on Wednesday, where they are moving from Xenia, WE W1I.L PAY YOU . 10* par doxan In trad* fur fresh *9S*> Saturday, April 8th. Bring u* your aurpia*. R, B IRD A S O N S ’ CO, The Right Week* club gave an “April Foor party Monday evening at the home of Mis# Elisabeth Dallas. Prof, Logan A. Waits, student at the eeliege, who taught part of the year in the JamtwtoWnhigh ftfhofit and wai then released by the board follow ing tremble with Hu * ......... * settled hi* salt o f court, bfr*. ,,——* ———r——— — - - - damage* and hi* salary due him wt* dw rw i yearly contract, |M0. Tlmfer der the l m i term* of Wm t e a g e * ass Shewn* t heard. f the arttlement he get* i and the salary, $M0. o be paid by the school FOR SALK—Spring coat that will fit a girl from 16 to 20 year* of age. Phone 5-108. LINOLEUM 2, 2X , 3 and 4 yds, wlda. W * lay Itfaryau . R. Bird A Sons’ Co, Mr. David Deck moved to Day- ton Thursday. Mr*. Stewart Townsley accompanied Mrs. Deck. • We will store your base burner for the summer. W ill call for it and deliver In the fall. McFarland A McKee. Mr, and Mrs. E. G. Eowry are on a trip to Knoxville, Tenn., and Atlanta, Georgia, . Mrs. Estella Holt, of Xenia, Is the guest of Mrs. Flora Dobbins. Mrs, Gordon Collins and Miss Margaret Rife were Dayton shop* pars, Thursday, CREX CRASS RUGS All sixes In stock up to 12x15 foot both Tod and Graon, . R. Bled A Son** Co. Mr. W. h. Cleman* displays the right public spirit when he says that he frill erect two new honses on South Main street i t the street is paved with brick. This would mean much to that end of town to have such an. Improvement, He win dispose of the old house on the present sit*. 4 [Mother Nature Makes Her Gift. ySSamii fwf’j ’--- >- J . ...... . ................. . . j from ' 35c yard. Plain wh ite jnatting i 2 5 ,3Q end 35o yard. I R. Bird A Bona’ Ca, j —Sprclal sale Saturday Cedar I Mop atul a bottle of Cedar oil ior j 4ucents. - } MoFarland &■McKee M wcb S mi * For Sale impure roseRhode Island Rbd egg* for hatching. These eggs hatch well. Farm range. G, C, Hanna —Indian Runner duok *ggB and Buff Plymouth Rock eggs for setting. Ruff eggs 60o per 16 and duck egg* at etc par is. Leave orders at Hagley’s grocery or call S. G. Reed, Cedarville, Ohio. Word has been received here that Forest Ferryman,- son of Andrew Ferryman and Miss Mary Kennon, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Kennon, eloped last week to Kentucky and were married. Mr. Frank Bird is on a business tnp to Cincinnati, - A faw specials for you. Krugs Bread, Butter Krust and Quality 6 loaves for 25c. PRUNES lOcgrade 3 lbs. for 25c. ONION SEST Red ones 2 quarts for 1(5c, Evaporated Peaches 4 lbs. for 25c, R. Bird A Sons’ Co, The second - regular monthly .meeting of the Parent-Teacher’ s Association will be held Friday, .April 14th, at 3p, m., at ths school building. Miss Dodds, the Greene county nurse will be present! Every mother is urged to attend; as We expect a very interesting' program. The Ministerial Association is making arrangements for a ” Go-to- Ohurch” day on Sabbath, April 23. An effort is being made to attract people to these semces, A more definite announcement will be made later. . ■ • ' Every citizen i* wanted to Lea Board of Health member. We ap peal to you as members of the Board ot Health to unite with us. in this: ’ ’Clean-Up” movement. a ! z . sm ith , Pres, Compound* in Her Laboratory Ingre dients for the Master Medicine, Tatalac. Of all the ailments that afflict hu manity, chronic dyspepsia probably is the most common, Its causes and characterization are many. Skilled specialists have beOn unable to cope with this almost universal malady, but Mother Nature, who, after al}, is. the ideal physician, in combination with skill in' chemistry, has com pounded in her inexhaustible labor atory a marvelous remedy for this trouble, , A lecturer would use hours to de scribe the sufferings .that dyspepsia brings. Dyspeptic* become listless, then morbid, are melancholy over lit tle things, have whimsical ideas, per haps “grouchy” is a better word, aside from the nervous physical suffering, and, with appetite gone, sleep fitful, dizzy spells and nausea frequent, life lrardly seems worth living. Tanlac seems to almost instantly check this distressing .condition, and to restore' a healthy, normal appetite, bring good, restful sleep, and. banish that tired, nervous feeling—in short, to restore the stomach to the habit of doing a full day’s Work and doing it well. j . Tanlac is now being introduced in Cedarville at. the C. M. Ridgway drug store is being explained daily to scores of men and women. Tanlac maybe obtained in YeiLow Springs at the Finley Drug Store; South Charleston, Claude W. Deem; Jainestowhr,W. F. Harper; Xenia. gayer AHemphillv u MEN’S SPRING FASHIONS W AND DRESS-UP WEEK” FOR YOU Well, gentlemen, this is you* week; yon ought to enjoy it ‘•Dress-up [week” was invented to start you right on the new season, and to remind you that maybe you need some new clothes. STRAUSS & HUB Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothes Will «T * I . C * Qk. 99 MakeYouFeel Right. 1116 O U rp H S e t f lQ r e Can” 28-30 East Third St., Dayton, 0. These are the best Clothesmade. Make os prove it, “We A T T EN T IO N DRUGGISTS An exclusive Tanlac agent ' Is wanted In every town, In this county. For par ticulars address Cooper Medicine .Company, Day- ton, Ohio, The county c.ommf**iober* are preparing for cutting down the two hill* on the. Oljftoo and Yellow Spring* road between the Dawfeon- roRd and Yellow Spring#. L **t year the road wa* improved be tween Clifton and the Dawson road, , —We will jiare on *ale Saturday 600 pieces of china ware, which we have purchased at a special pri^e making ft possible for u* to sell at 10 , 16 , 20 and 25. cent*. Be sure and see for yourself a* this i* a real bargain. McFarland’A McKees W INDOW SHADES 16c up. LACE CURTAINS 50c pair up CURTAIN POLES* Oak or White 10c each. R. Bird A Sons* Co. Alaska*# Natural Sobmarlnss. The channel* of U& Alaskan water ways Vary a* you *al( on to the north- wnrcL Now they widen into great Jakes; now they are rivers as narrow da the Hudson or Rhine. At time* yep pass through gorge* walled by Island* and themainland, andat times you arc in fiords*like those formed by the half sunken Andes along western Patago nia; near the strait of Magellan. This part of our territory is made up of the beads of submerged mountains, and in places there arc great rocks as steep, as high and,as sharp a* the Washing ton monument, which come within twenty or thirty feet of the surface. These are terrible pinnacle rock* that rip open the hulls of the steamers. They are searched for and marked with buoy* by the wire drag of our Coast and geodetic survey.—Christian Herald. ’ CannyHumart -Skill. The ocean come* up and smashes our beaches and our piers; the wind blows down old house* and walls and trees; the rain fills up creek beds and basements and comes up over the floors of stores, with some damage to silk* and sugar. It Is all very big and ecaty ahd horrendous, hut still the putty humaii climbs quietly into his dry street car, the antlike commuter eraWIs aboard his chip sized ferryboat, the steamer swings anddances through the typhoon, and the cigar box office building laughs at the racket and the fus*. There is skill behind the car, the boat, the building; canny human skill that keeps cool ami is not to be bluffed even by the winds and waters of the earth, and nature may lose its temper all it wants; it lose* it quite fruitlresiy.-’-San Francisco Bulletin, CHURCH SERVICE. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. J, S. B. MoMlchael, pastor t Sabbath Scliool ftt fi:80. •Preaching by the pastor at 10:80. Y. P. d u . a t6.30, Prayer meeting at l:J0 Wednes day. ; » Opera Mouse service at 7:00. A. P. CHURCH (MAIN. STREET) L . Chesnut, Pastor. Teacher*’ meeting Saturday evening at 7 o’clock. ‘ Babbatb School Sabbath morningat 9:30 o’clock. Preaching-Service10:30*. *»► C. E. Society 6:30p-m. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 7. Communion service on the third Sabbath of April, there will be the usual preparatory service* Friday and Saturday. The annual every member .Can vass of the congregation will take place on Tuesday, April 11. M. E. CHURCH, L W, Patton, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Preaching at )0:30 a. m. Epworth League at 6:80. You are cordially Invited. An- Eye Te*fc Most people believe that they see the same with both eyes, That this Is not tbe case one can easily convince him self by tbe following simple experi ment: Cover one of the eyes with a hand or bandage and let tbe experi menter attempt to snuff ‘out a candle suddenly placed within a. few feet of him. He will almost Invariably miss the flame, either overreaching, under reaching or putting the fingers too far to the right or left of the flame. With both eyre normal and open the accom modation for distance and direction is instantaneous. Snubbing a Grand Duk*. Wbota the Russian Grand Duke Ser- gifls, Who was blown to piece* with a dynamite bomb, was governor of War- »&w he thought it would be a good idea if the people of that city would contribute to a fund with which to buy sunflower seeds to bo given to the Russian soldiers, who are very fond of chewing them, Sergius announced that every one sending money would be given a receipt, but those sending 1,000 rubles (|JilO) or more would be thanked personalty by himself. It is said that the response was excellent; but, though no one sent in 1,000 rubles and asked to I ks thanked personally by the grand duke, mAny rent in 099 ri>» hire and asked for the receipt. -Lon don Telegraph. ...........Jfc.M+irf No slory is tho same to us after the lapse of time, or, rather, wo who read It’ure wo longer the same interpreters, New Spring Shoes From IJanan The World's Best Shoemakers, at $7.00 the Pair In Vici Kid, Gan Metal and Dctrk Tan . ■..’v .:vv •■r-.? * ’ % From Howard Sr Foster $4, $4.50 and $5 In all desirable leathers and correct, shapes. Both Shoes and Qxfords. Splendid Values in Men’s Shoes at $2.50, $5, $3.50 F r a z e r ’s S h o e Xenia, For 16 v ears the Leader. 1 X Ohio i - * v S C H M I D T ’ S J ’ .’ ’ . ’•i -' ' When you want the best Groceries the land affords g o , to Schmidt's. We have long maintained a reputation for carrying ■ in*stock all varieties of food stuffs for the table. Get the profitable habit of buying at the B IG G R O C E R Y . w " - . * # Seed Potatoes Both Satisfied* .“The beat tlitng that ever happened to mS,” sneered tha young man to hi* former employer, "was when you fired me. 1went out aud got a regular job.'1 "That’s all right," replied the old boss. t Tm glad you’re satisfied. Fir ing you ilidh’t hurt our firma particle.” —Detroit Free Press, Msroy I# Not 8tr*in«d. He (brutally)—Women have no sense of humor, anyhow. She (pointedly)— Oh, yes, they have! The reason they don’t laugh at the funny things they see is because they don’t want to hurt the poor things’ feelings.—Richmond Timre-Diflpatcii, Might Work. “Wife, why don’t yon hire a better took?” “We can’t offer enough salary to en* ilco one away from oiir rich neigh bors.” “Well* Can’t you draft one from the Minor*Exchange. * Gsrniin# Faith Cur#, Towne—Do I understand you to say that Speneer’s ease was really a faith cure? Browne- Yes. You see. the doctor and tbe druggist both trusted him.—Exchange. GABPE FRUIT each............................. Hour—SehmidPs Ocean Light 26 lb *................................. Creamery Butter..................... . Lard, per pound.,............... .......... Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon ........................... . Regular lOe package of Corn Flake...................... Tomatoes per oan .. Canned Uoru per uan ....... 8 bars of Leaox Soap.... Sb&ri of Ivory Reap, Silver Thread Saueakraut per. pound.. woottitnn h #*< Just Received 2 Gars of SEE.D Potatoes Red River Early Ohio, Early Bose, Six Weeks, Triumphs, IrishCobblers, Rural New York, Bur bank, etc. , White and Yellow Onion Sets. H. £. Schmidt 6 Co., j Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . . Xenia,. Ohio. ,JUvre _~5>r ndmKf.*H1 v » « wiitrt, Tr*K*i*l««Wu finiMtMtl M#»U w win, ! h f a » t i Im.nn ’», . ...... mti\ «u c * i*#vri v t H * J *
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