The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 1-26

MW 3. Reasons —Why our $20 Suits Please #- *<*• Men 1- *Hirschwickwire 2 - Wicheai Stem 3 -Criterion • Both Hirsehwickwiro and Micbeal Stern tailor these, suits the best they know how and we back them up with a satisfactory guarantee. The Criterion “ 77*e Stare forDad and the Boys*’ S. Detroit St,, • Xenia, Ohio FEEBLE, IM WOMJUt eay*Vinyl 3tads Hsr Btroa# Grand Saline, lVxa*.—“ I aman«g«d woman and for u I'-r.gtime and faeblabut Yi.-.oi restored my health *>* Old people who are weak and feel should tryVinol andknow it#merit* I do. It Is the beat medicine to treats strength and for chrome cold* I have avertaken*"—Mra,FANNmB.B0DaBR8. Yinol* our delicious cod liver and iron tonic,is sold on our guarantee to benefit or yourmoneywill lie returned, q. M, imxJWAY, Druggist, Cedarville, Ohio, The Cedarvile Herald. I | P"er Y ea r . KAHLH BULL U Editor Entered at the Post-Office, Cedar- vtHe, October 81, 1887, as second* class matter. FRIDAY, APRIL. 2R%19lfi WeSellat flightPrices Lumber, Lath, Posts, Shingles, Sash, Doors, . Blinds. Cement, Lime Plaster, Roofing Ladders, Slate, Brick, ' * m „ etc. / *• What Is Worth BU1LQ1NG At A ll,. Is Worthy The Best Lumber. gH It Works To ! .Better Advantage, Requiring- > Less Time and J , |ll , 1 * »J>r LaborJ T h u s , The Difference In .' Cost Is So Slight, fj That It Should ^ Cut No Figure, You'll Find 'Twil Pay to Use The Best— THEKINDWESELL -***^**’•** . 'if* ’ , -t •* * iberCo. BARRING BY MAIL. Your attention is directed to* the advertisement of the Springfield Sav­ ings.Society' appearing in this issue of the paper the first of a series of twenty-four arguments in favor of saving money, which you Mil he priv­ ileged td read, over a period of as many weeks, )V'UY*. unen While it is nothing more ,or less (D**m?ing .B0* . . , . ,, . , than a business proposition upon the L •Y?ere m one statement in the ad- part of the bank to1make an effort Ivertisements of the Springfield Sav- to secure if ttmt o.i.dmga Society which will bear more than ordinary emphasis. It is in ef­ fect that this bank has now beep in hand a letter to your carrier and let him do the work. And it is less ex­ pensive for 10 cents MU register your letter whereas it costs that much to ride on a street car both ways, This “Banking by Mail” idea putB the country,right in town when it comes to hanking and i f is really safer. You are likely to lose your purse on the way. U cle Sam is not in the habit .■ J r "” '.: ^ vw **«u>AkW ***** VRVJ.V j t secure depositors, it .mu? bo ad-' knitted that such, aside from its pure­ ly business significance* has another angle from which the community can well afford to view it—an uplift angle. Everybody knows that the great­ est lesson all people have to learn is that of saving money. Likewise there is no one who will dispute the tre­ mendous advantages arising from even a small bank account. There­ fore any part it i habit o f thrift into the minds of the r T * yuvei-iuiuaii, anu municipal people, must he recognized as a Com-'bondts C0UI(1 ,e«d money at a mendable one. greater interest perhaps did it not The Springfield Saving's Society f f s t upon «« t mortgage on teal es- comei forward with, what is rather a ^ 0“^ h a of its actual ----- *— * value. But bonds, as investment, are business for more than 48 years and bus never yet sustained a loss. That Spells safety with a capital "S” and that, after all, is the main thing. This great institution is widely known for its solidity and conservative methods. It has always placed the safety of its deposits before gain, It his had opjiortunities of course to invest its deposits at a higher rate PRIMARY VOTE NOT REALTESTOF SENTIMENT. The first presidential primary in this state drew a very light vote, in fact so few people availed them­ selves of the apportunity to vote that the result cannot be considered ft, real test of sentiment, though the result was decisive' on choice of delegates on both the Republican and Democratic ticket, Locally thirty-six ' Republicans and about a half dozen Democrats VQtedln the corporation. In the township the vote was eight ^Demo­ crats and fourteen Republicans. The Big Four slate on the Re­ publican ticket _ was endorsed, Senator Harding leading the ticket, Proctor,' Sullivan. and 'Willis' running behind several votes, In the township Harding and Willis tied, The other candidates, Griffon, Glaser, Tyler, were unknown., •T. E. Burton1was the choice for president, Roosevelt .receiving two and HsnryT. Ford one. SHERIFFSALE: State of Ohio 1 ‘ t Greene County Jss.' * Pnrsuant“fcocommand of an ordeT of sale in Partition issued from the Court of Common Fleas of, said County, and to tee directed and de­ livered, I will offer for sale at public auction on the premises in the village of Cedarville, In said County, on dATURPAY^IUSUS *, A. D, 19t6 Tf?8 d’cldek P. 31.', the following larids*and tenements to-wlt*. Situate in the County of* Greene, State of Ohio, and the Village ot Cedarville. being lot number 25 in Dunlap addition to the Village of Cedarville, as the same ^designated number and known on the recorded plat of said Village, except IX fast off the south side of said lot. The said premises Were appraised at twelve hundred dollars ($1200,00)( The Bald Premises are located in the said Village ofCedarville Greene County, Olue on the South-east corner of Vine street a.,d Xenia Ave. Terms of sale—Cash on day of sale. To be sold by order of said Court iu case number 14184 wperoln J. A. .McMillan is plaintiff and Elizabeth Oalbreath, et. al are defendants. F. A. Jackson, Sheriff of Greene County, Obio. *•-■ ‘ * J. A. Finney, Attorney for the Plaintiff. , wall. . And, when one comes to think euumuereu at an in me of it this is after all a very conven- Valaatl?n> « the best se- ienfc way to do It. It is eVer so much known. ^ or^?.re !he, ^,nk _____ Which fitifJeiftft xniR nh*/*»Tntolv. more trouble"~to"go*to"town, or “even yk'cli sticks*to thiB policy absolutely, down town to the hank than it is to llr-a Pretty safc proposition. It pays 4 per cent compounded semi-annually. We believe everyone will be inter­ ested in this story of why you should save anti how to do it safely. We know that every man, woman and child will be better off if they read these ads. Watch for them every week now for twenty-four weeks, and make up your mind to have a nest —ForSale:—Oliojce Barred Ply­ mouth eggs for hatching, Phono 3-102, H ere is Real Paint Economy- P Am T ECONOMY docs not lie in the cost pergallon, but mwhat the gallon will accomplish. Cheap paints cover only 200 to. 2*50square feet per gallon, two coats. But Bgallon o$ HIGH STANDARD LIQUID •PAINT covers 300 to 400 Square feet* two coats. Your painting will require fewer gallons of “ High Standard” than o f cheaper paint—-so many, less, in fact, that your painting cost Will be lower. “ High Standard” works easier, covers better, awures permanency o f color and mare years .of wear,. Ask ns for color card and booklets. McFarland • d * McKee mmmom SMfrsora L esson (By E. O. 8EIiX,1SR3. Acting Director of Uur*4ay School <*our» ot tha Moody BiMtt Institute. Chicago.) , , (Copyright,JSJS,Wo»t»rnNewspaperCntoO.) UESSC^^ PETER DELIVERED FROM PR180N. LESSON TEXT—Acts U:W». golden TEXT—The angel of Jehovah Bpranipeth round about them that fear h!rh, and dpllvereth thepi.—P»Ums 3t;7. One day the “sons ot Zebedee” de­ sired Jesus to grant a carte blanche petition^ Pressed further as to their particular request, thoy petitioned for the seats of authority on the right and left hand of Jesus In glory. In reply Jesus.Bald that such a petition was not a proper one nor intelligent­ ly asked, but according to their in­ trepid assertions of willingness they should be baptized with his baptism of death (Mark 10;SG-4f), and that tho greatest of his followers should be “servant of all.*' Today’s lesson is a fulfillment of that prophecy, I. Peter In Prison, the Church Pray­ ing (vs. 1-G)„ persecutions had been resumed (9; 31)'after a temporary lull. Some people serve Christ by living, qtherB by yielding up their lives for his sake.' Jamea (hot the one men­ tioned In chapter 18) was slain and Peter’s death delayed! In order not to pollute the feast of the Jewish Holy week, Peter's position was perilous. Sixteen Soldiers guarded him in a Ro­ man,dungeon. JJut liis epemies had left GocLoUt of their calculations and the believers had linked themselves through prayer with the Source of all power, Against such a force Herod's cunning-plan, whereby he might curry favor with-the Jews (v. 3). is?power­ less. But it isshow almost the hour for Peter's execution,, Why (he de­ lay? The greater to demonstrate the power of God, Herod and theJews' cared mot for, nor recognized, Faster, but God cared for hid servant and hour orod tho prayers o f hlasaints, Feter’B faith in the plans and purposes Of God Is indicated by his slumber and the need of being fully awakened by the angel. There'are four things about that vigil of prayer' (r„ 5) offered by the church' on Peter's behalf* which was so wondrously'answered. (1) It Was directed “unto God.” Some pray­ ers are offered to audiences or the oars of man* but hot epch as aro an­ swered, 'We hare heard .prayers, so- called, offered whore the name Of Jesus ia never mentioned, and scarce­ ly tbe hatee of GoC . literally (V. 5) this was a “strotch-Out-ed-iy" prayer, and1 its earnestness was. such as td circumvent , (his* vile grandson of Herod tbs ’G r e a t (2) It was mhde “without ceasing” ^“earnestly” R. Y), , Therewas * einnaylty and an intensity of desire oxr BateR* behalf which ten* '! guage can sbaifeeiy .express (gee also Rom. '8:2$), The same word ts used of our Lord's Prayer in the garden- when 'His sweat .was as great drops of blood -falling tlo.wn to the'ground’’ (Luke 22J44, Rom, t$:30, Gol. 13, R. V.) There’la little such prayer to be found, but once found it ia an­ swered.' *. Ir. prayerAnawored*PeteratLiberty (vs. 7-11). The messenger of God (v. 7) brought light, yet the servant of God needed awakening, a sugges­ tion to apply to our modern church life. Hi* method of awaking .Peter suggest* that it often, takes sharp blows to arouse u* to our dUflca and privileges. The sinner has to Bo awakened before he can be delivered, Deliverance is more needed than Sleep. Ill, Joy and Amazement (yA. 12*17). Peter, -finding himself untrammeled and froe upon the street* of the city, and no longer angel-accompanied, at once repaired to his friends. ' Do we seek the prayer meetings? It was startling Indeed for the subject of their prayers to knock at the door; perhaps be should have been more consider­ ate of their feelings. One, Rhode, readily responded, and It was her per­ sistent faith that finally overcame the lack of faith on the part of the others. While they were yet speaking God had answered (Isa, 68:24)* but such a prompt and complete deliverance was hot expected* and it amazed and bewildered them, Rhoda seemed to he expecting Peter* for as soon as she answered Peter's rap at the door she recognised hi* voice (r. 14), and from sheer Joy over the good new* she was able to communicate It to those pray­ ing, but she neglected the important duty of opening the door for Peter. She wa* only a “maid” add her mea* sage was but foolishness (Luke 24:, 11), which her elder# sought to ex­ plain, but poor Peter Still outside, “Continues! knocking/' which soon con­ vinced "those within* and upon open­ ing the* door they “sawhim” and were “astonished,” .■- m Calming their fears and admonish^ ing them to hold their peace (V, 17J» Peter turned their thoughts from him­ self to Jesus and commanded* that James, tho leader of the Jerusalem church, and “the brethren/' - be In­ formed of his dctfverance. Meanwhile went to “another place” Herod when he sought to execute Peter according to his plan (vs, 3, .4) was angered at the turn of events* vented his wrath upon Peter's guard* (v, 19), and in seeming, disgust and dudgeon over the escape of this great leader, retired to his capital, Caesarea, Be Energetic Not Languid. j Medical Authority Tells What This f Condition Really Means, IM. W»SMBO fCtM#**i.rjitiAm ; h*bil« d^rii«r*3w Ante stAttOn ml rqwtt« - tall M rMtat-ttt-rmwta*. Tt*liOMIf»>»ut<> ^ i D. SWIFT 460 . “When you are languid and listless, or Jack ambition and feel so melan­ choly that life seems scarcely worth the living, it is absolutely necessary that you take treatment to cprrect these sub-normal conditions* because you are suffering from derangements of a vital organ,” declares one of the greatest medical authorities, That “tired feeling” means a good deal more than is generally realized- It is not JazipoEs, it is a physical ail­ ment that needs correction quickly be­ fore it becomes even more serious by taking a fsrmhold on you, „ Throw off that nervous depression. It Is your duty, Tanlac, the tonic,, appetizer and in- vigorant, that builds new, tissues, vi­ talizes. the blood and act* so favorably on ailments of the stomach* liver and kidneys and catarrhal affections of the mucuons membranes, is designed especially to correct these conditions. The results of the Tanlac treatment aro amazing. Jt tends - to put you back in body and mind like those old- fashioned but most sensible, folks-— t]ie pioneers, and to make you? sturdy and of real manhood and womanhood. Men and women* from the highest to the lowest walks of life* everywhere are testifying to the relief Tanlac hits brought them.- No other remedy has ever won such .■great endorsements that can only come from superlative merits. •. ' • " Tanlac can now be had in Cedarville at the C. M. Ridgway Drug Store, where it is being fully"explained to all questioners. . Tanlac may be obtained in Yellow SpringBat the- Finley Drug Store; South Charleston, Claude W. Deem; Jamestown, W. F. Harper; Xenia. Sayisr &Hemphill.. CHURCHSERVICE. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. .J, S. E. McMiohael, pastor Sabbath Sobotd at 9;80. Preaching toy the pastor at 10:80. Y .P , 0. D ,a t3:00. Prayer meeting 'Wednesday at 7 p. m. Preaching at 7 p.-m. R. P. CHURCH (MAIN STREET} JT.’L* Chesnut, Paster* TSaqhers’ meeting Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. Sabbath School Sabbath morning at 9:30 6'clock. - PreachingService10:80a,m, C E. Society5:80 p, m, ' »• Prayer meeting Wednesday eVen- ingat 7. Pre&ebing at 7 o'clock in theH, P, church. M. E. CHURCH. * f f W. Patton, Pastor. Sunday Schbol at 0:30 a.m. . Preaohing at 10:30 a, m, . » EpWorth League at 0:80. You are cordiatly.inyited. 401 “ 30 2fr Z l Quick ckM$e* I* weather asd tMapec*^ ture are a severe teat for my paint, but Hanna's Green Seal will “holdup"everytime. It'sputtogetherwithtbi* all-weatherfeature inview.; Hanna'sGrecnSeal hasbeentune-triedandproven. 'Consideringthe space it coversandthewear it gives, there is no cheaperpaintto behad, It helps the appearanceof both cottage _| q andmansion, Tryitnexttime,1 RO | “ The Paint . Made to ,]0 p Wear” “ H annas ^ — J 0 * ^^nnaPaintMf Kerr & Hastings Bros. Galloway & Cherry fl E. Main-St., Xenia, * t . . , . ’ ** •• * ‘ (5- ’ * - e' (eadquarters for Reliable Carpels,, Rugs, Draperies, Etc. Xenia’s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House i Optlmlstlo Thouaht,. Fear not indigence, ainco no man llv- oth so poor as ho was born. C. M; Speneteir The Grocer 14 FRESH FISH Phone 3*110 C e d a r v i l l e , O h io SCHMIDT’S When you want the best Groceries* the larfd affords go to Schmidt’S. We have long maintained a reputation for carrying in stock all varieties of food stuffs for the table. Get the profitable habit of buying at the BIG GROCERY. Seed Potatoes GARPE FRUIT each................................. Flour-—Schmldfc’ s Ocean Light 26 lbs..................................... Creamery Bittter......... ........ ............... . Lard, * per pound Sugar Cured Breakfast ■ Badon............................... . Regular 10c package of Corn Flake.................... ....... T0matoe« per oaii............. .............. ..... Canned Guru per can.................................... 3 bars of fioaox Soap......... ....... ............... fi bam t>f Ivory Soap........................ ..... ........ Silver Thread Suti. alnaut per pound............................. . 5c 84c 40c 11c 17c .. 5c 6c ..:7c10c10c3c Just Received 2 Cars of S E E .D Potatoes" Red River Early Ohio* Early Rose, Six Weeks, Triumphs, IrishCobblers, Rural Row York, Bur­ bank, etc. White and Yellow Onion Sets. H. E. Schmidt & Co, ■■* 0 ' O ' - ' . - Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, Xenia* Ohio. 9