The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 1-26
# MwrwiwnMijt;Wn *ts im- i.iiiinniwu iSB standing mm OYER THE WHOLEEAMIEY The laxativetablet withtiiepleasanttaste Protectseverymemberofthe familyfrom Gonstlpattoii- the enemyofgoodfhealth 2 5 4 S O # ' Trial size, 10 cents. We have the exclusive selling rights for this great laxative. t * « ' C, M RIDGWAY , JHE BHXAI-l; STORE , ,. . U „ Had Such A o f Silk Saits andDresses, Woolen Suits, Coats, . Skirts, Waists. Our Sales have proved satisfactory iri , ,spite of b^.d weather. ■• ,4_. * -f * ' '' “’ ^ 1 ‘ * ! '' Come and See Them Ill have gome to tohuyiromlis. ; W e are showing ommf thelargeat and best line o f Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, Mattings/ Wood Fiber Fillings,Draperies, LaceCurtains, also Curtain Goodsby the yard, Window Shades, Table Oil Clotivalso a fine TineofBedSpreads, Cedar Chests, Carpet Sweepers, etc., shown inour carpet department. ever When you are ready for anything m this line, visit this department —IN THE BASEMENT we be lievewe can save you some money FRONT UC£. Warners, Nemo, Gossard, Frolasete Hutchison & Gibney X E N I A , O H IO Hungry P top lt havo xglorioua smile a t e eating ameal wljere one of tkes« excellent beef stakes, mutton or real roasts for wbiob this store is noted. We tak* pride is serving our patrons just what Win ploase them. V+g+tmhU* a n d F ru it* In S eaa on S IM Reward $100. s g g a a g CCLLtfflS KOTFS. B k a k e ^ p fe r* U i fh t , In honor of the throe hundredth {anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, the greatest poet of the English language, a SWcaipea** pro- > gram has been planned for Tuesday,: Nay 2, to he given in the College! Chapel. Everyone, it cordially invit ed to be present. Kano Duet; Music fromA Midsum mer Night's Dream, Misses Adams and Cony. . Essay; The Life and Works of Wil liam Shakespeare, Miss Mary Bird. Essay; The Development of Shakes peare as a Dramatist, Miss Ruth ; A vst SSACHSj" a Reading: Selections from Shakes peare's Plays, Miss Donna Burns. Essay: English Life as Depicted by Shakespeare, Mr. James Chestnut. Essay: Shakespeare’s Bible, Mr. Ralph Elder, Reading: Selections from Shakes peare's Songs and Lyrics,'Miss Har riet Stewart. «*P iifPIWWMiwniffl I Essay: SJiakespcare’i ,y Cplfins. » Soliloquies, DRAFTSTALLIONS. Prince Albert, the Imported Belgian and Lotigjumeau, the Itn ported Pbicheron, Will make the season at the farm on the Wilming ton road Just south of Gedarville. Owing tO‘ the unsettled oondition o f the horse, market the season for each horse will be $16 for a oolt to stand and suck. This Is an ex ceptional opportunity to breed your mares to proven sires at sncli a low fa*. Book your mares early ANDREW WINTER. UWjSMSderMthispspsr will bs p l««d 0 T..e Ownm tohsmsihstihfrsls at hast one A nh A ki I lj9e» « rof,,n* iitmtik tbM<*♦«« hasbeen«M*toii^kfc all G* **epf«s and that laCStarrh. HWfi’a tilMnrhDotelatheonly pbattito esrtnow Shgieh to fbfc cdidlijaifnAimliy. Cgfonfe bring a conatltntWnai dlsMaa, reqai&fc « ficnatehtMmal ttastment. Hall's CarahiWferiIntornriljr, actingdirectlyup on thebloodandmucoussumracaofsystem tiferabydesiSOyhig the foumWiOfl of tbs Phones, barn IS on 103and resi dence *8. ■. *"' * OVERWORKMOTHER Rinds Health In Our Vinol Whiter Cultice Collinarille. suffered from i .. . . ,. _ ................ . nervous break-down and tetriblc head- diaoie*, andgirth* tbs patient i&imgfh by Iaches, and was tirgd alt over, 'totally torildkigupthe<WtiKicutlo»^«nd »!#&«>« I *9™ l00* **$ dlacouraged but as lhad nstdtstedoing Ititrark, The pri Iderided"to try Itj sue.................... , *** , , foT ,^ I noticed a derided Improvement, and «t*«*sttt ■*** to eteva irndforllftoj now I am a well woman.”—-Mrs. A na 'teriMHMMia. ' „ ■ ..... JSSbmr. J.OHKKSYAOb.,Toledo, 0. $**£* ,?Ha im km tusbtst, BtiCRltft. H i n a tte r now h e r* your iiaMi txtwKi l*a, rs* mothers, 0 . If. BIDOW a T , Drniiwt, PedarvUlo, OhU). . Miss Doroth u Music—Girls’ Quartcttp. Five scenes from "The Taming of the Shrew.” 1. The Wooing. *' 2. ‘ T ie Wedding, 3. The Taming. 4. The.Victory, * 0. The Wooing of Bianca. Characters. Petruchio; Mr. Georgfe Smith. Katharina, the Shrew, Miss Anna Collins. ^ Baptists (her fajhm»), Mr. David •Bradfute. Bianca (his second daughter), Miss ’ Irene Wright. Lucretio, Hortensio, suitors to Bianca, Mr, Oliver Cornwell. Grumio, servants PetruchiQjMr, Paul: Creswell, " . TIic Haberdasher, Mr. Will Hastings, BIBLE READING CONTEST, The annual Bible Reading Contest , of the College yrilbbe held en Thurs- day evening, May 4./ An interesting program is promised, for besides the! readings’of the contestants there will be a debate "between, ,Messrs,. Waites and J,*Collins, and a-reading by Miss Alberta Creswell. The College was very fortunate this last' week in having present at Jhe, chapel exercises some talented visitors.: On Thursday, of last week'; Miss Elizabeth Leivis, the guest of Miss Marjfr Chesnut,- and a student in the Cincinnati School of Dramatic! Art conducted by Mr. Schuster, read a very interesting and; ,entertaining selection which Was so enthusiastic ally received that she was asked to read again at.the chapel exercises on Friday morning, . ' On Monday .of this Week, Mr, John SteWart, one of the"well known grad uates of the College,, favored those present at the chapel exercises with a vocal Solo, “Open the Gates of the! Temple,” followed by the, song, "A Perfect Day.” ' ' •1 An unusually, interesting program was rendered on Monday evening by the graduates-of the Philosophic Lit erary Society. It was an encourage ment to the present members to see what splendid work has been done in previous years, as evidenced by the finished productions given, by those who had received training m that so-! eiety, and to hear from other old members who couldnot bepresent,' the real worth of thb literary societies. The meeting bespoke energy and in- 1ferest on the part o f the present mem- jbers, loyalty on the part of those who (had once.beenmembers, apd promised splendid things in store for the future. | Dri McChesney ia to deliver the Commencement address, at the High School at Midland, Ohio, the coming [Saturday evening, April,2D. SCHOOL BOARD MEETS, „ The Board of Education met Friday and set.May 5th* as the day for,the [election of teachers. Under the law the District Superintendent, J. H. [Fortney, has the recommendation Of jail teacher*. Several new teachers will be required in the new building, [ The committee to secure options for [the sewerage disposal plant and outlet [^reported. The plana have been drawn by the architect * and .must be ap proved "by the state board of health. The inspector for the State Board |pf Health has issued orders that the [drainage must be taken northwest [from the building. This line will cross the college campus, Wm. Finney land to the site on the Mary Hensel land. The college wants $50 dam- [ages with a $100 additional if a per- * etual grant is given; Wm. Finney .500 and Mis* Hensel $300. The [board offers' Finney $76 and Miss (Hensel $125* The construction of .the sewerage [disposal plant .and the right of way [will cost according to the. estimates ] between five and six thousand dollars. [The drainage for the cellar cost [about $640.' The first estimates the [board put on the- drainage cost was [about $200. QAVE IN SAF ETV **~^Do Your "Banking by Mail '*• TIME 15 MONEY 9- ' . T ime is money, Many a dollar is left to jingle in the pocket only to. vaporize eventually into a hundred and one petty ex travagances for the sole reason THAT THE OWNER JDID NOT.TAKE THE TIME TO PUT IT IN BANK. Knowing, this to be true, THE SPRINGFIELD SAVINGS SOCIETY has decided tu encourage DEPOSITS BY MAIL, hoping thus to counteract a tendency which, without question; fritters away many handsome competences annually. The splendid^efficiency of the United States mail service con stitutes a valuable ailly in this work. If you live on a farm, a step to. meet your rural route carrier.will do the work; If you reside in," town* the postoffice is never far away. If'you Jive in the city the letter-box is nevermore than a block away-and .the two-cent stamp, -. performing as it .does at all times the-grefitest of all service for the amount invested, will thue become your errand boy in what after all* is thebest business venture in the life of any' individual— SAVING MONEY. . v Think it over,' Later on we are going to tell you about our splendid institution^and the safeguards Whiqjbt we throw around the money you deposit with us. There is bne fact alone which should1 sufficeto inspire all needed confidence. x ^ IN THE, FORTY-THREE YEARS OF OUR, EXPERIENCE AS A SAVINGS INSTITUTIONWEHAVE NEVER SUSTAINED A SINGLE LOpS WE PUT SAFETY BEFORE INCREMENT. W BELIEVE THE INDIVIDUAL'S FIRST DUTY TO HIM- SELF IS TO SAVE A PORTIONOF HIS INCOME. HIS NEXT DUTY IS TO SAVE SAFELY. - Springfield, Ohio- Write for oar Booklet “Banking By Mail” m (998 SS^SSilSW'' ICE If you want good ice, I have it. I handle noth* ing but manufactured ice from the Washington Ice Co. and Shawnee Ice -Co., Xenia. Have; my ice contracted for and ean furnish good ice at ajl times* If you want prompt attention you must buy ice books when delivered. MnaakH S ixtunny, A ^ r lil 30 $1 4 0 ROUND 1 - TRIP From CEDHRV1LLE ^ t t l d T r ^ o L «ttH jf2it A , Direct to the Farmers Wa will lurulsh dirsofc to the fftrmsrs of Greene county the best serum and virus on the market at 2 cents per C. C. i or serum and virius: 20O, O.Borum atid .iC. 0. virus will immune fat 100 lb. pig*, theit natural life, Rigs three to ten days old oan be immuned tifieir natural life with 10 0 ,0 . serum and 1 C. 0, vims. Wewill senWiyduan expert to teach you how to vacci nate your own hogs. REFERENCES . , • w Phone O. A. bobbins, iOedatville, 0M Ref*r*nbes »onth-w**t Iffatlouai Bank 'of Roinmeim* of Kansas Gity, Mo. Ordsr your bsrum from Vv. H, Hnobty, our agent, Stockyards, Cincinnati, 0., or tntsr-Stat^ Vaccine Oo.,vKatuas Cltty, Mo, t | swm >ao% jug #***n w H fa Wo r Ex? W o r k i r l khuatof ai T H IR I COUNCIL ORl Council jr.ctl . irwwbgrs being! various comniitl usual monthly L $282.70 were o l While council electric light s| the clerk to tal| from the Dnytc bill the light*? almost imposed • bcr8 went into street lights thl than flash light) change and, bettj cij. expects to.3) amount this pex) company fulfill : chlBO. ' The mayor’s lected from fine.1 President Colli Jackson of the present and pres] jng council for! sidewalks, curb of the new sehc tion was passel cement Walks a the east and wl .Main street to | Gutters were all street where thl -’ been put in. Cl vinced that theij street improver gutters are in . proper drainage) The school bo| the alley north < be re-located all erty. The .mat] tJie solicitor. The clerk wai tise for bids f<| streets as last tion of Main st| to the railroad, crushed stone v| ing temporary mer on Xenia Main street. Council rece| evening when IhJ • up for consic thirty days aft| necessity was could be authoril NOTICETOPI The'Village . set aside the w| “ Clean-Up'’ wl notified to havl and foreign i) '.. carted from duties of each! W$Hdefihed i| that has bee) tnbnted in ea| ,. owners alone othqr notice wi] D. H. MoFarl br. Miles’ Anti Housi We. deal easiei Deedl Soap, Chamois WhiJ tants free We can s| Spring its pounds I they must I “ Monel keep them) p r i c e s ;! $lo.0J;3i)0r lOD lbs. all Manulaeij “ Moi R k h i n Lth 1 . . . ; . . . . .
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