The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 1-26

tor Exmfcmm our Job >Wo©itewill compear# wjfcfo >!&*»*of any otlfctr firm. ---- — - „ . THIRTY-NINTH YEAR ‘NO. 20. M B B C I L ' J . - . " " 1 I — P u temBagnu*1 This item when marked with amin­ dex,denote* that a year’* subscrip­ tion is p m due and a pmmpt iet- tlement ii earnestly desired. < , - G m A w rn& E , m m , i t b id a y , m ay a, m e ‘WILL REPAIR ROADS, COUNCIL ORDERS WALKS. CURB AND GUTTERS The tgwuship trustees have arrang- Onwcil wet Monday evenintr a ll!? , . for extensive road improvement meaAer* bring pe^Mutf S S a ^ w "1«*ri'-. The Yellow- Springs vxdom committees wore read *wd th e :Pllce l* improved with gravel usual monthly bills amouhlittc to ; ^ “tadam just As soon ns the weather $282,70 were ordered paid * 10 }w favorable. It. was thought that While council, was discussing the ‘thwr, » “*d uite Atohe but the cost -was electric Iteht situation and ordering ? ^ cll^ Catr?ri th!.n ^ o fund.Rpermit- tlia cleric 6> take out $1.10 As outage J 6® folumbu* piko will he re-; from the Dayton Power & Lirht Co graded- and rolled from the corpora-, bJU the lights flickered6so that 1/ was I 10*1 Vm<i ,to iJ}e ^ fassie3 Creek feme-' almost impossible to see. The mem* tery *oa‘i and plgns are also under bers went into the street to view the w.?y fo* rebuilding the Jamestown street light* that were nothing more pike‘ Th* county commissjoneta are ta a n fiS h 'Ig h t? : " M ^ e ' i s ' a co-operating with' the trustees in this 7 7 * 9*?m**»f* Liujjrq la u «d«wu change and better service given-voun-:Wor** rib expects to hold up th® entire amount this next month And make the company fulfill the terns of the fran chine. . The mayor's receips were $27 col­ lected from fines and licenses. Premdtent Collins and Clerk Andrew Jackson, of the school, board, wore present and presented a petition ask­ ing council fo r ,a grade for- cement sidewalks* curb and gutter "in front of the hew school house. A resolu­ tion. was passed authorizing curbs* cement walks and gutters on both the_ east and west sides- of North Main street to the corporation. line. Gutters Were also ordered on Cedar street where ,they have not already *beeu pu t in. Council has- been con­ vinced that there is no use making street improvement until,, curbs,and gutters are in so there will be. the . proper drainage. .. • ' The school board also aSketT th a t the alley north o fth e new building he re-located alongbbe Ford .prop­ erty, The m a tter was referred to’ the solicitor. The clerk was instructed to adver­ tise for bids for oiling the same streets as last year, with the excep- -taon of Main street from the bridge to the railroad. Several car loads of crushed' stpne will be used in mak­ ing temporary repairs for this sum- •ta e r. on Xenia avenue—and North Main street.. Council recessed until Monday evening when the street paving come* up, -fo r consideration; I t required thirty days after the resolution of necessity was passed .before bonds could be authorised or bids called for. BREAK INTO DEPOT. PRICE, $1,00 A YEAR IN po l it ica l circ les . Those, who follpw the political gojr.q have been busy since the state pri­ mary making comparisons and figur­ ing out the vote. Senator Pomerene, who was running for presidential del- egate-at-largc the same as Gov. Willis, the former on the Democratic ticket and the latter on the Republican. Sen­ ator Pomerene was the last man on the list. A glance a t the vote in counties whero the motorization of rural routes has been under way shows th a t the Democrats themselves do not,take., ganiziag a baseball t kindly to the Senators views and so 1 .................... registered themselves primary day. OHIONEW*CUT TOT H E M ■COLUMBUS CITIZENS%WILL VISIT CEDARVILLE, great need Northwestern Ohio of farm hands. Whooping cough an* mettsiea derate at Steubenville, Fremanc high win, ept- Findlay Elks will This in itaelf should convinS the SeT ator that his position on tearing upf A? \ J the R. F, P. mail service is not popu-j graduate lar and indicates the way the straws j Mtty 10 Lexington Dig a class'Of will blow next November, Fire, starting In th * . .. , ■. , . , .. , . , j considerable damage -When Agent Radabaugh went to * chuxcl1 at Delpbos. the railroad stationijWednesday m o r n - » y Fhmmcey A. Moore case w a ? 1 t t iH o e n b u t rio^^tickets he a ^ of' them in this, state,! Ardent at Cambridge were m issw W monev drawer is M j OOD°%e holders, all holding Jobs.! J^fferson county . always left open at night and empty Jrrait'showdn^ ' ^CV° aec*dft(1 put ' as well So nothing was secured there. no? A suit box was tom open hut clothes ££ ^S?h««rva\vlthhfty-Mend^r no left undisturbed, A Small box with i f P” ! E girls are or; jteo Into, their piy, School wiil ^anty-eight an tceple. caused [the A. M, E, j[op*rA aingor, in an auto not noticed. The safe was not ^tam­ pered with,-Entrance Was gained through a window that had been open­ ed with a “jiWmy." There is no clue. W. C. T. U. NOTES. emor ran first, this true in the famous Eighth District,where forty per .cent of the state appointees como from, the Governor's home dis­ trict.’ In that district the Governor had a personal organizationJmown qs NOTICETO PROPERXyOWNERS ■The Village. Board of Health has net aside the, week, ot May ,15th for “ 01ean-Up>’ week. Yon are hereby notlfiojl tp have a ll tubhlsh, ashes and foreign matter cleaned and carted from your promises, .The dubtaaof ettob property holder are f&tolNT ‘Go tha t has been published And die tribnted in each _home. Property owners alone are ^responsible. No Other notice will be given. A» Z. Smith, Pres, D. H . McParland, Health Officer, jthe three-in-one, three state employees; of the Logan district "> re not bright, [or their -representatives . for- - every An incendiary fire dsjboyed a large [voting precinct. Even Senator Hard-:; para aml valuable Rv. .„.A^ „ *ing, who lead every other county and idistrict in the state fell to second in Tifn? tlle Eighth due to the Governor's '^friends “single-shooling." In Wash- wovniio lington county the. Governor did not wJi'ctntA11 -e^en kn0lW was 'i'iinhuig, a solid ^ anti-Willis delegation being sent to the Jsiute convention. ’ The Govenior's uriends now claim that he has been Newspapers ■ strongly rinsed if rinvinw the i-nnniip-yi in’OrT>~ seen- As the old.reliable.Western Star ^ o f Lebanon put it some time ago. if Republicans cannot win with Wil- wme mistaken^C^ Jn<^ COn®ess ^ ey tlfs they cannot win without him.” This th ta e a ^ im ^ a n tl^ ^ n ^m n f f which what the anti-Wiliis Repiibiicahs. >Vish to avoid hy nominating .some-one ■indicates an open, split in tho party, for a daily paper of their own through ' Newspaper men are particularly Ih- which Giey can’ disseminate their teresled in the announcement of a new false teaching, ' 1 [daily paper in Columbus. Politicians Another source of alarm is the de- are mote interested in watching this fectiqn of a number of men from their venture as the move is without-ques; camp,,Ex-Governor Patterson Was the- txonfor the mere purpose of giving the fitat notable one. At first there was a *vvifim administration a newspaper question about his sincerity, but he is-tha t will defend what at .tins time standing firm, Then there was Major [looks like, a dangerous case to the Don Morgan Smith, a leading lawyer.) Governor in facing the voters tin's fail, in the employ o f thd uqaor interest*.;femme weakg -ago cue Republican head- JQT q t«3«r Ahln«ykVM i A-w 4>w* ^ ... >-i .1-1 .-r X. t .. ... _ to owedkhw conversion doiibtless to [quarters a*kect that the newspapers interview with Die state president, "carry WiiJis’ .name in a prominent “ ............ to - the KAt|qnai J, DC. Safford and. Nathan, Cole, , in the employ Of the lliquor interesti And drawing' ’ conscience ' rifice. t nma ftai; ^ w w , mi- 'i both | able to feATn not one Of the big city rests:dailies and but few o f the weekly pa- The turned mmisslonera prisdnera to A; 8„of north* j ,.w.v decided to put M’ork on the county 'The Knights of p, eastern Ohio will- holPfheir annual pirate a t Mansfleld At 3. David Ellis, run&ti y youth of Jamestown, N. Y., dies if.inittriea re* reived in the Marten n road yards, Prospects for an eai * wage settle­ ment between minors; md operators Mayor McLean is In receipt of a letter from tlio Columbus Chamber [of Commerce stating th a t “The Manufacturers’and Jobbers' Asso. of Columbus in conjunction with the ohamberof Commerce of th a t city, haB arranged for an acquaint, nnee tour to be taken ouTVednoBday, May 10th, and th a t the schedule in­ cludes our village. There Will be about two hundred manufacturers and jpbbors in the party. The stop here will b e 'th irty minutes, tiie special arriving a t 9:40 a, m. and departing a t RLio a, m, The .party will include a band of Bixteen pieces, two vocalists and several, speakers. ' The board of governor* of The Community Club has appointed, a reception committee to apt in con-' junction w ith the Mayor, This committee will meet the visitors and conduot them to the public square where the program will be rendered. The c itizen s of Cedar- Ville and community are urged to come out and hear what Columbus friends may have to s»y. NOTICE*bF APPOINTMENT. Estate of Alexander Turnbull, . ’ Deceased, stock on tlm T. J. Allen- farm near l&w Lexington. Bralteman Lonnie Jq asou, Dayton, wastaund with "both,,1c s cut oK after he. fell between two - j trs. •He- may ‘Rvq, . _ te. -First shipment bf ^ Jte fish into Ohio this season wnta iistrlbutedt in stroama between.Columns gnd Porta- nranth Thomas B, McCarm^r^,forty-eight, Columbus, shot and ki ed^himsolf in a sixth, floor hallway the- Chitten­ den hotoi. A woman can not be§dected health ofllchr, according to aBmlffig hy At tornby General Turnip, to thq state board of health, Negotiations lookihgjb the merger the Winters-NaUousLbanlc and the Third National bank 4CDaytoo have practically been ctes Despondent, Nte'iitfia Gebhart, farmer, eighteen mltes®6m Defiance, hanged himself in hfs v r i n A Widow and ton children au . lifts, Della. -McClure^alked., eight mites, from Grelton iteSpapoleon, to obtain A .divproo, . SMBsas' without the means to hive service. .• After kissing his twdKtodren good- by, Cttroly - Chubftj®JKrta'-ave, of Youngstown, ‘ idiot ^ H p f through. down then probqbiy has something to . do with a new daily at thls time. 'The- n-rttteA nf i rnotnfl fnr r'An*,|newpai>erwillbeknownns the^Mon- House of 7 r o n tn a f o r weekly In Cdium-' Newly papered and painted bug. The Governor has for some time Dr. mum Anti-Paiu pitis (or all pain t throughout. C, M CHOUSE, [had the support of this paper apd a Democratic weekly in that city. It Housecleaning Helps Lessen Labor - We have the essentials for thorough house- cleaning th a t make work more efficient and easier to perform* J?or this work you’ll need ■. . , r- ■ . ■ * ». Soap, Borax, Ammonia, Sal Soda, Sponges,. Chamois, RubberGloves,CleaningPowders,etc. While cleaning house you should al»b use disinfec­ tants freely so as to destroy lurking disease germs. We can supply everything tha t is needed for your Spring Housecleaning and a t price* th a t are right. Richards 9 DrugStore PHONE *0$. WhenYouSellYour Bogs I it« pound* th a t count. In ordter to have your bog* full weight fchoy mtufc no in good foedlng condition, ^ F ree From Worms “MoiiPjrbaok” is guaranteed to fid your hogs of worms aud kdsp thorn in good footling condition. PR ICES I—10 lbs., $1.251 >J lbs., $2.76; 50 lbs.* '$5*265 100 lbs., $to.OJi800 lbs., a t $9.00pot HuttMotL 591’ ibs., a t $8.00 pot hundred, «KD tb*. a t $7.2-5 psf huadrod, 2000 Ibs. at $6.76 per hundred., w■ ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE Maaafaetttrid by i i Monaybadk” Stock Powder Co. G«d»rviH(»i Ohio* BoK*rH»' Onqr S ta r* * ° * might not bo out ox*place to state that .born of these weeklies are purely po­ litical and fattened out of the state ?fair funds this past year at "the ex- [pense of the other^-newspapers, of the -state. Secretary Dunlap was made [the goat And given the boost in an ' eiiort to square Willis with the news­ papers ana the public. I t was no trou- Dle to see through the move of. the Governor who in iiis cunning failed to cover his tracks, Congressman Fess is having! a deal of a time down in Washington accord­ ing to the dispatches. Every now and [then our representative wants to make’ ',a speech, a real speech not one Ur 'Those speechless speeches‘ that waa •never spoken but printed in the Con­ gressional Record uei'endmg Peary and [attacking Cook, the arctic explorer,-as an imposter. The other day less arose to address the House but it ap­ peal’s that he was talking to empty .seats as only 75 of tne 4,;G members remained to hear what he said. No mention is made as to how many of ' the 75 present were asleep. For tins discourtesy our Congressman takes the '-membership to tasx but if even one ’apologized the dispatches failed to say ’«o. ifess' attitude in tho Cook-Peaty ’controversy, his attack on Represent­ ative Longworth and the comoing he gave Republican Leader Mann of II- •iinois has caused a division in Ilepub- ‘lican ranks in Washington and his own ■ party members never overlooking the jopportunity o f handing one back in a ilauy like manlier. Mahn says that !Fess makes speeches on Republican­ ism and party pledges and deplores [the future of the party if the doctrine ‘is not adhered to and the next day .votes fo r President Wilson's ideas of [government. That’s nothing. Mann land some more down in. Washington 'are just getting acquainted with the !Seventh District statesman. In the state campaign two years ago Fess declared irt.a speech'at the Grand opera house in Springfield that state­ wide prohibition was not the issue. In a Speech in Xenia prohibition and tem­ perance were important factors. One was delivered in a wet county and the other a dry county. When Mann learns the a rt of riding double then will he be able to travel with the Doc­ tor, FELL ON RAILROAD, A man giving the name of Kauff­ man fell on the railroad Sabbath at ja point west of town. I t happened that H» A. Barr and Noah DeVault ! were near. Telephone information !to town brought Dr, who [took the fellow to M, C. Nagley’s. For i a time he was thought to be dead but :it developed that he had suffered a slight stroke probably due to the heat of the sun and weakness, the man not having had either breakfast or dinner and was walking from Day- ton to Columbus, He remained herd until Tuesday and was given trans­ portation to Columbus. t mm F. B, Turnbulland W. A, Turnbull have been 'qualified as administra­ tors of the estate of Alexander Turn- bull, late of Greene county, Ohio, de­ ceased. Dated this 10th day of April A. D„ 1916, Charles F. Howard, Probate Judge of said County. A MOVING DAY SUGGESTION, Your library can make good use of volumes or odd number* of magazine*. The library will use such donation* to complete ita own file* or to exchange for other much needed set* of pariodr teals- Will yow not *end any magtur zincs you do not have use for to your library. MEMORIAL SERMON. Dependent onFriends A MAN, wht> bad worked bard all his life, when an accident1deprived him of bis ability to ea rn / .. found that he was dependent upon friends, Ho had earned enough money, but he' had saved none. Consequently when his income was cut off, he -was ■ , without resources and had to ask aid. from those who had a little surplus to spare. This is a condition tha t every man should avoid. Have a bank account* Deposit a little every week and sse tha t yqpr account grows not only by reason of interest additions hn t by substantial deposits. ,We invite new accounts of $1 or more, DEPOSITS ACCEPTED BY MAIL IN ANY AMOUNT the FSuhsylvauitt Baflrohd company a general orfler to construct attenuate depot fcciiUte* at Upper Sandusky. - While endeavoring to; back hi* trad- tor out at a (sh<fd K. 0. Bate*,, twenty- i M)e, .residing, in Leesburg township, Union county, was crushed to death. John R, Canfield, seventy-four, civil war veteran and retired railroad en-. gineer, for fifty years with thh Big Font railroad, died at his home in Co; lumbu*. Lloyd; slx-yoar-old son of Mr. and Mr*. Clem Hummel, at Wharton, near Upper Sandusky, w»* drowned when he felt Into an uncovered cistern at his home, Noah Hetstand, 'eighty-six, retired Freedom township (Hehry county) farmer and civil Wat veteran, died of blood poisoning, which developed frohi frozen feet, ' ' Near Marysville John Holloday’s large Item and its contents were to-, tally consumed by fire, including six dairy cows, hay grain, three calves, etc. Loss $8,900. ' Florence Bufresno, twenty, was found drowned in a creek near her home at Dlllonvnlo. Officials were tied her father refused a man p'ormis- eion to call on her.' . William Godfrey, motorman, and Cyrus Fadofo, conductor, received fatal injuries when a streetcar jump­ ed tho track at terminal in Cleveland. Andrew Powell, eighty-eight, a resi­ dent of Hancock county nearly all his life, is dead at Findlay, following an operation on Ms foot. He was the father of fifteen children. At Cleveland tho’Wlnton company, makers of automobiles, announced an increase of 10 per cent in the wages of its employes, effective May 1. Thir­ teen bundled men are affected. Thomas Williams, oh trial at Sid­ ney for the murder of Walter West, : last June, confessed <hat he shet h is ! victim during a cfap'game, but claim-! ed ho did not mean to kill West. | Miss Ina Horhish, slxteen-year-old i girl of Richland township, Defiance I county, with a grade of 09, stands in j the lead for the honor of being de- j dared the champion speller in that County, ' I Lottie May Standish of Lima do-! cidcd'.to accept $7,500 in return for- her husband, who was kfiied two! months ago white in tho emplby ofj the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton ! railroad. After a hearing by a Committee o t1 representative dftirch min at Cincin­ nati Rev. J, l>. Darling, former sec­ retary of the Ohio Sunday School as- eociatton, waa found guilty of conduct unbecoming a minister, Honry BlakesleO, forty-eight, village marshal at Medina, shot and kilted John Gates, sixty, village night watch- j man, following a quarrel over posses* Sion of keys to the town hall, and then ! shot and dangerously wounded him- ! self, . ■ , . ■ } A jury decided, because Attorney * less* ’Vickery of Bellevue could n o t; use his arm to turn a wash wringer for his Wife or crank hi* auto, life was tr,titled to $2,000 damages from tho Lake Shore Electric toad. Vickery'* arm wa* broken In * oar smash, Tho Jtov. Huber Ferguson,, pastor ot the Second United .Rresbyterian hutch of Xenia, will preach the Monmrtel sermon iu the opera house May 28, at2;30 p. in. Make your arrangements now to hear him as 1)6Is one of the best speakers \a tha-statel _. • ■ " Dr. G. O. Gardnar, of Springfield, will deliver the address' a t 2:30 p. m. in the opera house on Memorial Day. Dr, Gardner delivered the address .last year and those who failed to bear him have a lasting r‘e- j gretv Dr. Gardner iB an Oritur, a t patriot-, and bis .address, will your opportunity to near one of the host yoq have ever had the pteasure of listening to., - ” 1 The committee from the •*£[.<of _y* Is completing arrangements"‘as rapidly a s possible' to t Memorial '• Day. -.It is their erneEt Wieb tb a ta s touny as possible attend the se rv ice -j both u> the morntngand afternoon,1 - Mease remember the 'flowers, a committee of ladies will pa te charge* and- announcements willbe vj&naR tssstM&L C eda rv it le , Oh io ■ ' - : • OFFICERS dud DIRECTORS SethW. Swith , ' ' Geo. W. Rife ’ ’ Oliver Garlough . G. E. Jobe Oscar L. Smith. L. F«Tindall ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS « FOR STREET OILING Scaled proposals will be received by the council at the village of Cedar- vilie, Ohio; a t the office o f the village clerk thereof, up to 12 o'clock, noon, on the 15th day of May, on tho fol­ lowing specifications; • 12,0.00 gallons of oil, more or less, samples to be submitted for ouch grade priced. Successful bidder to furnish a sprinkling wagon suitable for the purpose, bids to specify whether same will be shipped charges prepaid or F. O. B. Bids will alee, be received for the sprinkling \yitli the road oil sufficient to lay the dust on certain specified streets in the village. Said contrac­ tor securing bid must furnish all ma­ terial, labor, and the work to be done in a satisfactory manner and under the direction of the street committee of council and according to plans and specifications on file in .the office of the village clerk. Said party securing contract of fur­ nishing oil and sprinkling must give bond to the approval of council for the faithful performance of contract. Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of, council, , J. W. Johnson, village clerk. May l, 1916, With several hundred maker* pf automobiles in America, the Ford' factory turns' opt more^than one- haif of the entire finished product. Because the Worth of Fprd cars as dependable, money-saying , utilities-has been demonstrated bfeyond all . question,, the demand is constantly increasing. Order yours NOW. '* ' . s' ' ' l' ' V’ Runabout $390;Touring Car $440; Coupslot $590; Town Car $646; Sedan $740. All prices f. o. b* Dotrolt, RALPHMURDOCK, Agt, v Cedarville and RossTownships Display at Owens & Son's Girage, , I -••W. L. Cleifmni farms ta sell. wAntfl mere The Poste Buggy has given good service inthis community for a longer periodof years than any otherbuggy offered for sale here. Ifyoucontemplate purchasinga buggythisseassn buya Poste from Kerr sSHastings Bros. * *