The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52
&m Children Cry for Fletcher's A I I S ? * * a n a w h ic h h a s L e m Jy ■ r ,JO !« « * • » h a s b o r n e t h e s ig n a tu r e o t / ^ r „ / / » j "i,M— au (*- h a s b e e n m o d e tmdcx* h is p e r - « ° n ‘a eu p e r v is ton s in c e it s in fa n c y . A l l C o u n t e v ^ f f 1 u 5 ,<- ^ lloW n a o n e t o « e e e l v e y o u in t h is . a n d / ‘ J « « t - a S- g o o d » a r e b u t *•«» fflSOKSgtfSrSSB'%££2£ What is CASTOR1A is a h a rm le s s s u b s titu te f o r C a s to r O il. P a r e - c o n t a i ns 1^ ] ^ ! o o t h l n g S y ru p s . I t is p le a sa n t. I t sub^ftne*»M ? M o r p h in e n o r o th e r * a r co tio o « S Si ^ ? c e ’ nr ?*8 a # ° *8 l t s g u a r a n t e e . I t d e s tr o y s W o rm s h n f 1aUays. f e v e r i s h n e s s . I " o r m o r e tlia n th ir t y y e a r s i t P l a t S S itt a s o U)r r e l i e f o f C o n ftip aO o n , B i a r ? W n ’ ^T?n d Co,l l ?» a I\ T e e t h in g T r o u b le s a n d • a s s im ila te s +iw^T?«e *iU*a^ S *5®' .S tom a c h a n d B o w e ls , S W iT O S & £ 5 K S 8W i3 ^ ”lcep- GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS iBears the Signature o f InUse For Over 30 Years The Kind You .Have Always Bought THE CENTAUKCQMfANV. NEWYORK CITY S P E C IA L S A L E „ Before the Holiday Rush W e are overloaded and must have more room for H o lida y Goods. Come and see the Bargains We are offering. Man's and B oys' F ine Tailored Overcoats, Suits and Tronsers, Men’ s and JBoys’ M ack inaw Coats, Lad ies' M isses’ , Men’ s, Boys’ and Children’s Coat Sweaters, I f you n eed ‘any o f these—don ’ t, m iss this sale n ow fo r 10 days. ' .. % ' ' C. A. KELBLE’5 Big Clothing and Shoe Store 17-49 W est Malm,Street, X en ia , Ohio, . M. Spencer The Grocer Phone 3-110 Cedarville, Ohio Fall and Winter We have now in over 600 styles o f foreign and domestic woolens for the £Fa ll,and Winter season. A fine^line o f Overcoating* to seltcfc from. Now, is the time to select your Fall Suit ( and^O vercoat. DoJitJ now. -% i\ i % r * KANY, *The Leading Tailor XE.NIA, ' - ( OHIO _L_ FOB S A L E G a s o l i n e engine at WOLFORD ’# . —W e are now prepared to do general repairing and cab in e tw ork . OWENS & SON HOUSE for Rant. Robt. Bird. Men’ s and B oys’ C loth ing o f all kinds a t K E L B L E ’ 8 17-10 W , Mam Street, Xen ia , Ohio. Mr. W . L . Marshall, o f Cslumbus, was. in town Thursday. TRY OUR JOB PRINTING Mr. and Mrs. W . JR, Shroades, of Springfield, spent their Thanks giving vacation w ith their parents. •Mrs. A rthur Townsley enter tained her club at her home last Tuesday evening. A number from here attended the marriage o f Miss Mary Kyle, daugh ter o f Judge and Mrs. Charles H. Kyle, to Rev. H. A . Thompson, pas tor o f the Cherry Fork, 0 ., U. P. congregation, Tuesday evening. One hundred and twenty old cases, some of which have been on the dock et since 1008, have been assigned hy Judge Kyle fo r dismissal, Monday, December 11, unless some good cause is shown that they should be con tinued. Judge Kyle wishes to clear the docket o f cases which have been pending fo r several years. Sherman Jones had his Ford car badly used Sabbath night on the Jamestown pike when a big touting car sideswiped his machine damaging the axles, wheels and fenders. The large car did not seem to be disturb ed by the impact, but kept on at a fast pace. Dr, Charles McMichael o f Cleveland was called here Monday owing to the condition o f Master Prugh McMichael, who has been suffering with pleural pneumonia. Mr. N. L. Ramsey, who has been on'the sick list ftjr several weeks, is reported as much improved. Cedarville township was well rep resented on the grand Jury this time. The four were D. M. Kerenon, T, V, IlifF, J. C. Barber and W. J. Cherry. Former Sheriff Howard Applegate who has operated a hardware store in Veilow Springs, has gold ou t to a-Mr. Koontz o f Indiana according to the Yellow Springs News. , Mrs. Elizabeth Clark o f Wester ville, O,, and Mrs. John Alden o f Erie, Pa., have been the guest o f Mrs. An nette Harbison and other relatives. Miss Josephine Orr, who has been visiting in Belle Center and Sidney .for several- weeks has returned home. C. N, Stuckey has petitioned fo r a county ditch from the new 1 addition north o f town to the west through the Thompson Crawford place following the present water course. Mr. . David MeChling, who is acting as chauffeur for Mrs. Patterson, o f Dayton, sister-rin- iaw o f Mr. John H; Patterson, is going with Mrs. Patterson to Ja maica to spend the winter. The Pierce-Arrow car will be shipped to be used fo r touring on islands. CANDIES, Big stock. Great variety to select from at popular prices. Come in and see us. R„ Bird & Sons’ Co. D on ’ t forget when in Xen ia that a full line o f Men’ s C loth ing can be found at O. A . K E L B L E 'S . . 17-19 W , Main Street. >^Thetsafe in the office o f George & Ervin, at Jamestown, was blown Tuesday night and about $20 in cash and some checks taken. The safe was almost a total wreck. No clue was left fo r the officers to work upon. Cedarvillians had better be cautious about leaving money in safes if such is done. BUTTER and EGGS. Ws will you fo* cholee fresh butter and eggs. Bring us your surplus. R. Bird &. Sons’ Co. KNOW THYSELF. If you hsvtt lost faith in hu- msn nature, investigate and di*> ‘ cover where you have gone wrong yourself.—Allen. Mr. H, A . TownSley has moved into the Smith property ju st vacated by Mr. D> M. Dallas, who expects to lo cate in Springfield with his son, E l bert. Mr, James Little o f Salina, Kansas, is here on a visit with ■his many friends and relatives. —FOR f A L E :—Large com part ment refrigerator in good cond ition and cheap as we h a te ho need,for same. Rufus M cFarland . HOLIDAY GOODS. A store full to select from. We invite you to make pur store your Christmas Shopping place.. Re member it pays to trade with R. Bird & Sons' Co. The Hagnr Paper Go., has erected another mammoth sh od t « be used m storing baled straw. The new shed is much larger than either of the Other two ^nd w ill hold several thousand bales. The com pany has two shede filled and the now one parti&Uy with two other large rick s o f bated straw fo r imm ed ia te use* D on ’ t fo rgo t to provide fo r your Christmas shopping m on ey fo r next year. The E xchange Bank has an easy plan and your savings w ill be paid in time for ChrlB^maB along witn the interest. F o llow the bank advertisements in this paper .and learn how it is done. Main street business men and citizens in general are ju st n ow be ginning to realize the great ad vantage Of the brick paving. B ieavy rains come and go and y e t people are able to reach business houses without getting ou t in the m u d . Business meti see'quito n d ifferen ce on their floors over wha t we had a year ago when mud was tra ck ed In to the stores. TTo notice th a t our country friends always talk* ad vantage o f tiie racks on Main street and hitch so fa r as possible there. We have an excellent street and no inducement could be m ade p rop erty owners to do wi thout or g o Rack to what we had, Addi tional paving next summer is not one o f line im possibilities fo r a p rog re s siv e town like Cedarville, r % W S HELPFOR LISTLESS FOLKS NewRemedyRestores Zestof life.and Renews Ambition. HEALTHEXPERTTELSHOW Run Down’ Condition Usually Due to Rapid Hating or Ovsreattng, Says Man Who Has Set Many Tongues Wagging With Original Ideas. Thousands Just Half 8 lck. “ Thousands! of persons drag along from morning until night without en ergy or ambition. Thfcy are not aick enough to go to bed, but they Jack the zest of life. They are Just half Blok.” I Such was the statement of the Tan- lac health expert, who has created widespread comment by his original Ideas, He continued; “ You can’t have good health If you have poor digestion. Too Many Bolt Food, “ The stomach fs the most important organ In the body and the most abused. The large- majority of people do not take sufficient time to eat their food. They* give no thought to what foods are good for them, They simply swal low what is convenient and pleasant, “ The stomach tells quickly when it is abused through overeating t r other mistreatment. When it warns, take instant liocd or dire results will follow. “A disordered stomach brings on headaches. It causes constipation, biliousness, indigestion, nervous dis orders and other ills. Taniac Most successful. “ Taulac IS the most successful rem edy for stomach Ills bn the market to day. It is composed of roots, barks, herbs and berries gathered in all parts o f the world. By Its composition it Is .designed to build strength, create better digestion and more blood, and to Strengthen th e nervous system through correction of the common dis orders of the stomach, liver and mu cous membranes, The testimony of your neighbors all around you bears amt that It has accomplished this." C , :M ‘ R IO OW A Y i A « « n t ' a«MacrA.^.-K-a«. .-r^fn-iV, I have just received a barrel o f the finest kraut on the market. Bates' Meat Store, Mrs. S, T. Baker has been suffering with sciatic rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. J. ,H. Andrew were called to St.'Louis, Mo,, last Friday by the death o f a nephew, Mrs. R. F. Kefcr was hostess to the members o f the Wednesday After noon Club this week. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Burba o f Nor wood afe viBiting relatives here. Two girls made their arrival this past week. One to Mr. and Mrs, James Bailey, Jr., and the other to Mr., and Mrs. Ernest Truesdale. Mrs. W. L. Wilson has been in a very critical condition for about a week suffering with heart and liver trouble. Her friends and relatives have been greatly alarmed about her condition, Kraut in bulk, the finest you ever saw, at Bates’ Meat Store. A / A Fur Cap will make au ideal Gi ft for men of boy, Priced from $150 to *7.60 Do Your Xmas Shopping Early You know tbo early buyer* always[got tbo Cost selection* in Neckwear, Shirts, Suspenders, , H andkerch iefs, Jewelry, Mufflers,. OloveB, Toilet A rticles, Bath Bobos, House Coats, Umbrellas, Hats, Cap* : and Combination Sots Como and sea wha t we have for Man or Boy We Sell Clothes That Command Respect Because the Label says HART SCHAFFNTR & MARX . Is price the uppermost thought when you buy Clothes? Don ’ t you care what you get(in value),or are you satisfied as long as you get *omething*that looks like - Clothes. You can walk in most any store and buy price; but if you come here you will be shown "Quality First” , regardless of price. i Men’ s and Boys’ Rope Knit Sweaters —All Colors Suits and O ’Coats for M en , Young Men and the B oys STRAUSS & HUB 99 “The Surprise Store’ 28-30 E. third St., Dayton, Ohio Men’ s and Boys’. Mackinaws That Are ' Worth the Price M c C u l l o c h Headquarters for Everything in Leather Gooods—Imported or Domestic LIST OF XMAS LEATHER GOODS Lad ies’ -Hand Bags N ecktie CaseB Drinking Cups Manicure Sets L ib ra ry Sets jew e l Rockets Scissor Cases B ill and Coin Purse* Traveling Sets . Bridge Sets Letter Cases Three-Fold Cases - Picnic; Sets ' s j Photo Case* , C igar Cases Music B o lls Fold ing Mirrors M ilitary Brush Sets . Collar and Guff ’Boxes F iv e Hundred Sets Card CiiseB • 1 S e e i ng BpxeB T o ile t Roils Music Bags B ill Books Thermos Bottles Gloves and Handker ch ief Cases Flasks Jew el Boxes . . ; 'Coat Bangers" Offloe Sots ‘ *| • Tobacco Pouches Trunks , Bags and Suit Cases McCulloch’s Leather Store 10 East Main Strcot, SPR IN G F IE LD , OHIO , \ X X GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING XXT ‘ XTigTitning Trick. One of the strangest tricks to which lightning Is addicted la that of undress ing its victims. Something Wrong. Patience—Wliat did you think o f Peg gy’s new diamond ring! Patrice-rl didn't notice it. ‘Didn’ t notice it? GeeI Are you Jtone blind?”—Yonkers Statesman. Nothing to Go On. . “ Did you tell Binks I could not tell the truth if I tried?” 'lot, course I didn’t I don’t know what you could do If you tried.’’—Rich* tnotid Timee-Dlspatch. Anticipated. Margaret—Did you tell the girls at the tea that secret I confided to yon and Josephine? Katharine—No, truly I didn’t. Josephine got there first.— Exchange._________________ Frank Do^rloy, IWenty-six, city so Heitor of Sidney, Is dead. Run down by a streetcar, Mrs. Mary Evans, Columbus, was instantly killed. Mrs. Florence D. Illehafds, Colum bus, was re-elected president of the Ohio W. C . T. IT. A workmen's co-operative lee.'rue was organ’ td at Clrcleville wHn a membership of 150. Tetanus followed vaccination and caused the dea'h at Columbus of Jo sephine Nye. seven. * No motive was foui.o for the sulfide by acid of Bernard Wilms on the street In Cleveland. Continental Suttar company opened at Flndiay with a force of 200 men to manufacture beet mipar, ■ Roy. John A. Winkler, formerly of Dayton, ! r the new pastor of Presby terian church at La Rue. Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Johnson, eighty- two, died on the farm on which eho was horn near Bellefontalne. Rev, I t Russell Cleni of ftpringiiold was re elected president of the Ohio Stat** Christian association How to Grow Bigger Crops o f Superb Fruit-FREE T fO tT need this practical, expett information. Whether * yon own or Intend to plant a few trees ot a thousand, It is Infor mation that tvin savoyou time, Uitjoi-rtndmoney, 'Get ItI. SimplyMttdu* yottt name ana address on the coupon—or on a postal. Ifyou prefer. We will gladly mall you a free copy everywhere are getting . . . ... .... . ... ~ . . - - - ' of our NctvCatalog—an ll x 8 In. ben that is simply packed with hints that will enable you fa secure bumpcrcrops o£ finest fru’t—and sell them at top- mnruetprlccs. Thewhole bool: Is filled with facts that will interest nndinstruct you—faots about bow fruit-growers .......... prodigious crops and largecashprofits fromcrops of young, thrifty, jeeim inc Stark Bro’s trees—facts that emphasise the truth of thoaxlom"St&rkTrees BearFruit,” Beautiful llte-olze,natural-color photos of leading fruits -all through th« book, Send for your copy today to Stark Bro’s Nurseries at Louisiana, Mo. Read it at .1 learn about the now fruit- tree triumph of Star!: Bro’fl long Cen tury of Success—tiio "Double-Life’' I Grimes Golden—the tree development that resists "eollarrot." Get the New 1 Facts about “ Stark Delicious,” Stark Early Elberta, And all the latest peaches, Stark Bro’s-grown,J.H. 11 ale _ Peaches, also Lincoln Pear, Stark m P. MontmorencyCherry, Mammoth Gold Plum nnd all the other famous Stark J r Bro's fruits,berriesandoraameutals, Get Our NewCatalog . FRFF'I 1 *«inches-filled f rKX-E . from cover to r oover with beautiful pho- j * wept. A tograplis. M a il » ; the LewMaaaAte. am tfm it * » « / , . P bcarlmryournattte ‘Sit; and address, flut hew toilt-tr.evm sr. S tark B r o a M puking HMm.Mwktng Dept, A W ernStto , tMritiana ^ f expect toPitt*........... trees a .............. ) Stark Bros At Louisiana Mo. S in c e . J 8 W 4 Stark Bro'sWant Good Salejmen—Cwh Comais^oa F«i 4 W*sk)^ }L p . o ft. p .i>,. t
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