The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52

6*5uw Ml f t Ptovs^tod, tourmtd, o w e w%t* ixmtia *4k»ijr k m u JM»t y rn t in CWeUuH. m * f»r i $ m ,m dub k w a i» t*. hi# •outbt by Young*towa JClfcs. BtfWoattfU* lifts institute*! domes* tic *el**«* oourssw in the schools, Marie® Ministerial association com demnsd & # prttoUco o f holding church b**ftSrt» » Death d »lw od fra u d s H, Baldwin, •Ighty-two, pioneer hook publisher at ClftClQIHUl. O rsj I m Morgan, was killed at Co­ lumbia* when -his motorcycle collided with a wagon. Carl Hudson, thirty-three, Spring- field, swallowed poison and died later in the hoapital, * Marion is trying to land the Knights of Pythias Grand lodge meet’ in# hi! Ohio in 3L91T. "Will Qurgan and GusGanweller of Wooster were injured in an auto wreck near Massillon. Columbus Chamber o f Commerce wlji giye a press smoker the evening o f inauguration day. Jan. 8. Akron police believe MlJUad Jen­ kins, forty-three, who. was found. dead in, a bathroom, was murdered, NT. H, Fairbanks of Springfield was appointed receiver of tlm tCnabe Brothers' Piano company of Norwood. A band of robbers attempted fo blow the agfe in the -bank at Mt. Cory- near Toledo. Thieves were frightened away. George Trlntefr, forty-two, commit­ ted suicide by hanging himself In a shed back of the town hall at Ver­ milion. H® wan blind. •School children at Findlay have.col­ lected $586,55 to be. turned over to the, associated charities to' relieve the needy during the winter, Thomas Lee, ninety-five, was found on the outskirts of Columbus .living in the hollow o f an aged stump with a sheet o f old tin as a roof. - i Joseph Sprague, painter, was killed at McArthur when, a scaffold rope Cams untied and he fell to the pave­ ment, twenty-five feet below. * Dr. George N. Lucock, •pastor of Oak Park (111.) ’Presbyterian church, may- become pastor • of Westminster Presbyterian church, Wooster, ■ Delegates representing 10.000' min­ ers in the Hocking subdistrict will meet at Gloucester Dec. 19 to demand- higher wages from the operators. Girl members,o f a Mothodist Sun­ day school class at Bellefontaine ore making sheets and pillow cases to be sent to the Soldiers on the Mexican border, , At Sandusky Mayor R. R, Koeglo pleaded not guilty to an indictment charging him with neglecting to file trahecripts in .criminal cases heard, before him. 1 Jesse Taylor, fifty-three..prominent good Toads advocate, publisher and banker and president o f Ohio Good Roads Federation, died at his home at Jamestown. - Harry Toker, whp shot and kilted Mrs, Nannie Beatty, forty-eight1, a mis­ sion worker, at Cincinnati, was sen-' fenced to a life term in prison, with no .hope o f pardon, " .- Trial of Mrs. Rosario Splnello on a charge o f murdering Gam Vend, a •boarder itt the^Spincllo hom e,'Glove- ■ ,land, was Interrupted by thh hirth. ef a son to the defendant. Postmasters Sol Fischer at Corn­ ing,. George Grim at Poston and Bert Clifton at Bagleport were indicted- by the federal grand Jury, embezzlement being charged In each case. Henry (Bounty's treasurer, Fisk,, Re- publican, filed .a petition contesting the election o f S. J. Armbruster, Dem­ ocrat. Fisk apparently )Wa^ defeated • fo r re-election by four votes. Clyde Krbnk sacrificed his life When he Jumped into Mjfibfook lak,e. near Portsmouth and saved two young men .frbtn drowning. Kroitls » was a Harrieonville merchant. . Initials " Z . T. C.” taiooed on the. atm of a man who hanged himself lu a hotel at Massillon furnish the only d ew to his identity. He had given the name o f John Stiehof In registering, As a result of the local option elec­ tion Marietta will remain wet. The wets received 1,761 votes and the drys 1,677, a majority of 84 for the wets. Marietta has been wet for, five years. Samuel Mac Taylor, sixty, former secretary of state'Of Ohio and for twenty years in the consular service o f the United States, Ms dead at Bir­ mingham, England, His home was ir. Urb&na. » At Steubenville Dafiiel Durber forty, was killed by a train; Andrew Bonesale, six, was killed by an auto­ mobile and 'Albert Riddle, twenty-four, was crushed'to depth by a string of . coal car#.”* Frank James, a state hospital guard, pleaded guilty at Lima to assaulting Sheriff Eley with intent to lynch, a prisoner. He was given a suspended Indeterminate sentence In the Ohio penitentiary, Daniel Nesfbitt, a wealthy farmer, and his wife, were’ Instantly killed When ftn automobile in which they were riding wtjs struck by a fast pae sgnger train at a crossing near Gref ton, Lorain county, First National bank of Hew Bremen asked Court t o name a receiver for the Minster and Ft. Loraihie Electric railway, claiming the company's in­ debtedness to the bank is more than the oompony’s assets. While acting peacemaker, Mrs Martha Johnson, wife of Jack John­ son, was shot and killed by William powsrs, seventy-two, in the lattei-'s hotne at Columbus, Johnsou and Powers got into an argument, Secretary of State Elect W. D. Ful­ ton announced he Will appoint Thorn­ ton R. Snyder, Cincinnati attorney, ar, his first assistant atid'W. A ; McCurdy o f Columbus, former state rural •ehool supervisor, as registrar of au­ tomobiles, mmmmmmmfsifmm S t o p ! L i o o l i ! X j i s r t © 3 s x l Christmas Suggestions Bibles Gift Books A Line a*Day Books Diaries Blackboardi} - Ouapidors Plate Glass DCifk Pads Handy Bo:;;,n Christmas Boxes Gold apd' Silver Knives Boston One-DQlIar Pen­ cil Sharponefa Crepo Paper Tissue Paper for Holi- jlpy use V Globe - Wernicke Sec­ tional Book Cases Office Desks ■ . ► Desk Calendars and Stands for 191-7 I-P Loose Leaf Note i nk-Wel!s .Book# ' Paper -Weights Warden & Larson "New Brass Ash Stands Thought" Books ' Braes Paper Racks Catholic Prayer Books Book Racks ' Rosaric# Jardinieres Episcopal Prayer Books Vases Baby Books Brass and. Copper Urn- Office Chairs Family Record. Books brella Stands Typewriter Desks Photo AlbUtne •■ Book Ends- Typewriter Chairs Kodak Albums ' Brass and Copper Brass Desk gets Waste Baskets Copper Inlaid Silver Willow Baskets „ -Desk Sets Place Garda . ‘ Br.iss-Desk Novelties Tally Cards Desk Lamps' Leather Goods Clocks Ladies' Purees ; . Paper. Knives Ladies’ and Gent’s Ex- Postal Scales -elusive Stationery Dictionaries .. COnklin's. Self-filling, Dictionary Stands Fountain Pens Writing Portfolios Waterman’s Self-filling Bond Boxes Poker -Outfits Fountain Pens Steel Silver Chests THE LARGEST AND MQST COMPLETE OFFlCp? OUTFITTERS *■ CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN OHIO The Everybody's Book shop Company H*'.t Racks. Filing Cabinets, Wood and Steel Filing Devices Cooking, Recipe Boxes Draughting Outfits - Christmas Labels Holiday Goods o f all • Pescrlptioas Household Safes Cash Boxes •N ot on ly in population has the increase been 'remarkable, but business activities have stimulated the investment o f capital in splendid business build- ’ Ing and the sky line o f Day ton now presents a truly metropolitan appearance. * Dayton merchants have kept pace with this ‘ progress, and there are no better stores than Dayton, stores anywhere, These Dayton merchants invite y ou to their stores. *,Invite y o u to shop, t o look , to buy w ith the positive assurance o f satisfaction to the last degree. 21-23 W. FIFTH STRREt DAYTON^OHIO ^ ' > - 1 V k Free Ride to Dayton JENKINS Cut Rate Drugs Most 25c, 50c, and $1.00 medicines and toilet articles at— . * 1 9 c , 3 9 c , and 7 9 c The difference pays your carfare to Dayton and back home. Our drugs are always fresh’ and of the best quality. Jenkins’GutRateDrugstores 5th & Ludlow 5th & Wayne Third & Terry Third & Broadway F R A N K -®EH & CO. >; 135 N, Main St.. Picture Framing * , . ' Gilding- and:-’ .AH you’d look, for ,hi an Art store, And what’s more, our price don’t soar, ON ACCOUNT OF WAR . COVERED BOTTOMS Covered Buttotiu, Itnlfe, Stele, Box , and Accordion pleatmsv Herostltch- ■' In&.'-Pieot-Ed^vng; P.nfefnjr.'JRUsfth-1 ing, BrnbrOlderod Scallophig. Price- list free. Mull -.worit direet. MAIL OBDBRS PKO.MPTLX FILLED. W «li» PleatinB and Butt- a freSM(Mu-Ial fiw -5tt«< ton sa, ■ ' *“- * ildysg A SK THE OWNER OF AN INSTRUMENT FROM o n C o. Eat' 1883 Player-Pianos ? Over a quarter of a century on the Cor. 4th & Jpfferson Sts., . 1 DAYTON, OHIO. , . THE ©1FT PRACTICAL ! A PAIR OF WALKOVER SHOES ,- * . 'Ai.> f...- ‘ •.I--.- * I f you do not know the size, we can sell you a Walkr "Over Christmas Certificate and the shohs can be selected, later. * a • \Ye have nev^r shown as complete a line o f! Holiday' Slippers—Ladies’ and Men’ s, also Christmas Hosiery —we furnish you beautiful Gift Boxes Free with our hosiery. Priced at 50- cents and- $1.00. ; ' Mfen’s and Ladie$’ Shoes ^ A .00 P riced at . .HOSIERY, TOO S HOSIERY, TOO Walk-Oyer Boot Shop; 39 South Main, Dayton, O. Established 1865 SBC SEDAN- - $ 1 7%Wo ; Open cars on winter .daysiare no.lon^er fashionable, There is warmth an d ’ qiiiet ease in a Jeffery Sedan. W h en summer , c om e s , the ' Je f f ery owner removes the Sedan top and has a perfect Touring Car. JONES & M c CONNELL „ „ „ „ DISTRIBUTORS 209 N. Mam Street Dayton,1Ohio FOUR SEDAN 7 Pnaieuircr $ 1 2 6 0 i ,C l a x i s t m a a '*;J e w e l i r j T ' i Btfj-- nfew— a deposit wHi ; Hold It lor you-.-until--Xmas';. £ 36 East Fifth, Near Jefferson DAYTON, OHIO KINNEY’S ENLARGED SHOE STORE 1 1 4 -1 1 6 Hast F ou r th S t., D a y ton , O h io - * I S B I G G E R A N D B E T T E R T H A N EVER SHROYER’S SECOND AND MAIN pay ton ,Oh io Christmas Gift Suggestions^^ -s, Flahtiig Knives, Wnrtch?2: Pen3( E toon'D i.TThonolrapiU ^ TorlrlTe - Dikes, Katydid Kiirs. ' Hundreds' ?of "OtherV; * ; ■ COME IN, L O N G ; T E R M L O A N S '' ■ With .Repayment Privilege If you want toisell your farm, we will -find-a. buyer, Q u . Jf you want to buy a form, w« have one that wjll suit you. 714-15 REtBOLD BL,DG., DAYTON, OHIO : : ’ Ohio Fanners RealtyCo. s s M a h a r g ’ s NOON . . c a n d i e s ^ HOMEMADECANDIES 14 feiSJHain, Dayton, Ohio , FANCY*B $ Just B e fore * Christmas “Day ORDINANCE NO. 92- w i l l SELL SCHOOL PROPERTY la s t night when we- were at tea the • little fellow saidf j ‘ Taw, what are all thp^e packages hid beneath your hed?” I almost choked upon my. food and mother simply smiled As though to say we*re bringing up a-very knowing child. He’s waiting for me at the door when I got honffi at night, ’ I try to sneak into the house and not'turn on the lig h t ' And get upstairs before I doff my Overcoat and hat, But he is Johnny on the spot, with ‘Taw, oh, what is tha tl" He’s eyeing me suspiciously, I real­ ly think-he tries With all his youthful artfulness to take me by surprise. He hasn’t intimated yet that he has - found ns out, But eyes and ears are open whenever we're about. An.orcHniMice to provide for the i Issuance o f Certificates o f Indebted­ ness o f fethe V illage o f Oedarvilie, Ohio, in the. to ta l' spm o f Flv-e : Hundred Dollars, bejing Twq Hun-. Jdred and F ifty D ollars in an~ I ticipation o f the- revenue o f the JPubln f Service Fund, and Two Hundred and F ifty Dollars in an­ ticipation o f the revenue o f the -Public ^Safety I^uud, Be ifcordatned b y the Council ojt the V illage o f Oedarvilie, State o f O h lo j ■ S hctio N- Hp, 1. . Tnafc m antici­ pation o f the revenues ot the Pub lic Service Fund, there shall be issued |a^ortifleate of° indeotedness Inf the ; sum o f Two Hundred and F ifty j Dollars ($2S0’.00), and in. an antici- ! pation o f the revenues o f the Public Safety Fund, t)>erenhaU be is su ed * Certificate o f indebtedness in the sum o f Tw o Hundred and F ifty Dollars ($2d0.00), said certificates of | indebtedness shall be made payable; ; at The Exchange Bank, Codarville, j Ohio, shall br ar interest a t the rate The Board o f Education . at tlip : meeting last Friday voted to sell the property in'districts four, five, and slfc a£ public snip, . Tlie law required that school- property he offered > at public ‘ sale twice i f not sold' .the , first time. A fter that the property can,be Sold privately*. The board has • the ligh t to reject any bid at public r saTo i f it is tnot'satisfactory. • LEGAL NOTICE. wide I spelled a phrase to mother once, and then he promptly said: “ I guess it’s time now, jnaw, fit me , to go npsfaiw to hed( An* I suppose that yon an* paw will talk out whefi I ’m'gone,” ' I’d make an affidavit that the little rascal’s on. —Detroit Free Press. October was notable for blazing for­ ests everywhere, hut the blaze was merely sunshine lighting up the yel­ low, brown, red-brown and red leaves of autumn. • Tin* sleuth on tr.iiis of “who struck Fitly iMjiess »:<V" can now ease up on hi‘4 biain fug by si fitting the DllI- met’ riveiver o f Unit a bushel for t ,! . -it, ■ * ; Fivp (5) per eepfc. per annum, pay-- .ab le eemi-annually at the same ; place,shall bo dated and shall be due s ix (0) months from and after tlieir date. * ' SncT iod N o, 2. Said certificates; o f indebtedness shall express upon their face the purpose for which they are issued, and that they are issued in pursuance o f this ordi­ nance. They shall ‘ be prepared, issued and delivered uhder the d i­ r e c t io n o f the Finance Committee o f Council and the V illage Clerk, and shall bo signed by the Mayor o f - Isaid V illage Clerk, and sealed with . the corporate seal o f s&id V illage, j SEfmoK N o. 3. Tbo proceeds from i 1rh« bale of said certificates of in­ d eb tedn ess. shall bo credited $250.00 to the Public Service Fund, and $250.00 to the Pub licSa lety Fund. . SacTtoN No* 4. Tills ^ordinance sha ll take effect and*ho In force -from and after tho’,.earliest period allowed by law . *• ■ .1 < Passed this fith day o f December, 1910.* J. W . JOHNSON , V illage Clerk. j j 11. P. M cLEAN , i Mayor of Oedarvilie, O. .Catherine Schneider, Plaintiff, ; . ys.;.\ . . Jacob S61meider,! Defendant. j •- Notice,-. * JaCob Schneider, residing at Evans-! viilo, Indiana, will take notice that - on October 24, 1910, Catherine Sell-; neidqr filed in said court her petition] against him for divorce upon, 'the grounds of-gross neglect o f duty,and; that the samb \yill be fo r hearijjg'-hfr the Court House in Xenia on ahjLatt- er December 11,1916, by whichMilhe s defenrhmt"must answer or deiqpr to . said petition nr judgment may be taken against him. ■ (Signed) Catherine Schneider; I NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. ] Estate o f Rosa McMillan, Deceased, i ■ VV. \V, Greswell has been appointed j and qualified as Administrator o f the f estate o f Rosa McMillan, late o f Greene County, Ohio, deceased. Dat­ ed tlyg. 29th day o f November, A . D. 1916. CHARLES. F . HOWARD, Probate Judge o f said County. *■*«’ ' 24 EAST MAIN SlTRfeET SPRINGFIELD, OHIO 1 ti HOG CHOLERA AND PNEUMONIA ERADICATED By<using,o«r high potency stand­ ard 2NIcc* dose Serum. Costs you 20 per cc. i Dose for three to ten day old pigs 10 cc, Dose for 100 lbs, pig ao cc. Ifnve your hank ascertain for our financial Standing. We have more money invested in our hold­ ings than any ten commercial Scrum Companies in the U. 'S. Government licensed, financial^ ly responsible- company, estab­ lished in 1909. * t W rite far our FREE book on Hog C h olera .' * ' Order your Sefum from the INTERSTATEVACC INE CO . .Stork Yards, Cincinnati, Ohio, or direct from the Factory, Kansas City, p, o Station No. 2, Kan­ sas City, Mo*- Do Your Christmas Shopping Here. . x Your Dollars - ' V ty - W iUD oDOu-; ble Duty in Our » k 1 ; SILK COATS, DRESSES. SKIRTS, FURS,, WAISTS, SWEATERS, PET- . TICOATS. ALL MAKE USEFUL. " AND ACCEPTABLE GIFTS. - . "i Y o u S a v e O i i e - T h i r d to O n e H a l f t h e F o t i n e r P r ifee B y B u y i n g H e f e * ■f ■ 0 * 1"MJSJf i: Watches and Diamonds Pine Jewelry and Silverware j MAIN AND FOURTH STREETS, DAYTON, OHIO Y^»* ’-LH; ?■*&*:■ j.