The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52
iUfT,) *«** Dodge Brothers Motor Cars It is igtanlishing a very notable record for low cost of mainten ance, and freedon from repair Almost any o irier qan f i r * you Impressive faet* and figure* in this connection. In and of themeelves, they constitute a very etrong Incentive to ownership. The gasoline consumption is unusually low The tire mileage is unusually high The price of the Touring Oar or Hoadste* complete is |7Wft. o. b. Detroit) S i r ■ &. • % . Baambery&Cummings South Main* St., Aute Aosessories aad Supplies. *Oar owners fesl welcome to uss our free air'servioe set the culb. Thi Cedarviile Herald. I’ l k j S, A , *> ■ ■ ' j U ' /ftOMFf-m V o r a T r AI}£r * m 1 u ? .... .......... . 1 > ' i k i iB''' Jtf* s . HowYourWantsAreFiled €| Do you know that the merchants in this town can fill every want of yours? CJ Convince yourself. ' < | R ead the home papers. S You can get anything you need in is town and at a reasonable price. THE TARBOX LUMBER Lumber^ Fence, Paints, Oils." CO,. ON ANOTHER PAGE OP THIS paper you will find a very attractive offer from The Exchange Bank of Ce darviile. Do not fa il to read as it will he changed each week. Profit by their proposition and Grow With them. « • M A X W E L L AU TOM O B ILE Agency, Auto and Horse Livery and Peed Stable. Forest 3L Waddle, Resi dence phone 90. Bam 98. PATRONIZE THE CEDARVILLE Bakery. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies Special Orders given attention. Tele phone 44. J. E. POST, PROPRIETOR, SEE WOLFORD, FOR GENERAL Biacksmithirtg and Wagon Making. Auto and Buggy Painting. Telephone 25. M c F a r l a n d g r o c e r y co . f o r quality and service. Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables. Phone 217, Orders promptly Delivered. EAT HINTON ICE CREAM. Special attention given to parties and banquets. Neapolitan brick 25c. Ices and Ice- Cream delivered in any quantity. W. H..OWENS, BLACKSMITHING and-Repairing. Plow work and horse shoeing a specialty. See J. M. WILLOUGHBY FOB Good Things to Eat. Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables. Highest prices paid for country produce.* All ■The Cedarviile Four Mills wish to announce they are still making Gold en Flour and want you to give it a trial the next time you order flour. Buy a Florence Coal Oil Stov*y RAY McKEE. H AN n N A B E R Y & CUMMINS, Overland and Reo Automobiles and all auto, accessories. Use our free air at the curb. South Main Street. . BEST LINE OF FRESH HOME- made Candiesy-and Dolly Varden cho colates. Cigars and tobacco at JOHN KONDES’ BILLIARD PAR- LOR* HOME CLOTHING CO. .MEN'S and Boys' High Grade Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods and Shoes. Get the Habit. Trade at Home. A E. RICHARDS, ^HE DRUG- giSt. Five full sets "of d.‘sh « to b'iTglTen •way. Com* and ice them, > O.M. Townslsy". WALTER CULTICE, FOR FRESH and Salt Meats, Fruits and Vegeta bles. KERR & HASTINGS BROS. COAL Grains, Fence, Harness, Implements, Paints, Etc. OWENS & SON, AUTOMOBILE Service Station. Special attention g iven to Repair Work. United States ires and Accessories. Garage corner orders delivered promptly. Phone 85. Main and Chillicotlie streets. d JUNE and JULY Havs you got your Summer Suit? I f not we went to m ic e it for y<tu. We know we cen make the Suit right end also the price right to suit you. KANY, The Leading Merchant Taylor e- OHIt 4* iwiw^r »jia. #*.ck> F*?r Year. HARM* HULL IStHtfr Entered at the, Sedar- ville, October 81 , 1887 , as second class matter. ' 1 3>yatgaa»jMpKiip^^ ^ .F R ID A ? , JULY 21, 1H0 aanr BAND CONCERTS. The S. of V . Band gave the flrist of a series of coneerts last Saturday night. .These . concerts are supported by the business men and the public Is asked to keep them In mind. Tht streets are badly torn up now which kept people from congregating in the center of town but the concert was enjoyed just the same. The committee haying these concerts in oharge consists of O. L . nmifch, GL EE. Hartman and A. E. Riobards. According to the Recorder's report to the Secretary of State, the aver age price for land in this county this past year was $102.44. 125 farms were transferred during that time covering 4075 acres. 112. town lots were conveyed at a valuation of $115,- 472, There were 617 deeds transfer ring 12,744 acres recorded in which the consideration was $1, The aver age price for land was lower than last year when the average was $114.69. , There were 322 mortgages on lands covering $822,316. For town lots 303, with a valuation of $239,331. . The report of the Clerk of Court shows that 63 couples sought separa tion by divorce, the most common cause being absence arid_ neglect. Fifteen gave cruelty as a basis; six adultery; three drunkenness, and eleven various causes. Sixty cases were decided, 14 brought by husbands Were granted 'and six dismissed. 32 wives were given divorces, two were refused. A total of 64 civil judgments were rendered by the common pleas court and there were 207 final decrees. The jury costs were $1646, There were 17 prosecutions for ci'ime. One in dictment for fir. ^degree a jury found the defendant guilty in the second de gree and given life imprisonment, 13 coroner’s inquests were held. A year ago there were -264 cases pend ing and during the year 266 filed. 239 were disposed of .and 277 taken to higher courts. Mrs. Hfcrry Johnson, who has been quite sick for several weeks It* much better and now uble to sit up part of the time, Two heat prostrations have been reported in this section, The first was Geetl Jeflrya, employed by Uiff Bros., on Saturday and Wm. Shears o f the paper mill on Mon day. Shears was in a serious con dition for corns time. Drs. Marsh and Stewart were called into the case. " C. Edward Tippett, 01 ’.llicothe candidate lor’the Republican nomi nation for State Senator, was in town Monday. Editor James M. Light of the Sonth Charleston Sentinel, who holds down the Deputy Oil In spection job in this district was in town Saturday on business. Mr. Maine Weimar, o f Pembor- ville, Ohio, has been having a pleasant visit with his aunts and uncle, Mrs. Geo, Smith, Mrs. Anna Boyd and Mr. 0 . 0 . We liner. A son was born to Mr. A, D. Sarver, Tuesday. hnd Mrs. . Milk for Choice Lace. It is well, when washing a piece of choice yellow lace, to dip it In milk before ironing. Always place a piece of tissue paper directly over the lace, so the warm iron will not touch the fabric. feivfiiku .'iiinu-S twMHjrht*!,. Uh4 Ht Btoubonviho from burps unstained when Jo’tn Bnl, a fellow worknjan, playfully (Pet fire to his trouser*. Bill was arrenfoL . Ferns which Edward Christian, J7, was gathering at Wellston to deco rate the graves of loved ones when ho was struck by lightning, were used on his own grave. Warren Dire, carrying an umbrella, stood under a treo during an electrical storm. Lightning hit tho tree and passed through his umbrella. Dice's feet were blistered. John Dcchorty, a watchman em ployed on a new building at Youngs town, was so badly beaten in a fight that ho died. John Orval, a carpen ter, was arrested, Frank Smith, Clover Leaf railroad policeman, who shot and billed Clar ence Dilso,-’ aged car robber, in a gun battle at Toledo, is dead. Smith was himself shot in the breast, a Captain Abner Martin, 96, who as a pilot before the civil wav taught Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) to navigate the Mississippi river, died at his home In East -Liverpool. In an argument over some money at the Greek restaurant of Tom Coras in Columbus. Charles Garrison, col- ared, aged about forty, was shot and killed by George Pxepfius. waiter. Ed Siegl’er, of Monclova, and Ed Ulrich, of Bucyrus, was instantly killed when an automobile in which they were riding was struck by. a northbound Ohio Electric car at Wat- erville. Royal Garn, thirty-one, postmaster of Helena yillage, near Fremont, shot and killed his wife and then com mitted suicide. Domestic discord is said tq have been the cause of the tragedy. John J. Lentz, former Columbus congressman, and former Attorney General Frank S. Monnett became candidates against Senator Pomerene, both filing declarations with the sec retary of state. When Harry Kargetts of Canfield, an Erie track walker, tried to draw a revolver quickly from his pocket the weapon was discharged and the' bullet entered his abdomen. Ho is In a Youngstown hospital. Mabel Ruth Settle, thirteen, daugh ter of M, F. Settle, was shot and killed at Zanesville when I-Inland Mayle,. eight, colored, took his father’s 22- calibre rifle and joined pther children in play. The boy did not know that the gun was loaded. Governor Willis pardoned John Smith of Dayton, convicted of second degree murder, .and Sidney J. Post of Portage county, serving seven years for embezzlement. Smith was con victed entirely upon circumstantial evidence. Post has been in ill health. Satisfied With Little. The Australian bushmen wish only a shelter from the rain, and if they can find a cave' or overhanging rock that will shelter them they will build ne house, It there Is no such natural shelter they select a place where small trees or bushes grow together and weave the branches together, and cover them, with grass, Tbis forms a roof to keep off the rain, ................ J-?-. , 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS., ' We are authorized to announce the name of Dr. R. L. Haines of Painter- vfile as a: candidate for Coroner, sub ject to the Republican primary, Au gust 8. ■ I v We are authorized to announce the name of S. T. Baker as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Couuty Commissioner subject to the August primary election. We are authorized to announce the name of George A . Birch as a candi date for County Commissioner before the Republican primary in August. We are authorized to announce the name of Harry Smith as a candidate before the Republican primary in August as a candidate for the nomina tion of county} Prosecutor, We are authorized to announce the name of J. E. Sutton, now deputy treasurer, as a candidate for County Treasurer, before the Republican pri mary in August. We are authorized to announce that Harvey Elam will be a Republican candidate before the primary August 8, for Clerk of Court. Your support is solicited. We are authorized to announce the name of Dr. P. C. Marquart as a can didate for the office of County Treas- «PS We Sell at Right Prices Lumber, Lath, Posts, Shingles, Sash, Doors , | B linds. Cement, L im e Plaster, R oo fin g Ladders, Slate, B r ick , etc,, etc. We_ We Would Be Pleased To Have You Drop Ini Tfesse Frequent Reminders That We Are Soiling Good Lumber And Building Material Would Be Worse then Useless WERE IT NOT A FACT! Our Sole Object Is To Keep the Fact Before You, Expecting That Whew In Need Of Anything In Our Line, Y ou Will Give Us A Gall. TheTarboxLumberCo. 1 gt & p before tho Republican tffoiajv, !Ab0«ist& Wo are authorized td announce tho .name of Groyne I’omli, a:; a date fori County Commissioner before |the Republican primary in August, Wo are authorized to announce, tho name of Prof. R. O, Wade, superin- tendent o f the Yellow Springs schools as a candidate for Clerk of Court be fore the primary, August 8. We are authorized to announce the name of George a candidate for Clerk of Court at the Republican primary, August 8. I hereby announce my candidacy for County Recorder, subject to the Republican Primary election to bo held August Lth, 1916. B, p. Thomas. Wo are authorized to announce the name of Charles A. Davis as a can-' didate for County Auditor at the Re publican Primary election, August 8th. . J, A. Finney announces his candi dacy for the Republican nomination for Prosecuting Attorney, subject to the Primary election August 8th. We are authorized to announce the name of Charles M, Austin as a candidate for County Commissioner before the Republican primary, An-' gust 8. We are authomrd to announce the name of W. B. McCallister as a candidate for County Treasurer sub ject to the Republican primary, Au gust 8. We are. authorized toannounce the name of A. E. Faulkner as a candidate for County Auditor sub ject to the Republican primary, Au gust 8. We are authorized to announce the name of R, D. Williamson as a candidate for County Gommisioner before the Republican primary, Au gust 8. We are authorized to announce the name of John W. Fudge as a candidate for County Commiisionfer before the Republican primary. August 8. We are authorized to announce the name of Frank A. Jackson as a can didate for rcriomination for sheriff before the Republican primary, Aug ust 8. . . We are authorized to announce the name of Warren J. Morris of Xenia as a candidate for County Coroner subject to the primary, August, 8. NORTH J1- “ Fullweight„ . arid every trance g O o d p S H l r . Hanna's Green Seal P a in tg iva* you good, honest full weight, without any cheap adulterant* being added to merely make it seem “ heavy. The real test o f any paint's value is in its ability to cover large surface* well, and right there is where Green Seal excels. It is made conscientiously to give] you good wear. Hanna's Green Seal W f ( ■ Soldby Kerr & Hastings Bros. Galloway & Cherry H E . MainlSt., Xenia, 0 . ! Headquarters for Reliable Carpels, Rugs, Linoleums, Draperies, Etc. Xenia’s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House .... : ■ •' *• • *- J) . . . ■ C. M. Spencer T h e G rocer -■ ' J ■; ■: * : - •- FRESH FISH Phone 3-110 Cedarviile , Ohio SCHMIDT’S . . ' !„. W h en you want the best G roceries the land affords go to Schm idt's. We have lon g maintained a reputation for ca rry ing in stesk all varieties o f food stuffs for the table. Get the profitable hsibit ©f buy ing at the B IG G R O C E R Y . $25 Pouads @f Pure Cane Granulated Sugar a t ..... $2.02 GABPE FRUIT j* sack....................................... q Q Flour—Schmidt's Ocean Light Q 1 M lb s ........................ o 4 C Fancy Blfted P it* a por oan....................................................... y O 9sr«m<ss in »u m per oan ........................................................ 8 pounds o f String ^ / v Beans...................................................... J HO Regular 10c package of t* Corn Flake....................... ............ ............ Canned Oorn ■ ' pm per can ....................... ........ ......................../ ( J •agar eared Breakfast V A Bacon ................................ ....... ;...........I y Q Regular lOe package of p* Corti F la k e ..................... ........................... q Q Tomatoes |Y per c u n ..................... V C * 1 Canned Corn m por ca n ...... ................................................ f Q Cantaloupe New String Beans Posts, Radishes Onions Get a Watermelon Off the lep For Your Sunday Dinner H. E. Schmidt & Co.. Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . . Xenia, Ohio. KttlpW
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