The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52
I m m 9A*emu:.* Dodge B rother® M otor Cars It is establishing a vtry notable record lor low cost of mainten ance, and freedon from repair Almost any o^raer can give yon’ IIuipragBlra Casts and figure* in this connection, In and o f themselves, they constitute a very strong incentive to ownership, The gasoline consumption !* unusually low The tire mileage is unusually high ■ The price o f the Touring Oar or Jtoadstsr complete is |7I6 (f, o. b, Detroit) X*&:f r I Hannabery &Cummings l South MainlSt., Auto Aocossofies afld Supplies. Oar owners feel welcome to use our free au* servioe at the curb. The Cedarville Herald. / | P e r Ye a r, KARLH BUUL - - Editor Entered at tha Post-Office, Cedar- ville, October 31, 1887, as second class matter. feidat , J uly as.-me When a Dollar Leaves You It Says GOODBY .... -w UNLESS you spend it at home stores. Keep it here and let it grow. Your home merchant, like this home paper, is work ing to.benefit your interests. THE TARBOX LUMBER Lumber. Fence, Paints, Oils. CO., ON a n o t h e r p a g e o f t h is paper you Will find a very attractive offer from The Exchange Bank o f *Ce- ; darville. Do not fail to read as it - will be changed each week. Profit by their proposition and Grow With them. m a x - w e l l A u t o m o b i l e Agency, Auto and Horse Livery and Feed Stable. Forest K. Waddle, Resi dence phone 90. ‘Barn 98. PATRONIZE THE CEDARVILLE Bakery. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies Special Orders given attention. Tele phone 44. J. E. POST, PROPRIETOR. . — w.nw-yw w iii —.11 i.ii i,— ■» SEE WOLFORD, FOR GENERAL Blacksmithing and Wagon Making. Auto and Buggy Painting. Telephone 26. M c F a r l a n d g r o c e r y co . fo r quality find service. Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables, Phone 217. Orders promptly Delivered. EAT HINTON ICE CREAM, Special attention given ,to parties and banqhets. Neapolitan' brick 25c. Ices and Ice Cream delivered in any quantity. W. H. OWENS, BLACKSMITHING and Repairing, Plow work and horse shoeing a specialty. ' See J. M. WILLOUGHBY FOR Good Things to Eat. Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables. Highest prices paid fo r country produce. All The Cedarville Four Mills'wish to announce they pre still making Gold en Flour and want <you to give it a trial the next time you order Hour, Buy a Florence Coal Oil Stove. RAY McKEEi h a n n a b e r y & C um m in s , Overland and Reo Automobiles and all auto accessories. Use our free air at the' curb. South Main Street. .BEST LINE OF FRESH HOME- made Candies, and Dolly Varden cho colates. Oigars and tobacco at JOHN KONDES’ BILLIARD PAR LOR. HOME CLOTHING CO. .MEN’S and Boys* High Grade Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods and Shoes. Get the Habit. Trade at Home. A E. RICHARDS, THE DRUG, gist. Five full sets of dishes to lie given away, Come and see them. , ■ » ■ O.M Tj'.v nsley WALTER CULTICE, FOR FRESH and Salt Meats, Fruits and Vegeta bles. KERR & HASTINGS BROS. COAL Grains, Fence, Harness, Implements, Paints, Etc. ■ OWENS & SON, AUTOMOBILE Service Station. Special attention given to Repair Work, United States Tires and Accessories. Garage corner orders; delivered promptly. Phone 85. Main and Chillicothe streets. J U N E a n d J U L Y Hav®you got your Summer Suit? If not we want to mkeitforyouf. We know wi can make the Suit right and alto the price right to suit you. KANY , TheLeadingMerchant Taylor XENIA, OHiS GEORGEW.SHETS PopularFormer Proprietor of the Sheets Barber Shop Candidate for County Clerk—Worthy of the Support of the Voters of GreeneCounty, It affords us pleasure to present a likeness and short sketch of Mr. George W . Sheets, who is asking the support of the voters for the nomina tion and election to the office of County Clerk. - Mr. Sheets has been a resident of Xenia for the past fifteen years and bears a reputation for honesty, faith fulness of purpose and business abil ity with all who know him. Mr. Sheets is a man of family, having married one of Xenia’s popular maidens and is the father of three charming children. About seven years ago, September 5, 1909, Mr. Sheets met with an acci dent, while in the discharge of his duties as brakeman, which handi capped him for life. He was working year* than George W, Sheeti. He t* a man who has proven himself a suc cess in. private life and has shown those qualities that go to make up an ableoffieial, one who will render the public that class o f efficient service that is so much desired in the pres ent day. In closing this short reference to our worthy townsman we can say, George W , Sheets is a man both worthy and deserving of the support of the voters of. Greene county as their choice for the next County Clerk He is a young man,, being but thirty- one years old, possessed of abundant energy and all of the necessary quali fications to make a desirable public servant. And it is the determination of his many friends to make George W . Sheets the next County Clerk, knowing he is deserving, —:(Expression from the Xenia Gazette. JOHN EBERLY, BARITONE,’ WITH CONCERT FAVORITES K73S7T3---- ? . ' - a - on a regular run. between Xenia and Richmond, Indiana, and while en gaged in the making tip o f his train in the latter place a defective car caused the accident which* resulted in the amputation o f botK of his legs. This’ was a handicap which would have dis couraged^ less determined man but i^ot so with George W. Sheets, Short ly after his recovery from the opera tion Mr, Sheets embarked in the bar her business. Mr. Sheets continued in the business and built up a trade and establishment that is second to none in any city the size of Xenia. By reason of his misfortune he was com pelled to retire from the barber busi ness on the first of the present month. Mr. Sheets’ physical handicap proved to be such that his physician found it necessary to advise him to stop work ing at the barber trade. Mr. Sheets’ many friends prevailed upon him to enter the lists for the nomination for County Clerk and find ing it necessary to obtain some other manner of making a livelihood for himself and family he decided to ac cede to the wishes of his many friends. There is probably no other man in the county who has made more or stauncher friends in the past seven Chautauqua audiences are fortunate , in that they will lmve the pleasure of hearing John Eberly, one of America’s distinguished baritones, -who appears with the Concert Favorites. Mr. Eber ly Is an artist of splendid abilities and fine personality. utc-r before the Republican primary, .August 8. V ft' are authorized to announce II;'* name cf George I’crrill, as a candi date for County Commissioner before tho Republican primary in August. We are authorised to announce the name of Prof. R. 0 . Wade, superin tendent of the Yellow Springs schools as a candidate for Clerk of Court be fore the primary, August 8, c l - We are authorized to announce the name of George Sheets as a candidate for Clerk o f Court at the Republican primary, August 8, I hereby announce my candidacy for County Recorder, subject to the Republican Primary election to be held August 8th, 1916. B. F, Thomas, We are authorized to announce the name of Charles A. Davis as a can didate for County Auditor at the Re publican Primary election, August 8th. J. A. Finney announces Jiis candi dacy for the Republican nomination for Prosecuting Attorney, subject to the Primary election August 8th. We are authorized to announce the name of Charles M. Austin as a candidate for County Commissioner before the Republican primary, Au gust 8. We are authorized to announce the name of W. B. McCallister as a candidate for County Treasurer sub ject to the Republican primary, Au gust 8. We are authorized’ to announce the name of A, E. Faulkner as a candidate for County Auditor - sub ject to the Republican primary, Au gust 8. We are authorized to announce the name o f R. D. Williamson as a candidate for County Commisioner before the Republican primary, Au gust 8. ■ We are authorized to announce the name of John W. Fudge as a candidate for County Commissioner before the Republican primary. August 8. We are authorized to announce the name of Frank A. Jackson as a can didate for ‘ renomination for sheriff before the Republican primary, Aug ust 8; We are authorized to announce ,the name of Warren J. Morris of Xenia as a candidate for County Coroner subject to the primary, August 8.. The Chautauqua Is a forty-two centi meter gun in the battle for community development. Tho live communities of America have put their stamp of ap proval upon it. The Chautauqua is" the. most dis tinctively American thing in this coun try.—Theodore Roosevelt. If your brain has that tired feeling try1a week off and spend it nt the' Chautauqua. It will be good for what ails you. -------------- - ' -ANNOUNCEMENTS. ' We are authorized to announce the name of Dr. It. L, Haines o f Painter- ville as a candidate for Coroner, sub ject to the Republican primary, Au gust 8. We are authorized to announce the name of S. T. Baker as a candidate for the Republican nomination for County Commissioner subject to the August primary election. We are authorized to announce the name of George A. Birch as a candi date for County Commissioner before the Republican primary in August. We are authorized to announce the name of Harry Smith as a candidate before the Republican primary in August as a candidate for the nomina tion of county Prosecutor. We are authorized to announce the name of J. E. Sutton, now deputy treasurer, as a- candidate for County Treasurer, before the Republican pri mary in August. We are authorized to announce that Harvey Elam will be a Republican candidate before the primary August 8, for Clerk of Court. Your support is solicited. We are authorized to announce the name of Dr. P. C. Marquart as a can didate for the office of County Treas- We Sell at Right Prices Lumber, Lath, „ Posts, Shingles, Sash, Doors, | Blinds. Cement, Lime Plaster, Roofing Ladders, Slate, Brick, etc,, etc. We We Would Be Pleased To Have You Drop In! These Frequent Reminders That We Are Selling Good Lumber And Building Material Would Be Worse than Useless WEREITNOT k FACT! Our Sole Object Is To Keep the Fact Before You, Expecting That When In> Need Of Anything In Our Line, You Will Give Us A Call. TheTarboxLumberCo. “ Full weight „ . - and every ounce gtHHI p&lBX* ~ Hanna's Green Seal_Paint gives you good, honestfullweight, without j any cheap adulterants being added to merely make it seem ."heavy/* The real test of any paint's value is I in its ability to cover large surfaces ; well, and right there is where Green j Seal excels. It is made conscientiously to give] you good wear. Hanna's Green Seat $ :u\ AS n v e e hout | ided: aem r*v* aces I Tin reen in Sotdbjr Kerr & Hastings Bros. g e f , zt* n*! Galloway & Cherry II E. Main St., Xenia, 0 . Headquarters for Reliable Carpels, Rugs, Linoleums, Draperies, Etc. Xenia’s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House I ^*os. ✓ C. Ms Spei>cer The Grocer FRESH FISH r y R ns, ouse C>r Phono 3*110 Cedarville, Ohio H SCHMIDT’S When you want the best Groceries the land affords go to Schmidt’s. We have long maintained a reputation for carrying in stock all varieties of food stuffs far the table. Get the profitable habit of buying at the BIG GROCERY. $25 Pounds of Pure Cane Granulated Sugar at... $ 2.02 GEAEPE FRUIT •ach. ...................... ...... Flouf=—Schmidt's Ocean Light 25 lbB ..............’......................... Fancy Sifted .Peas per can..................................... Sardines in oil per can..................................... 3 pounds of String Beans........................................ Regular 10c package of Corn Flake.............................. Canned Corn per can .................................... Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon ................ ............... Regular 10c package of Corn Pl*tkc ......................... . Tomatoes per can ................................... Canned Corn per ca n .... ................................ 5c 84c 9c ..5c 10c :.5c ..7c 19c .5c ..9c ..7c Cantaloupe New String Beans Peas, Radishes Onions Get a Watermelon Off the Ice For Your Sunday Dinner i 1 \ )h io \ 02 H. E. Schmidt <S Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit* Street, Xenia, Ohio. 1 •f Jud d o . A w n n i j f
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