The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52

R. O. Wead Sup*, o f Schools Yellow Springs and Miami Township Candidate For Clerk of Courts , I am making this race lone-handcd. If elected I will owe my office to the people of the county, not to any organisation or boss. My qualification* for the office are admitted by all to be of the best. I invite investigation into my record from youth up, as a plain, honest, industrious citizen. . On the above grounds I ask for your support and if elected will be your public servant. Very respectfully}yours/ * R,. O. WEAD. The Mgrville Herald. $ 1.0 0 P e r Y e a r , KARLH BULL - - Editor j Entered at the Post-Office, Cedar- j vdle, October 31, 1887, as second •class matter. FR IDAY , AUGUST 4, 1H6 ! e $ v & LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Dodge Brothers Motor Cars It is establishing a very notable record for low cost of mainten­ ance, and freedon from repair Almost any onraer can give you'Jimpressive facts and figures in this connection, In and of themselves, they constitute a very strong incentive to ownership* The gasoline consumption is unusually low , The tire mileage is unusually high The price o f thq Touring Car or Boadster complete is $786 (*. o. b. Detroit) s * m 1 u ?«.:» Hanuabery &Cummings * S t u a i n " $ i . r Auto Aodessories a*d Supplies. Car -owner* feel welcome to use our free air service at the cutb. i A son was born to Mr, and Robert Kennon, Saturday, The Jamestown and Xenia pike from Walker Williamson's to Xenia has been resurfaced and. was opened to traffic this week. Editor J. N. Wolford and family of Yellow Springs spent Sabbath with the former’s parents. The Kadantra CJub with a few invit­ ed guests held their annual picnic last Friday at the Alex. Turnbull farm. Mr; G. H. Hartman has purchased a Ford touring car. Mr. L, H. Sulktnberger is riding in a new Maxwell purchased of Forest Waddle. Mr. William 'Cotteral and family have moved to London where they will be required to reside for prob­ ably two year's, due to the laying of the new steel on the Pennsylvania, of which Mr. Cotteral has charge) Mr. John Glessner has taken the1Cotteral residence, -Miss Katherine McGiven has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Shultz in Dayton, ' Mr. Ralph' Murdock, local Ford agent, visited tire Ford factory in De­ troit last week, no doubt with the idea, of finding out just why the immense plant cannot, keep him supplied with cars. Dr. W. R. McChesney and family left Tuesday for Chautauqua, N. Y,, where they will spend their vacation, - Mr. Ralph McMillan’ of Cidumbus, who is a member of the cavalry troop organized in that city and now at Gamp Willis, spent Sabbath with friends here. ' The C. E. Society of the R. P. church held a social and business meeting in the church parlors, Friday, night. Miss Esther Dace o f Springfield has been the guest o f .Mr. Tiiomas Fields and wife. Misses Wilmah Spencer and Katfi- ieen Blair entertained the Young La­ dies’ Club Thursday afternoon at thfe home of the latter. Prof. F. A. Jurkat and family left Wednesday morning for a visit with relatives in Pittsburg and other Penn­ sylvania points. Mrs. Hannah Miller, aged! 70, who has made her home with Mr. AgneW Bryson, pear Xenia, for a number o f Or “Glad to meet you! Shake!” THIS PAPER WANTS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO ENJOY HAPPINESS AND a 8 s ' a - PROSPERITY HERE s a s s W rite us y o u r ideas about im­ p rov ing local conditions THE TARBOX LUMBER CO., Lumber, Fence, Paints, Oils. ON ANOTHER PAGE OF THIS paper you will find a very attractive offer from The Exchange Bank o f Ce- darville. Do not fail to read as it will be changed each week. Profit by their proposition and Grow With them. M A X W E L L AU TOM O B ILE Agency, Auto and Horse Livery and Feed Stable. Forest K. Waddle, Resi­ dence phone fid. Bam 98. PATRONIZE THE CEDARV1LLE Bakery. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies Special Orders given attention. Tele­ phone 44. J, E. POST* PROPRIETOR. The Cedarville Four Mills wish to announce they are still making Gold­ en Flour and want you to give it a trial the next time you order flour. Buy a Florence Coat Oil Stove. RAY McKEE, H A N N A B E R Y & CUMMINS, Overland and Reo Automobiles and all auto accessories. Use our free air at the curb. South Main Street. SEE WOLFORD, FOR GENERAL fiacksmitliing and Wagon Making. Vuto and Boggy Painting. Telephone M c F a r l a n d g r o c e r y co . f o r quality and service.. Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables. Phone 217. Orders promptly Delivered. EAT HINTON ICE CREAM. Special attention given to parties and banquets. Neapolitan brick 25c. Ices and Ice Cream delivered in any quantity. W. H. OWENS. BLACKSMITHING I Repairing. Plow work and horee- >eing a specialty. Good Thing Fruit* and WILLOUGHBY FOR a to Eat, Groceries, Vegetables, _ Highest „ OWENS & SON* AUTOMOBILE Settles Station. Special attention — . given to Repair Work. United States price* paid for country produce. All Tires and Accessories. Garage corner order* delivered promptly. Phone 85,Main and Chillicothe streets. BEST Lli?E OF FRESH HOME- made Candles, and Dolly Vardcn cho­ colates, Cigars, and tobacco at JOHN KONDES’ BILLIARD PAR­ LOR, HOME CLOTHING CO. .MEN’S and Boys’ High Grade Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods and Shoes, Get the Habit. Trade at Home. „• A E, RICHARDS, THE DRUG- gist, Five lull sets of dishes to be given sway. Come"and see them. 0.M T i n s l e y WALTER CULTICE, FOR FRESH and Salt Meats, Fruits and Vegeta­ bles, „ KERR A HASTINGS BROS. COAL Grains, Fence, Harness, Implements, Paints, Etc, CHURCHSERVICE* n. P. CHURCH (MAIN •TBE1T) I . L . Chswiut, Pastor. Teachers' meeting Saturday evening at 7 o ’clock, Sabbath School Sabbath morning at 9:30 o'clock.. Preaching by the paator at JO:*Q. 0 . B. at 0:00 p. m, * * Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 p, wi . UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. J. S. E . McMich°el, pastor. Sabbath School at 0:80. Preabhing by the pastor at 10:80. Y . I*. 0. U. at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 p. m. Evening service at 7. M. E. CHURCH. J. W . Patton, Pastor, Sunday School at 9:80 a. m, L. H. Sullonberger Snpt, Preaching by the paster at 10:80. Epworth League at 6:80. Prayer meeting Wednesday eve­ ning at 7:80, You are cordially invited to at­ tend these services. years, died Sabbath. The deceased was a daughter of John ana Hester Bryson Miller and was known to a fFliA'^nnoyffl large circle of friends. The funeral was held Tuesday, burial taking place at Massies Creek. Miss - Helen Oglesbee spent the week-end with Miss Mary Marshall in Columbus. Rev. J. Alvin Orr and family of Pittsburg are spending, their vacation with the former’s father, IjUr. James Orr and family. \ Miss Florence Somers o f Republic, 0., who has been attending college and who went home on a visit, has re­ turned here for the summer. aw>* " The two -weeks o f torrid weather we have managed to endure was broken Monday afternoon when a “cooler” from Canada swept down upon us and was greatly appreciated. While we did not get but a slight sprinkle in the vicinity of Springfield and Urbana they had a heavy rain with wind and lightning. Considerable damage was done to the coral crop in that section, field after field being leveled as if a road roller had gone over it. This community having to depend ort ice manufactured in other cities has suf­ fered the same experience that some cities have where ice is manufactured. The oppressive heat created such a demand for ice . the manufacturers were not able to supply it. Mr. Wm. Clemans, who resides on the White farm, owns a Ford and whiljj driving from Xenia Saturday evening, ran off the road near the Hardy farm while meeting a machine with blinding lights. The machine turned over but neither Clemans, his wife or son were injured. It was a harrow escape to them all and but slight damage to the car. Dr. Charles Baskin and wife of Chariton, Ind., visited a few days with Mr. Clayton McMillan and fam­ ily. Dr. Baskin states that he is al­ ways pleased to get back among Ce­ darville people, He is enjoying a good practice and is head physician for a coal company there that em­ ployes 1100 meh. Dr. Baskin and wife are on their way to Lorondsville,' S. C., to visit his parents. 1 For Sale:—Two new Pennsylvania ou tires. Ford, size. Cheap. C» M. Rldgway. / ANNOUNCEMENTS. We are authorized to announce the name of Dr. R. L. Haines of Painter- ville as a candidate for Coroner, sub­ ject to the Republican primary, Au­ gust 8. We are authorized to announce the name of S. T. Baker as a candidate for the Republican nomination for. County Commissioner subject to the August primary election. We are authorized to announce the name' of George A, Birch as a candi­ date for County Commissioher before the Republican primary in August. We are authorized to announce the name of Harry Smith as a candidate before the Republican primary in August as a candidate for the nomina­ tion o f county Prosecutor. We are authorized to announce the name o f J. E. Sutton, ndw deputy treasurer, as a candidate for .County Treasurer/befat#' the Republican pri­ mary in August; We are'authorized to announce that Harvey Elam will be a Republican candidate before the primary August 8, for Clerk of Court. Your support is solicited,. We are authorized to announce the name of Dr. P, C. Marquart as a can­ didate for the office of County Treas- COLUMBUS Su n d a y , A u g u a t 9 $ 1.10 ROUND 1 TRIP From CEDARVILLE SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES 8:46 A. M. We Sell at Right Prices Lumber* Lath* Posts, Shingles, Sash, Doors, | Blind*. Cement, Lime Plaster, hoofing Ladders, Slate, Brick, etc., etc. * We We Would Be Pleased To Have You Drop In! These Frequent Reminders That We Are Selling Good Lumber And Building Material Would Be Worse than Useless WERE IT NOT A FACT! Our Sole Object Is To Keep the Fact Before You, Expecting That When In Need Of Anything In Our Line, You Will Give Us A Call. The TarboxLumberCo. urer before the Republican primary, August 8. We are authorized to announce the name o f George Pen-ill, as a candi­ date for Covin',y Commissioner before the Republican primary in August. -We are authorized to announce the name of Prof. R. 0 . Wade, superin­ tendent of the Yellow Springe schools as 'a candidate for Clerk of Court be­ fore the primary, August 8, . ,We are authorized to announce the name o f George Sheets as d candidate for Clerk of Court at the Republican primary, August 8. I hereby announce my candidacy for County Recorder, subject to the Republican Primary election to bo held August 8th, 1916. B. F. Thomas, We are authorized to announce the name o f Charles A. Davis as a can­ didate for County Auditor at the Re­ publican Primary election, August 8th. .J, A. Finney announces his candi­ dacy for the Republican nomination for Prosecuting Attorney, subject to the Primary election August 8th. We are authorized to' announce the' name o f Charles M, Austin as a candidate for County Commissioner before the Republican primary, Au­ gust 8. We are authorized to announce the name of W, B. McGallister as a candidate for County Treasurer sub­ ject to the Republican primary, Au­ gust 8. We. are authorized to announce the name of A. E. Faulkner as a candidate for County Auditor sub­ ject to the Republican primary, Au­ gust 8. We are authorized to announce the name of R. D. Williamson as a candidate for County Commisioner before the Republican primary, Au­ gust 8. We are authorized to announce the 'name of John W. Fudge as a candidate for County Commissioner before the Republican primary. August 8. We are authorized to announce the name of Frank A, Jackson as a can­ didate for renomination for sheriff before the Republican primary, Aug­ ust 8. / ■ , We are authorized to announce the ■name of Warren J. Morris of Xenia as a candidate for County Coroner subject to the primary, August 8. ft “ Full weight„ , and every ounce £U®« Hanna's Green Seal Paint given you good* honest full weight* without j any cheap adulterants being added j to merely m ike it sewn “heavy/' The real test of any paint's value is I in its ability to cover large surfaces! well, and right there is where Green j Seal excels., It is made conscientiously to give you good wear. . • Hanna’s Green Seal S r , . r * ' Kerr & Hastings Bros. Galloway & Cherry Ij E. MaiifSt., Xenia,- 0 . Headquarters for Reliable Carpels, Rugs, Linoleums, Draperies, Etc. Xenia’s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery House C. M. Spencer The (Srocer i ' a t . ' ' ■ . ' FRESH FISH Phone 3-110 Ced&rvflle, Ohio SGHMIDT’S m « ■ • When you want the best Groceries the land affards go to Schmidt’s. We have long maintained a reputation for carrying in stock . all varieties of foodstuffs for the table. Get the , profitable habit of buying at the BIG GROCERY*. $25 Pounds of Pure Cane Granulated Sugar at...... $ 2 .0 2 GARPE FRUIT •ach.................................... F lou f—Sohmidt’ * Ocean Light 25 l b s ......... .............................. Fancy Sifted Pea* per can................................... Sardines In oil por can .......... ......................... 8 pound, of Siring Beans..... ............................. .... Regular 10c package of . Cora Flake.............................. Canned Corn ' ‘ s ■ por can .................................... Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon ...................................... Regular 10c package of Corn F lak e .............................. Tomatoes per c a n .................................... Canned Corn per ca n ..................................... 5c 84c :9c ..Sc 10c .5c .7c 19c •-■Sc .9c ...7c Cantaloupe New String Be^ns Peas, Radishes Onions Get a Watermelon Off the Ice For Your Sunday Dinner H. £ . Schmidt & Co. • .. a Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohio, i<t»tfriftii . I " % * -■ r