The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52
C<d«ym»’« tk iri mmul i t t e S 5°ur *rr«n*«»cnts to W W W M / V V W l ^ ^ ffhe *GedarvUk fterald. W M w w w w v v w m v k The one big event for fedtrville end tills community will be the On* tennisl to be Held August „nd * . W M V W W W W M M W M THIRTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 35. PRICE, $1.00 A YEAR NEW REPUBLICAN COM MITTEES. ABE ORGANIZED. The newly elected central commit- k ?S ^r8ant*ed Tuesday in the asseln- b.j room of the court house. There was a noticeable lack in the Marshall- Gqwdy representation, this probably being due to the fact that the pres- t w 4 r0 f ,.ti lc¥ members was useless, itt lbe minority. nrwmfnt^ Pae Xenia's prominent young business men and ,A member _o f the city council, was chosen chairman and T. C. Long, the real estate dealer, clerk. . T“ .e executive was se lected: Judge Marcus Shoup, George Yellow Springs; Harry Frahm, Osborn; W. W. Barnett, Jamestown; Dr. George Davis, New Jasper; George R. Kelly, Kenneth Williamson, H. P. Howard, J. P. Shu- maker, Boy Haywood, Xenia. The following resolution endorsing all the nominees o f the Republican party was read and approved by the Central committee Resolved that the Republican cen- tral comniittee Of Greene county, Ohio, hereby approve and endorse Honorable Charles E. Hughes for President and Honorable Charles W. Fairbanks for Vice President and recognize them leaders worthy o f em ulation atfd. certain to lead us to a Republican victory. ?. That we approvet and endorse Hon orable Myron T. Herrick for United States Senator as a man' o f large ex perience and in touch with the great business interests of the country and one who will safeguard its business. We endorse and approve Honorable Simeon D .1Fess for Congress and recognize in him a leader who has al ready made his power and recognized ability felt in the halls of Congress as a fearless and wise statesman. We endorse Honorable Frank B. Willis for Governor and approve his Wise administration. We endorse and approve Honorable U. G. Murriel for state senator as a" man o f integrity and ability. Wfe endorse W. B, Byron for the legislature and approve his work and recognize him as one worthy ‘to rep resent, this county with credit to him self and honor to his constituents. ' ' Resolved that we tipledge ourselves to give our,-unqualified and hearty support to each and every one o f the foregoing' candidates and will use ' every honorable means to secure their election and the success of the Re- _publican party in Greene county at the coming election. CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1910 ______ ... . 'm W!"1 v e m —rnrrTr-r^—n—n— r* 1 r^“ Sainaloff and Assisting Artists—A ll Star Organization Appearing at Chautauqua ' v . fcs/h-. jin r .. * . ........-*"» ............... ... , , . \ Ur f V ■* / *- £ •ye***, *< r X V / ' Z-x JESSICA SYMONDS. LEbMID* 'SAMOLOFIS •f VIVIAN HOLT, LILLIAN ROSEDALE. Cedarville, 0hio, Fri THE MUSIC V 5 V . ay, August 25, 8:00O'clock. EVENT OFTHE SEASON One of more than a dozen g rea t attractions appearing A t Cedarville Crajutauqua, August 21, 22, 23 , 24, 25. Get Your Season T icket To-Day. IN POLITICAL CIRCLES. C ! The' Yellow Springs News, until recently a supporter o f the Marshall- Goudy. faction, Writes the following obituary, |his '.one-time friends fol lowing the result o f the primary*last week * ■ * - "This election witnesses the demise o f the -Matshall-Gowdy ‘faction^ in, four years and whs originally elect-, ed in the name o f reform in county offices;- For a,time they succeeded well 4md had the loyal support o f all well meaning people of the coun ty, as long as they played fair, but like , all such organizations, dissatis faction crept in on account o f the lack of wisdom of the leaders who essayed to dictate who would or. would not run.for or hold office in stead o f bringing the candidates to gether in an understanding. The committeemen became dissatisfied because o f the recommendation that were made through them. In this respect this organization descended to the same level as the previous one. They have been known to call to gether-a few o f the ^ favored ones make a recommendation for some important office and then explain to the other committeement that the meeting had to be called hastily. Other times the leaders have sent out cards to the committeemen noti fying them of a meeting to be held and the cards would not reach their destination until after the meeting was held, when instead o f by cards the committeemen could have ( been reached by telephone. This trick is an old one and does not "belong to a square deal faction, “ The defunct organization started out with highest motives and should be alive today had wisdom been used in its management but it drifted into a personal" organization of a few who used it to further the interest of,their friends. The case o f Prof. R. O. Wead is an example of ingratitude and unwise policy on the part of the organization. Prof. Wead was one o f the first ones mentioned for the office of county clerk he had always sup ported the reform organization and naturally hoped to have, its support, he was not only denied support of it but it turned against him m a most hitter way. He did not meet the ap proval. of the leaders for the simple reason that they-had selected some one else. So Prof. "Wead had fo r his .bitterest antagonist the very organi zation he had helped to make.’' CLIFTON P. P. CHURCH CHIMES, GOES WITH CORN BOYS. Prof.G . F. Sfegter has received his commission from Director Glqrit,,w$iO o f a diviaiofi, hiB daties requiring, the care and safety o f the boys. The. ap pointment was taken at the solicita tion o f Mr. R. D„ Williamson, who is a member o f the State Agricultural Board, having the 'direction o f the contest. The trip is an annual event and is looked forward to each year by those who enter the com con- teats. . —We seek thq lost one; —personal religion.Js purse—and —all religion. ---Even the bjr-produ^s, o f ■Chris tianity are o f tremendous value. —Bessie Miller is" leader ,for the C, U. Sabbath evening. —God has nothing too good to give to us; have we anything too, good to give to God?. —Just suppose, that" Christ's peo ple would raise money on as lavish a scale .as the’ “ war lords!" not? —“It spoils even a postage .stamp to get stuck on itself.” . ' —Florence . JHghtingale once Said, -to be sure.-LRAkingdom o f heaven is Within you,' but we must also see that It gets Out o f us. —A pious young editor during th« hot weather.remarks, “We don't like to have AUha-pigh-us, aha is so So-fiery” - -u ytfu-adopt this motto? montgq M ermfair , CONTRACTORS RUN SHORT l . OF PAVING BRICK. Iliff Bros, would have finished the the brick paving this week had they not lacked about a car of brick. No time will be lost -as other work can be done towards putting on the fin ishing touches until the shipment reaches here. , Wanted, men and girls to work in our Twine and Rope Mills. Work easy to learn; steady employment and Apply to The Hooven & good wages. Allison Company, Xenia, Ohio. Steele Building, 3t FOR SALE—Honey, at J- H. Wol ford's, * There are many ttujj combine this year Montgomery county- ever held by the orfi the mosfcinterestinf point o l exhibits, race features, in the stated Prominent among' 1 the Southwestern Obi Why j Fair oircu it, organ! after the fair season!^ association is . oor county fairs, alt radius o f Dayton', held m order, .begins AilguBt 1 and closl September 29. I t le i th* abort hauls and adorned by ib is abf fotoes, w ill aMri We will do it or we'H die.” —The Brazil, -Indiana, M. E. Church which claims, the largest Sabbath school in the world, .3,300; assigns every member of the congre gation to a class and requires them to go to work. In one effort, they dis tributed 6,000 Bibles and Testaments, — The W, M. Society held a pleas ant meeting With Mrs. W, O. Thomp son last Wednesday. ’ —The Young People' of the con gregation are all requested to attend the Song rehearsal at 7:30 at the church. , ■ —Several visitors worshipped^ with us last Sabbatli. Come again friends. Visitors are always welcome. —The largest attendance at church and Sabbath school during 1916 en couraged pastor, and superintendent last Sabbath, |e that w ill make the i t the 1)081 ition, and the stand- gind special things is Short Ship Dayton feiw vTb ia Of eight 60 mile Irs are Uh Xen ia 'Eaten Ml that facilities ' »f J$fc PRIZES FOR DECORATIONS Chairman R o sso f the .Centennial Decoration committee announces | that he has been allowed 96, to be} offered in two prizes for the h is t' decorated biMnesa bouse during the. centennial. The first will be $3 and the seaond $2, which should stimulate public sentiment along that line. This will be one o f the mostimportant events in the history of the village and nofc only business houses but residences should b e de corated. ‘ The Dayton PoWqr & E igh t Com pany offerg free lights to the com mittee for thastreets and it is ex pected tbat Maip street w ill be like Broadway on August BOand 81. - Make your arrangements now for YOUR FAL INCOME E VERY farmer should take good care of his Fall Income. The Fall Income in t h e proceeds; of the harvest and there will h e no general harvest till .next Summer. That is the reason that the firmer should deposit a part of the money that comes in this Fall. This plan will make you..well-to-do and inde pendent; We are always pleased to receive money on deposit and we pay interest at th# rate of 4 per cent* teaat iaextcnded-to every der TONKINSON WON TIE. I Mr. A. N Tonkinson won the tie vote for central committee last Sat urday when the board of elections de cided thd matter. Mr. Tonkinson and Mr. J. H» Stormont each received 77 votes and the board placed their names in a hat and the first one drawn out was to be the lucky win ner. Member John Baughn did the drawing, J MBW Our Clearance Sale of Hart Schaffner .& Marx Clothes Is Now Going On ' I f A T t n Attention is at once Oalld to the special Lob o f Hart Schaffner and r * A V I I I I K finest Clothes, Suits that sold for |10.00, J18S.50 f l l Z i j U * v v * * ' 9i»,00 ars being offered a t .............................. ..................................... - t v A oolleotion o f Fancy Suits of desirable quality and patterns that any man can select from • that have note? beior* keen seen on the local track. A total o f $3,90# in. purses is offered, with running races each day, closing with the Derby race Friday'afternoon. Among the fiew features o f the fa ir this year Will be horseshoe and quart pltehing ceixtest Tuesday afternoon, when the experts in thte game la the county w ill meet. Gash prizes totalling $81 will be awarded the winners. There w ill also be poultry raising and p ig growing contests that will be decided Tuesday. There are a number o f entries m each o f these events, representing all parts o f the county. A ll aro taking great pride in the" care they are giving the stock they w ill/sh ow .'T h e regular stock judgtug contest that has been an annual fair* feature) is set for Wednesday, The new art hall, for the housing of sohool displays, school and back yard garden produets, annual train ing and domestic science exhibits, Is going up fast, and will be ready to receive these displays and care tot them ns they should be. There will be a comfort station In the basement for both men and women, The addition to the secretary's offies and the opening' ol the aew south gate, will afford easier means o f entrance and ’exit from the grounns. Tents placed on the h ill w ill again house one of the largest automobile shows ever seen in this part o f the state. Every make and the latest models of the machines sold in Day- ton, w ill be on exhibition, with representatives there to explain theie merits. -■ DEAD STOCK WANTED. money. affner n.fe7 Brices are now trltfimed on ail our Fancy A ll-W oo l iu iis , Ferhaps you have been waiting for thl*. sale, W ell, it’ s your chance to p ick up some real bargain se come as seen as yon can. The redu c-’ tlon is.. PER CENT OFF STRAW HATS ARE HALF PRICE STRAUSS & “ The Surprise Store” 28 *30 E. Third S t., Dayton, Ohio. Panama Hats Rednced to 1*3 Off W e w ill pay $5 for horses and $6 for cows within 10 miles of Xenia. Beyond that point we w ill pay $1 and $6 respectively. For other dead stijick we will pay according to value. I f roads are good we will send "auto trucks, otherwise' we send a team, Telephones Bell 837W. and Citizens 187. Factory phone Uitlzen454. Send letter or postal card if you cannot reach ue by tele phone. W e pay telephone tolls. Xenia Fertilizer Company. GEORGS HOLSTEIN, Manager. "Mr. Harry TownSley has moved from the Bailojr-Magruder farm to the Teas farm which he purchased some months ago. Hd will also farm the W, W. Cresswfelt land. Mr. Cliff Ixiinman takes a farm near Wilming ton. Mr. Lawrence Barber, who lives on the T. O. Wolford farm, hag rented theA. M. Tonkinsonfarm, JUNIOR CHAUTAUQUA The Junior Chautauqua has its opening session under the B ig top, Saturday at 4 o 'c lo ck F. M. Miss Downey, one of the circuit w ill have charge of our Junior crowd. The work Is making big in all of the towns and wp should’ put every effort to mpasUee up or a little ahead o f the others. This first meeting isfreeito all. Gome and get a taste! Saturday at 4 o'clock P. m . . Mr, Cordroy w iirbe our superin tendent as Mr, Kerkendall has gone to the border as an officer. Mr, Oordroy was an all star foot ball and track won during his col lege corner. He also has won honors in debate, Gtnr-drSw is made tip of these college men who will assist Mr. •ordroy m making the five days as pleasant as possible for Cedarville, Let's boost for a big five days. LEGAL NOTICE. Common Pleas Court, Gresne County, Ohio. Ina Guebring, Plaintiff vs. William Guebring, Defendant W illiam Guebring, residence Un known, w ill take notice that on the 6th d a y o t June, 1910, said plaintiff filed in said court her petition against him for divorce, on the grounds of wilful absence for more than three years, and that the same will he fo r hearing at the tiourt House In Xenia, on August S4, 1916, or as soou thereafter as the eamO can be readied, by which time de- tondahtrnust answer or demur to said petition or judgment May be taken against him, INA GUEHRING, Plaintiff. ieneral Banking y,- > . V V - '• ■ Savings Checking DEPOSITS ACCEPTED BY MA IL Resources$350,000.00 The Exchange Bank. C ed a rv iH c , O h io ]*;!I INCREDIBLE RESULTS STARTLE CEDARVILLE, There has never been anything here with the INCREDIBLE results of simple lavoptik eye wash. One man’s eyes were so badly strained he feould not read five minutes without pain. Two applications with lavoptik re lieved him. A lady had tried three different glasses for weak, , inflamed eyes. ONE lavoptik wash surprised her, We guarantee a small bottle to benefit EVERY CASE Weak, strained or inflamed eyes, ONE WASH pro duces incredible results. A* E, Rich ards, druggist, (No,2) 'Rev, W. A, Pollock and family of Chicago are visiting Mrs, Pollock’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, R, ' T H E U N I V E R S A L C A R , * i New Prices f. o. b. Detroit Ford Runabout.................. .$345.00 Ford Touri.ig ........................... 360.00 Ford Coupelet........................... 505.00 Ford Town Oar........................... 595.00 Ford Sedan.................... *........ 645.00 We guarantee that there w ill be no reduction Ih the above prices prior to August 1,1917—but eang ive no assurance whatever against an a d vance in rhese prices at any time. RALPH MURDOCK, Agt. Cedarville and Ross Townships Display at Owentj&jSon's Garage, TRJ OUR PRINTING :xr> i
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