The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52

\ faMUM ■'-■** — ■ W tM M M P >f AT*', F iN u ft K H k u m tiH l w i f « i « ! ! g , Lf-iP) O,* llJtVe been glest* of the j £ j 5<i :u«r*« toeth«r, U i i > J. H . Mil* l •n ; r M , 6eK.»«w LOCAL AND PERSONAL M U *M «$yB ud #ml Mr*. J. I,. Cunfarr spent iha first ot the week in Cincinnati, whore the former it taking treatment at the* J#vri*h ^toepltal. S AVE IN SAFET D O N ’T B E Hl'INGLEE. Y IXON’ T try to Have too much. SlungineiB ie nearly as bad as waate, Genuine thrift is just between the two, The thrifty spend wisely and Save Safely, In common parlance “ don’ t bite off more than you can chew,” Deprivation of a cortain amount of oomfort and convenience la discouraging to thrift. Analize your resources. Determine the amount YOG OAK SPARE. The make up your mind. The hardest part o f saving is starting. Once taking the plunge, the reBt la easy,. There is fascination, about a bank acceunt no matter how small. There is Independence in it 8»NI> YOUR SAVINGS TO The Springfield Savings Sdciety Mail your deposit to us. Make the two-cenfc Btamp your errand boy in the best busi- nesa venture of your life. Write for your booklet “ Banking By Mail” "Intercut starts on your deposit* from the first of every, month” Address Inquiries to The Springfield Savings Society 933. Main Stf. JSpringfleld, O. Mrs. A. G, Eveleth and son, Jloy, visited the first of the week in j Trenton. —FOB S A L E O n e spring wagon. 1 walnut ward robe and l walnut round stand. Mrs. O. C, Woimer 1 Mr. P, D. Dixon, wife and eon, of Tulsa, Okla., are guests of the former’s parents, Dr, and Mrs. J W. Dixon. FISTULA AND A t* DISEASESOFTHERECTUM ®*t .WcCMlan annonnoet to thn profession and the pnMte thaV ho taakee a epecialty of these dlseuos ana nos had SO/ygafa conitant experience, No pain and no detention from, hugineee,' Bladder. Kidney. Blood and Skin Diseased and Diseases of Women. WRITE JFQR BOOK ON RECTAL D1SKA6RB (ft’BBKk and indorsementsof patlenU cured. EstAblbhod 1830. d r . j . j . M c C l e l l a n J T f i S C olumbus , 0. Mrs. Mary E. Matthews, wife of J. O. Matthew® died Saturday evening after an illness o f several months.1 The deceased was 70 years of age and was born in Highland county. She was united in marri­ age to Mr. Matthews in 1881 and to them were born the following children: Mae, Sera, John, Lucy and .Ross at home and Mrs. E. H. Dunlap, o f Hasksl, Okla,, and Stanley who lives on the Brundage farm. The funeral was held from the late home Monday,, burial taking place at Massies, Creek cemetery, A marriage license was issued Thursday to John Frank Carter an employee’ o f the paper m ill and Stella V. Taylor, Miss Mable Deck, who is attend­ ing nurses’ traiuingschool in Spring* field is home on her vacation. Mrs. Elizabeth Sterrett and children have been visiting her brother, Dr. Scott in Columbus. The members of the O. E. of the R. P. church were entertained Mon­ day evening at.' the home of Miss Julia and Howard Harbison. Mr. 'Ra lph Murdock’ reports the sale o f Ford touring ears to G. E. Boyd and W . A, Spencer. Mr. John B. Tayler Is on the sick list.' ■ Aril-Ma August Specials In order to olo*e but the remainder of our summer, goods we offer some special prices for Chautauqua week.. ■• - ■ i SummerDress Goods We are tasking *pecial- effort to clean up our stock before cold weather. Come in and see if you can find something you can use. . Ladies’ Oxfords 40 Pairs, all sizes, $3.50, $3.00 and $2.50 values, newest styles, |tb close out. Special ot. ....$1.35 Ladies’ White CanvasShots Leather sole, button only $3.50 to $2.50 value* per pair.............. .............................. ........ . ,$1.55 Misses’ Oxfords At reduced prices. Come in and buy them cheap. Men’s Oxfords 40 Pairs all sizes $3.00, and $3.50 values at per pair................ ......... * .........,,.$1.75 Men’s StrawHats Si ,00 Hats »* *. •.J72c 50o Hats........................ *.......................... ........ .'33c Men’s Trousers 15 pair*, waist measure 32 to 36 inches, $4 50 to $3.50 values per pair. *....................*,?............ . .$1.95 ^ ........... ....... ■i . i i ..................................................... Groceries Lenox Soap 4 bars. ..................... *.......... 16o 7 for 25c Lard........................................ ‘ iSclb. California Hams. *............... 16c lb. 75c Natural Leaf Tea,................................. .48olb. 50c Imperial Tea....................................... ,36clb. 1 5 c C o f f e e . *». *• • lbs. for25c Robt.Bird&SonsCo. Mr. Herman Stormont has gone to Kansas, City, to take a ten ! w«*ks course in automobile and [ tractor construction and operation. Miss Louisa Smith, who has been spending two weeks at the lakes will return home the last of “ the week and will be here to entertain her friend, M ibs Ethel Collins, of Colo,, who w ill bo her guest for the home coming. m bo m \ \ / ’E L L , I c e r ta in ly in tro - v ' duced myself to the alert bargain seekers of this town1. They saw the Birth of a N otion in Clearance Price Cutting and the way they went after these money-saving snaps; the manner in which they appreciated the economies makes me believe that every clothes buyer in towh will like my notions when they once become acquainted with the benefits. If you were not one of “ wise ones” that got here Open­ ing Day, “ wise up’ ’ now because^ this is by far the greatest bargain event in thorough ly reliable and fashionable apparel th a t .this town has ever seen. I am moving this stock of good clothes and it is going to keep moving until I wind up the entire stock. What’ s the use of waiting for the other fellow to “ pick the plums” when you might just as. well get in on the choicest things yourself. , Act and benefit-delay and regret. Come in and have a look anyway. Here Are Suit Savings That Brought Standing Room Only QQ FOR SUITS WORTH TO O O i0 0 $13.50. The Suits in this lot represent o f the most popular selling lines this season. Desirable patterns, dependable fabrics and fine tailoring. You won’t find their like for many days to come. $13 88 F0R SUITS 0F SUITS OF $20.00 and $22.50 VALUE. Here is a lot o f extremely fashionable Suits on which we are simply slaughter­ ing the prices. Here is real evidence of our determination to effect quick clear­ ance. Take your benefits in these Suits a t ............. .......... ............. ......... .$13.88 * I 7 0 0 FOR SUITS OF$25.00and V I 110 0 $27.50 VALUE. ' High grade Suits .in eyery. detail o f fashioning, pattern' treatment, fabric, quality ana tailoring. They are offered to you now at a popular price. See this lot while the elegant assortment is still here. That won ’t be long. . . . . . . . $17.88 $2188 F0RSUITS0F $30,0 and This $35.00 VALUE. lot includes* the very Spring and Summer Suits, in finest stock. Suits that were formerly priced $30 and $35. Choicest patterns," finest textures, weaves aud superior tailoring. They are exceptional bargains a t . . . . . .$21.88 Don’t Miss These Movie Specials 60e Working Shirts, assorted stripes 45c 35c Wash Four-in-hands............;. .19c 65 c and 75c Neckwear................... J.45c 35c Silk Fibre Ilose ............. .25c 50c Suspenders............................. .39c BeWise toEiese TrouserSavings Trousers tor dress wear, business wear and outing wear are all underpriced sow. Ti*ouscrs, regular”$1.50 values, now . . . . . . . . . . . . .98c Trousers, regular 92.00 values, now . .(1,48 Trousers, regular (2.50 valued, n ow ...... ......... . ,(1.98 Trousers, regular $3.50 values, now . * . . . . . . . . . .92.48 Trousers, regular $4.C0 values, n ow ....... ,......$2 .98 Trousers, regular $5.00 values, now . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.98 Bring The Boys I have not neglected tue youngsters In these money-saving reductions. Note a few of the examples of price smashing. Boys’Suita worth to £12.50, now . ,$7,88 Boys’ Suits worth to $8.50, now,. .$4.88 Boys’ Suits worth to $6.00, now.. .$3.88 Boys’ Suits worth to $1.50, now. . .$2.88 WASH SUITS AT ONE-THIRD OFF REGULAR PRICES. STRAW HATS AT MOVIE PRICES Panamas worth to $10.00, how .................................... .’. ............... $3.48 Straws worth to $4.00, now ....................................................$ 1 .4 8 Straws worth to $2.50, now ......................... .....................................75c BOYS’ AND GIRL8’ STRAWS AT ONE-HALF PRICE. T H e W h e n Is Arcade, Springfield, Ohio, Shirts Slaughtered Even if yen are over-supplied with shirts it will pay you well at these prices to lay them away until next summer, 75c and 85c Shirts a t ......... . . . . . . . .49c $1.00 and $1.25 Shirts at . . . . . . . . . ,79c $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts a t ............ $1.15 $2.50 and $3.00 Shirts a t . . . . . . . . .$1.85 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL SILK SHIRTS. The Watt aud Foust hog sale* Thursday was one of the most, successful of recent years. Bidding was lively and the 70 head averaged $60 a head, Mr. Harry Owens and wife, of Gaps Girardeau, Mo,, are here on a visit with the former’ s parents, Mr, and Mrs. i f . H. Owens, ORCHARD PLANTING We will plant you this fall one acre of orchard, 85 trees to the acre of different kinds of fruit trees, trim, replant and care for It lor two years, cheaper than you ean do it yourself, and guar­ antee you satisfaction and perfect stand. Writ© ua an d w o W ill C a ll a n d S ee You* GARB’S NURSARIES Yellow Springs, Ohio. 40 Years Under Present Proprietor, Business men will welcome the early opening of Main street, Since the improvement has been going on U has been hard for people to get! into town to do their trading and some have gone elsewhere. In an-’ other week the street should be opened and business will again come this way, Other towns will be torn up this fall which will give' local merchants an opportunity to' break even. South Charleston Is puttmgin waterworks and Yellow Springs and Jamestown new titrsets. I)r. A, E. Itiehardo spent first of the week with his family who have been guests of liis parents in Park­ ersburg, W. Va. Alluring Offer. J. Fuller Gloom—"I have a standing offer of ten dollars in gold for the first Individual of any pair of bores to talk the other one to death.”—Kan­ sans City Star. . In British Law. Should the eaves of a man’a house project over his neighbor’s'land, the latter may pull them down at once, ac­ cording to British law, unless they have so projected for 20 years, Mr. G. W. Crouse, who has been in poor health for some time, was able to ride out last Friday for the first, Mrs. B, Ii. McFarland and daugh­ ters, Marguerite and Lois, are vis­ iting in Chicago. Rev. Walter Morton of Elberton, Ga., has joined his family who ix re guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Mur­ dock. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ruck of Col­ lege Corner, ()., have hern guests of their parents, Air. N. L, Ramsey and wife, TheBookmaltw ...Hestaapant. IN THE 800HWALTBR HtTtl , HIGH 1TRXST DINING ROOM TORLAMM UP STAIN ALSO *JRT ROOM. M R A X J * N O W mg Q » V t m Luitsh CtUAkr on M»ln IW Open ftiy end Ni|M. Tk* Bssief GN m MUU m * I* Ike0*1- fttMY INfMtSMWi C. M. Spencer 9 * The Grocer r FRESH FISH Phone 3-119 C « * & r v l l l » , O h io aaM aa e a ^ TRY OUR JOB PRINTING/.