The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52

We Want to.Sell You TwoDozen Suits One now—one next Spring and one each season for twenty-two seasons thereafter. After th a t someone else is entitled to ybur business, provided he can offer you better cio therthan Michaels- Stern Clothes. $10 to $30 The way to start this little plan of ours is for you to stop, in when in Xenia. * The Criterion * A Store For Dad and the Boy* XENIA, - - OHIO Sheldon stiles, 14 year old son of Mr, and Mrs. Paul Stiles, Springfield, Was accidentally shot in the loft leg: just below the knee, Saturday, where a number of playmates were shoot­ ing a t a target on the Robert pike. The young lad is a nephew of Mr. J. C. Baber of this place, . 4 « ■ * Xenia has under consideration the establishment o f commission form of government and council has appointed a-committee to secure facts and data before other steps are taken. The Business Men's association will likely h&ck the movement which promises to have some opposition. The H. G. L. Club 'very successfully surprised their president, Mrs. Bert Myers, Friday evening, the occasion being In the nature of a farewell to her, preceding her departure to Fort­ ress Monroe, Aa., where she expects to visit for several weeks. After be­ ing persuaded to “try on" one of her new gowns for the appreciation of her guests, a beautiful tatted collar 1was presented to her, a token of the ;love and esteem in which she is held. ;Rook and ilinch were the diversions j of the evening, dainty refreshments ibeing served during the games. Mrs. ;Myers was hostess to the club at the 1 La Vinia theater Wednesday evening/ BRINGS HEALTHY COLORTO CHEKS Many Women dre compelled to lie iwn a t frequent intervals during the ay. This, of course, is due to weak- jss, the forerunner of serious ills to dlow. At first there will bp great languor, Ipecially in the morning; faintness, ctinescr, weakness or sinking a t the it of the Btomach. The digestion jeomes impaired and appetite me,. Then comes palpitation of the sart, shortness of breath oh any ight exertion, cold hands and feet, iadaches, paleness, dark circles un- tt: the eyes, a dragging pain across lSjhlps; the memory becomes poor, ie- disposition irritable and nervous, ie least noise or unusual occurrence tbs nerves. XHssasa quickly destroys the eom- Uxion, making it yellow or greenish tfking, the ch*k» become sunken ad spot? of a brownish hue appear * fh* akin, Ail th#*» symptoms m eaused by poor circulation and an exhausting or wasting away of the nerve force. The btood becomes thin and watery and the nerves lack strength. It has been admitted that ills pecu­ liar to women, in most cases sta rt in the stomach; that when digestion is good, the blood is good, the nerves and organs are properly nourished and strength is the result. 1 In hundreds of thousands of cases, Tanlac has been the means of reliev­ ing the ills of Women, because it gives strength and tone to the sys­ tem. Tanlac is a tonic, prepared from roots, barks and flowers gath­ ered in many parts of the world. Tes­ timonials from women who have used it say “I t has made me a new wom­ an," “I feel healthy again," “ I enjoy my housework," and other like ex­ pression^. Tanlac may be obtained in Ccdar- ville a t c. W. Ridgway's drug store. 11 LOCAL AND PERSONAL | —How long since you gave your mother » box ot candy? Remem- ! her bar on NATIONAL LUNDY DAY, Saturday , October U. Special prices a t Richards, People residing on the eastern side of the county had hopes the,Xenia Main street paving would be completed this fall. The contract has been let but it seems that the traction company is opposing the improvement in that it would be costly and no benefit to1a part of the line that already is a los­ ing proposition. Council will take steps in court to compel the company to.proceed or the franchise will be forfeited. Dayton public schools did not open for the year until Monday, due to an epidemic of contagious diseases, The newspapermen, printers and other craftsmen dependent on the printing trade for a livelihood, are interested in the annual gathering a t Cincinnati this week when-hun­ dreds will be present from West Vir­ ginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. The Cost Congress, Ohio Printer's Federation, Buckeye Press Association, Miami Valley,Press As­ sociation as well, as many others will hold forth Thursday, Friday and Sat­ urday, The Herald belonging to the last organizations will be represented by the Editor, The importance of this gathering can be gained by the fact that every printing house in Cincinnati, except the daily papers, will be closed these three days so that their employees can attend the vari­ ous meetings. a —You will loose you r sweetheart if you forget her, on NATIONAL OANDY DAY, Satu rday , October 14, Special prices a t Richards. Prof. G. F . Siegler and. Prof. ”C. C. Morton spent Saturday in Columbus. Jack Frost settled upon this sec­ tion Thursday night and with a tem­ perature- that left ice the community was given the first real appearance of a fall morning, Friday. Garden truck and flowers as well as the leaves on the trees speak for the .result. While tliis was not the first frost yet it .was the nearest to a light snow. When We Tell You Honestly and Frankly That our clothes for fall are not higher in price and better style than ever, we are making some assertion, “but true.” ' Our F a sh ion Paris. and Hart, S ch a ffn en and Marx S u its and O vercoa ts at $18 to $30 are w in n er s . Work on the school house sewer­ age disposal plant has started and the contractors, Wuellnqr & Theado, Co­ lumbus, have beqn trying to secure a ditching machine. A member of the firm stated a few days ago when ask­ ed as to how •long it- would take to complete the contract, stated that it would be Christmas anyhow, allowing for only about' ten days rain in that time. This means that the new build­ ing cannot be used before the first1of the year a t the -best. Educator Shoes,For Men? Women anctOliildron, Build on the per­ fe c t foot fitting Educato r Last, a t ., N CSLEY’S In The Arcade, Springfield, Ohio. Mrs. Opal Pierce King,-of Opiro, ■Wisconsin, ^ arrived here Saturday morning in answer to a telegram of the serious illness of her father, Mr. J , E. Piei’ce, who suffered a paralytic stroke several days ago. Mrs,, Charles ' Hall is visiting in Piqua, with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Manning. ________ _ . Mrs. Lida Archer of Asbville, N. C., arrived last Friday evening and is spending several days with friends. C lothcraft at $10 to $16- Give us a call and look over the good things .« C. A. WEAVER. S * * „ * ’ *. - *\ r * ' ' , j ' ' . , , . ' . “ Opposite Courthouse Main Street, Xenia; Ohio i I Mrs. Fannie Barber purchased the Mary Haines 'property of the Execu­ tors H. N, Coe and J. E. Kyle fo r a consideration of $1,505. Mrs. Barber will make some immediate «improve- ments before moving to town. ‘ Mr. F. P. Hastings has been drawn as a member of the U. S, 'petit jury in Cincinnati and no doubt fo r the next three months will spend most of his time in that city. —A t least once in a year buy your wife or mother a box of candy, Saturday, October 14, is NATION­ AL CANDY DAY. Special prices a t R ichards Drug Store, Mrs. J. W. Ross suffered an attack of acute indigestion last Saturday night and for a time was very sick. - Mr. J. E. Pierce, who has been in a very dangerous condition, due to a paraltic stroke last week, shows some improvement. For several days he was unable to take medicine or nour­ ishment of any kind. Mrs, W. M. Barber,, suffered a very slight stroke of paralysis Tuesday but later in the day had overcome the attack. She is 'in her eighty-ninth year. ■ . ,,..... Mrs. David Williamson, who lias been quite sick for some time, does not show much improvement. .Miss Rachpi Tarbox visited last week with friends in New Concord. FOR SALE—An extra good fresh Jersey cow. Phone 30-173. Wffl,' M, Smith. ■, „ .*• Miss Mary Bird, who spent the past week in Cincinnati visiting, friends, has returned home. The Herald will not Insure the pub­ lication of personal items and an­ nouncements after Thursday noon. For months back many items have been sent in a t the time of dosing the forme when they could have been reported to us earlier. Of course there are certain things that happen late in the week that must bo given on Thursday, but we ask better co­ operation by sending in all reports as soon as possible. Wanted, men and girls to work in our Twine anil Rope Mills, Work easy to learn; steady employment and good wages. Apply to Tim Ilooven A Allison Company, Steele Building, Xenia, Ohio. « 3t 3 3 PEACHES Just Received a Car of t I pancy Flberta peaches Special Prices for Calming 1 1 I I& I 1 t I I 1 i i £ £ $ I BUY NOW WHILE THEY ARE CHEAP g IS t % s i & H. E. SCHMIDT & Co. | S. DETROIT STREET, ' - • „. XENIA, OHIO \