The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52
r 1 0W a will lakes feets ou gh (suits >ros. rry II11S, House er 1 Ohio >8 ;o* Cftutfren Cry for Fletcher’s Tu l S j ‘ fS* m ? « o n BW» ana avHIrtt |,as been * J0 IC1 tmiL S^'USf has borne tho sinuiturc of /* ]S 1 y'mm been made under bis per- ^ al supervision since its infancy. ViTTf v v i * v * . wuo one to deceive voninthis- AM t ouuterfeiis^ Iiultatlous atid ^ Just-as-roodare but £ & » « € : i £ l What is CASTORIA Cfastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Unw. gorie, 3,>r>l>s and" Sootlilng’ Syrups. It is pleasant tc contains j either Opium, Ulorplilno nor’ other Nareotln eubstanee. Its age is W guuranteo. It destl^ s Worms and allays I*cverlshness, Por more than thirty years it 1ms been In constant use for tlio relief of Consti^atton tpo ™ !^ 031^ tiollcj all Toothing Troubles and I)larrhoea» It regulates the Stomach and BoTrrin issaaa b & sm sw ?& rai GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS InUse For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought ; TH« C.NTAURCOMPANY. NfcwVO.K CITV HotWeatherClothes CooI--Geod Looking-Very Comfortable Put it on—“ tlx up” —and shop moping. Summer i*s growth time—uscle-lree time—record-making time in. every spot but skating—and it can be a progress time for every endeavor. A nd ,„ gentlemen, you can look coni—and be safe for any endeavor on any Springfield doy—had nearly said for “ any hot d&y*’—but Springfield emphasizes heat. 1 PAN AM A |t*|» SU ITS $ 0 * 0 0 P A LM BEAGH C A SU IT S ......................................................... $ / .O U R E A L COO L 4 LQ Cffc S U I T S . , . . v O i v U F A N C Y O ASS IM ERE j ( d> 1 A A A S U I T S . .................. ................! ............ ' . . . $ 1 U»UU The patterns and. colors include fancy pin stripes, checks and plain tan, blue, gray and black.* •The models include regulation sack styles, patch pocket coats. OUTING TROUSERS.....$3.50 to $5.00 Pr. Of plain White Flannel and Sorgo; also in striped patterns. * Of Supreme Interest to All Men Who Wish to ' Dress Well MichaelStern Clothes STY-LB'—'We’ ve never been able to find clothes which can equal those of Michaels-Stern in chblcefioas, exclusiveness and elusiveness and variety o f style. ' FABR10SI-—The fabrics, for these clothes aro selected with the greatest o f care. Hence their long wear and good Bhape- holdlng qualities. ’ .* > TA ILOR ING—Only the finest obtainable hand tailoring is used on these clothes. These are a few reasons why they are such fine values at $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $28, $30 KredelssAlexander COR* MAIN*&LIMESTONE Springfield, - - Ohio Miss Florence Somers returned to Mrs. J. B. Winter and Mrs. II. H» her home in Republic, O., Saturday, McMillan, who have been visiting in „ _ , Sparta, 111., have returned a fter. a Mrs, Milton Antrim, of Payton, delightful trip west. S ent the week end with her parents, , , „ , , r. and Mrs. Charles Dean, Mr. Fred Bird left the first o f llie >- _ . . «*■week for Columbia university where Mrs, Stewart Howncicy is reeejy* jw v,’ill take, a special course during .ing ft visit from her father, Mr. Me- the summer. Intyre, of Illinois, j ^ Charles V, Marshall is driving Misses Eula CresweH and bloroiion _ 3iew email-six Luiek, 'Williamson were in attendance at th e ; Ohio State Sabbath School conven- Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Tovvnsley, of tien in Findlav, last week. -i Payton, spent Sabbath with relatives. g***• *•*tub't"-sursftt# ss Migg Ruth _RiU’its entertained ft , number o f ; ;M friomft at dinner, |Thursday. J Mrs. Thomas Weller, of Jamestown, ban been the guest o f Mr, David 1Johnson and family, | « } Mrs. Lida Long, of Cincinnati, was { a guest of Pr. and Mrs, M. I. Marsh (over Sabbath. ! Mr. Stewart Arthur, who 13 employ- 5 cd by Houston C: Co,, South Charles ton, is drivin -’ a new Studebaker roadster. Wanted, men and girls to work in •nil* Twine and Rope Mills. Work easy to learn; steady emp’oyment and (mod wages, Apply to The Hooven & Allison Company, Steele Building, Xenia, Ohio. . St Mr, Frank Shepherd, of Columbus, is spending a week or ten days with hig aunt, Mrs, Mary Bridgman. Mr, Shepherd lias been connected with the postollice in that city for several years but not having good health, is out on a leave of absence until Sep tember, Mr. Shepherd also owns a moving' picture show near the O, S. U, that is proving profitable. The oiling of the streets started Tuesday and from now on we can look out the door without getting a mouth full of dust. As in former years people will have to exercise some care in crossing streets sp that as little of the oil may he carried on ‘ Tie sidewalk as possible. With the hot sun the oil will soon set so that it will not track. Council in South Charleston has -ranted the Payton Power & Light 'o. a franchise for lighting the •Ireets and also for furnishing com- nercial lighting). Work will be stai-t- ;d at-once towards securing right of way for the pole line from this place 0 Charleston. Farmers along the line will be able to-get electricity for heir homes. A plan is being worked out whereby the boulevard system o f street lighting can be installed in hat .place. With all these improve ment's and the completion of the wa ter-work's system Charleston will rank as one of the loading towns of its size in the state. But then Cedarville is but one step removed when we get our paved street completed, winch is the stepping stone towards malting this one of the best towns around for ^ood streets. We have excelled, over most other town's for Sidewalks for several years. Mrs. Dan. Marshall and daughter, of Springfield, have beoti the guests of Mr. Charles Marshall,! STOP!LOK!LISIfl Mid-Summer Festival C. H. S. Y, W. C. A. Friday Eva,, July 7, 1916 U. P. Church Lawn Como buy a cake like your mother used to bake. Come und throw balls at our local celebraties. wffUfm Furnish your pew home—every thing at auction! Get plenty to eat. P r. C. M. W ilcox and wife, of New Paris were gucats of their son- m-law and. daughter, Mr. and Mrs, A, E. Rilcards, over Sabbath. Mrs. David Deck and. son, of Day- ton, have been the guest of relatives here. Miss. Helen Townsley who haB been visiting her sister, Mrs. Deck, returned bare accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Peek. Mrs. W illiam Shroades and Mrs. Tofiipson, of Springfield were guests of Mrs. Xliz&beth Shroades, Mrs. B . Y . ShroadeS, formerly o f thwplftcftis spending a few weeks weeks with relatives hfre. Among those fronj hare that took In the DaUl-Gampball grocery ex cursion to Atlantic Cuy this week Were: Mrs. Robt, Bird, Mrs. A , B. Shobe, Mrs, B,. H . Little and son, Kenneth, Misses Bernice Wolford, Berth Doah and LucUe Gray, Miss Franklin, J.. R. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jobe, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Preston, Mr, aud Mrs. W . ML Glark, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fritz, Clifton, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elder, Sslnift. Mr. L. F. Tindall wife and bop spent Sabbath with1 relatives in Selma. Miss Jane draff, of Trenton, O., is visiting friends hero. Tbo College Faculty gives a re ception to the summer school students at the Carnegie Library tomgnt. Don’ t forget the lawb fotu at the rear o f the opera house Saturday evening. Band concert. Rev. J, W . Patton is taking a vacation at this time and is visiting bis father in whom he has not seen in several years. The ‘Willing Working class of the M. 29. church held a business meet ing at the h6m* of Marjorie Mc Farland last Friday evening and the following officers were elected: Pres., FUna Hhroades; V ice Pres., Clara Widner; Sec., A lice H lxon; Asst. Sec., Marguerite -McFarland; Treasurer, Fleeta McLean. After tho business mooting a very sooiablo time was enjoyed. Band Concert aad lawn fete at rear o f Opera House Saturday even ing. The summer school students have started the chorus practice for the concert which is given at the end of the term* Mrs. F. P. Hastings left Tuesday for New Concord, O., to be the guest of relatives. Prof, Ross, of Troy, has been elected superintendent of the Clif ton schools. CASTORIA 1 For Infants and Childm. TheKindYouHavi AlwaysBought Bears the Blgnatnre of V isit that OTCuriouSity Shop! Have your fortune told and keep cooi.' Rev. and Mrs. J, S, E . McMichael and sons, left Wednesday "morning f«-r Wheeling, W . Va., where they wilt spend- their Vacation. From there they expect go to Greensburg, Pa., whore they w ill visit Mr. Mc- Miebael's brother, K hv . W . A. McMichael. •. . "/ Lawn fete Saturday evening by tlja S. of V, Band. 1 Mss. Vance Burba, who recently underwent an operation at the Mc Clellan hospital in Xenia, and who hasbaen here for a few days, re turned to her homein NorWoodlast Saturday, • A party of boosters with a band dropped into town Tuesday even ing and announced that a great Fourth, of July program has been prepared afc South Solon and every- one is welcome. Th* adv. In this issue tells the rest. SIMPLE LIQUID STARTLES MANY HERE. People report incredible results from simple lavoptik eye wash. A girl suffering from weak, strained eye's was helped by one application. Her mother could hardly sew or read because o f eye pains. After one week her trouble was gone. A small bottle *of lavoptik is guaranteed to help EVERY CASE weak, strained or in flamed eyes. ONE WASH will startle with its" incredible ' results. Pure aluminum eye cup FREE with each bottle. A, E. Richards, druggist . 1 (No.i) SPEAKING EVIL. When people die and »r« bo* yond all eerthly trouble* end crlaee, then th* rule*!*, “ Speak no, evil .of tha,dvuL’'(*;.But It, it not wont* to tpeek evil of them , while tbey are alive, while the evil word can wound or injure them? Why wait to he kind un til It ie no us* whatever? Making!Them Match, “Do you think ho would do well as a speaker?” “ lie might bo quite a success If %e confined himself to mixed audiences.” "Why only that kind?” ‘ "Because he' Is a mixed reasoner." Panamas are more popular than irer, yet prices are more -reason able. We've twenty-one different styles, ranging, from $ 3.50 to $ 10 . 00 . Other soft braids in Madagascar grasscloth, Leghorn, Bangkok, etc., $ 2,00 to $ 7 . 50 . Stiff brim sailors’ in Sennit or One split braids, $! 2.00 to $ 5 . 00 . All have cushion sweats or venti lated sweat bands that make them really com fortable. This sixty-five-year- old store keeps in the lead by always being first to show the correct styles and never being Undersold, I BIG ALL DAY CELEBRATION South Solon July 4 th Gen. J. Warren Keifer will speak at i P. M. V TW O B A S E B A L L G AM E S First Game Galled at 10:30 Jfy. M. Second Game Called at 2:30 P . M. Athletic Events, with, prizes for each event. Consisting of: F lag Race, Potato Race, 50 Yard Dash, 100 Yard Dash, Greased P ig . „ P ie Eating Contest Etc, ALL DAY TRAP SHOOTING ALL DAY BAND CONCERTS Amusements of all kinds Refreshments Served on the Grounds,- BIG PLATFORM DANCE IN THE EVENING Come bring your diriner and help us celebrate. COME and 'ga&m Men’s Hand Tailored Fine Suits, all the latest fabrics $8.95,' $9.85, $12.48, $14.90,' $16.50, $18.50 Young Men’ s Long Trouser Su its .................... .. .... .............................$ M 9 . $7 .49 , $ ^ 9 5 , $9-85 . $ 12 . 50 . B iy s Knee Pants Suits $1 48, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98, $3*49, $3.98, $4.49 B oys ’ W ash Suits, Trousers and Rompers . ,! , •, «, «, . ,.250, 35 , 49 C, 73 C, 980■ M en ’s fine trousers $3 98 , $ 3 * 49 »$2-98, $2.49, $1.98 $1.49, $1.23, 980 Furnishing Goods Department Latest styles Straw, Soft, Stiff, Silk and. Palm* • . . : ■■■■■' ' I ' BeachHats and Caps, Sport Shirts, Dress Shirts, Collars, Ties, Silk Shirts, Hosiery, Underwe&r, Belts. Everyth ing New Shoe Department Largest and best selections of Men’s B o y s ’; Lad ies ’, M isses' and Children’s Footwear ever shown in Xenia. M en ’s Fine Sho e s . ................................. .$ 349 »$2.98, $2.75,$2.25, $1.98 Men’s Fine Oxfords. ........ ........... $349» $2.98* $2.75, $2.25, $1.98 Men’s Wh ite Oxfords, Palm Beach Oxfords, leather soles and rubber soles. .............. .......................................................$1.25, $1.49, $1.75 Boys1Shoes and Oxfords, all kinds and all prices. Misses’ and Children’ s Shoes, Oxford^ and Slippers, all kinds and all prices. Lad ies ’ Fine Shoes............. /.......... $ 3 * 49 »$2.98, $2.73, $2.49, $2.25, $1.98, $1.49 Ladies' Oxfords and Slippers, all colors..........$1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $2.73, $2.98 Lad ies ’ W h ite and Palm Beach Slippers,- a ll the latest / ............................................... ; -------- --------- $1.25, $ 1 - 49 . $ 173 . $1-98. $2.25 We wiftsftvo you from 26c to fl.OQ on o v e tf pair of shoes, oxfords or slippers bought at our store. A ll kinds of tennis shoes and oxfords for men, boys, ladies, misses and children 40c, 78c, 89c Best OverallSj Jackets, Shirts, Work Clothing and Solid Shoes C K e l b l e ’ s Big New Store V / * A f t V I M i V O 17-19 West Main St.,Xenia, O. Kxsgyuapsasa « otignt imeacrVomure.^, When Roosevelt was In tho White House lie received from an Inmate of u penitentiary mi appeal for a pardon couched In something like the follow ing terms: “Dear Colonel—Maybe you'll remem ber 1 was with you In tlie rough rid ers. They’ve got mo locked up In this hole, and l want you, please, to get mo out “ It was alt a mistake, anyhow. Th& judge sent mo up for ten years for shooting a lady in the eye. I didn’t mean to do it—lioncsL J didn't. 1 wasn't even shooting at TiiVdady. 1 was shooting at my wife.”—Richmond TUnes-Dispatch, SPREAD GOOD CHEER. If Ood gave you gayety and cheer of spirits, lift up the care worn by it. Wherever you go> shine end sing. In every house hold, there Ie drudgery. In ev ery household there 1* sorrow.—* Henry Ward Beeoher. FARC $522 DAILY BETWEEN jw. CLEVELAND & s a ^ m - B U F F A L O The Groat Ship “SEEANDBEE” Tfco!*rir«l *ndmostcosilyatooiliM1on«fiyInland*»tc#of tl.e VrwrlJ.* SfeOflrgkcconmtod*. tiimijfoe36M iwKsnif^Ai • .. . “ CITY OPERIE” ------- a Magnificent .Steenwri rrrrr CITYOFBUFFALO” BETWEEN CLEVELAND—Daily,May le t to Dec. let—BUFFALO I.JSVBf’ljvd’nd •. - f«iveBirir*M - • I t Atiivnllatala * - - «•JA.M. , An.vs ctottesiH • » S.*9A,M. N Cf.n’'r.';"rriSf'.tH;.a'‘.Tnff.y Jli'irrtiaIo’-nf.slnil rssivinutnlra;*d"Jtn KsilnMai ott. ojx! ".trlrvU--'.-! r.i'sl1!■i.'n'nAte eeoj let tac-apmeon on ent sleeiMr*. A** %e<i«or«'|»S!e«eiuid»!iiullS(f. AiMkak I S', f.v.'r.trcCl*T*srnfm1 ............... ..... .. | M ... — . j-. :.-'fiUy|tA|4^ ,^ X N ’^ T ,UiU(K THE CLEVELAND I TR Y OUR JOB PRINTING/*
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