The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52
m # m w The fall fe#tiy*l promises to he a hummer this season and Gedaryilie will be in line as usual. BLANKETS and COMFORTS R. Bird & Sons Co. Mr. C. N, Stuckey has a new Max well touring car. Miss Julia Kendall of Pittsburg* Pa,* is the guest of Mr. D. M. Dallas. Mr. John Turner has rented the Carl Pauli farm and will move there in the spring, Everybody rides nowadays. Sher man Jones, proprietor of the comer shoe shining parlor has purchased a new Ford touring car. —At l u i t one* In a peat buy yeur wif* «r mother a bon of aanfy, Saturday, October 14, is NAtfON- Ati OANDY BAY, Sposla) prioss » i Blobards Brut Store* T } REPORT ! Of the Condition of the Exchange | Bank, Cedarville, in tlje State ot Ohio, | at the Clots of Business, Sept, UOth, I 1016. KlSOtfRCKS loan* cn Beal Estate........................ t 42,200.00 Loaoiou t'oSjatsral........... ........... 18,691.00 Otbee Inm t #«d Discount*........... 204,919,3? Overdraft*.............. 482.67 State, Csivuty and Municipal Bond* natipeludedin Jlcaervo.............. 45,400.64 rremiuBUpaiden VnitcdStatce,State - / and Municipal Bond*............. I2S.53 OtherBonds and Securities• ............. 4,5If 40 Furniture and Fixture*..................... 2.000 Other Beal Estate owned. .. . .. . .. . .. . 7,500.00 C a s b f t e u u . ' 8.30 Duefrom Reserve Banks... 21,000.72 Exchangee tor Clearing — House................: ............ 235.37 Gold Coin.,.. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. 1,055.00 Silver Hollars........... . 1,230.00 Fractional Coin............... 583.05 V, S. nod National Bank Note*............................... 5,407.00 Mr. J, H. Stormont has been con fined to hig bed suffering with heart trouble. Dr, J. I*. Chesnut will be in New, Galilee, Pa., over Sabbath, where he asOTSts Dr. Savage in communion. r" ' '/'•• rrl'-1 Mrs, Elizabeth Clark of Columbus, and daughter, Mrs. J. H,' McCann of Mays, Iud„ have been guests of rel atives here. . 1 Complete display of Rubber Foot wear, "Guaranteed Qualify," consist ing of Rubber Boots* ArcticSy “one sSid four buckle." .Pacs and light dress.or heavy overs, Nisleys, in the Archde,-Springfield; Ohio, FRESH BULK OYSTERS 33c PorQuart. 17c Per Pint. R. Blrd&Sans Co. - ,FOR SALE—An extra good fresh Jersey cow. Phene 33-173. Wpn M, Smith. New 8 and 9 inch lace or button Boots -for ladies in-.plain black or beautifully colored -kid,. Remember we make a specialty of pleasing-the hard to. fit. Complete lines of sizes fi to $ AAA to E. Prices range $3.50 to $10.00. Nisleys, in the Arcade, -Springfield, Ohio, Mrs, W. A, Condon and children of Trenton .are here with the former’s father, Mr. R. C. Watt* for some time. Rev. Condon preached his last ser mon in Trenton Sabbath and has ac cepted a call to the Presbyterian con gregation in Urichsville, O. Mrs; Ju lia Condon is also visiting relatives here while -the change is made. Outing Flannel Nigltt 6*wni A choice line for Men, Women end Childrcjn. i R, Bird & Son* Co. Mrs. S»*T. Baker has been appoint ed executor of the estate of Airs, Frankalina Johnson under her will -as probated last Week. lessrs. George Little, Wm. Hop- S , Andrew ’Winter, Charles Mar- . Dr, Leo Anderson, Ralph Wol- 1 and Sidney Smith have . been elding several days at the reser- <—How long since you gate your notber a box ot candy? ltemem- mr her on NATIONAL GANDY )AY* Saturday, October 14. Special iricos at Blobards; George H. Thome of Bellbrook, ex- Itate Senator from Colorado, and iow a lawyer in the department of ustice, has announced himself as a andidate for congress m this dis- -Y ou WiU loose your sweetheart you forget her oh NATIONAL LNDY DAY, Saturday* October Special j*class at Bioharcta. a Mrs. Char’ ’ ' Hall has returned jm a visit PigUa and was accom- nled home by Mrs. Ebrenz, who 11make her a visit. Mr. G. A. Shroades, who was badly |urcd last week in a * .use while repairing a gutter, has en moved from the McClellan sspital in Xenia to'the home of his iter, Mrs. Charles Turner.; Mr. itoades still suffers some pma from e bruises and his hearing seems to ;ve been affected by the shock, it .11 probably be some weeks before i will be able to be about. As a mark of respect foroje^hom a aved in the community for more an fifty years, Jarriestown merch- its closed their places Of business [ring the funeral of the late Dr. >bblast Friday. Dtv J. &?*X? LV« the funeral sermon while. Dr. tone of Springfield, Rev. Jamestown and Rev, J. S. E. mc ichael, assisted. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cooteyenter; ined Thursday at noon a l»rg« nmn t. of friends and relatives-mhonor thdr son arid daughter-in-law, Mr, A Mrs. Wilbur Gooley. in Whites,*' are P. «• rave a Holstein bull; an igus heifer calf fwm J* while a number of oth- »ium over the slate con • oS? kind* ofammas to rtf Th$ xttDbfef A. Sieberling of Akron, n*. a model bhrn 4 that cost $10,000, ■Hip. **### 4*WWas**' N# * shM Mr* G, A* McClellan, who has been in Jacksonville, Fla., has disposed of his newspaper- holdings in that city and will locate in New York City where he expects to take up another farancH of the publishing business, Mr. McClellan stopped here over Sab bath for a visit with his mother, Mrs. Lucy McClellan. Mr. Frank Shepherd of Columbus has been spending the week with his aunt, Mrs. Mary Bridgman, Mr. Jacob Lott, who has been in declining health for gome months, has not been,so well for several days; ' 29,633.00 Other Rcaourcea................................ ,113,50 Total..1...... .............................. J355.3S8.01 * LIABILITIES CapitalStook Paid 40,000.00 Surplus Fund..'..,.................. 5,000.00 Undivided Profitaleas Expenses, Interest and Taxes P a id .,.,..,.*..,. 2,198,33 Individual Deposits subject to chock 132,789.16 Demand Certificates of Deposit,,,,,, 10,828.59 Due to Bank and Bankers...,........ 683.02 Time Certificates of Deposit.,.......... 17,5A'\0 S a v i n g t r D e p o s i t 86,759.02 Special Deposit .................................. 60,929,94 The annual inspection of the Penn sylvania railroad took place Wednes day when several special trains pass ed through here with, railroad officials who travel in Pullman cars. The in spection is made only in the day time and the officials live in the cars. •Mr. Edward Neel, -wife and daugh ter,who have been guests .of Mr. and Mr?.' ,S. C, Wright for several days, returned to their home in Idaville, Ind;* Wednesday. .The trip was,made by automobile, ' - APPLES and POTATOES We will havea ear lofed of apples and potatoes bn track in about two weeks.. Don’t buy until you see'us. - Prices will be right. • R; Bird A Sons -Co, Mrs. Carrie Devinnie, of Gran ville', O., has been spending several days-witfr Iter sister', Mrs. Mary M. ■Barber,. ... , , ; President ^Wilson has appointed October22, as Armenian Sabbath. The churches rind Sabbath sohoojB are urged to take Up a collection for the bait million exile starving Armenian children. ’ .The R. P. church. Main street, will heed, the call* ■>- - Another social event honoring MlsS ©orry was a mlsoellaneoua shower given Saturday afternoon by Miss .Helen Ogleabee. - With each -gift was a verso- of poetry written by the doner* TtfhSe were presented to the coining bride who read them aloud, The gifts were not only useful but beau tifu l.A unique program of .entertainment was provided, Mias Gorry, being given a ball of yarn 6n which had been placed slips o f paper calling on the different guests for readings, vocal and instrumental solos.. The dimug room wa» doeotated in pink and white and the living room in golden rod and matrimony vine. The ladies were served to light re freshments* , Mr, T* B. Andrew and wife, Miss Ilia Murdock and Mr. W. B. Steven son motored to Huntington, W. Va., last week to visit Miss Vera An drew, who .isteaching there, and and Rain Coata for Man Women. Oiled Clothing work coats far man* R. Bird A Sons Co* T otal.................................. *355,088.81 Stateof Ohio, County of Greonp', es: 1, 0 ; It. Smith, Cashier of the above named The Exchange Bank ,pf Cedarville, Ohio, do solemnly'swear that the above statement is’ true to the best of my knowledge ami belief. 0« %; ITH, Cashier. Subsoribed and sworn to before me this 0th day of Oetober lOlG. F, A- JURKAT, ■ ’Notary Puhlio, PUBLIC SALE! We will offer for sale on the Wy W. Creswcll farm $ miles East of Cedar ville on the Barber road, on Monday, October 16, I9f6 Commencing at the following property: . 4-HEAD OF HORSES -4 Consisting l grey gelding coming i years old extra good one weight 160ft lbs.; 1 bay gelding coming i years old general purpose; 1black mare 12 years old sound and good worker anda single line mare; 1 baymare 14 years old with colt by side three months.old' sound and a good work mare. 6 -HEAD OF CATTLE-9 Consisting af 1Jersey cow 4 years old; 1 twoyear old .Jersey, lhalf Jersey.and half Holstein, alt* giving milk, 1 full blood Holstein bull one year old, a good one,well markedmore white than black, 2 Jersey heifer calves. ; 80-HEAD OF HOGS—80 Consisting of 15 No. 1 brood sows with,fall litter* running with "them, 60 head of.feeding hogs weighing from 125 to 150lbs., extra good male hog. FEED;—2000 shocksofeorn inthe field, about20 ton* of hay in thebarn. 1 good buggy full leather top rubber tire auto seat Byke axle; hog boxes and hogtroughs and Xhog fountain. Terms Made Known Day o f Salm CLIFFORD LEMONS W. W. CRESWELL Baker &Webb, Auctioneers. . J, H. Audr** k, Clerk. One farmer near Urbapa sold 800 head of hogs at one time to Val Decker* the meat packer. The check was for $28,600, which seems to he almost' as good as making bullets. The' Ohio. Good Roads Association has started a campaign to have the legislature replace the five mills road tax levy inst< ad of three as at present. New York farmers to force the price of milk up have resorted to union tactics ana have struck. Farm ers who were willing to sell their milk at the present price to city dealers were forced to join the strike or their milk would be emptied in the road. After a milk shortage for several days the retailers are paying the farmers more and .the consumers haVe had their price raised by the dealers. Mias Mary Bird entertained a number of girl friends last Friday afternoon at a thimble party* in honor of Miss Mildred Gorry, an October bride. The hoates* was assisted by her sister, Mrs, Lloyd Confarr, The dining room was decoratsd in gold and white and a dainty luncheon was served. A comfort was knofted by the gussts and presented to Miss Gorry, For amusement a contestwas provided; the prize, cut glass sale and pepper flhajt0rB. being presented to the bride-to-be.^ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Gillaugh spent Saturday and Sabbath with Mr. Frank GiUaugh and fam ily . of TippaCftnos City. The Herald will not insure the pub lication of personal items and an nouncements after Thursday noon, For months back many items have been sent in at tho time of dosing the forms when they could have been reported to us earlier, Of course there are certain things that happen late in the week that must be given on Thursday, but we ask better co operation by sending itt all reports as Soon as possible. Wanted, men and girls to work in our Twine and Rope Mills, Work easy to learti; steady employment and good wages. Apply to The Hooven & Allison Company, Steele Building, Xenia, Ohio, Two horses were killed by tho au thorities in Miami county last week near Tipp on account of the glanders. Three atiier;; are supposed to have the disease which is said to have been brought from Dayton. The bar where the horses have been kept will have to be destroyed and a new* one erect ed, Btate veterinarians are making an invastigation. Preparation Tor Greatness, -It docs not matter If tho greatest thing for you to do be not in Itself great. The best preparation for great* ness comes in doing faithfully the lit tle things that lie nearest. The near?, est is the greatest inmost human lives* —David Starr Jordan. Ualt of th« Gorilla. The gorilla lias not only ft crouching habit, but he walks on all tour of his legs and has the motion of most quad- rupeds, using his right firm and left leg at the same time, aitd alternates With the left nnn and right leg. It la not exactly a walk of a trot, but ft kind of ambling gait, while the chim panzee Uses his arms ns crutches* but lifts one foot from the ground a little In advance of the other. He does not place the palm of the hand on the ground, hut uses the back of the fin gers from the second joint. iBurns-Joftci and th(S Buckat. Even Burne-Jones, the famous art- list, loved his practical joke, loved it oven Wheq iks was the subject of one, When painting freScoes on the ceiling of the Oxford Onion, with other choke medieval minded spirits, lie. dressed ftp as a medieval knight, was posing in a heroic attitude for the benefit of the others when one of them upset a bucketful Of dirty water over his head gad gorgeous clothes, and yet none laughed more heartily than he did him* self,-^-London Mall, Nothing Done by Inddffsrsncs. Indifference never wrote great works, nor thought out striking inven tions, nor reared the solemn architec ture that awes jthe soul, nor breathed sublime music, hor painted glorious pictures, nor undertook heroic philan thropies. All these grandeurs firo horn of enthusiasm, and are done hwrWy.—Anon. 1.9 I t J V le r c ly I n d i g e s t i o n ? jgvmisnww It's queer about life. We like to talk about Its large issues. But most, of them, when reduced to their lowest terms, are extremely, simple. An old minister1* wife never used to hear her husband preach an espe#ially accusing or Intolerant sermon without wondering what -she had been giving him to eat that did not agree with him. For she.had learned by experience that even the color of his theology was af fected by Wa digestion, A prominent citizen admits that for years life looked llko a dreary, desert and a barren waste to him until one day a doctor exclaimed, "Why, man, do you realize that you are going about this earth without a particle of hydro*. chloric acid In your syatewi’’ The fuff significance of this highly Important fact had never before pierc ed the outer rira of his consciousness, but he learned then that to most hu mans a certain proportion of this acid Is essential to digestion. "And," he went on to say, "after a few weeks l felt like going around preaching the gospel of ten drops of dilute hydro- “chlorlc acid in a glass of water after meals to all cf suffering humanity." It was all so perfectly simple and so'al most rldlculoua.To know that so .much of tho valne of life Itself could turn on so Small a matter ns ten little drops of fluid, with your food! It’s tho old story o f the horseshoe nail. For the wflntof a nail nkingdom was lost, and there are more trifling little nails missing in every day life than we imagine. .And this is not by way of urging ua to brood over our ills, but to examine themsufficiently to find out how simple some of them are. Perhaps It isu't a matter of ten drops of anything that will make this world a fairer place for you. PerUaps it is a simple little^pair of reading glasses that will remove your eye strain and eliminate your headaches and sweeten your disposition. Perhaps It is noth ing but a foolish little corn thnt.lB pressing, on a nerve and making you think you are going to be laid up for life with rheumatism or paralysis or what not But If it is a small thing on which much of comfort and health de pends, how foolish, not to take the. trouble to set It right i. For, after all* it takes more than sen timent to lire Well and happily. It takes common sense and as much de cent Interest U l the care of the ma chine you live with, which is your own body'* as you would bestow upon your dollar watch or your typewriter, net to -.mention your sewing machine or your automobile. i A SMART SIZE. W m Kiddies Will Look Something Like Thie AK the Spring. Children’s coats have as much tailor ing and detail lavished On them as doi big ones. This tot’s is cut of row A. OdRQEOC OHSL. & gaberdine, with a double row of nov elty bntfons. The yoke is corded, as are the cuffs, and Interesting little patches of smocking fill spaces, The coat takes a little white straw and satin bonnet trimmed with pink rose buds. Tartars Sauce. Materials.—Two small cucumberpick les, three olives, one teaspoonful ca pers* one tablespoonful chopped pars ley, one-half teaspoonftrt choppedchives. or a few drops of onion juice and one cupful of mayonnaise. Directions,-Ghop all of the Ingredi ents very finely, unless onion Juice is used In place of the olives, la which event grate this from the whole onion on a coarse grater. Blend With.the mayonnaise and set nsldo to become thoroughly chilled before using, ^ Frj*h Meat Grtddlecakes, Chop bits of cold cooked fresh beef, veal, etc., ahd season with salt and pepper. Moke a, grlddlecnke batter and lay a spoonful of It ibatteri on a heated and well buttered Iron spider, on tho placed hatter a spoonful of the chopped meat, then n spoonful of hat ter Over the meat. When cooked suf ficiently on one side turn, and when lufflelcntly done (well enough cooked) »arfy to table to be served while still lot. ■ * QUICK RELIEF BALM Stet Csttwh-HiyFivsf-WhmaAsms*. Qtriokr*U«fhr «»rs ThrtetandTanoWH*. GrMt«*t HMdMhs andN*«ral«laIhffiMly. Qatekrtlltfhr Coldis HoadanddaLorn*, Onlcktttrallaf hr ToothachandEaraeh*. Bill far OouaKsandHaamnaw. GmUri 8 MinuteCrate ftamady, B*«t ftavantailvaandRamadyhr Pnautndai*. NaMar WlaRaMtdyknown. Blatthmadyhr Burn*and IvyPriwn. Fartara Fwi -Achinglalnte-COrna-Buntaaa. *s«, s«« and jh.O* at Criifiteta and * o«ai«r *4 *t by mall, ■e*]*r MHMdaa **‘M }*** lar-Ai.a* j*r Mftteina • aca jar, TANLAC, THE GREAT NEW MEDICINE, SWEEPS OVER NATION: MERIT WINS AND MULTITUDES GIVE IT PRAISE • * a- ’ “Made Me Younger”—“PutMe Back on The Payrol” - “Gave Me NewLife”—in The Thousands of • Endorsements Given Master Medicine tuc M-uniliniifi CHEMICAL(A. This is Tanlac Week. , * . . More than seven milliQn five hundred thousand bottles of tanlac have been, sold in the United States in the two years since the first bottle was sold. . That fact ,alone is sufficient explanation, why Tanlac Week should now be celebrated in cities throughout the United States. The tremendous and unpre cedented success of Tanlac could not haye been achieved without true merit. The 8,000 druggists who are giving Tanlac their renewed endorsement* by ^special displays this week know that they have behind them the unqualified-■ endorsement o f Tanlac by millions of satisfied customers., ' No other medicine has ever had the same success that Tanlac has won a a tonic, appetizer, invigorant and revitalizes Its fame was Instantaneous and it spreads through the country until today it is known everywhereas The Master Medicine. , ’ — . • , * ,'**•' •v''’ *■, >^ True W orth Explains Success Taniac’ s success is easily explained—true worth. The tens of thousands of men and women who h,ave endorsed it praise it because they are. greatful for the relief Tanlac has given them. ~ ^ - To suffer from sleeplessness, indigestion, nervousness, rheumatism, belching . and bloating from gaa; dizziness and biliousness; kidney and liver troubles, the stomach, the back and the head for years, and then to get relief through a. tonic that is plea-ant to take, gentle,and gradual in it* results, renew ing the appetite, aiding assimilation, <md restoring health, vigor,.ambition and •trength, is enough to make people greatful. - - . Tens of thousands of people have said that Tanlac is the master - Medicine. Tanlac week therefore means something to them., * . - Endorsements are Remarkable Some of the endorsements of Tanlac are remarkable. They show that takr ing Tanlae Was a profitable investment for the sick, weak, nervous, run-down men and women—profitable in more than one way. Some of the praise of Tanlac is in phrases that arewritten over and over. * / “ I feel like a. new Inan,,—:-<fTanlac has put me back on the payroll”—"I never lay off from my work since I took Tanlac”— “ I do twice as much work as I used to”—^Tanlac has made me feel twenty years younger ”—UI wake up in the morning feeling fine now.” Many women have written, “ I have my natural color back since I took Tanlac”—*T feel like a girl again”—^“My neighbors ask me what I have done to look so young and answer is Tanlae” — ” 1 feel like a different tnoman; my hou*e- workis a pleasuse since I took Tanlae.” — Those are some of the expressions' which tens of thousands of inen and women have used, in statements praising Tanlac. * Tanlac Meets a Need O Prepared from a secret formula, purely vegetable and absolutely free from mineral taint, Tanlac has met the ne*d of a great reconstructive tonic to feed while it heals sick, sore stomachs; to promote digestion, aid assimilation, induce healthy and normal function of the digestive apparatus, and to build up health anfd strength in a natural way. M lthroughout the vast world Nature ha* placed remedies for th* healing of the nations. In Tanlac of them are merged for a sensible rem*dy. In Tanlac nature offers the great natural remedy for the everyday ills from which millions of men and women suffer. Th* ingredients or medical elements which make Tanlac come from far separated section* of the globe. It is as though Nature, planting her gardens in every zone of the vast world, permitted man to select the best for compound ing into a great remedy. Man has spared no expense or labor. ,N ow a Household Remedy koots, herbs and barks b*st suited to a great tonic are used in the making of Tanlac, They ate selected scientifically and blended with care In order to insure a supply of them for Tanlac The Cooper Medicine Company brought large amounts of certain ingredients. *Ten tuns of on# ingredient were bought in one order. * Tanlae'* suttcess, starting ^so quickly, is lasting. It has become a house hold remedy and is in two million homes because it is ths grant medicine which Nature offers from her best products. Millions of peopla know this and Tanlac therefore is praised everywhere as The National Tonic—the upholder o f health and strength through the stomach blood and nervas. ' * You Can Buy Tanlac at These Exclusive Agencies. C. M. RIDGWAY, Druggist, Cedarville, Ohio.
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