The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52

y o u n g m a n :l§ YOUR PRICE $15 OR $18? C ®U®THE$ '*t tbi» price will mest your F ^ i t ’era*®!^ We would net piece this make in our $$©r<s n we did not believe they were good. They are fiiTiehowj «the average clothes at the price—and you i $§14 share the same opinion when you see them. Aik to See the F ra t When in the Store Wf$ TAKE just as much care In selecting Boys’ Clothes us we do the Men’s* That’s the reason we sell * Perfection Clothes Suits with a pairs;.':B*n%. *% $450 and $5, Fancy Scotches, $6.00 to $15.00. Blue Serge, $ 5*00 to |fta * 0 a Mackinaws, O'Coats, Raincoats, Sweaters, Underwear, Hats . /], and Caps s (Dep’fc. Second Floor) ft veryihjngx For Man or • Boy £ f f “ The Surprise Store 28-30 E. Third S t , Dayton, Ohio Subject to previoUs salewe offer Seven percent cumulative preferred, stock increased from $200,00 to $400,00* Par Value $ioo. Dividends Payable on January, April,, July and October 1st, , PRICE par andjnterest, yielding 7$ income. This stock is ex-, empt from ail Ohio taxes and the normal income tax. ■“•t ' t ,”'-”, »“' f * ' v ' r. , ‘-k ' ’ >v Vf J' 1 "• ’ « ,* ’ *- *f * ' - , ' t **<*, j ? Profits for the last four years have averaged over $50,000.00 per year! . during .the last two years $65,000.00 .per year, and for 191:6 should exceed $go, or more than three times the dividend requirements. The plant and equipment arenot excelled by any similar concern in the country. All machinery is of the latest labor-saving type, and all woik' is done by the most modem andrimproved methods; , f •/, * * . t*n- * . , ■ •’ * -v THB OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY ARE: John S. Crowell, Pres. ‘ Elwood Myers, Vice Pres, and Treas. Robert N. Lupfer, Secretary E. C. Crowell . A. M. Myers. Fully Descriptive Circulars upon request, The American Trust and Savings Bank investment Department Springfield, Ohio, FRANK I. BROWN Your Candidate and the Republican Nominee for JUDGE OF THE COURT OF APPEALS ^CMTX.*V.C*C»‘-0.«W«>C>XWBX'<*e J LOCAL AND PERSONAL 5 —Ladies Colored and Plain Black Kid Boots In lags or Button patterns hand turned or welt so I sb 1610 ’newest lasts and patterns a t $8.00 to ♦10.00. James G. Johnson SPRINGFIELD, OHIO -Candidate .for Re-elbctioti SB jUBCHB OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF OHIO A Position Which He Has NftW HeldForaPeriodofSixYears, ELOdUiNf TESTIMONY , The Columbus Dispatch, in art edi­ torial Sunday, October 8, MO, has this to e»y of him: < ‘■In the case of the Judicial ballot, this year, wei do>not need to con- ■Idar oartlsattshit). Happily, the election laws have been so changed that we can choose men to the bench for their learning, tfaeTr honesty sad their general efficiency as administrators of Justice, We can no longer, in slipshod fashion, note the party brand and vote i*te without regard to tfiequalitles of the man wmee. We must know who are the men thatjare 5t'toe lNto&, Whist they stand for id the law and the better thing* of ye. it is every man’s duty and privilege to inquire into these matters ballot, accepting tm- m it la t« Sst*temwtf ar»» «w <»» » » * • loetrtkmed the word of no party boas or machine, *ht thla connection It ie a pleasure to say that there te no man more Merthy of support for a seat on the Ohio supreme bench than Judge lames 6. Johnson; who I* a candidate to succeed Himself. Physically, a ifitnt of the Lincoln type, he adds to great' legal learning, the rugged battues? amf impartiality of Judgment that make the Ideal occupant of ft* bench, He Is a man of the type to be favorably considered by any iledfeer, with whatever party he may be affiliated." 1 .. .n ..... i -■■■I Mil. 'ID.MMttftai..Wu'in.■.... I' ....... ... J A number from this section attend- I ed the reception Riven Mr. and Mrs. | Robert Gowuy ‘Williamson last Friday night by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. •JR. D. Williamson, on the Jamestown and Xenia pike. Over 100 guests were present. Rev. J. J. Wilson, wife and children of Urban*, IU., spent the Week-end the f eet of his mother, Mrs. Caroline iison, and other relatives. Rev, Ernest S. Foster and wife left Monday for their future home in Union City,,lnd, . ■ A delegation of 200 Greene county Republicans attended the Hughes re­ ception in Columbus, Monday night, Almost every county in the state sent delegations, there being ft parade with plehty of redjfire, .bands and enthusi­ asm. * Mrs. David Deck and son of Dayton are spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Towns- icy. Dr. Ralph Atkinson, noted evangel- open* * series of meetings here on Thursday, November 16. "No Hunting” signs'for sale at this office, Mr. ft. $. Townsley and wife and Mrf \ i 0^n T0Wnsley spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Dayton. ' Mr. J. C, Townsley and wife, Mr, Chas, Ervin and wife and Miss Flora Nesbit of Xenia, drove through to New Concord, Spending the week- end with Messrs. Fred .Ervin and Leigh Nesbet, students at Muskingum, Mrs. D. M, Dean leaves this week 1 j for Columbus where she will spend> i the winter with her daughter, Mrs,: i It. B. Patton. | 1 Mrs. Ito Lemons was taken to a ! ; Xenia hospital last Satusday for an ! i jperation for appendicitis, having tak- ! i en suddenly sick. | Blder & Johnston, Dayton, are of- j | "ering four trips in the State Domes- -tie Srieae# Contest for this countyJ nnd the four winners will be sent on the Corn Boys’ Special to Washing­ ton, D, C. Those interested should get in touch with this firm as to de­ tails, Cedaryille township should have one or more representatives in this contest. TheC. H. S, Basketball team met defeat a t South Charleston last Fri­ day afternoon. The score was 21-la and the game was played out of doors. . Reports show there are plenty of rabbits tbis season. Kopie of the hunters iapdsd high as fifty on the opening day. Sa^e blowers ’received $800 in checks and cash Wednesday night when the National Feed Mill Oo.* Safe was blown In Yellow Springs, Dr, Webster, pf Xenia, preached the annual Bible society Bermon In the U. P. church. The officers elected were! Rev, McMichaei, president; Dr. Ohesfiut, Vice-presi­ dent; L. H.. Sullenbergcr, Secretary; Wr R. Sterfatt, treasurer, 8. 0. Wright and J. Ervin Farris,Trustees, VOTE FOR WAT8 0N. Vote for Watson for Probate Judge, is Yyi,n* halP Office ^*Ady fiRVe1, ^ia(l a county The young folks of the M. ,E* church gave a masquerade a t the Harper home last Friday night Mr. Forest'Waddle has rented the Mason livery barn .In Xenia and Will move there In a 'sho rt time to open a livery barn. Hewill give up the Boyd bam* here and Will be ready for business' lm Xenia about trie middloof tbs month. ’Mr. O. E. Boyd will open the Waddle stand. Mr. and Mrs...J, E. Hastings and daughter. Lena, drove through to New Concord where they have been visiting Mies Maude, in Col­ lege there. Maynard Puffer has been laid up as the result of running a nail in his foot, ‘ ■' Mrs. G. F , Hardy, of Clyders Point, N. Y„ h*s been a guest of her mother, Mr8; Beal, a t the home of Mr.-B. C. Watt. • —WANTED;—Two good, Bober, mejnrto work-in mill and one man for log cutting, . Winters work for the right men. j ,The Tarbos Lumber Oo. TELLSCAU$EOF SEOSONtLILLS ', ^ L a.*i ^ „ a*■ RonDownHeaim-MakesRoJy MoreLiableInDisease. STOMACHUSUALLY TO BLAME Human Machine Falla When Diges­ tive and Eliminative ProcCttea Get Out of Order, Yielding Pojeonou* Waste inctead of Strength-Building Nutriment—Tanlac Expert Talks. Many ills to which people are es­ pecially liable a t this time of the year are direct results of a disordered stom ach and deranged digestion, according to the Tanlac health expert.. "in a majority of cases those who suffer from, sickness must blame their stomachs," he said. "We must remem­ ber that the strength of the body comes from the digestive system. Food Becomes poison, ‘ "When the supply of nutriment needed to keep the human machine fails, the food which should have giv­ en strength becomes poisonous waste. "The stomach baa been Called 'the chemical laboratory of the body/ There the material taken Into the body is rendered into blood, bone and mus­ cle for permanent health, vigor and vitality. “The success of TaJilac as an aid to digestion, assimilation and the fttno- lions which dispose of wastq matteir has been proclaimed by thousands, Restores to Normal. . - "Tanlac is a vegetable remedy, de­ signed to feed while it heals sick, sore stomachs, and to bring back the digestive system to its normal, natural Work. Thus health is restored, yield­ ing energy, ambition and vitality, and giving that feeling of complete Well being necessary to the full enjoyment of life by every man and woman, “With the health and Strength that Tanlac gives, people are less subject to disease. Thousands Who have tak­ en . Tanlac a r e . grateful because it made them well and kept them wall" C. M. RIDGWAY, AflUfit. : JUDICIAL TICKET For Judgeof th« SupremeCourt „ VoteforTwo MAURICE IL DONAHUE JAMES G. JOHNSON KorJudgnofth#Court of Appents, VoteforOne HENRY L. ERfcNEDING For.fudge of th-Rrohnte Court Vd*fot*Oftc OLIVER WATSON What Mr. Hughes Thinks o f Himself In 1912 when Justice Hughe* was a member of the Supreme Court and was asked to become a candidate for President, he said; “The man who on the highest judical tribunal would consider another office is fit neither for the one he holds nor for the one to which he aspires.” Europe’s Warning There are a million maimed and blinded boys to-day in Europe. There are millions of homes to which loved ones will never return. . ‘ O - e x « x o <% <% There would be a million mourning homes in America to-day had the.United States , entered the “European War. J . e x ex. ex<u . You have been spared this misory. You are still N surrounded by those you loye, . e x e x e x < a <* . . . . ‘Do no t gamble with your great good fortune. •' j t ' , « x jax ex<w i * ■- * Keep Wilson in Washington! Adv; a=s*& n YOUR OPPORTUNITY!- W ith Shoe prices constantly increasing and the supply of Shoe Stock -decreasing, we still continue to undersell all competition* MEN’S-HEAVY WORK , SHOES Black or Tan in Chrome ( 1 AQ . or Oil T a n .......... . . , . 9 I b «»(I LADIES’ COMFORT SHOES Button or Lace. Plain .Tops and Tips, with or without- O’! OO cushion soles . ............ V “ INFANTS’ SHOES Soft Soles . . . . . . . . . . . ,29c to 59? First Steps . . . . . . . . . . . 49c to 69c Stiff Soles................... 59c to 98c BOYS’ SHOES For all purposes. Heavy Shoes with high and low Tops, $1.69 TO $1.98 DRESS SHOES Button or Lace, in all the different leathers, $1.08 TO $1*98 FELT BOOTS $ 1 . 9 8 $ 1 . 9 8 Gum Boots Men’s Black Gum B o o ts ,...,,,,$1.98 Men’s Red and White Boots.*..$2^8 Men’s Black Thigh B oo ts .......$2.48 MEN’S DRESS SHOES Button and Lace, in Patent Gun Metal or Tan Death- ®j 0 0 6FS « ••« V * • * VW *4**# # 4V I l l l l l I.- . -II- -- ----------- ----- ■ LADIES’ SHOES Good sturdy Shoes, all styles and leathers. Also a' complete'line ..$1,98 of the newest novelties* . . . . OUR RUBBER DEPARTMENT Your neighbors, bought over 500 cases'^f Rubber Footwear from this store last season. This meant an enormous saving to them. You have the Same op­ portunity to save on your Rub-' ber bill this fall. , LADIES’ RUBBED FOOTWEAR Light Over Sandals.’ .. .39c to 69c One Buckle Arctics 89c Alaskas and heavy overs.69c to 79c Men’s Light Overs ...v,59c to 98c Men’s 1 Buckle A r c t i c s , 9 8 c Men’s 4 Buckle Arctics.,,,.$1.98 Men’s 4 Buckle, AH Rubber Arctics , ...........................$1.98 MISSES* AND CHILDREN’S SHOES * The largest and most complete line in Springfield. All styles in all the different leathers. 98c TO $1.69 We ate unable to say bow long present low prices can be maintained, however, WE WILL CONTINUE TO SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR FOOTWEAR, G . R - K IN N E Y & C O . 122-124 EAST MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Farm"Mrs% Long term with repayment privileges In sums of $2,000 and over. Ohio FarmersReally Go, 714-16 REIBOLD BUOQ., DAYTON, 0 . POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Wo are authorized to announce,the name of Frank L. Johnson as a candi­ date for the Probata Judgeship on the non-partisan ballot a t the regular election in November. We are authorised to announce the name of W. F. Trader as a candidate for Probate Judge on the judicial ticket a t the election, November % We ate authorised to announce the name of Charles Howard as a candi­ date for Probate Judge on the Juffi-. rial ticket at the election, Nov* 7. Our Bawed-Off Bermon. It is some satisfaction to kpow that people can’t draw a sight draft Oft tw for a debt of gratitude. t