The Cedarville Herald, Volume 39, Numbers 27-52

11 11 What “ Tiffany” Means in Jewelry “ Bancroft” Means in Furs. Dame fashion never so in sistently demanded furs as T:his season. Luxurious ful flaring coats* adorable little round muffs and captivating animal'neckpieces are some of the most favored moi es. I t is a question whether our display is most notable for style or for value. For­ tunately for our patrons and for ourselves most of our orders were placed in March a t . last season's low level prices. This underbuying means underselling as the ad­ vances since that time have been most remarkable. In- . vesting now actually shows therefore a saving of not less than one fourth. * Here are a few items that should command the interest of any woman who expects to own hansome furs ; this winter. Genuine Hudson Seal Coats in untrimmed models $60, $75,' $85, and* $100. Skunk, Heaver and Fox trimmed Hudson Seal coats $100, $125, $150 and $200. Russian Ponyskin coats $32.50, $37.50, and $50. Brilliant Seal coats $47.50. For the moman who wants Fashion's most extreme fancies we have imported models in hudson Seal and Mole from $250 to $500. In matbhed sets, muff and netkpiece, we have a wonder, ful range both in price and coloring. You can see here a gook looking black Coney set as low as $2.50 or a regal Ermine set as high as $400. Red Fox sets , at $12.50 to $75. Black Fox sets from $20 to $100. Black Wolf sets as low as $13.50. Lynx, Mole, Beaver, Skunk* Hud­ son Seal, Mjink, Raccoon etc., are here in endless profussion in matched sets or in separ­ ate muffs or neckpieces. ( YpU are safeguarded in /a iiy purchase y our sixty- five years of specialized ex­ perience and by the Bancroft guarantee of satisfaction in wear. ' 1 r >£& m - FOR ^ A L E t - L a r g e compart­ ment refrigerator in good condition and cheap as we have no need fo r same. Itufua McFarland. Mr. and Mrs. C, M. Crouse leave the first o f the week for Wash ing­ ton, I), C. and Fredrlektown, Md., where they expect to spend the winter visiting w ith relatives, *, W ear a pair o f our perfect fitting fa ll dress shoes and have still an­ other reason to he thankful Nov, 80, N is ley ’s in theArcado. Springfield, Ohio. Mrs. Ralph GilbeTt waB taken to a Columbus hospital Monday night. Her condition has not been satis­ factory follow ing the birth o f a son last Monday. Physicians differ on the case and Dr. Baldwin of Colum­ bus advised her removed to the hospital where an operation was performed Tuesday. Reports re­ ceived here are favorable for re­ covery. Arties, Felt Boots, Rubbes Boots Rubber Footw ear of a ll K inds r . . * Ball Band, B. F. Goodrich Hipess and Beacon Falls. Th e best makes made. Remember i f n o t satisfactory wear, WE M AKE GOOD Arctics 75c up to Felt Boots $1.98 up to 9 $ 4.00 $ 3.50 Rubber Boots $2,49 up to Rubbers 39c up to $ 5.00 $ 1.50 ✓ ''V'F-en / Judge W righ t «>f Lebanon, who heard the injunction case o f C. M, Ri.dgway vs, the court for the co­ llection of the Dow tax on illegal sale o f liquor, has made the in­ junction perpetual on the grounds that the defendant was not guilty as charged. .High class picture framing. The Stanton Studio, Cedarville, o; Mrs. Myers, who returned recent­ ly from a visit at Fortress Monroe, Ya., vihlcomed the members of her club at her home la s tFn d a y even­ ing. A game played progressively, which is very popular in southern social circles was introduced and proved equally popular with her northern guests. Prizes were awarded, Mrs. Cbas. Goshane, first; Mrs. J. M. Willoughby, consolation Following dainty refreshments a business session was held. XEN IA , MOSER’S SHOE STORE rll Our N ew Xm as’ Slippers for women comprises tho most com­ plete display ever shown in Spring- field, Daniel Green’ s Oomfy Slip­ pers in Bv-st-Yet,- Rest-Rite, Silencer and Juliet' patterns. Eiether Rib- hon or Chinchilla trimmed. AH the colors of the rainbow at N isley’ s in. the Arcade, Springfield, Ohio. Remember all pictures, takeii in Cedarville studio are finished by the Stanton Studio, Springfield, O., find they are considered one qf the beat ut the state.'. So don 't hesitate. Our motto is “ Pleased Customers’ *. The Stanton Studio, J. V . Tarr, Mgr., Cedarville, Ohio. -Mr. Earl Crow has made applica­ tion for deputy game wardenship in this township to succeed Mr. C. F. Marshall, who is desirous o f giving up the work. Mr. Marshall has had the place for a number o f years and prosecuted a number of violators of the fish and game laws. Bancroft 25 East Main S t , Springfield, • Ohio 1916 S IX CYLINDER O V E R L A N D oversized tires, run less than 1000 miles. Cost 11250. F irst check for $750 takes It C .W .H offritz Sales Co, 117E. Second StMDayton,O. Ohio thisi year has issued 256,000 automobile licenses against 183,000/ issued last year. It is expected that* next year more than 300,000 will be issued giving Ohio the honor o f own­ ing more automobiles than any other state in the country. The background of the 1917 tags is yellow with black figures, the figures being larger than ever before. War in Europe had the opposite ef­ fect on food prices from what it does in this country i f all reports are true. In London, England, potatoes are quoted in the English papers at $1.53 a bushel. In Ohio they are retailing at $2.50.. And probably the potatoes on sale in London were grown in this country. Only five more weeks until Xmas. What about those nice Photos for Xmas presents. Nothing finer, and we can make them too. The Stanton Studio, J. V. Tarr, A rtist, Mgr., Cedarville, O. The trains from the west were all delayed last Saturday morning, due to a freight wreck on the Pennsylva­ nia near Spring Valley. Sixteen, cars were piled up and considerable dam­ age done, though no one was hurt. “ No Hunting” signs for sale at this office. Don’t Pay Big Prices! For Your W inter Clothing and Footwear Last June we anticipated prices going sky high. So we at onto bought thousands o f dollars worth o f merchandise. Now we are prepared to g iv e VOii tho benefit' of our timely purchases. Como and he Oonvincod- C o m e and be convinced. See jm r low prices on Men’ s and Boys Overcoats, fine Suits, Trousers, Mackinaw Coats, Sweater Coats, Hats, Caps and Furmseing Goods. A ll kinds o f footwear for men, hoys, ladies, misses and children. Shoes, Rubbers, Arctics, F e lt Boots, Leather Boots, Sheepskin L ined Shoes and all kind* Footwear. C. A. KELBLE’S Big Store 17-ift W est Main St.. X E N IA , OH IO General store of A1 Melvin. Wash- ington C. H.. was burglarized for $150 worth of guns anti.revolvers. Mt, Sterling was chosen as the meeting place, of the Ohio State Chris­ tian association for the year 1917. A man believed to bo William .Vantz, sixty,’ of Toledo, was killed When struck by a train at Elyria. John GuPlrn, Jr„ pleaded guilty at Ironton to the murder of his father, lie will be sentenced in a few days. Ill health prompted tho suicide o! Pinlev S, Kelly, sixty-two, who shot himself at his home In Columbus. Telephones are being installed in rural schools of Perry county with proceeds from school entertainments Nicholas Yidrylc was. instantly kill- ed' when he was struck by a descend lng elevator In a Cleveland stove fac-. tory. j Engineer I*. IT. Hontz was killed at i Conneaut when he slipped from his ‘ engine while at work on an unload­ ing dock, * i George Holt, seventy, Mlllersburg, ! Is missing, and it is feared he has met with injury or is the victim ot foul play. Mrs. Will Ross and son, Floyd, were probably fatally Injured 'when an !n- tenirban car struck their automobile' at Fremont. J. Z. Kinnan, farmer,, father of Win­ field ICinnan, manager of the state- fair, was found dead at his home near Bollefontaine, Schools and churches In Atwater township. Stark county, were closed follow ng. discovery of a case of In­ fantile paralysis. • Max GlaUBer, sixty, was killed when he walked put of a third-story window of a hotel at Dover while delirious with pneumonia. ' Forty thousand baby bass and chan­ nel- catfish were allotted the streams of southern Ohio from the state fish hatcheries at London. < Grand Master Frank H. Marquis of Mansfield announced that, there are now 107,039 members In tho mother lodge of Masons of tho state! Nat Young, under arrest at Canton on ait arson charge, admitted to offi­ cers that he had. burned a hotel at Newland, N, C., in March, 1915! East Liverpool announces that 7,000 pottery workers in the United States and Canada have been granted a 5 per cent increase by their employers. The high retail prices of coal are, Just, according to a statement issued by tho Youngstown chamber of com­ merce, following an investigation. Suffering"from loss of memory, F. D, Shoots, farmer, missing from homo several days, wandered exhausted into a physiciaii’a office at Beliefontaine. Charles E. Sinn, farmer, Hicksville, near Findlay, noticed a swarm of hoes around the roof of his house. Investi­ gation revealed 300 pounds of honey. Ruth Rtissclat, twelve, reported kt 1< nap6d two weeks ago, returned to her sister's home at Marlon. She lmd been visiting her mother in Columbus. At Cleveland Henry S. Chapman sued thfe Peerless Motor company 'for $800,000, claiming that amount due as commission on war trucks he. sold the allies, James Mitchell, forty-four, who served two terms in the state senate as sergeant-at-arms under the Harmon and Cox administrations, died at Port Clinton, Harley S; Cook, district claim agent for the’ Big Four railroad at BellOfon- taine, was promoted to claim agent for the Michigan Central, with office? in Detroit. “Old Man" Konigsman. eighty-one, Cincinnati, who had been supplying school children1with recess pretzels to t many years, was killed at a rail­ road crossing. Northwestern Ohio Medical „society elected officers a3 follows; President, Dr. J. R. Tlilotson, Delplios; vice pres­ ident, Dr. F. S. Replogel, Bryan; sec­ retary, Dr.' A. S. McICitrick, Kenton. At Ironton Carl Dement, Baxter Rose and Sim Bowen pleaded not guil­ ty to charge of second degree murder for killing Marshal L. C. KenhCdy of Proclorvitlc. The accused men claim self-defense. Ohio Baptist convention elected the following officers: President, E. H. Rhodes of Toledo; vice president, C. 7, Chamberlain of Geneva: recording secretary, E. It. Read of Springfield; treasurer, R. S. Colwell of Granville. . State records show that ."JO mur­ ders were committed in Ohio in the first nine months of 1916. Cuyahoga county reported 51 murders and Ham­ ilton county 49. Lucas had 23, Mont­ gomery 19. Jefferson 15 and Frank­ lin 11. Delos W. Smith, a wealthy farmer living near Carretsville. was Indicted on a white slavery eharco. Smith de­ serted his wife and children, federal authorities say, and made a trip to California with the daughter of a neighbor. t, Servants in Germany How tlie .servant question is handled In Germany is told in George Stuart Fullerton's book, “Germany of Today." “ In Bavaria, if I vyish to get rid of a servant, I must give her notice on or before the loth of the mouth, the notice to take effect on the gist of the month following. 1 must allow the servant iu the two weeks intervening a certain number <if outings to look for another place. I f X delay' my notice until the 10th 1 must tolerate tho un­ welcome domestic for six weeks longer, Should I prefer to get rid of her at any price I must pay her, not merely her { wages, but also a sum to cover ber i board and lodging the legal date, ! Such legal provisions may easily be an f annoyance to the employer, • it is n o t; all employees who scent ,to deserve so much consideration. But it is surely bettor that the well to do should suf- ;[} for some inconvenience than those who ! have their dully bread to earn should | run the risk of being brought to dis- i tress.' i • For Conserving Heat In Pipes. j An excellent covering for steam 1 pipes may be made from materials j that are always available. Take some j flue sawdust mid screen It through a S sieve to remove any foreign bodies. | Prepare a thin paste of Hour and wa- j ter and mix the sawdust thoroughly , with this paste. With a small trowel > the mixture so prepared should be ap-1 piled in about five coats to the steam » pipes while they are slightly warm. | Each coat, should be thoroughly dry 1 before the next- Is applied. I f the steam pipes are ini an exposed situa­ tion thrSe or four coats of coal tar i should be applied after the paste has dried. I f inside ,a buildiug this water­ proofing is unnecessary, Stehm pipes treated with the sawdust as above lose very little heat—Populav Science Monthly. .Victoria and tho Irish Soldiers, . It was at a royal review of troops that Queen Victoria made an immortal declaration. Regiment after regiment. English, Irish and Scotch, passed be­ fore tbe queen. When the Grenadier guards went past she expressed tlie warmest of admiration for the fault­ less .technic o f the regiment. When a regiment of highlanders marched past she became positively enthusiastic. “Magnificent!” her majesty is reported as saying, “What splendid soldiers those highland men are!" Then came an, Irish regiment, which one is not stated. This time it was not so much the faultless marching and tho splen­ did physique' that so Impressed her majesty. For a moment she said noth­ ing. Then in a low voice, she turned to an officer and said, “Ah, that is bloody war!" C A S TO R IA For Infant! and Children, ThaKindYouHillAlwaysBought Bean tho Signature of The Oldest Epitaph. The oldest epitaph in English, which is found in a churchyard in Oxiord- shiro and dates from the year 1370, to modern readers would be unintelligible not only from Its antique typography, but from Its obsolete language, the first two lines of which run as follows nud may be taken as a sample of tbe whole: “Mail com & se how schal alio dado be; wen yow comes bad & bare; noth have vdn we away fare; all ye werinca yt ve for care.” The modern reading would be: “Man, come and see how shall all dead be when you come poor.and bare; nothing have when we away fare. All is weari­ ness that we for curc.’’“-London Spec­ tator. ___________ __ Plum Pudding Broth, Plum broth, the forei uuuer of Christ­ mas pudding, found a place at the royal table so late as tlie last century. Brand tells us that he dined at lit. .Tames’ palace on Christmas day, JS00, .when the first dish was a “ rich, lus­ cious plum porridge," of which, he found on inquiry', the ingredients com­ prised “ forty pounds of veal, six shins of beef, fifty loaves, sixty pounds of sugar, 150 lemons, six dozen sack, six dozen liock, six dozen sherry, forty pounds of raisins, forty pounds of cur­ rants, thirty pounds of prunes and the usual spices/'—London Spectator. First Prize Declined, Perhaps the most remarkable lottery was that in France in 16(50,"when the conclusion o f peace and the marriage of Louis XIV. Wci‘o celebrated. It was drawn publicly and under tlie inspec­ tion of the police, nud the first prize, 309,000 livres, was won by the king himself. Hq would not accept it, how­ ever, njul it was left over to the next lottery in wbh-h ho bad no ticket.— London Express. OHIO m Special Suit Sale for T H A N K S G I V I N G - ; — : “ ... ■ I------------------------------------------- We are making special prices for Thanksgiving od Ladies Suits, the latest in style and texture, the latest of the season. $15.00 Suits $18 Suits $ 7.95 $ 9.95 $22.00 Suits $30,00 Suits $ 11,95 $1750 We carry coats from $7.50 to $75.00 and we can sava you money on every’ purchase - - : - We Carry a Special Line of Children’s Clothing. MARCUS 35 S. Main. St. Dayton, Ohio Let Us Help You Solve the High Cost of Living Remember that we are still able to find, the places to l>uy .our merchandise cheaper than anyone else, and remember that we are still able to give the public more Groceries than anyone else. So come to our store or call us by phone * eithpr to-morrow or next day, and get some of our special grocery offerings. COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES 9 Different Kinds of BREAD at * K 4c PE R LO A F Your dollar w ill buy more Rreakfast Bacon, Sugar Cured Hams, Sugar Potatoes, Flour and Canned Goods this week than wo have over offered since the advance iu prices. T ry our Fresh Colory, Cauliflower, Cranberries, Turnips, Sweet ' Potatoes, California Grapes, Oabbago, Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, etc., In fact everyth ing imaginable for your Sunday dinner. imo loo,or Water touches\ \SEKLSlVftT. OYSTERS!, .\No ChetatetPreservative! \Vised. \ \RaUwa\ flavor,trestaeMl \ti qpaUty (XkWXltO) W e still have some extra fine A P P L E S Cheap H. E. Schmidt 6 Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers 33 SDiith Detroit Street, . . Xenia, Ohio Philological Objurgatiem “ Do you think it proper to call an antagonist nnnicsV’’ f “ Oil, yes,” replied the scholar, “if It is done properly. By selecting epi­ thets sufficiently long and unusual to send people tut flic dictionary the proc­ ess may be made posUively education- ft].’’~-Wafihlngton Star. Anti-Pain Pills for all pain HOG CHOLERA AND PNEUMONIA ERADICATED By usingour high potency stand­ ard 20cc. dose Serum. Costs you 2c per cc. Dose for three to ten day old pigs 10cc. Dose for lot) lbs. pig 20cc. .Have your bunk ascertain for our financial standing. We have more, money invested in oar hold­ ings than any tea commercial Serum Companies in the. 1‘ , S. Government licensed, financial­ ly responsible company, estab­ lished in ISKltf, Write for our FREE book on Hog Cholera. Order your Serum from the INTERSTATEVACCINE CO. Stock Yards, Cincinnati, Ohio, or direct from the Factory, Kansas City, P. O, Station No. 2, Kan­ sas City, Mo. m PILES '^FISTULA AUOAM. DISEASESOFTHE I'ECTUH t>eft Ldti.iVj a rrc'hUv i t thesstiSfcKSJG# ottttaurtaft sd *'juiiLfttuq/cttctiViL tatft t Pt&i&JvltCaay. IV, tefl ‘.inti SftsK££3a:i4 Diet, cscf \Vitrxt. ftimtKrofi MnK m (tm j teS&lttVise&W ojtsr.ticstD !$.>& d r , j. j. M c C l e l l a n OOMfJS.0. OaKoak Cuildls'L Easi Braid Sire;! ORCHARD PLANTING f _ ~ j W e w ill plant you this fa ll one twsto o f Oicbftrd, S3 trees to the ’ acre o f different kinds o f jfrtufc j trees, trim, replant aud care lo t it to t two years, cheaper than you cab do it yourself, and guar­ antee you satisfaction ami perfect stand. Write u » and w e W ill Call and See Yen* CARR’S NURSARIES Yellow Spring's, Ohio. Ill It 1 j'i i tl i , ti ii H ji 14 '13 $ i j 1