The Cedarville Herald, Volume 40, Numbers 1-26

\ I H .* C? £> * £3 Ga ft fiif o M e r d d T h e * * . if,-r«sss ££*#»■» b M 8/ ^ w w w w w w w o m » o F O R T Y - F I R S T Y E A i t N O J f e e E © A R ¥ I M 3 » O H I O , F |U l > A t ; J M l T M t T 4 t 1917 Y l A * COUNCIL MEETING Third Number Lecture Course OH LtgiiluUve Body P a *** 0 « i o f ! Fxfeteee* Follnwinx Windup o f B mwiuhn For the Yeer—Bills Paid—Mtyor MeLe-Ml Retiree* Council met Monday evening ami completed tlie business of the year, ending the McLean administratior, ready fo r the induction -of th* ror.v mayor, D, If, McFarland, Two members vere absent. Dear and Lowry, The feature of the meet ing wa» the paying of outstandin:; claims amounting to $51.7.94 Tlio mayor’s receipts were $15. The finance committee report was m follows* General fund- ......................$110404 . Safety ,..**-*,.».,*****■,<*.**.•.... „y.4l bervlcc, «.*.#.,,»., 024*81) Health 41,52 Interest-Sinking 4076.09 Total ..............................,$5670.60 Mayor McLean called council's a t­ tention ' " .......................... ed ov< ■ber h years, ago by the Neptune. F ire Copy- pany during a, contest:* Tho flag m quite h relic and is probably m°te than fifty years old and shows its age a s the silk in places has given away, The late W, ML Barhqr was last sur­ viving member of the Neptune .Com­ pany and had custody of the flag for many years. Council adjourned sine die follow­ ing which . Mayor McFarland took charge but -the regular; organisation, wall' not take place until next Mon­ day evening a t ‘the regular meeting. Tins Was necessary due to the, ab­ sence of member Lowry and tlie new­ ly elected member, A. Z. Smith. The bond o f the?mayor signed" by O. L. Smith and G, A, Sbroades was approved. The bond of Marshal .Mc­ Lean feigned by J , C. Barber and G, A. Shroades was also approved. The same gentlemen are on the marshal’s bond fo r street commissioner. Adjournment was taken until Mon­ day evening- . . I s securing Dr. Wg Vm n Chow few f£»o third sm r f e r o f tea Ccdarrillo ILecture ceu rso ,, tho emaraittCQ in; 3 jcc I tha t they are offering the . — an;ty a treat each as ia coldp-a afforded them- hM !» reg<®§ years ha3 a lecturer with such a nationwide reputation appeared i a Ccdurvillo mid no mould b e greeted with a record- areakittc audiences neat Monday eve­ ning, _Dr. Chew Jm Dpcnt mam yearn m tins country and1opcaks Englfck with remarkable iluency and pereiDion* uaymg established tho first Chinese daily paper in the United States, he m known ra ^aramlfetic circles as the ’’Father of ^ Cbitiom Journalfem in America,’'’ white upon tho platform hm scholarly ^uulltiea together with. Ins humor have won for him the'name ’the Glunoso Mark Twain.’-’ Last summer when he appeared upon the Chautauqua platform hr, Xenia, the uasetto devoted somewhat over a col- umn to a review, of Dr. Chew’a lecture- find stated that it was the best num­ ber on the .entire seven days’ -pro gram., Dr. ■Chew's lecture’will, \vc have no doubt, be an epdch-malciiq event m CedarviUo Lecture course history. Patrons of the Course tviH remem- ber that we are now a t war and that one of the methods which the govern- meat has adopted .to win the wdr is a ta x upoh everv- ad­ mission ticket sold ip tho country. ,No matter what may be,the nature of the entertainment, 10 per cent, of Die cost of a sraglfe admission -ticket is " " ,A o f Internal '■t as yon get, .government, and so when you appear a t Johnson’s store Saturday afternoon ticket you wish to usq. t RememberDri Ng Poon Chow will1 tectum s“” ^ a j I C Q U S G This is the year ,of' taxes and di- censes if not on your income then for tho dog qr nutm The notomebite license tags a re now due and may. be had by remitting a five spot to. the secretary of state, Tho tags are White raised letters on black back­ ground. For' the year 1917 341 gasoline auto licenses were issue* this state. There were 4494 electrics and 3474 dealers and 21,332 motor- cycle licenses. The receipts for the yean were $1,775,009, Bratton Will ' U Probated The will of Mrs. Margaret Louisa Bratton, late of Ccdatvilie, disposing of an estate valued a t $12,090 has been - admitted to probate. The daughter, Jennie I>, Bratton, is be­ queathed the house and lot on Xenia avenue Ccdatvilie; to each of the fol­ lowing is left $200: Kate R. Barber, Mary Louise Coulter, Edith Jeanette Barber, David Lawrence Barber, Ethel Fields Creswill. I t is provided the farm of 85.04 acres and 27 shares of stock be sold and the proceeds divided equally between tho daugh­ ters, Kate lb Barber, Jennie and M w Bratton, William Conley is named executor. Mercury Hits The Bottom People In t-hio section concluded thd t the mereary had about struck bottom Sabbath, morning when £ks weather gaugea registered various figures b u t averaged around twelve and fifteen below. Two lowest eafiie from the Masoiou creek channel which !e always tire coldest when Mr. t i f f Ball reposed 23 Mow, A t any rate i t was tho coldest morning of tho winter, 1 A NEW YEAR’S SNOW, Tho Now Year brought! tio about eight inches o f snow th a t brightened up what we already had. I t was warmly welcomed’fo r tho wheat but will make travel a Mttld heavy until the toads are broken, Or.o wiathcr observer reports 29 inches o f aratv fo r December to tills section,,Through th<s fdqdly efforts of T. Bi MctMing f and James Bailey drags wero run.ov- <1 th e streets to break f!:o show. FOR 01 MR SAIL!, I will o t e .i n y keuib of Q ;ii oa*eo fo r quick safe a t a bargain. Dtsych w im f, four with d&ubte finished floors. Modem dikken fcotico, Btsb.e nod c m siaMo irith cement floors. Ffcaly of f t alt c>t all kinds each a* apples, p^adtes, p!uitt-> p a r s , ehci^ rie*, isspb rn lcs, gooseJiewfe.-j rant*. afpAeago.O ?>.uhi*\b and winter »»fehk ih d patcfi of 890 str&uM/fes. i f Diken c t often, tew price, a s i dft* *ir# in teffto te nttotbe*- ffeo W, 1* ■ 'tetmms or Dftfid N, T a r t e j le* darrillt. Ohio, San Francisco W.^*M I. Wwrd. uornte«| the find of the week from Mr. Fred Townstey iftei* he Imd left Omaha, Neb., that his company Was on the way- to San Francisco, and not Pasadena oq- re­ ported last week. For a time i t was thought that Mr, Hugh 1 would not get to go but a t a t Columbus together. Mr. Towns ley reported that Omaha was a cold place Saturday morning, the mer­ cury being 22 below; Both the hoys were enjoying the trip. G. I, Hoppei of Logan, a eatdJcr, wan fouuO -dead ia M I a t Camp'Sties'*. ISap, - , f Thomas A, Beta was named re* cclvcr fop the Messenger, a Fremont- gaily nowspspor. ' pteasapjt, .Waldo and Caledonia h ic k . nchcoip, la siarloa county, have boon made .fipet class. * Upiawvn'thng idlted Mm, Samh U Mulfcfd, 77, in her littte gracory e.* Columnua. Motlvo rcbUery, At 7f,«ncvtuwn ov en won wore'' m-ipmjiy injured whep a freight train rirack a motor track, they nceupied- Pirtea iCcrfgl'it 12, Toledo, hecamo entangled V a rape from whirii he wap. nwiHgtog and strangled to drj'.u. X'lamca lhhcd up the Whits!* cq - Greac iiropraofir.g plant a t ?Jalverc. Loss ?2Q0,<H>jJ. Firm had govornment contracts. , Mto, Beatrice Earl, 5?, a,homeless woman, leaped from the railing of a bridge and drowned in tile Scioto at Columbus, . ■ ' Frank.Stevenson, ’rescued .his .wife and oon penned' ip 'aft upstairs totem ,by; a fire which' destroyed tlipir home ftt Marysville. .Several suspects ore under survelte ance by detectives who arc searching for bandits who robbed Garfield bank a t Cleveland" o4?t5 500, ‘ A rhied mall pouch v’as fouPdnear’ ChilMeotbe, Postal anthorltiefe, be­ lieve it was consigned originally la Holaate, Henry county. By covering prisoners* Yrith rovol* vern deputies quelled a mutiny iu the Cuyahoga county Jafl, outbreak occpried during a prayer meeting. , Two .more bakers weia fined pt Cleveland for selling short weight broad, ■ whoa .Barnett- Rosen and Frame Hodman entered, picas -of guilty.- ' .internal Revenue Collector V/Ciss is training 100 special deputies .to aid la th e collection of the federal lst- l' come, tax In the ‘Northeasteri?. Ohio district* > * i . .. - . Elmer Rutter Js in jail a t Bolteton taine, charged with attempting -' to ■At Colnmbttp Edward .Haley, „3S, Bhot his wife, -Sybil 23, ar& a turned the gun on himself, Both feL, . iy wounded- romc-stle discQjtd epuaed tho shcoting.t • , „ tVilllpin F , Baldwin, editor VofJthe Medina Caridio, J i » h been iwuiefi by L.R, feaBiridt Earnest, Boerstlteg, to bA an- iatoJUsapce 'officer of ihe German Court Bailiff Is Dead Clement IV. Ltokharfc, former mayor of Xenia, former county sheriff and court bailiff a t the time of Mo death, died Sabbath night a t his home in Xenia. For three or four years Mr. Linkliort had been in poor health but for the pa st few weeks bin condition was regarded serious. He was 70 years of age and was a civil war v e t­ eran. He leaves a widow and one daughter. Tho funeral was held Wed­ nesday affetsoMp. ■ Frank Tarbox -o Court Judgo 0. H. Byte has assaoupced tho opputotftieat of, Frank Tarbox as .ositlop tho first o f tho year. Judge *lyte followed tlio piteedeat of op* noMifig es-olwriffa to tlu& pocitiom Mtv Tarbox Itarine served m sheriff of the county for two te rn s with a ftcad record. He, has bean a janitor a t tho coiirthoucu “tlio pa st four ycaiw, but sivea up th a t position. WillEntertain For Bank Stockholders J lr. 0 . L. fftaitti, toMei? of the Fh-= chaane Bank has cent out ao^ccn to ail tho a to ek h o lto of the hank fevMsifj them to Ms r a i d o t o m , Tuesday oventoff, Jdanary 8thf a t which tiam tho aafiaal SBCafinR will bo held. Folowlrfg tho -ateefaoH of directeffl a rd trimsaetloa of shall other te to te o at) will cemo M e te tlio members $ iera wiH ho a eotial .hoar. Gao featote -of the je s ting will bo the dlcsasDtea of tho ipcohio fay taw and ftp ptevlsteao, BARGAIN III A FABM* TM sheriff o f Clash CbttPiy. Sator- J. J - n, Jp|0riC3 t t Cl.i li It; %t , ys*uy, At Aebtoteiu, io- 34: * u isricy, ages 2 , wao 4 ptee-ri to «-w»»b m & qr .pet water. Aeoto tooigesttep tlio 4c nth of John P. i!tof*oi*ou$A <?t chief «S gollea c f Kariy»< , MM-w'later me»t«c a t : -Oe Ghio Eteto Bp? qssM junh bon (hess psssi- r-3Kod fadfismittljr, ■ ; Hamfitcn county U loMfiig all cth or eotesticfi to lb« qanc to- tho 'cate1 of war thrift riam a* , . At V m Wert ciwfijit a*kter, ifi, s o eldcatally shat a u f iu;*4 Ms play- jpiPte, Loo Patrick, A ‘ Mayor Davis of 4»*t»i»nd pppp'mk c j Frank W, StoltUfM cM'f of paheq- to oVtccqpd William k;fto»-o, reslgaoJ ‘ Mijck Mifllccnt f g«W!-«-;tPwr., from a teifiet,wm..<q|[*ii« to-have Dirty Game; ,|New Physicians Xenia Defeated Gc3ori?Ite High S to o l won over Xonm.IBgte a t the Aifoy^ Tuesday M irt, the *sma being 8$ to 25, t m i ’rtoey mght tpe local boys wen ovf? Hctcd by ehargefi with? orth Baltimore! ut Gallup ft 88. Find-: meivca- When from aujopcp. Scan ..-elute a t •yor Hprry L. aominptlofi tor M-i swmiKSloner of the Cuyaboa* tration m Hr was •ertotiri/" doitffqrod thv» hkIJcte w fte attft'y-ted. ‘kkp- pfitesto* tv was offered for his M m t a k iirsrjlh tdy afh s* tho sate, but ste-» rtfeed it, fitted* VM m acre (o r t ;o fa n s . Jfeal fstAfe r,ion coMeter tho* r»'l!e a g : i prmy. Was .arrested a t MPcnlllon. Or­ ders sending him to an internment camp are awaited. Hr. Leri P, GUbori. 63, died a t his home in Cincinnati. He. was for sev­ eral years editor' of tho W'catern Christian Advocate, and had .occupied., pulpits in Cleveland arid 'other cities. Hoary B. Kiscell of Springfield de­ clined appointment as trustee of, Ohio Masonic homo on the ground that his time is taken up as chairman of Clark county for the sale ..of war .savings certificates. ‘ - High school students are urged to, continue their schooling - iff tetters sent to Western Rese-rvo students by D, C. Matthews, executive secretary, quoting rcccipmendationfe by Gcfire* tary pf War Raker. Thousands of Christmas presents carried by the Ohio special to Mont­ gomery, Ala., v/oro distributed at Camp Sheridan by Governor Cox, who delivered an appropriate address to the Ohio ircopn, • ■ Fire a t ■Cincinnati dcalrijycd> tbe! four-story hriek building occupied by the L fL f tte e company, comtofsoiou morchanto, who supply most of t!zo produca -nisd -at tho- tewfc- Thomas Military reservation, Gpeciallcto of tho atoto experiment otatiou at Weosto fear a Dcrifrtia bhortagu of good seed com in Ohio. St te added that the Ohio farsmr caa liaVo hfo corn tested if lib conda about 109 Remote from loo roprosontativo riaro, either old fir new cam. Practically 6very. factory In Hamil­ ton tot o either fcToaed down c? scri oaoly affected by the strike of #,099 Union Workmen, called as a .protect againat the hapriedament qf go ualoa toon, v/ho failed to give bond when ariSfgaed oh rioting chargea. Thote aufdmoMte having been caught between taa guards a t a railroad crossing in Baytom % H. finvafl aild H, W, BaVoSI and Mtes t A, Bcchtor Wcr6 earned on the pilot oi tho engitto a bleak and a half bo- fore the train could bo efteppsd. All escaped injury* Jacob Tomtifitoib a former chill-* totho bArtcnder, Wan arrested lag a %M with military pojlco afe Camp ffhctntea, uboa gv M gsco from state liquor iteoase exatninera^that he had boon tolling ehca# whistiy' to soldiers at 52 1 pint, Ho was charged with temaeg^cij, Alien Sumner, BaMwin-Wcitecc tolleso confer, told-Methodist “Byte copal bishops investigating charges o? fiinteyatty agalnct tollogo faculty iddmLcfb that 49 out cf #s- xaembers 6 1 Iter cfe.cs threatened not tb return after the Chrtetmto recess unless ctia* ditfdto Changed, Oh!<y State Toachcte’ tooucialJon directed a conteaSIteo to eobault netu- arics ahdwork Ml a peacich oycteM to s©pfascKtcd to too legislature. The ccioeSatto will choose a prom- t e s t t l its c u a a t r sacctlng, Juno 25 » b ?, m Cedar Potat. f , F.'Royaoids V tepatocla, was rc-otectcd cecro- tavy-tre&Bures? for i m vettts, hons Cte.-w-rim ho found V M M a filtoD, B p . a & Pcm>t & £ m t o a o . c !liH8ftl8!S been act-idCiitalls - friend. t ■ Howaid Loelt, % shouting'Jobs' Witt ' riicrohaaft waft .an n . n: - ; bflu Eliza Jan*i lay,- died from bu he? 'clothing caught fitotw - - . League Of ■Re; ■Cleveland indorsed Bavte fo r Repfitbft governor. Robert J t Bishop health,' svas chose-i county feed- adm president. '■ VMro...G*-G»;Ffiroyi' burned in a fire vrb, bOpto of her sott-b)- a%» A. D, BcovUle, at-Akbtabula. •" Alisa Georgia A* helm. Gol'tmba*; wah efectefi., fir?.t prosldwttt «>' -the Jewish RelsgteT? Education At* t-Opiatfen of Ohio- • Mry, ttomtort Grew Townsend, tOS died of paralysis a t gjiierontaine. 5?h» was bom hi PemmjlwUito Ohio S3 yeaxa ago. WOO Chin, Cliiiw^aa, arraated in aft opium raid a t fifieveidted fefitod himself bydumph'i rrodt too fourth fioor Of the county 3i«t. " Gorsrih. KCtr,. 21. and Kenneth .Mote, ,13*wore hilled by n Chtcayo-ro- tembtia fiyer oa the W« Foot niirond six -tulles cast ter Tf** '• Biaritiie Fupoff. comitta* *t Twoate ot vounterffltlnfr, kpod a Dr. Jut*** •Broete' d%uty :ttefd i» «fi to* AttmU federal prismt, with Idt lran bar - Mariiifaeturing darflnateata at the Ohto rotomiatory at'llMafield hat tv been clcaed hiaaraso h r » ktc& o4tari. luciatec, aro rcnmtm^lir ln.litHmoei. ' C, I* Lambora, « < p r «( a erotic jiewsr«P«r. y n h w tt* * * ty directob of Mari*# -by HamlMHu. ter. sucrecdtoit Lw»^ . M m . matron of the Girls* Industrial boms, uear Delaware, has been roappomtoa by too fAUta board of admintetraticn. : Ohio tael admlnfetrofhm has ap­ pealed to Washington, tor help. The teqal sltteaitoft to xepbrtod mora stfr" nm nteW.tihoft R Who sovural‘We#4 •ego, . \ ' - * '. ’ BVfwtiE Rvan, 19, .and Hurl Fte^.sr- were hilled when two Stark Electric railway cam collided a t Faffhope Charles Dobson; 45, yard coadhefori may- d i e ,, k * . , Ackerman Whqcl oompany’a ' plant a t1Ctevelanfl, making aeroplane paria for tho; government, was destroyedtey fire, Firomen k * r the blato was in* ccndfaty. „ Thirfy-eSsbt men, and six women wore murdered At Toledo in 1017,TO more than test year. Fifty-two per- sons- committed aulc'ide* Accidents Claimed' 302. . ■ ‘ ‘ * ! * Entire Ohfo delegation In congress, including the two senators, attended the toteral of Congressman E- R-, BathriCk, v/ho died at his homo in Akron after n long illai-es. An Brio tiaia atruck an. autemobito a t McGuffey^ east of Umn* James Cowan, 431 Charles danen, S3, {tod 0am«cl Esalmm, 29, wore -killed, and Guy Colte73, nld, fatal’'* in|ured. Governor Cox annauncca ho will sccomaiend that tho cteta tadortaka plans .to develop Witeerforcn uiiivey-. city a t Xente IndnstyMUf, almig lines' bi too famous Tfegkegee torituto. Boor health, fermssfat- na- by "over i otacJy to &eenleat fb t * goad eetester- chlp medal, to tmid to havo prompted. Afnold Itlebatds, ifi, ToWtr high echom sontef, to commit otiicldoj ‘Ho took pfiltoa. j , * Eari Rebhltto, A yoitog gibte feitu* dent teojsi tiro 'Cleveland inntitote, filling a pulpit -ai Fraaptou, Licking county, has been ndviscd to Icavo that - vicinity fos; making cHegcd nnpatri- ctle ytiaarkA White SCO coldlete i'nroJinded th e : Calcott of Alpbofldfi Caproto a t Co* Jlteibn3j LOG entered tho places mak* tog a raid na ilquoip find dgosa, fo *‘ dice afrivCd after toSAsldlero had' on ■ itoincd to r a camp. ■ Charged with ehcotleg to death two' negroes, joeoph Jshaeoa, Jra coltecd' caloonkcopcr, cAtoriuI a plea-of not guilty At Marions Joktteon is atiegod . to have killed AShort Brigga and Hpn- ■ ry Rl^'tesdeoa to A barroom quatrcl.' Bound and gaggai a n t with part of her hair cut off, Martha White, 15, •' wao found In a vneent lot a t Heaton, t Her condition is rep&rted to be cne* | leal, Wffisa® McFaddcffl wan arrest­ ed m a 'charge of being the glri'o ko» I caSlaat, Bt«o 0 i cal© wilt h aw nearly l $.1,080,059 mere la inactive' doposito to Fobfoary than St had to w<ik do i; poeltovM'tfio cargo mcath of tho pro- ceding year, State Treasurer Chtjator i 13, Bryan amouncea, Thosutpiuo will,?' bo to excess of $10,939,080. i; 'to mev to r/f at thebottomef thg ‘ .troOto tea t oxtete to Ohio to regard I to tsa fuel { t o t e m the oenato oub* t eomsttiltefi oa fftenufasttircs decided to ceil tb WasWeston Attomoy G?» oral icacpli it. MteGlic-s ot Olds and Jaraea B. i i® m transpareation ox* p m at tho Ohio 4 tm m n m m a t not test -a , game, defeating1 Osbopn blm -aontM ckunpiona on thfiir mm i4teoy and m homo te? well* ' _. ^ iM c p l yearn Cedfiwllle has jAviicd Acmn for a game b u t not un­ til tins year did the two high schools ktehL, tete ti&m Was. vriflmut ijuea-: * j #» the rariaest QVfip.nlaycd bn the ’oral fleer. Xante know th a t the Io-: t£d tcam-liqd yet to meet the fii’ct do- eat, tk«B season and vrithin thirty . econds a fte r -the game wa& called <tenlA xremlcd to ten- old tripled tf. ronlmg, -The. local hoys seeing they woyo uj> against the peal thing went mte tno game ' ’* For Selma * .In order th a t .he might bo able to devote ids entire time to Jd e prlv»te m o th* ,' $ r , Bsari H, Gnackel tos*. dcred Ins reslgntfcGtt Saturday mam - m g to Health OsmplEsloner A. ,Q, Pptem a s . a Mcmhey e f rite, district staff of phystetens. His saqcereor has hot yet eeen named. • Dr. Wi’ un J3, .n t'-w as ap­ pointed to suecce W. G. Mar- ahall, a ife- M d by llccftt gold t pen who preeenteu n im during tu< * mssting of th e district physicians Saturday,—Dayton Hews* o, fife old honte- of the esteem in wiu ,,hiO oCEoetetes, a r- sit he and th e firs t half was -rougn and tumhleAffair. The fcijond half was more decent :md-*Gfme fast work imt. Oxrhy both sides. Xenia qVntentlyhad enough of the, tough-work after-the f ir s t half seeing th a t our hoys were ahle fo. de­ fend tlmmselves* •White; thd tewa* nxe WelLmatclied there was no mmr te n f e r th n Actions o/ rislteto In O p <WE MORE LICENSE. Ths income tax trod, Hhe license tag :.avtnr been secured auto, the Ross TownsluEp Will Have Iastititte in charge of the . to be held s i the GontrnUsed echool, on >, held a mefting at the _ , Mrs. Artie Little, Thursday afternoon of hut week. Hue institute has state odd this year and the committee in charge promis­ es one of the beet institatas that has been held in this section for some time. . . . . * . *•M . «B**-,, .... bitffauMHBp p rB fm in What profit m y«s st«l{M - sad ether grapirty, pwiiisttjd'' T*l . •• • •«•♦»••*•■-*,1*»,**♦■»«»•**r*fBjf-M« ;" What h ywwr tosaais b « » ' jprthi'" ■ t * a* * *A bank depNtipt «M«h' ^W*m _ * * ■ ao rtfaga rt ............................. . f . . , . What dhrhbnda did y«a fro* w yM AM k ? ■*e*e*•»«« om»y a d S S S ^ S * ^ i s ^ f h A f i * TOWKSUBY-caiOUS* WEDDING- ” ........ A ' bat you have a hunting I otice from the state department urms us that all iieenraa expire comlnu Vi tDecember 83. To hunt after that date you mast ham aaetbsr “ What r n y m - t m t m i m m swraswa pahytkwT . . . . . . . . . . . .. ■ 'What Jaeama dM jam racaiva Prom any partnenunp w imsw irT •-*»,.. ftatt 0 ' toeeaw °feaa» ssry “ MMMMB s a4»-*a4*■**■ *■a %p 0 *•»«• • 0 Wlpt tmthyea pad! asit hat ORATORICAL CONTEST Vm Ohio later-Ceitegtato Awaadatkm. CadarrlH* peopla the honor of m b ' ants af the Ohio offiridinsss?, ^iroiayial eehtoat The many friends and rotativee of Mr. Ralph Townatoy and Mim ««- drod Crease were given a compieto sotprisB whea they learned a t marriage of this well know*, last Saturday, the quietly planned the performed by Rev. A. J. the Ffirst M. E. church in ceremeng took Mace at tine aqd the couple left abo rt uradd&g trip. Mr, Tewmgey te Mrs. f is the ye«r taneqiBd t y gsqrt.. .... ensdrSfcsdkasn k(^an •*• e.f*■*•.****•♦’■m ■#a-e nmrriad than $2 .■.yen wittutp hfeteme mast p*ar rn-tost th a tj WM . fit woo m ... _ t< h ik L t r^tonmi |dl ; "v,. 1 ?. Sadd- Crotum a hsin tom* . WMktt ^ >4 *• 'r.~ M wTV, iiy JBUgl: dents fo r 25c, Jdays a t the home of Mr. Link Jeffrey. - j Mr. F. O. Hatbfeon is distributing among |us patrons a handsome calcn- _______ _____________ ____ ____ _____ _ ____•’tittosmtoe. s e t in Accbydakce with "these dates, 'o u tfit on earth.” ; , » u±5g5aa*ga*^ ^ ^ ■t.■.■?•..........■•.■a..-... .............— „... Tlie dates foy ted Ohio haul rise material to ttuck^ ' cars and. help .anoye freigh t’ UbjeU1 -AUUvIUUilU ^iiaUTs XlGtClUiUlv a rt of this money was'used fo r the state's general expenses,. ' ( . " -V" f / %&*?' Xz£ Annual to 50 % f e s a Ulicre, ^hj> r.i®4 tjfllStol DISCOUNT . On every article of furniture in this big fine stock. This is an annual event when real values and present worth are lost sight of. Remember, we have only one price for cash or charge and- tSiat is the lowest. ;With these January discounts it makes a wonderful opportunity for Ocnoipical buying. The Edward Wren Cotrmmmmmm sum mmm