The Cedarville Herald, Volume 40, Numbers 1-26

«NU«« The N ew Grocery Everything fresh and up-to-c'ate, No old stock to select from. Prices no higher than elaswhere. Give us a call. Goods delivered W A L T E R BOASE TURNBULL BLDG. 8 . MAIN STREET. sat­ in St. y c le it til he is jar head id often arbor? is OW e x - 1, P ease guaran ­ ies w ith "y. about Hiio In Recent Years we have given attention to good farm loans in any amount. We make a loan attractive and suitable to farmers. The rate and terms are right. No commission is charged; expenses small; service ■ prompt. Resources Over $4,000,000.00 Interest paid on deposits for any calendar month The Merchants & Mechanics Savings & Loan Association, * 8 S. Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio, J, fit. Babbitts? Pres, E . A. Fay, Secy. J. L. Plummer, Council H IO Free Tickets T o the Movies i We have inaugurated a system whereby 1 we give you a check with each fifty cent cash ■ purchase of Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Fresh and Salt Meats Ten checks frill entitle you to a 10 cent ticket and, fifteen checks a 15 cent ticket. Ghecksredesmed at this store for free tickets to the LuVinia Picture Theatre. ecide imber r and ‘E! You Kind rho toy, TRUE teriai h Galloway & Cherry II E. Main St., Xenia, 0. leadquarters for Reliable Carpels, Rugs, Linoleums, Draperies, Etc. Xenia’s Exclusive Carpet and Drapery Houso ■MW—'tf* i! ■) ' £ ! # '<JHLy «>•-CMLv• 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Alica McLean Is sick with im&umonia. Rev. C. M. Ritcl)ie and wife of Clifton, left. Monday for their new home rK'sir Pittsburg. The Dr. preached us last sermon Sabbath for the Clifton congregation. Mrs. J. W. Patton lias been quite sick this week with the gripp, border­ ing on pneumonia. JfflMONAL SMfSdOL L esson B. O, SELLERS, Acting: Director of the Sunday School Course in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago,) (Copyright, m7, Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 4 JESUS THE 8AVIOR WORLD. OF THE Mrs, Jessie Ferguson Turnbull has brought suit in Common Pleas Court , for divorce against her husband, C. G. Turnbull. They were manned in March, 1888, and have three children o f mature age. James Jeffiryes of Xenia, formerly a resident o f this place and known to older citizens, celebrated his. 96th birthday at Jus home Tuesday. For many years, he followed the cabinet making business, an art acquired from his farther, and which has been handed down to the younger genera­ tions of the family. He has been a member o f the First M. E, church, Xenia, for 60 years and for 40 years, a member o f Andrew Currie’s. Bible class. Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Ridgway at­ tended -the funeral of Mrs. Nathan C. Ridgway at Falmouth, ICy., last Sat. urday. FOR SALE :—Storm front steel r,ire buggy, in good condition. Can be seeu at W. H. Owen’ s shop. The county commissioners have awarded blind relief to B, F, Irvin, and Julia Taylor, o f this place; John Iliff, Clifton; Hannah Warner and Mary Roman, Xenia. Rev., J. W. Patten made his first trip down town Tuesday, foliowln his long sickness. His many friends are glad .to see him about again. Mr. John Strobridge moved his fam­ ily to Xenia Tuesday.. The Nagley farm he has occupied has been..sold to a man from Oxford. Mr. Wm. Conley went to Columbus this week to attend the “ Farmers* Week” gathering at the O. S. U., where nearly two thousand farmers from over the state, are gathered. Mr.' A. H. Creswell is driving a new Reo touring car. Mr.. James A. Gray and wife of Pittsburg have been guests of the formers mother, Mrs. Nelle Gray, this week. Mr. Eaul Creswell; who iB teaching at St. Alban’s, W. Va., is down with pneumonia. His mother, Mrs. J. H. Creswell, is at his bedside. —FOR SALE :—Corn atid hay. Phones IS'and 4 on 167, Oodnrville. Jas. P. Finney, FOR SALEe — Several tons of mixed hay. Phone 4 pn 195. ,C. L. Finney. 2t McFarland Grocery Co. ¥ ’ V Meet M iss 19 17 b y phon ing me troduction* W a l l Paper for an in- * C. M Sjjencer .Phone 3*110 *:• Cednrville, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. L. R . R oh l and daughters, Dorothy and Jean, of Ventura, Gal., who have been i >n a two months visit m New York City, stopped with Mr. and Mrs. A . T. Finney enrouto heme. Mrs. Finney and'Mrs. Kohl are sisters. -SEED POTATOES: — Before you buy sea Win. Smith, the truck­ er. (60 ' —FORSALE :—Rubber tire storm buggy, almost naw only used one year, CLIFFORD LEMMON Mr. Ralph Murdock reports the sale o f new Ford cars to Charles Hannabery, Oliver Jobe, Lawrence Barber and Dr. E. C. Oglesbec. Mrs. J. W . Patton is very ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. W . H . Owens was hostess to the members of the Wednesday j Afternoon Club this week. FOR SALE :—Heating stove for gas or coat. W . L . GERMANS. —We are now prepared to do general repairing and cabinet work. OWENS A SON The College Basket Ball team a trip to Muskingum college and at Ashland last week. The home boys failed to win but put up good games. Mhe Arst score w a s.32-21 and the last 61*40. W e are In receipt o f a copy of the Seaton, 111., independent which gives an account o f the celebration of the tenth wedding anniversary of Rev, and Mrs. M. G. Hanna. The members gathered at the church and from there went to the parson­ age and escorted the paster and wife back to the church, Here they were presented with a leather bed davenport, one dozen solid tea­ spoons, six solid Silver deSeft spoons three table spoons, a sugar shell and butter spreader. Light refresh* mentis were served and a social evening enjoyed, ltev. Hanna is a son of Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Hanna o f this place. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children, tk KindYouhaysAlwaysBoaglil Bears the glgnature ol LESSON TEXT—John 3:1-1?. GOLDEN TEXT—For God so loved the world, that he gave his Only begotten son, that whosoever belleyeth in him, should not perish, hut have everlasting life.—John 3:16. This most famous interview in his­ tory occurred probably In some room la Jerusalem where Jesus was-a guest, a room reached by an outer stairway so that he could receive* visitors pri­ vately. . I. The Teacher of the Jewe (vv. 1, 2), Nicotlemus was & member of the sanhedrin (Cli. 7:50). He belonged to the Pharisees who were much devoted to the scriptures, and in whoso hand tlio political affairs .were largely placed by the Romans. There are sev­ eral reasons why Nlcodemns came to Jesus by night. Prudence dictated se­ crecy, but that he came at all was en-. cournging.,. Ho was more apt to find Jesus at home in the evening. He had touch that he wished to lcarp, and needed a quiet hour, removed frqra the crowd. The tilings that Jesus had done and taught made NicodemuS think that Jesus might be the Mes­ siah, NIciodemus wanted to know how to be blessed or happy. . II. A Teacher From God (w . 8*8). A great majority, of the disciples of Jesus came from the conimon people (I, Cor, 1:26) yet. for Uli classes-he had the same message,, “Ye must be born again.” The answer of Jesus was.according to the condition of the man before btm, the deepest need ol* his soul. ■Literally, he said, “Most as­ suredly, except a man (anyone) be born again (anew or from alt ,*ve) he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.” To be born' anew, means to be bom again. It matters not what your par­ entage may have been. ■If any man could do without a new birth, NIco- demus was that man. He wiis moral, religions and sincere. The Instrument through which this birth is effective, is the word of God (I Peter 1:23}' James 1 :1S; John 15:3) and the au­ thor Is the Holy Spirit (v, 5; Titus 3 :5). Water Is a symbol of the wprd (Eph. 5:26). Literally translated, this passage would read, “Except one be.born of water and wind.” And as wind “by universal consent refers to one factor In regeneration, the Spirit, so the water manifestly refers to the other element of regeneration, the word." The main contention is that the word is the instrument In the re­ generation. Although not expressly mentioned *here, It Is elsewhere. Nicotlemus was a teacher' of Israel (v, 10 It* V.) and yet he did not know so fundamental a,truth as thejnew blrtli, though the Old Testament'taught-it. III. The Pupil’s Difficulty (vv, 9-13). The Works o f the flesh as contrasted with the fruits of the Spirit are brought out in the Epistles, yet, like Nicodemus, people are ^asking today, “How can these things he?” Jesus challenges Nicodemus with the words, “Art tlmu h. tencher of Israel and un- derstandeat not these things?” What Jesus said to Nicodemus (w . 11-13) Is true oi*the scriptures now, especial­ ly of the New Testament. ’ They tes­ tify to. the facts which Jesus knew and revealed, he having been In henven, and come down from heaven for the purpose .of making them known. To be born Implies that It is the starting point of n new life, that wc must grow ns a child grows to be a man uhtfl It reaches to “a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13). IV. The Lesson Illustrated (w , 14, 15, 18). .Tesus believed In objective teaching, and he here refers to a memorable event in the early history of the Jews as Illustrating his teach­ ing. The journey through the wilder­ ness to the promised land became weary and discouraging, and the Is­ raelites complained bitterly of their hardships, complaining against God* and against Moses. Punishment came in the form of flory serpents, called fiery from the burning, stinging sensa­ tion caused by their bite. So Intense was the venom of the bites that they beenrae fatal in a few hours. This punishment made the people realize the awfql evil of slu. They acknowl­ edged their sin, and prayed for for­ giveness, Moses made a brazen ser­ pent, and carried it through the camp so that all Could see, and looking be­ came an act of faith. Implying repent­ ance and return ,to obedience and to God, Thus our Salvation is literally, "Look and live;” believe and have eternnl life; doubt and perish (Mark 16:10; John 8:80). V. God1* Greatest Gift (v. 16). This Is probably the most familiar verse known to the Christian world, and has led more souls to salvation than arty other In the Bible, In it is re­ vealed the mighty God—-“For God:” a mighty motive—“God so loved;” a mighty scope—“God so loyed the world;” a mighty sacrifice—'“God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten S o n a mighty escape— “ should not perish*,” ft mighty gift— “ eternnl Ilf?” Tills verse Is the gospel In a nut­ shell; the origin and grounds Of his salvation, nrrspMMK* *»» afi^fnlmf reportort J mn »f potent infocmntion, itiflnheipSov 'S k r lW tX t " I D.SWIFT k CO, isosftmMh&L,*«& ,,> ). cj Now Comes the Big Money Saving event for Men, Young Fen and Boy* Our Public Benefit Sale Started Thursday, February ist. • V .» ■ 3 20 Per Cent reduction on Hart Schaffner and Marx Suits and O ’Coats for Men and Young Men, Also odd Trousers, Mackinaws and Rain Coats at 20 Per Cent Reduction. 20 Per Cen Reduction on Boys Suits, O’Coats, Mackinavys, Men’s and Boys Hats and Caps. 10 Per Cent Reduction on Men’s and Boys - Furnishings hi Th„ same quality O T f l Jl I I O O 0 I I I I 11 ” y0“ “ *'* ** will be higher next 0 I K A l l O O QL H I L u “ d b“ Fgi Buyevery- Surprie Store” thing you can. 28-30 E. Third St„ Dayton, Ohio chance to save. ;'i j iiiililtli jtftittisiil _. * « R t t f ’ a i* CAPPEL’S FEBRUARY ,m \ * ■ q NOW GOING ON Everything Reduced Except a Few Contract Itorrit. FREE DELIVERY Within 30 Mile* of Dayton, SPRINGFIELD DAYTON MIDDLETOWN PURE FOOD GROCERIES ^ , * A Shield of Quality, Our Trade Mark We stand behind all our Groceries as to their pur* food qualities. ' Pure food Groceries at the lowest prices, together with our prompt delivery service is the reason our grocery is the “Big Grocery” . It brings and brings and holds every customer that ever gives us a trial, especially during these hard times. Get the economical habit and buy at SCHMIDT’S. 1111 J l PITRE, POOD iVNotce orYfaler touches\ I i SE a i L \SEKLSWIPT OYSTERS I 1 L,i i\NoChemiaJPirestrviVv.e, ,, w. ■ \/L4/R| JUtUnITlavor.TtistoeK yt'IGH \(t (^aUwGUkWmo “Sealshipf Oysters Cheaper Than M ea t Per Q u a r t k* Specials Friday and Saturday Pure Cane Sugar* 25-lb* sack 9 different kinds of Bread, Steel cut Coffee Ocean Light Flour Silver Thread Sauer Kraut Tomatoes - * * $1.80 4c a loaf 19 c per lb. _____$ 1 . 1 5 6c per pound xoc per can H. £ . Schmidt <S Co Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 Sa&th Detroit Street, . . Xenia, Qhio • f mp “f f , .J •m