The Cedarville Herald, Volume 40, Numbers 1-26

Two New Souitd»Pfoof Record Demonstration Booths in Adair's Furniture Store in Xenia Adair sella Viofcrola* and Victor Records exclusively. You can listen to the records you wish to hear under the same conditions as in your own home. In privacy and quiet with no talking or outside noise to disturb you. They carry about 2000 records and have in stock at all times the list of 1000 select records approved by The Victor Talking Machine Company. HARVARD QUALITY CLOTHES O JJR showing of Clothing for men and young men surpasses anything we have ever before attempted. It includes the products of the world's best makers and is an exhibition of the widest variety in material, styles and models. Your Easter Clothes We cordially invite you to come to Harvard for your Easter Suit. You will have choice of our immense new stock. You will be certain to find exactly what you want here. You will appreciate our guarantee of absolute satisfaction, and in our price range of $10 to $30 you will find ample choice. HARVARD 5th and Jefferson DAYTON, OHIO * OPEN SATURDAY EVENING Pretty Nearly "All In." Robert was convalescing from an at* tack of the grippe. His aunt, not re­ alizing how weak he was, Invited him for a walk. ’When they reached the end of the lawn he leaned against tlio gate and said: “Auntie, I feel like a broken toy.” Helpfulness. Sou cannot help any one Very much Unless you can Inspire him with the ambition to help himself, and that Is why ft good example la worth more than any other kind Of assistance. Make right-doing so attractive In your own life that It will inspire tho onlook­ ers to do right. TAKE NOTICE I ROAD USERS. RESOLUTION. Be I t Resolved, By the Board of County Commissioners of Greene County, Ohio* now acting as a Board of Directors for said County, and for the purpose of prescribing and fixing in accordance with the provisions of Section 7477 of the General Code, the burden which Persons, Firms or Corporations may transport over the macadamized, graveled or stone roads Within the County, be and hereby is fixed, fo r any vehicle having less than Three Inch Tire, including the weight of Vehicle and driver, 3400 pounds; Three Inch Tire, including tho weight of vehicle and driver, 3000 pounds; Pour Ineh Tire and Over, including the weight of vehicle and driver, 3800 pounds. The law provides a fine of not less than Five Dollars, nor mote than Fifty Dollars, against any \m - aon violating the above regulations •a to the Use of Public Highways. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS­ SIONERS, „ 1 . . . Of Greene County, Ohio, Xenia, Ohio, Oft. 4, 101(5. TheBookaialtef ...ftesiwant ’. IN THE BOORWALtER HOTEL [HIGH STREET DINING ROOM FORLADIBSfiP STAIRS , ALSO REST ROOM, "lunch Counter on Main Floor • Open Day and Nijht. Tho Best of Goods Used in the Cal­ ia ary Department. HarryKennon AUCTIONEER SPECIAL TERMS Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Pay . Partiei wanting two auctioneers 1 am in position to supply the extra man with unlimited ex­ perience. References Furnished PHONE 2-120 Cedarviile, - - Ohio . W D f f i E * ¥ • , i S f of &Euiu&'j hill isbirih is dead- * Malinta, near Napoleon, will hold a local option election April 9. C A. ISov.en, forty-three, traveling' saleeiiutn, v ;& g found dead in a Lai.*, carter hotel He had been 111. i Hot. A. Pollock, eighty, Delaware,* who B'j-.erely burned in a gas explo­ sion. : Claude Liston, thirty-two, was kill­ ed at Athena when his auto waa; ditched. f , Anton Ilohiik, aged shoemaker. Cleveland, committed suicide by shooting himself, Crooksville will vote April 14 on a $10,000 bond issue for erecting a new municipal building. Stark county's peach crop Is report­ ed ruined, -but cherry and apple buds arc in good condition. Work on double tracking the Penn­ sylvania between Marlon and Colum­ bus has been resumed. William H. Conboy fifty-five, Union county merchant, was. found dead m h*<3 borne at Riciiwdod, Students ol’ Findlay college have formed a military company and drill­ ing will start this week, John Eheclc, forty-five, Youngstown, was killed when the automobile in which he was riding overturned. James Rush Robinson of Alliance has been appointed midshipmen at Annapolis by Senator Pomerene. Alfred White, slxty-two, Newoo'm- erstowh farmer, was burned to death when fire broke out at Ills home. Contract for construction of the $100,000 Masonic temple at Fremont has been awarded to Carl F. Steinlo Navigation on Lake Erie was open­ ed at Sandusky when the steamer Tourist mado her first trip to Put-m Ray, C. R, Bentley, raotorman. and t- MeAndrews, conductor, were Injured when two streetcars collided as Youngstown, Green Creek (Sandusky county) board of education let contract for plans for a new $60,000 centralized school building, i H. N. Getldis.was appointed post­ master at Caledonia, succeeding -James I. Morton;-who resigned to be? come deputy sheriff. East Liverpool police arrested au Italian on suspicion he was implicat­ ed in the murder pf Tony Spataro, thirty-five, also an Italian. -Emmet Hannan, twenty-seven, while riding a bicycle along a railway platform at Newark, was struck by an incoming train-and killed,. ' Failure of Senator Palmer’s frei textbook bill to receive a constitution­ al majority,In the upper house, of. the Ohio assembly caused its defeat. H. B. Tranter of Youngstown wa.) killed at Warren when he .tried to flag an interurban car to save his auto, ditched ,close to the tracks^ Private Owen Fowle, twenty, son of Captain W. B. Fowle of Allianco Salvation Army barracks, was ldlled in action “somewhere in France." William Taylor, thirty, of Coinin' bus, died ;n a Little Rock (Ark.) hos-- pital from'a bullet -wound inflicted by an Iron Mountain' railroad bralteman. Three hundred .Marlon county girls will raise chickens and exhibit th?ln at the fair this-year Marlon county Poultry association will furnish the eggs,. ' Peter George, thirty-three, was drowned In ihe Maumee river at To­ ledo. George's companions Bald lie was despondent anjl jumped Into the water. Robert J. ’ Rockafleld, Columbu* student at Ohio State university sus­ tained a fractured skull when his automobile waft struck by a train. Ho died later. Mrs. Bert Jarvis, residing at Tip- tonville, used oil to start a. fire in a cook stove, Iij tho explosion which followed she and her son. Frank, five, were killed. . At Bellaire William Howell was ar­ rested after the body of Mrs. Ida Gar more, thirty-one, was found in the Ohio river. Howell said he tried to Eave Mrs. Oarmore. Flour mill owners of Sandusky, Erie, Huron and Loialn counties or­ ganized a millers' mutual, benefit ns- .sociatlon with O. C. Russell of San­ dusky as president. A Perry county Sherman-Sheridnn .highway association was organized a* New Lexington by delegates' from Roseville, Crooksville, Bremen, Junc­ tion City and New Lexington. President W. O. Thompson, Ohio State university, delivered the dedica tory address when the new $50,000 centralized high school at Waldo Marion county, was dedicated. William A. Mylar, Democrat, Georgetown. Brown *ounty, was nam­ ed to succeed J. E, Cross, Republican, West Union, Adams county, as state printer. Salary is $2,000 a year. Charles L. Resell, former sheriff of Franklin county, is "to succeed J. M. Carr as state oil inspector. Resell, who Is a Democrat, will become in­ spector May 10. when Carr's term ex- plres. Thomas Slieffle.r, night watchman, seeing seven' bandits approach tho Mechanics’ bank tit Bradnor, ’phoned the elorirlc light plant, and told em­ ployes there to turn on the street llelits and to blow the fire whistk-. The bandits fled in an auto. Two Democrats recovered state Jobs they once held, when the senate approved Governor Cox’s appointment of James A. Devine, Ross county * *- NtiRaMMI Easter and Dress-up 0 Time is Almost , Here You will like our new Alco and Frat Clothes for Men and Young Men at $18 and $15. These are the best clothes we can find and if they were not good they would not be in this store. Big, short stout Men as well as the tall slim fellow are as easily to fit as the regulars T o p Coats -A t $ 1 5 to $ 2 5 . Suppose You W ill Dress the Boys up for Easter Remember the fat boy can find his fit here as well as his slim brother and the name Perfection guarantees everything so you meet with no disappointments at this better store for boys. Prices $ 5 , H ighas*$12 .50 Fancies and Blue Serge The Store that's doing things YVe close at 6 p. m. Saturday Yes Easter Calls for a New Hat Our hat man will help you select th^ shape and and you can please yourself about the color and price which is sure to be right. Priced at $& to $4."' NOW when it come to Shirts, Neck­ wear, Caps, Underwear Hosiery, Gloves, Collars and the like. You will find our selection just *as p&r^- ticular with the desire to always have the newest at popular prices, Boys’ Waists, Shirts In Madras and Percale, new patterns from quality 50o to $2.00. STRAUSS & HUB JJ “The Surprise Store 28-30 E. Third St., Dayton, Ohio Children’s Wool or W ash Suits* H ats, Stockings and Top Coats in the best style: dame fashion pro­ duces. building and l03n Inspector, and Charles O. Marshall of Sidney and Dayton as public utilities commis- sioner. At a rally or dry rorcos ai Upper .Sandusky Rev. O,' B. Wlble was se­ lected leader, of the county in the statewide prohibition campaign. Although Edward Baumann, toity, Fremont had his neck broken, when he was caught between an iron door and a concrete pit, he is expected to live. . ■•■- • Ohio railroads have planned to ask the public utilities commission for permission to Increase tho rate 1" cents a ton on all coal for. lake ship­ ment. Henry Alexander, thirteen, Crooks­ ville. had one finger, blown off and hand and arm badly mangled when a cartridge with which he was play­ ing expoMed.. Carnegie ’Steel company will plow and harrow -200 ' acres of ground around its riant at Youngstown and turn It over to employes for garden­ ing purposes. Unable to call help, Mrs. Frank Rummal, seventy-six, burned to death In her home at Dayton when her clothing became Ignited while she Was preparing a meal, „ George Coldrcn, Pittsburgh, : star­ tled spectators at Massillon by Jump­ ing up and hobbling away after a train cut off his left leg Just above the ankle. The leg was wooden. Engineer Storcr of Toledo was killed and Fireman Moulton, Toledo, was Injured when a westbound Now York Central passenger train-ran Into thirteen derailed freight cars east of Waterloo, Did. While he was examining the air­ brakes under Ills freight engine, near Steubenville, Engineer Thomas JI, Knox, UhricliEivlllo, was instantly hilled when another* train crashed Into the freight. Eight of tho ten prominent coal dealers indicted, at Cleveland, on a charge of violating the Valentine ant*- trust law by con spiring to fix prices appeared in court and entered pleas of not guilty. . Trial set for April 12, Representative T. A, Fleming ol Cleveland was appointed to succeed Bert Buckley ns state lire marshal, a $3,000 position, His appointment was confirmed by tlio senate, as were those of Robert D. Alexander, Chilli cothe, for the long term as state tax commissioner, and F. 10. Mimn, Bowl- as inir Green, for short term on the conv NOTICE TO mission. or.. Miles' Antt-Paln Fills fsr «u vaia HORSEBREEDERS Coleshill Diamond King Coleshill Diamond K irigis an imported Shire, bay, weight 2100. He has proven himself a sire of draft colts that will mature into ton horses. His colts have sold higher than any other horse that has ever stood in the county. .One pair of yearliiigs sold last fall for $352.50 and his suckling colts have sold as high as $125.00. A sure breeder and good dis­ position. Will make the season a t $20. Prince Albert" Prince Albert is. an imported Belgium; sorrel, weight 2000 another one of the greatest sires that ever stood in the county. You need not tell anyone about Prince Albert,-t everone knows him and his colts. Will make/the season at $17.50. Longjumeau Longjumeau is an imported Percheron, dark gray, weight 200Q. He is another one that sires those good colts you are all looking for. Will make the season at $17.50. These horses will make the season of 1917 at my barn 1-2 mile south of Csdarville on Wilmington pike. All colts insured for thirty days. If not sound and ail right at that time don’t settle till they are right. These horses wifi he in th e , care of a competent and careful groom, and every one will be treated right. Care will be taken to prevent acci­ dents, hut will not he responsible should any occur. Harry T ow n s ley . TRY OUR JOB PRINTING MM Eager Easter Shoppers In Great Numbers Visit Stores of Dayton It's going to be a very ‘'dressy” Faster* This is evident from the preparations the ladies are muldng, Dayton's stores have been thronged with shoppers scanning the displays of lovely things and making their selections. The men, too, are eager about their new “duds.” Fortunate it is 4hat the stores fuifeliin ofDaytonRetailTraisOiroai purchased such large stocks of all. Perhaps you, who read, have been one of the many thousands who have come from out-of-town^or Easter preparedness. We’ll welcome you again* And those who have delayed buying their new things—permit us to suggest an early visit. Wednesday is made particularly attractive—but if that's inconvenient come any day. E very W ednesday S u b u r b a n D a y I n D a y t o n Visit tho stefosHspiiyfos this tRMtiii