The Cedarville Herald, Volume 40, Numbers 1-26

<3 >ale \ Delivered on ;nds Satur- a AAR tjv rug in cur i,<me. This is nvc held, and ;-*e the biggest sn early, jnakc j« » and pay only nge the balance ^ -adually, as you »ev. rniture, •toves ctrolas •0 to- $25.00 5 to $10,00 '5 to $12.00 '5 to $15 00 10 to $35.00 s 9c to $2.50 *■ . . . $1.00 up 59c and 79c .00 to $5.00 r$9x12 19.50 49c or 95c sek of 3ver ns 9 9 :at rday ............ ......... ific • - ............... 10a ................. 10« ......................... 4e 3 for loe Oniony » O n ion Seti i t . Co., ;ia, Ohio & E ,S j Pure f ,od H’vice is the holds every Get the Wa.mA* « »p«dktty of ail idjtife of printing. The sosmkw is here fer pub- »« sal* bill*. Our water-proof stuck te ite lN w tt - V f l A M w w v v v w v w y v w v w v v FORTIETH YBAR.NO. 20 , PATRIOTIC RALLY DREW G o o d a u d i e n c e W e d n e s d a y In keeping with the proclamation o f Gov. Cox a patriotic meeting was held Wednesday evening in the opera house under the direction o f the Community Club, Business houses had been decorated for the day and “ Old Glory” was everywhere in evidence. There, could have been no more en­ thusiasm hack in the “Sixties” when there was a declaration o f war than what Was manifested Wednesday even­ ing when old and young gathered on a similar occasion. ^The meeting meant much to Cedarville that we might show the county and state our loyalty was as true today as during the Civil war when we famished the largest quota-of soldiers per township. President S. C. Wright o f the Com­ munity cluh acted as chairman, of the meeting and introduced Dr, M. C. Howey, pastor of the Cliftpn avenue, M.- E. church, Springfield. Congress­ man Foss had been expected but was called back to Washington. Dr. Eowey reviewed American and European history and brought his sub­ ject down to the present d a y .' That men will do in this war what has been.done in.the past was to, be ex­ pected to some extent, Men should use it to enrich themselves financially, politically and socially but that we had faith in congress and the presi­ dent that, the financial kings would be held closer in line than in past wars. . •.»■■ Russia has undergone a revolution that has placed 175 million people free Jfrom. tyranny. One hundred years ago the. present government o f Germany was founded by Bismark who so skillfully laid plans for a mili­ tary power that when the Emperor called fo r troops two years ago more than 100,000 men were aboard trains ready fo r -the scene o f action, and all this done within the, space of. a , little over an hour. It was this mili­ tary rule. that sent so many German citizens to this country where they became good law abiding citizens, a .people that has ‘ added much to the advancement o f the country, having come from a nation known fo r its scholarly attainments and science. We are here -to discuss whether we can endorse this military rule. Slavery met the test o f soptiment but slavery was not the only object o f the Civil war. It was not the desire f o r extend­ ing boundary lines that we entered the war against Spain. It was to free a people and when this European- war shall have ended the German peo­ ple will he freed as have other nations in years past. The Kaiser will “he ; abdicated and a new reign will be es­ tablished that will foe democratic in form. <God’s hand is evidently seen in this.wav and i f it requires blood from the nations o f the world to 'bring* the Prince o f PeSce jthen God will bring it ajjpat. ■ . Local speakers called Patriotic songs were sung duping the evening by a chorus under the di­ rection of Mr, G. F. Siegler, Mr, L. H- Snilenbeteejr Bang• JJ'Tenting to Night on the Old Camp Ground.’” The S, o f V. band paraded the streets proceeding the meeting playing popu­ lar music and there was plenty of red fire. STRANGER ENTERS HOME; SLEEPS IN THE ATTIC. Hoh; Ander Jackson who brough out upon were Cedarville township’s petition in the Civil war. Dr, Chesnut, Mayor McLean and Dr. McChesney. Mayor McLean read a letter from the state- author­ ities urging each citizen to garden fo r his own support to help relieve the food situation. Dr. Chesnut in his characteristic Way told us that --what we need in Ohio is “ Patriotism and Potatoes.” Dr, McChesney em­ phasized the speakers key note that VEach one was here to do hiB duty.” l to be There was some little excitement at. tfoe home o f Mr. 'W. C. Bull, Sabbath morning when-a man was discovered i n ,the attic o f the house where he had spent the night. Mr. Bull in com­ pany with his brother, J. M. Bull, o f Springfield, were in town while Mrs PLEADS FOR ANOTHER CHANCE; ADMITS WRONG DOING, •The hearing before Governor Cox and Superintendent Berg o f the Bank Department relative to granting the Geiger-Jones Company a license to sell securities in this* state has not only opened the eyes o f investors hut proven Sthat {former charges made against the company were true re- f ardleeg o f claims o f the agents and enisla at the time on the part o f the officials o f the company. The company has made a desperate effort to get a licehse without eVer offering their books for investigation op the part o f the hank department even at this time. TheEstate officials ................................. . ....... had absolute proof o f all charges that J. M. Bull, who had also been a guest have been made and the company at was, visiting ^Saturday afternoon in the last made one admission after Xenia, another but promised to Obey the law r t it . if given another chance. The hearing ^fcranger enter- ; been concluded with the company °v!fiei,vj^£-e * w?.r.e ! throwing itself upon the mercy o f the S S ? V1- ^he attlS court. No decision has heen announc- ilk Tim rime to pm# odvortMi# It mtww you are ready t» step 4efog - » w ......... Y ou ll notice that the pe**re#*fre merchant is an adrerClrer, 0 CEDARVILLE, OHIO, ER1JAY, APIJIL 13 , 1917 PRICE, *1.00 A YEAR ed. after feasting on some chicken and pie. During the early evening and night peculiar noises , were heard in The company has been in the lime- the attic and at times the dog gave light the past two years and endeav- warmng. Finally Cliff went to the ored to break down the “ blue sky attic and found a man there hut left law” hut failed. Charges were made without ordering him away* Finally that stock had been sold in wejdc J, M. investigated and forced the fe l- companies where dividends were paid low to come down. His only excuse, out o f the sale o f stock and not frpm fo r his presence there was that he earnin'* as -renuired bv law. Money could not stay out in the cold all night was also advanced for this purpose; and that he meant no harm* - He was by the Geiger-Jones ' Company - to escorted o ff the farm toward Xenia, companies it was promoting. It is said the fellow was thinly clad [ • • and answered the description o f one* It will be remembered tha t' when o f the men that broke out o f th e !th e question first came up tlie com- workhouse. pany tried to keep aflvmatters secret and threatened ^prosecution o f news- RECEIVERSHIP THEN BANKRUPTCY. papers that published articles that might cause investors to become an­ xious over their investments. It wil also fop recalled that L. T, Marshall o f this county boasted in certain quarters and to a number o f investors Following suits in Squire Jackson’s { that the Herald was to he prosecuted court came a receivership for the Me- 'f o r the infamous lies;: that had *ap Farland Grocery Co., the hearing tak- peared relative, to the exposure. This ing place in Common Pleas court in 'w a s fo r no other purpose than to Xenia, Monday. While this was going . bolster up a losing game that he on action on the part’o f some o f the {might continue to unload worthless cf-editors forced the company into j paper upon innocent victims, who were bankruptcy in the U. S. Court in Cin- not posted as to the real value o f cinnati. Attorney Harry D. ’ Smith industrial securities. In a plea fo r a was named temporary receiver until |renewal o f the license the Geiger- such time as the creditors can agree ; Jones attorneys admit that unless such on a trustee, who will have charge o f the store. WHERE THE RIVER SHANNON FLOWS. Wednesday April 18, House. Xenia Opera The Shannons are coming. Just one night o f fim and amusemeht is offered in H a r ^ Slmnnon^s p i^ u c t lp n ^ f W . 'the Riv£r Shannon Flow®”—-You never seen this p1ay, it’s tfaenew play by Mr, Herman that’s pleasing them. It recently played two weeks engage­ ment in Topeka, Kans., three weeks in Omaha, and Manager Shannon heard o f its wonderful sueceafc and has se­ cured it on royalty fr om the author. The company is headed by Hazel & Harry Shannon Jr., , who are , well known in musical comedy and drama­ tic circles. Some excellent musical members will he introduced during the production o f the play. A superb Con­ cert Band and_Orchestra is an extra It is worth while foreAm erica added attraction. The prices are 25c, m this war fo r a victory that is right* 36c, and 50 c. t is granted no less than three o f their concerns will fail. FORECASTS HIGHER RATE. W . Lf. C L E M A N S R e a l Es tate Gan he found a t m y office each Saturday or reached by phone a t m y residence each evening. Office 36 PHONES Residence 2-122 CEDARVILLE, OHIO. The Ohio Fuel & Supply. Co., has submitted new rates fo r gas to the Ohio Public^ Utilities Commission, which have been approved and no doubt will be placed in force by the company before many weeks. The* new schedule calls fo r a rate o f 40o per 1000 fe e t o f gas with a new rate o f fO increjre * fw® cents'* is repoft that the time o f payment will he-re­ duced from ten to five days, ■■* The company franchise expires this coming June so <far as the village is concerned hut the action on the part o f the state authorities make it com­ pulsory on the part o f council to fix the same rate. TEST WATERWORKS. /** MMtaMMT Harrows and Land Rollers Osborn Double Discs Steel Frame Spike Tooth Harrows Wood Frame Spike Tooth Harrows Land Rollers Oliver Land Pulverizers Kerr& Hastings Bros. South Charleston last-week tested the waterworks and found everything in fine condition. The village expfects the plant to be self supporting from the start as there are many requests fo r the service. The test proved the plant was able to thrdw water over any building in town. Our own local council is preparing for installing a power pump fo r sprinkling purposes, the water mains having been placed before the Main street paving was laid. The water will be taken from the creek and a charge made sufficient to keep up the plant. Not only are Main street business houses wanting the Water but some o f the other streets have signified a willingness to have the system extended. Council must take tlis into consideration in pur­ chasing the plant and get one large enough. ” N O T IC E A n y persons having claims against the estate o f John R . Cooper will please present same. Any persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said estate will please make settlement with the under­ signed. Mary L . Cooper, D . jL Crawford, Administrators. MIL INERYOPENING I will open a Parlor M illinery at the homo olfMrs. H . H . McMillan, on X en ia Avenue, Cedarville, Ohio, where I will have on d isplay a n ice and up-to-date line o l pattern .and tailored hats tor Ladies, Misses and Children at a reasonable price* Friday and Saturday, A p ril 18-14, 1017. Gome In and see them. MRS. M. F. TITUS, Lead ing M illiner, Jamestown, Ohio LAUNDRY REMOVED Please leave all laundry fo r the W h ite Star Pearl Laundry at W illoughby ’ s G rocery Store in ­ stead o f Sm ith’ s barber shop. , MciLEOp BTERRETT , Agent. —Cash for oroam. Sad It wolghod, sampled and tsatad, get your money. Take your Oan homo. <1, Aft. Willoughby, Agent J. A. Long Company. re«f 1* A liks' A*t]-FM « B, F. llllllsbr, Marlon county, Mrs. Christian^^azler was found dead atther home” pear Marion, Findlay union catpcnters received a wage boost from >40 to 45 cents an hour. , Mayor and Mrs, Walter K. Keppel of Tiffin are parents of twins, a boy and a girl. At a Beal election at Pomeroy tlio nine saloons were’ retained by a ma­ jo rity of 282, 1 Rev. A. F. Berry, Upper Sandusky, was severely burned when a gas fur nace exploded- . ^ ... ■ Productive oil well was struck on the Lake county infirmary grounds at Palneaville, \ Obadiali C. Chi Vernon, prominent? cles, died suddenlj Mrs. Albert Marysville, drown ihg to her husbi . Henry HHe yn when his barn was struck by H e Michael Beri reader, was fom his home at Pprt Glenn Richards member o f the died of penumopi^ At Upper Sam Frey lost the si when shears pler< Walter George,- Mce of the peace"? township, Perry Milk embargo when producers crease to cOrrespo) seventy-one, M t Grand Army cir- laulke, forty-four, dead while talk- Bertously inlured Upper Sandusky lug, . fifty-five, rail- in front of rton. renty, Fremont. .Ohio regiment, El Paso. :y Miss Mary o f , her. left eye the eyeball, thirty years jus- Monday Creek ty, is; dead, lifted at Alliance granted an in to Canton rote. SPRING YALLEY GETS COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP. . Spring Valley won the honors at the inter scholastic contest held inYellpw Springs, Friday night, getting three first and one second. Jamestown, one fifst, Cedarville, two firsts, Yellow Springs and Bath one first, each. Each school had a good delegation o f rooters and the house was crowded until it was impossible fo r all to gain, admission. The contest was the last o f a group o f contests that have been held over the county* The judged were o f Troy; S “ ‘ Home and Those who won firsts and the divis­ ions represented were as follows: Essay, Beulah Flatter, Yellpw Springs; Girls* solo, * Loia Gartell, Spring Valley; Reading, Cleo Rocka- fieid, Bath; Boys’ solo, , Harry Hqpi- man, Cedarville; Oration, Helen •Bar­ nett, Spring-Valley; Piano solo, Cleo Zeiner, Jamestown, The winners o f the various debates each presented their side o f the ques-; tion, their being six o f them. 1 t Miss Doretha McClellan o f th is , place won, first place having the affir- j mative on the question, “ Resol-1 ved That Ommission' Form o f Government -Should he Adopted by all Cities Having " More Than 5000 Population.” Earl Hart- sook o f Spring Valley was second he haying the negative on the question, “ Resolyed That the Trend o f the Times, Indicates the Downfall- o f Our Govern­ ment.” At Xenia Opera House One Night Only Wednesday, April 18 Special * Scenery. H arry Shannon offor* H i» s*lect Company in W . G. Hermans great­ est com edy drama Where TheRiver Shannon Flows A 4 Acfi anovation in. tho C om edy . D rrn ia F ield Handsome Gowns A Great Story, Full of Fun Y ou w ill be a Millionaire in spirits after seeing. Where the , River Shannon Flows ’ A Superb Concert Band nnd. Oroheatr* 25— PEOPLC— 25 P r ic e 2 5 , 3 5 , SOe Pemberville vofojw d ry ,Under local option election b y a majority. of 23 votes, drys receiving 152 and wets ;ofc J&apoleon was French front, regiment last D. D,. pastor church, robbed hy jg depart* China com- unt o f Wage cptinty, will 17 on the 128. Robert Kimberl killed in action He Joined a summer. Rev. J. Leslie of Northminster Toledo, was hold footpads* Employes in ment of the C j pany, walked out differences. Deshler village, hold a special question, of 1 a now high si City o f Focto *t*ft*r m i of fqrmer Governor Foster^. Governor Cox ,was asked for addi­ tional military protection for plants at Payton which probably will mahu* facture government munitions. Two men attempted to hold up tho night operator at tho railroad -station at Sabina, but were frightened away by passengers ou a passing train. Williams county commissioners sold, an issue o f ’ $119,000 road im­ provement bonds to the Ohio Nation­ al bank, Columbus, at a premium of 5827’80. Clinging to the ends o f ties on a trestle over a creek near Columbus as a traction car passed over it. Cath efine Murr&y, four, saved herself from death, Samuel Sharroclr, charged wltft first degree murder In connection with the death oi his wife at Marion, pleaded not guilty and the trial was set for April 30. ' . Municipalities which, adopt home rale chartere have full legal right to give women the right to vote in mu­ nicipal elections. The Ohio supreme court has so decided. Miss Jessie ' Ireland was seriously burned and the interior of the Ireland Brothere1 garage at Mt. Gilead was destroyed by fire when .fumes In a large gasoline t&nk exploded. Carrying her baby, Mrs, Luella West, thirty, slashed across the throat with a azor by her husband, William West, near the family homo in Columbus. She is in serious con­ dition. W. 8. Tyler company, manufactur- ers of wire and stool products at Cleveland, announced that it will con tlnue to pay salaries and wages to em­ ployes who enlist in the army or navy for actual service. C Attorney ’ Genearl McGhee declared legal and in proper form the constilu tlonal amendment proposed by the drys for submission to the people next fall, by which they hope to convert Ohio into a saloonless state, State Senator H, H. Tlmby an­ nounced that he had.'asked a ruling from Attorney Gonoral McGhee on the constitutionality o f the. Kimball law, which exempts mortgages from taxation on payment o f a registration fee. More than 20,000 personaJjave writ­ ten to the agricultural extension de­ partment. Ohio State university, for its booklet, “ Vacant Lot and Back­ yard Farmers' Handy Guide” since the recent “ bumper crop" proclama­ tion of Governor Cox- Bishop Milton Wright, eighty-eight, father of Orville and Wilbur Wright, inventors of the aeroplane, was found dead In his bed at the home of his son and daughter, Orville And Miss Kath­ erine Wright, in Oakwood, near Day- ton. He had been ill only a few days. If the federal civil Service commis­ sion approves examination questions asked by the Ohio civil service com­ mission, About 5,000 persons eligible for clerical positions In state service may be certified -to the federal gov­ ernment fer similar appointments While the increased personnel will be needed on aoconnt o f the war, FOR SALEPSlmost newtwo-horse -farm wagori at an attractive price, one refrigerator in good condi* W. A, Turnbull. 1 The Store Featuring Quality First The Dayton Home For Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes for Men and Young .Men The Dayton Home for Frat and Ale© Clothes The Dayton Home for Perfection Clothes for Boys ;* &>>’ The; Oayton ’Home ■ lor the best ‘ ing at Right Prices. Remember we close at 6 p. m., Saturdays & HUB “ The Surprise Store” 28-30 E. Third St., Dayton, Ohio Learn to Trade " at this better store for Men and Boy* ’ There can only be one reason i^iy cars have sold and are today selling from five to ten to one over any and all motor cars made, and that reason Is: It Is a better car from any and every' mechanical qualification—the records of more than fifteen hundred * 1 thousand Ford cars prove it. With the new large radiator and enclosed fan, streamline hood, .crown fenders front and rear, entire black firiish, nickel trimmings, it Is a most attractive car in appearance. Reliable Service assured through nine thousand Ford agents throughout the country. Ruhabout $345 Touring Car $360Coupelet $505 Town Car $595 Sedan $645, all f. o* b. Detroit. Come in and let us show you how easy they are to opsrate. 9 ■ * R. A . M u rd o ck Cedarville, Ohio