The Cedarville Herald, Volume 40, Numbers 1-26

'ihv time to Mop adurlfctar fei wium you are ready to stop doing bu*i»®a*»> You’ll notice that tire prugrwuwve merchant is an advertiser, V W M I W W W ^ PRICE, $1.00 A YEAR dh f s y Ohio i. c c 1 e a ' t ■ t b I - i A t. of 5.00 0.00 2.00 500 5.00 2.50 ) up 79c 5.00 d2 5c TO food s the very h the ..... J0c <0 or 10c Sets 1 • * !iio Here are a few facts of interest about the proper displaying? o f Old G10:— The following grand jurors have been drawn: J. A. Mercer, Ross town­ ship; E. S, Foust,. Xenia township; M. It. Grinnell, Miaiiji township; Mar- wSen hung as a banner, the stars [Iey Ford, New'Jasper township; J. H, should be in the upper left comer. I f |Davis, Silvercrcok J------ TT-------------- ag. ■not . . __ _____^ . . . . . . township; Harry hung with the stripes perpendxulai-, [button, Bath township;■William Car- the stars should be at the upper right ^3'e» Hath township; Thomas Meqh- hand corner. '* f l i n g - 1------- lI~‘ T- ,~ A— _When flown at hatf staff ,the flag ■ should first he raised to top o f pole and then lowered the width of the fli . FIy the flag on its own staff- with another flag. Do not display it before sunrise or after dark. Pat it up higher than your head- Never put it upside down. That is a signal of distress at sea. Do not let children trail the flag in the dirt,, It should never’ touch the ground. * Do not Use paper napkins decorated with the flag. Caution careless users o f the flag. Report violations of the flag law,- Do pot pile merchandise of any kmd on the flag in your show win­ dow. Even when used as an altar cloth nothing hut the 'Bible may be laid on it. See that your flag has 48 starsfin even rows. The length should be one and nine-tenths times the. width and the blue field, as wide as. seven strides. When other flags are displayed put the Stars and Stripes up first and highest of all. In a parade it should have the place of honor. Desiring to co-operate with the Community Club of this village in their worthy efforts toward making Gedarville a more .healthful place to live, and in compliance with the Stat­ utes of the State of Ohio. I, R. P, McUean, Mayor of tile Vil­ lage of ‘Gedarville, hereby designate Sugarcreek township; Frank Hurley,1special effort toward the removal of Xenia, Third ward; F. M. Fields, New the winter’s accumulation o f waste Jasper; Robert Bird, Gedarville. # and filth, cleaning and renovating Petit Jurors; M. W. Wards, Xenia, their premises, thus adding not alone Second ward; Charles Kinney, Miami to the health o f our village and corn- township; G, H. Hartman, Cedarville munity, hut likewise increasing the township;,. George Loe, Miami town- beauty of each citizens’s surroundings ship; J. C. Short, Xenia township; W. and the attractiveness o f Cedarville E, Bingamon, Jefferson township; W. as a place of residence. E- Harbison, Xenia township; D. H .. Witness my hand this 17th day of Cleramer, Bath township; Albert Bur- April, 1917. rell,,Xfchia township; Gordin Collins,! R.-'P. McLean, Mayor. Cedarville township;- T. F. Hagler, Attest; J. W. Johnson, Village Clerk. Xenia township; William Ashbaugh,; . ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bath township; Frank Corry, Miami;! A. O. Feirstine, Bath township; John CEDARVILLE COLLEGE ' W. Jobe, Sugarcreek township;, George Punderbdrg, Bath township; j J. W.’ Faulkner, Xenia, Second ward; i, W. H, Forbes, Miami township; C. L .1 Peterson, Sugarcreek township; John rcl. SCHEDULE. The committee that will write the „ „ , „ charter for Xenia, city will consist of ( Council met Monday evening tn.W . L. Miller, M. J. Hartley, Thomas : bear the report on the water pump- Gilroy, Jordin Robb and C» S. Frazer, mg situation a representative-of’ a Public will -be given hearings so ; 1 'nitinihnn ,-nmnnnv hoinr. ‘ that every one will bq familiar with Columbus company being present, it before it {s submitted for approval exceed $1000. A pump will, be in - mg year’ stalled that will accommodate the future needs of the town. FINED GUN USER Mayor McLean levied a stiff fine (premises; Hamilton, Xenia, Second ward, FOR SALE—Almost new two-horse farm wagon at an attractive price. Also one refrigerator in good condi­ tion. . W. A. Turnbull. Cedar Day is M av llth ,: College Picnic is May JBth. Senior Vacation begins • May 18th. _ ______ ejL_ Final Examinations are June 1st. Cash for cream. See it Fast Day for Completion of Re­ weighed, sampled and tested, . quivements for Graduation, June_2nd. get your money. Take-your can , Baccalaureate Sermon, June 3rd. J. M. Willoughby, Agent. Final Faculty Meeting, June 4th. home J .A . Long Company. BlacK Hawk -Senior Class Play, June 4th. Faculty Reception, June 5th. Recital of Department of Music Dr. J. G-, Carson o f Xenia was call- j June 6th. ing on friends here Monday. * !, Meeting of Board of Trustees, June ]7th. ■■••■■■• ' , " i- Alumni Banquet, June 7th- i Commencement Exercises, June 8th . Alumni Business.Meeting, June 8th Summer School begins June 18th ! Gorutnencement orator, Rev, M, B •Fuller, Dima, Ohio. The new improved No. 15 variable drop Black 'Hawk Corn Planter is the climax ofperfection in the? art. Its strength lies in accuracy of drop, good stand, heavy yield Kerr& Hastings Bros. WILL GET LICENSE. The State Department hag announced that a license under the blue sky law wall be granted the Geiget-.Tones Co., after May 1st- For , the past two years a desperate eon- . test has been wagqd between the com ' pany and state and government offi­ cials. s The license will be granted condi­ tionally. first that no dividends to stockholders shall' be paid that have not been earned; second, that'surplus accounts shall not be increased for the purpose of paying dividends, not earned by operation; third, that no ad­ vertising matter shall represent any­ thing other than the' exact financial condition of the companies in ques­ tion. State officials contended that the eonvpany hacHb&stt guilty ting the blue sky law, most o f the charges being admitted' at the last , in the hope o f getting another license. i I I COUNTY COURT NEWS* > Hayes Bates has been appointed ad­ ministrator of the estate of Julia A. Bates. . Anna Spencer has been appointed administrator of the estate o f the late C. L. Spencer and furnished $25,000 bond. W. D. Wright, W. L. Miller and M*. L. Wolf have been appointed appraisers, ’ ■ F. B. and W. A. Turnbull, admin­ istrators o f Alexander & Turnbull, have presented to the court their first and final accounts. The Placing of the Picture is Satisfactory SO is the quality, style, and wear of our suits, e peci lly those we have marked at Fifteen Dollars. Young men, middle age men and older men who have *et the price at Fifteen Dollars for this new suit will find a splendid selection at this store. Clothes are of the same high character and dependable wear. Prices start at $5.00 with two pairs of pants^ Boys Furnish­ ings are also shown at attractive prices and good quality, Your New Hat While you ara in selecting your suit just take a peep at our Hats, Caps—yes and Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, E k . You will see something you want. / Remember our Store doses at 6 p, m. Saturdays. STRAUSS & HILB “ The Surprise Store" 28*30 E, Third St., Dayton, Ohio Be sure and ask for S <k II Green Stamps on Hnrry JoueB, -colored, Monday on a charge of reaiating an officer placing the fli.e at ,,$100 and costs and .‘SO days in’ the works. Jones whs also charged, with carrying, a gun and was bound over to tho gratiaijury. A n ’ .ever supply of liquor caused the prisoner to want to display his physical strength Sabbath evening. .When Marshal H, A.-McLean ordered him off the street and he refused to go and drew a gun. By quick Work the officer bad the advantage and with the assistance of I, F. .Fuller soon had him ’subdued through' a blow- from tho nace tanied the gentleman. Jones had bragged that no officer in town could take him hut evidently knows better now.- W . L . C LEM A N S R e a l E s t a t e HEEDINGTilE CALL Both the president and governor have asked the people to take every advantage of iucmtsihg tho food supply for the present year. Fann­ ers are asked to Increase the corn crop by large acorage and alee the breeding and feeding of Cattle and hogs. Tho town folks arq urged to plant every available plot o f ground in garden produce, each family aiming to supply Itself at leapt hut an over supply would go far towards aiding the situation. W e have prospects of a good fruit crop so far as can be told at this time,- Town and city people are responding to the call and hundreds that have not. gardened before orb busy at present. Farmers are increasing their.crop aeerage. Two o f phi big farmer^ are Arthur Qutonina and 'F red Woiqier. The ftojmfar will put out while a score could be named that will have around a 100 acres. Ohio is going to do her share In noble fashion. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. The Village Board o f Health has set ■ aside the first week in May as "Clean- j SJ up” week. You are hereby notified to have all rubisli, ashes, and foreign matter cleaned and carted from your ----- xhe duties o f each prop-, Can be found at my office each Saturday or reached by phono » t f m y residence #ach evenlnS* Office 36 • PHONES Residence 2-122 c e d a r v i l l e ; p h i o . BM erty owner are well defined in the Health Code that was published and distributed to each home last year. Property owners alone are responsi­ ble and no other notice will be given. A. Z. Smith, President; D. H. McFar­ land, Health Officer, iqiiM1aa^gg.»i'rglSi v/TRY OUR JOB PRINTING^ rrr: W. C. T. U. W ill the*use of aleoholio liquors holp or hinder tbe efficiency of our soldiers? Is a question which should receive the serious con­ sideration of those in authority. If it helps the soldiers it should be supplied, if it is a hmderance it should bn prohibited. Russia did not abolish it from econom ic or moral reasons, t h o / i f has been a great a d l^ t a g e In both respects, hut because tho sober, clean-headed soldier would bo Of more value to his country, Ooo o f t?be most important things women can do lor our country at this time is to jigitato the abolition of tho liquor traffic. There are many things wiilch our nation is learning from the European, nation In the conduct of the war and none more important than this. The dry federation of Columbus have already sent a petition to this effect to the authorities at Washington. Tho liquor mon, no doubt arc an­ ticipating what is coming, are already proposing to turn their dis­ tilleries into muuillon plants. They have also asked permission of Congress to bo allowed to redistill largo quantities stored up in Kentucky and under bond, for alcohol, 'I ho ulcohol can be used m the manufacture of smokeless powder^ I f tho manufacture of alcoholic liquors should cease, the grain used in that way could bo used for food Instead of being worse than wasted WIL RELEASEFARMERS Judgo Kyle has announced that all farmers drawn for jury duty will be excused if they are busy with their spring plowing. This is done in compliance with President W il­ son’ s request that all farmers be- loft free to push their work and in this way increase their crops to moot the food situation duo to the war. CARDOFTHANKS Wo wish to thank the friends and neighbors for their kindness and I)r. J. L. Ohosnul for ina com fort- lug words, the Epworth and tho Ladles* AldSocloty for tho beautiful ilorlal tributes. Mr. Enos Clemana and Family eu»r< tutir t‘'"' triUOkito* ‘liiWeU*. .’ *Ui with trt. MfMr JOBE’S Women’s Tailored Suits Specially Priced m Tailored Suits in Poplin, Serges, Gabardines, checks, in a large variety of becoming models, this season's most favored colors. Values up to $25.00. / Specially Priced ' $ 1 4 . 7 5 Tailored Suits in Poiret Twills, .Gabardines, . Poplins, ’ Serges, in the correct new styles . and a complete range of the newest ^shades. Values up to $35,00. Specially Priced $ 2 5 . 0 0 ' NEW SILK DRESSES Taffeta and Crepe de Chine Dresses with a combination of Georgette, new arrivals of this season's best models, in’ blue, grey, fePUgbt priced, represent­ ing values up to $25.00. Specially Priced $10, $13.50, $15 Silk Poplin Dresses in navy, grey, green and copen * very special value $6.95 Jobe Brothers Company XENIA, OH lP The Ford car makes its appeal to you in appearance as well as for service. Large radiator and enclosed fan, steamline hood, crown fenders, entire black finish, nickel trimmings—up-to-date in all requirements for handsome appearance—and serving the people the world over as a t money-saving, time-saving, labor- saving utility. It is surely your necessity. The Ford car is just as useful on the firm as it is in the city; just as necessary to the, business man as it is to the professional man. More necessary to every man than ever before. Low purchase price and very econo­ mical to operate and maintain. Why not investigate? Touring Car $360 Runabout $345 Coupelet $505 Town Car $595 Sedan $645— o. b. detroit. t R, A . M u r d o c k Gedarville, Ohio ssetetKi iSSSMMMF WMMWUSafrl ' sF V* A&fk jk? W