The Cedarville Herald, Volume 40, Numbers 27-52

.JOaTiBTH YBAJRNO. '27. tlw t lw to #6#pw liw u iiw le wNe MMto* !«■ # to *—. iw * t #MMM*i CBDARVILLE, OHIO, W ^uRTIUJl COLLEGE cokMSRCBKXjffi*. #te»efc. _ 4, at 9 . mcette* will to paw on th* attainments ot At 8 ^dwk that ovetuag the fanes* that has ever beei? - , ■— . and wm ar»w a largo oroWd. The p|*y is beittg^ita^fl^a- DOBS THE PRESIDENT SBKTHBLBTERS ®BNT TO HIM? It Is often said that It is useless to send petition* to the president, be­ cause he never sees them. The follow­ ing fasts in regard to the petition business have- Been obtained from a person in a position -to know, That the president shoufd mad alt the letters arid toUgrams with Which JoeWhit* House is floodedthese times -vould be utterly impossible Then how Jo they reach him? At this time Jtordtfre deafly a hundred clerks whp are lettor-bpepera It it their business'! .0 classify according to subjects., *AU; lor prohibition'are placed in ope pile; those against it in another pile. DECORATION DAT OBSERVED, Fairly good weather smiled on Deo* orathm day this year, a day that fre­ quently i* celebrated in rain. The public inspired by the demand of the times evidencedmore than usual inter­ est in paying homage to those who gave their lives during 1812 end in the sixties. The observance of the day was un der the' direction of the G, A. R. and S. o f V, A number of automobiles were provided for the veterans* who were unable .towalk to the NOrth cem­ etery where the exercises were held. Hi.** t u 'iNWMsaatvn n ffr in tf Is n Bjlswoflitir. w v w v w w v w m v v v v v w v w * > _ _............ _ _y m o s t $ 1,90 A T * A E has for years. son of Prof. Ifc All oommeneement events for Tues­ day have been cancelled on account of the registration of all liable to ser­ vice in the prosecution of the war for world ■democracy. Especially the Annual Faculty reception has been postponed until Wednesday evening, not that the festivities of the Occas­ ion wpuld directly interfere with the actual work of enrollment m.those subject to military duty, but in order that the college may not seem to in­ fringe upon toe sacrednesa of a day: devoted to the dedication of the youth of the land to the cause of their ■country. The recital of the department of music will be given Wednesday after­ noon-at 2;$0 o’clock instead of Wfed- . nesday evening. The place is the' .college chapel. ' ’' *A _ 1 Thursday at 9 *L m. the. trustees will assemble and hold their annual all-day meeting. The 'president ht this time will present his annual re­ port showing- the 'Remarkable pro- gress that h’aa been madejdarmg the past year,in the financial condition of the .cbllege, the completion of the first one hundred thousand dollars of the endowment fund and the substantial beginning of the second .one hundred thousand, with the bright" prospects for other large contributions^ the wear future. Thursday evening the alumni will hold their banquet in tbe Carnegie library, at 6 p. m, Following the decoration of the- There #£e many letter* on other sub- " ‘ ' head . they am all turned over to a clerk, who again overhaul* thefiu and. all that are considered of sufficient importance are turned over to Tu­ multy and the president, ^The secretary place* in the hands'of of V. band. Dr. W. R» McChesney delivered an inspiring and .timely address to the veterans in the opernhouse during-the afternoon. The address while of a patriotic nature in respect to those ho have cMfAfiiiiv gallant veteran* w gone be- ctstreat-^*ore* yet the perilous position o f the. demip procession will'town at the li­ brary af half hour earlier. The speak­ er for the-occasion is the Rev. M, B. Fuller,,D. D .,' pastor pf the First Metifwat Episcopal Church of Dima, ;©h!o|: The diplomas will be presented lees conferred, by the presj- The atuffihi business meeting 0 p. ! •v .-^ ^ l^ b B r il^ T iiy lo r , hi . Sj-ffitteny '^buiS-'The -degree of rnfof Arte will be .conferred oifna Hall Bur^j Mary.EUsa: fiafiut, Anna Dmsmo»^'CqUinite; allace Colli# aftdiRuthJfotm- fche president each day a . written digest of all the subject# treat- ed, the number of person* writing, nation in the preBCn- world wa Sad the substance ofwhat they say! brought .home to each auditor.’ ft he* heed supposed that petitions v<fic{ng the wishes of churches or at* than personal letters, hatnot so. If the sembfi# ’would have more weight letter# and telegrams come in suffi­ cient numbers, they:express a deeper interest. I f 10,000 or 60,000 come in in a single day, the president will be* gin to realise that the - people are waking up. » , * ’ t ‘ f It has been thought that Tulmutyis not in sympathy with the cause, but it is Claimed-that hfejs one of the most war was efficient, and reliable secretaries to be o» ompiiou Pinola oq-sBiB pire/punoj mislead the president, neither would herhaveany disposition to do it. . It should be remembered that the ^petition* and letters are not alien one side of "the question.' The liquor men are leaving no stone unturned to pave themselves from annihilation. Tet 'us not be outdoneJby them. I f they are defeated, it will be good in the end for them; but whatan unspeakable calam­ ity-if defeat should come to our side. PHYSICIANS WANTED. sey, all of Cedarvme, and,upon-,Flor­ ence Enid Some#, Republic, Ohio, and Mabel Lillian Stormont, Xenia, Ohio. The degree of 'Bachelor of Science in Education be conferred upon Donna Nall Burns, of*Cedar- ville. The diploma m piano will be given to Mrs. Charles E. Payne and Mildred TVumho, of Cedarville. The diploma., of graduation of the Theo­ logical Seminary will be awarded to David Linton Doherty, Philadelphia, Pa.,, and to Robert Linton Hutchinson, Cedirville, Ohio. . State Provisional High School certificates, valid for four years, will be granted to Donna Hall Barns, Anna Dinsmore Collins, Mary Dorothy Collins, A. B. and Prof. Lester Day Parker, B, A. B., all of Cedi Somers, rena Belle — Manhattan, Kan. Florence Enid "o, and to Lo- S., in H. E.| RECITAL OF THE ............. DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. The time of the recital of the De­ partment of Music of Cedamlle Col­ lege ha* been changed from Wednes­ day evening to Wednesday afternoon at 2s80 o’clock. This was dottOin or­ der to allow the faculty reception to be held Wednesday evening instead of Tuesday, .which is national registra­ tion day. Particular interest attaches to the recital this year* since it to to be the last given under the direction of Mrs, Jessie Russell, who for the past twelve years has been at the head of. the CoReg* of Department Of Music, The Department will next ye&r ba under the direction of Mis* Helen Oglesbee. \ « h e a v y HAH, STORM Thi * itetfon *ra* visited by a very heavy hail storm end » jn Eatarday evening, on* that aid more of lie s damage to property. Some places the hull was a* large M hen eggs and windows were broken oat th is was particularly ton# in the D. »• MoElwalate Usigh* betnood. Mf, J. H . Orawsll lost four lambs as a result o! the hail, gome cleim that fruit was also damaged. FORBALE—I havefor,*ale avery «m be had on muuh # Hdfe « « - No b e t t w j w ^ tatosm , g t r i ? :£MUL An’inVitation has been extended to every practicing physician in Greene, Clark. Clinton* Madison and Warren counties to attend &conference to be held in -Xenia OnJune 7 for graduate study of the-subject of obstetrics-^ wMeb, translated?nmans that branch o£ftoh >fihysiman’s 'art that has to do: -fm* ' ton, I t is a .part effi. a Jly planned movement to- ca: post-graduate instruction in the m ical sciences1to tee practicing .Pi sicians in-Ohio. The meeting will directed by Dr.- William D» Porter," clinical professor of obstetrics in the University of Cincinnati Medical col­ lege, who has been commissioned by the association, to direct the‘post­ graduate work in this particular field. He will cover the entire subject of obstetrics—One of the most impor­ tant branches of the practice of medi­ cine. The' latter part of the meeting will be devoted to a general discussion of the subject by the- visiting phy­ sicians. They will report dfincult and unusual cases, and discuss better methods of handling ,the perplexing and dangerous situation* that often face .the physician. The. real pur­ pose of the meeting is to interchange Information* and receive directly from a great center of medical 'education, a review Of the advances science has made in this field; r. rMilitary training wraw* Marlon public s&k Joseph m drowned in a mill Miss Bslea slllon. committed log- * * Edward Raln«r, spnvifie miner, was CodL; At Napoleon H suigebn, was killed dent,!... Cincinnati bakers ing a 10 cent loaf of the <licent loaf. Jodeph I*. D1 DickOJman Mannti Forestri* dead. John Goraki and were' killed s i Oledr- auto .was ditched. Nicholas Christo# as tfadresult ot a gas horn* in Cleveland By 579 to 468, G adopted In <fw*a, wm At Tiffin, '-ons, Mas- by drown* '-cliffit, Net by a fall of Kelley, tree n auto acd* manufactur- to rsplaoa founder of companyat Godolopskl when their sixteen, died ilosionat hi* ''Misses Doretha McClellan and Mil­ dred CroKse have a pantomime en­ titledJtThe* Star Spangled Banner’’ that was well rendered. The meeting was in charge ,of Mr. Andrew Jack- Sop. * ‘ t ’ JUNIORS BANQUET SENIORS The; Junior 'class of Qedarvllle College banqueted the Heniors in the parlor* of the R. P. church Wednesday evening." thiry-eight guests belnfeceated. Tbe table was formed in the shape of a cross and the d«eo|;attons were the Senior clash colors, ted and white. Th* guests found their places by guest Card** In the center of the fable was a largo boquet of snow balls with th*‘ figures ”17" prominent/ From th* top o f th* boquet was an American flag .' -.The banquet Was served by th* mothers o f th* Juniors,* 5 In the recaption room the decor­ ations were peonies and snow hall* and following th s toasts the ghosts were entertained with vocal and instrumental music. The to*«ts were Of a high order and each spea'kef'waa welirsoeivad, •xtendod fh*l ..... M- featod a. plan to. put', charter commission. - Mis# Ruth Craven ern poHege^for Wq for 0ie best aim* Mrs. Susan Cain* Ferry, died ot be caught firq from an Fred E, Goatley, thJS field; electrician, wi while working at'a | Fire of unknown the Earnest Gratyr near Napoleon. The.! Carl g . Pem^erto ' Lexington schoys, superintendent of I There will be .a j || In the personal |*k County,,according*t_ Using tractot*- ■Tig lights, many . ty qre working *tt' day.- ' Public scfic and. dance closisd because..# dehfic. Dr. Frank, of Mlnneep land school ♦..year;. .« > Edna Gttofiv hapk '" “ I* voters do- city under »n tbe West- |fprise ottered song.' "* ty, Martins ler clothing grate. , ■»flve, Spring- electrocuted tojtboard. In destroyed .in Grelton. paijsjKHi, •*" of New sea elected ig schooia'p: ILOOft.OOO in Marion Itor Mason, id search- ion coun­ ts well" a* moviea .Center, i!*#£ epi formerly ciefc-; i t i i Ghorge Samara, sSlbsoan, was’SMi- od and ter*e other* injured when thely automobile shot over an em­ bankment near Granville, Licking county,"*;. Losing control of th* sidecar mo* totcycl* he was driving near Alliance, Guy Whitford, superintendent of tee Lues OH company, Homaworth, suf­ fered a fractured skull. Lieutenant William p. Rush was hilled and five other firemen were in­ jured at Cleveland when a hose wag­ on collided with a streetcar while on the way to a small fire. There were 400 deaths due to In dustrlsl accidents In Ohio last year, JE. B. Watson, actuary of the state industrial commission. The Injured numbered 166,000. Cleveland’* Pythian Star lodge team, knights of Pythias, won the state ohamplobahlp at Columbus in conferring ritualistic1ceremonies on candidates for membership. Dry petitions are in. circulation in every county in tho state. One bun-i dred hud twenty-fiye thousand names are necessary before the wet and dry Issue can get on tho ballot next fall. Former State Treasurer R, W, Ar­ cher took charge of Republican state headquarters in the Columbus Sav­ ings and Trust building, with Charles E. Hard. Portsmouth,'** his assistant; Police officials believe thqt as a re­ sult of a neighborhood.feud In the foreign settlement at South Amherst* poison has been placed in wells. Sev­ eral suspects are under mrvelUanco. Rev, R. B, -Mundj^ seventy-seven, celebrated the fifty-third anniversary of hi* ’,‘deatjb.r During the civil' war he wf# left on the battlefield for three days’tor deed before taken'to a hos­ pital. vD, H. White, president of .the Sec­ ond National bank, ■Bucyrus, was wounded by an unidentified man who attempted to., hold up the Zelgler flour mill, Of' which white is a part owner. . Daniel J. Fallon, forty-four, Colum­ bus manager of an eastern life insur­ ance company, was 1 Instantly killed when his automobile turned over three' miles east'! of London “ and was Wrecked. /" Detectlyes arrested John McFad- den* circus gang boss, as he stepped off a train at Cleveland and. a charge of murder’was placed 'against him He Is said to have shot and killed a man in, Canton, •' - - Frank Graham', one of a quartet of Dayton boys being .taken to the' Lan­ caster reformatory jumped' through a window trf a traotftm car that was going at the tote of thirty miles an Ihtiwt Attct oscaned# 'k Rev. C.H. Hdtttnan and’MissGladys .Overlander, a"member of Rev. ........ ..... m. ■* ' ... ........... - r. .. .. Murdock Theatre 6 Reels of continuous show starting a t ? o’clock “When Love Was Blind” and plenty of comedy features.: A new machine has been lnstalled, new piano ,and a . . Cincinnati expert operator In th e ,“booth’* , , . • ! ' ^ ‘ Shows each Monday, ,Wednesday,. Thursday and ,, Saturday evening, r A d m is s io n . - • - - - FLOWERS WERE SCARCE. ef- The late spring, has had ft tolling feet in flowers^as wa* evidenced Dec­ oration day, ■As a usual thing there are a number of varieties of flower* that always bloom by the 80th, but there was little blossom of -any kind this season. Greenhouses sold out al­ most their entire line of potted plants. CHURCH,;SE*yjpE. M. % C URCH. J. W. Patton, Pastor. » fiusday School at 9:80 a. m. L, H. aullenbergerSupL Preaching by the pastor at 10:80, EpworfchLeaghe at 6‘.80. United Presbyterian. James S, E. McMichael, psstor. Preparatory servlees Saturday at 1:80. ■ Sabbkth School at 9:80. Communion service a t 10:80/ Y. P. C. U. at 6:00. The best recommendation Vr* can give you for a National cultivator Is tbe list Of satisfied purchaser# last year, XLH. MoKee. Raymond fimlth, colored, who has been out of the Bey’s Industrial School on probation fatelr G* H. Smith’s auto last Thursday night and after joy riding the machine went wrong to Jamestown. Re- pairji Wit* n«cs0S|fy and before oompl*te<i the garage man informed Ms>i8mitfa,who sent Marshal Mo* lisan after the boy. Bmitn was taken before Judge Marshall who gave him another chance, the boy being sent to Michigan to live with turnaunt. ituMnww m % lA tU i’HM of fc*ifp kwf- aM*. our frieudihip'hover ‘grow tu ^ r * . Mr. James. Uhesnut toasted to the Senior Girls. Prof. *V A. Jnrkat, u19l7 Senior* and the. W ar" .. Mus Olive Northup "To th e . Bonier Girl*." Mies Janet McClellan, “Au ftevolr” . ResponseMiss Ruth Batnsey. Tbe .following was the menu!: Fruit Cocktail; Individual" omeiete; with tomato eauce; new; potatoes and pimentos*; pea patties^ pickles, rolls and butter* Strawberry con­ serve, Junior Salad and* obesed? atraws, io* cream and cake? cofle* and mints. . The menu wan a dainty folder in red and Whit* the program written in red Ink, On the oover was a small photo of the college inserted under which was ’17-18. SNOW AND STRAWBERRIES *This week anew covered much ground for a few hears in northern Miehjgan, In Lake* Superior powerful steamers are still having much trouble with great fields of heavy lee. And itlll tho tide of strawberries rolled ''up from the south grows bigger and bigger and is now beftomming augmented from sourbet inOhio, The- -Cleveland Leader thinks these conditions show that truly w* are a continental ceuntry. That paper further suggests that whew any crisis comes which suggests the possibility that the United Btates might some Urn* have to live by its Own resources and get along for a while without muoh sommeroe with other nations, it is comfortable to think of th# vast extent of land which can bring winter ice fields and bslated spring Snow equalised close to tbe lu ll -tide o f nature’s bounty, in the irnit* and flowers qf summer. I t is like tbs possession of plenty of coal and iron, timber and copper, cotton and oil, meals and grain, all Inside the bondariss o f this immense republic’* con­ tinental domain. The Aw rioan problem need,never be so muoh a question of obtaining anything whatever from outside ’as holding secure against" foreign foes What ths eoUbtryalready has with, in Its own limits. But tho way to pfoteot a trsasure house such as th* people df this republic cwn is to guard it effectually at long range by making suoosssrni attacks impossi­ ble, at sea and off our coasts. Edward Grlndlc of Clifton atels 800pounds ol floor from I. B. F iss­ ion 4 Son, millers, the find being by the Xante police, fit* was arrested and when arrainfsd betor* Mayor Redds plead gnilty and v»k fe#d*dovert*thegrind thiKde*te of firinlr,- pear awin- re, a B. ■ffiYiHottnum.and Le^terd WB Ramson of Lyndon were found dead from asphyxiation,. in tec former':, home at ClrclertU*. Unable to stand the angering caut cd by boll* test covered his body Bart Moran, fifty, Continental, nenf Ottawa, Idlled himself. ' ' Mrs; Mary Rolavitofa, nineteen, Lo ralo. bride of a few weeke^ was burn ed;perhaps fatally when kerosene ex­ ploded while she was building a .fire/ Jams* White, fifty-five, was killed ten mites south of Coshocton when an auto truCk driven by his son-In-iaW skidded and Went, over an embank­ ment. Salaries of Ohio postmasters will he'Increased by the Wholesale by tho war revenue taxation bill now before congress. Salaries ere based on re­ ceipt*. ■ Burns sustained when her clothing caught fir# while she was preparing breakfast caused the death of Mto. Winifred Brans, sixty-dine, ot Co- Iambus. Mike Bonl and.Fred Carlo, Italian*, wAre shot and seriously wounded by sofdlers guarding a railroad bridge at: Mingo JtuxeElon. Ignored soldiers’ wirnlng, At Van Wert Rudolph Bell, seven, was shot and instantly killed when a gun In .tee hands Of! his sitter, Ber­ nice, eighteen, was accidentally dis­ charged. Upon recommendation of Secretary of War Baker William fitinohoomb, present county surveyor, was selected by Cleveland Demorctots as their mayoralty candidate. Adalbert College commencement was held last Thursday instead of June 14 because all but ten seniors signed for military service. Eighty- nine were graduated. One-third of the farmers who have reported to the Ohio council for de­ fense say they are in need of help, it was announced by Fred C. Oroxton, head of the labor bureau. A strike of -employes of th* Cleve­ land Welding company, engaged In tee manuleotur* of gun carriage tires, completely tied up tee plant The strikers demanded an increase of wgges. ■ 4 ■ William Boescher, postmaster at HaUstfile, Roes County, was removed from onto*. He conduct* a store in the village and had been charged with disloyalty to ted government, a charge which he denies. Sidney D* LA Var*, a Bible sales­ man, was Indicted at Cleveland on e charge of bigamy. It is charged DC L* Veto married Cassia Gideon Poole lh Chicago Feb. 11,1918, And Florae* Cov* of Blyria Nov. **, 1816. . O. J. Allatork, thirty-five, garage ewher, was indicted by tec Athena county grand jury M ohargss of tt«hsi«ught*r. it is «ha*fe£ h* r*t cently drove a car into another ma- ohluq near Nelsonville, oauslng tee 4**te i f Mrs. Oatheriae Ke*t«r*om Auto livery, Phone M, Dur or «j*hh w i At* itewyi titely, & A Mardtek, home. Fletcher Mlatte and Albert Collins? negroes,'surrendered to officers near Roachton after a gUh fight with offi­ cer* and a posse of farmers near. Rowling Green, Suspects are charged with holding up and robbing a freight crew. , . *- . Orit of a levy of 127,000,000 on Mi­ ami vatloy properties and a total cost of -$23,000,000. for completely protect­ ing; Miamlt valley towns and cities against future floods, Dayton and Montgomery county are expected to pay two-thirds of ths expense of the .gigantic project. \ Charging that bis wife gave her lbve to-apotaer man in exchange for gowns and Jewelry*. Thomas C. Krat- *er; manager of the Forest City Fish Company, Cleveland, sued William -J. Poliak, a druggfs|, for 860,000 for al­ leged alienation of Mrs. Kratzer’s af- teciions. Joseph Benson Foraker, aeventy- one, twice United States senator from Ohio and governor of Ohio tor two torins, died at-his heme in Uthclnuati after a month’s illness, caused by hardening of the arteries.* He left a widow, three daughters and a son. Burial Was In Spring Grove cemetery, Cincinnati. Forakor Won distinction ffis a lawyer/ soldier and statesman. w 53 11 TIMOR AMD! C IK A IH : .v'-Al eogte«*A In ‘harvest time. jEvwy- tinte jr a f i J mopped ted delay cost* you money, Tiiite ifi- j harvest season is always valuable* sad some- ' time* extremely precious on Account of tee |! condition, of weather or grain. Be sure you, use the best twinft—P L Y M O U T H TW IN E Then you *»U be the annoyances, delays, expenses, which . ordinary fvrine cau*e*. , Plymoute Twine works perfectly in every machine. Mote of ir is made and used every S$*r than, any other kind, because it is known to * be tee best and has been for year*, Binds more sheaves 'with leu ex­ pense^ no knots, no breaks^ and is guaranteed full. length and extra strength. GetPlymoute Tvrine from the local dealer. Look fmr tee whcat-shcaf tag ./ ;* tee .firmcHth Stp. HfeM . IS* esief silk gMimy; .«r«wMR*,|\ Kerr & Hastings Bros. Weeks Earner Than Usual Oiir Summer Sale Will, BeginThis Year The OpeningDay is Set for Saturday, June 2nd. Tremendous stock in every section of the Storecauied by the delayed season ip the reason for thelrfc reductions made on every Hie of esssonshle fOodsr ospss* tally in the following departments: Cotts,>Suits, Presses, Waists, Silk*. Hotisiy, D rill Gtodt, Wash Fabrics, Underwear, Curtain*, Drapsriss, Linint > Domestics, Undsrmuilini, Rugs, Floor Coverings.,. In choosing from ths above lints you have not only tho advantage of th* low *jpric^»this sale will afford, but by far the largest stocks in Central Ohio to pick Sale Begins Saturday, June 2nd, to oentinue for ten days enly. BushneU Bldg., Springfield, Ohio* ,WB FAV FAF*» *QTM WAYS m FUFGIIA8B O f #110% OVBB.